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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:34:46 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

After scurrying through the Petalburg Woods, Shinobu was fiercely hungry. He had started his journey with a raenous appetite, but after making his way from his home in the forest and into the bustling city, Shinobu was right starving. He had left the confines of his estate hoping to find a proper cookbook in the Rustboro Library. Trying not to let his appetite show, Shinobu cooly meandered into the library, looking for a particular cookbook. The book was called, "Milcery's Sweatshop." An eponomyous name no doubt, but it had the best recipes for sweet treats. With the winter months coming, it was best for Mr. Mime back home at the estate to begin practicing his baking now while the goods were in season. Once winter came it would be all preserved jellies and nuts, not nearly as appetizing. Shinobu's stomach was rumbling as he entered the library. 

Heading over to where the cook books were found, Shinobu noticed a young lady reading with her Calyrex in the library. It was quite a sweet treat to see such loving care being taken to Pokemon. Shinobu's heart was warmed by the sight and he paused for a moment to take in the scenery. The library was well lit with sun roofs and there were all sorts of different books lined up in shelves around Elise. She looked like royalty with her Pokemon, and Shinobu found himself staring for just a second longer than what might have been considered a passing glance. He caught the girls attention and as her eyes met his own green eyes, Shinobu waved politely. 

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Awai, Shinobu's PC
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:21:32 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar




pokémon storage system




items in possession

x4 Pokeballs


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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Awai, Shinobu
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:16:53 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar











[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Shinobu Awai


[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Petalburg Woods


[attr="class","leaguecardsliptextright"]Ace Trainer




The tale of a Pokemon trainer is as old as time itself. Ever since he was young, Shinobu has spent his days bettering his bonds with Pokemon. As a youth, Shinobu would spend hours training the wild Pokemon that wandered into his backyard. Sometimes he had good luck, and other times he took a string shot to the face, but the flip of a coin hardened his resolve when it came to handling Pokemon. Through trial and error, Shinobu became familiar with the strum of a Pokemon's heart strings, and he learned to communicate with them. Above all, Shinobu learned to value Pokemon as friends.
As the years went by, Shinobu proved to be a friend to the Pokemon of his small village. They would congregate by his backdoor, waiting for food or even just company. Shinobu became famous in his area for his ability to communicate with Pokemon.
One day, Shinobu was cultivating his wild rose bush in the front yard, when a small girl came to his side holding a Pokemon egg. Shinobu was most curious what brought the girl to him, and he kindly asked her of her intentions. The girl explained that her father was dying and he had one last egg to hatch before his final days. The man wouldn't make it long enough, and intended to gift the egg to someone worthy of calling themselves a trainer. Shinobu's reputation had reached far and wide, and as it would happen he would take the egg in.
This marked the begining of Shinobu's Pokemon adventure. He began traveling the Hoen countryside, training his Riolu, Renji, and catching Pokemon to add to his team so that he might one day might become a Pokemon Champion.




[attr="class","leaguecardlilname"]Awai, Shinobu

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Awai, Shinobu
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:14:54 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

[attr="class","freiwantttop1"]- □ x




nameShinobu Awai
ageTwenty Seven
played byKing of Cats

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER FACTION League

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]CHARACTER RANK Civillian

[attr="class","freiwanttmid"]FACE CLAIM Rufus from FFVII

[attr="class","freiwantttop"]ABOUT THE CHARACTER




The tale of a Pokemon trainer is as old as time itself. Ever since he was young, Shinobu has spent his days bettering his bonds with Pokemon. As a youth, Shinobu would spend hours training the wild Pokemon that wandered into his backyard. Sometimes he had good luck, and other times he took a string shot to the face, but the flip of a coin hardened his resolve when it came to handling Pokemon. Through trial and error, Shinobu became familiar with the strum of a Pokemon's heart strings, and he learned to communicate with them. Above all, Shinobu learned to value Pokemon as friends.
As the years went by, Shinobu proved to be a friend to the Pokemon of his small village. They would congregate by his backdoor, waiting for food or even just company. Shinobu became famous in his area for his ability to communicate with Pokemon.
One day, Shinobu was cultivating his wild rose bush in the front yard, when a small girl came to his side holding a Pokemon egg. Shinobu was most curious what brought the girl to him, and he kindly asked her of her intentions. The girl explained that her father was dying and he had one last egg to hatch before his final days. The man wouldn't make it long enough, and intended to gift the egg to someone worthy of calling themselves a trainer. Shinobu's reputation had reached far and wide, and as it would happen he would take the egg in.
This marked the begining of Shinobu's Pokemon adventure. He began traveling the Hoen countryside, training his Riolu, Renji, and catching Pokemon to add to his team so that he might one day might become a Pokemon Champion.


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