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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 2:18:50 GMT
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As Mismagius was sent out to face Renji, Shinobu called out to his opponent, "You're going down, your honor!" Renji punched the air a couple times, striking a pose in his martial arts stance. The Riolu knew no fear, and despite facing a ghost, the Fighting type Pokemon was ready to give his best show. Renji stepped forward with a fierce look of determination in his blue eyes. 
In response to Elise, Shinobu shouted, "Alright, we will take the lead. You take notes Elise, this is how a ghost type loses to a fighting type!" Shinobu pulled another milk flavored treat from his utility pouch and threw it to Renji, he jumped in the air and caught it, sensing the projectile flying by him by way of emanations. "Don't doubt us!" Renji declared and took a fighting stance.
Now speaking to his Pokemon, Shinobu commanded Renji. "Renji, use Swords Dance!" 
Jumping into action, Renji began flash stepping around Mismagius. The Riolu would appear from place to place, striking the air before him and preparing for an ultimate attack.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 2:06:51 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Staring into Airi's eyes, Shinobu was hopefully looking for a glint of humanity, a sign that he was in the presence of another human. In his line of work, tending to the ill and delivering bad news to patients, Shinobu had found if you look for something, you will find it, and people were no different. As he stared into Airi's big eyes, Shinobu wondered what had brought this girl to become a Pokemon ranger. She seemed sweet, not the average archetype for a protector of the Pokemon wilds. For the second he looked at Airi, Shinobu saw a lovely young lady, and he couldn't help but ponder if there was a hardworker deep down in her heart.
After inspecting the girl for goodness, Shinobu was happy wwith what he found. Airi spoke with a guarded tone, but she seemed friendly and forthcoming. The young doctor was also pleased to hear that Airi was a nurse. That was a fortunate turn of events. Shinobu loved having something to talk with people about, and the science of mending Pokemon injuries was all encompassing. He was absolutely delighted to have met Airi at the cave.
As Shinobu was surveying his company, the exceptionally tall Riolu known as Renji was getting to know Bean. The playful Mudkip was chasing it's tail and squeaking with a delightful coo. Renji considered himself a guardian to Pokemon, a protector of the sacred energy that gave Pokemon life, and seeing such an infantile Pokemon triggered a paragon like response in the Riolu. Renji jumped in the middle of Bean's circle and stood with his arms crossed, quietly meowing to Bean. Renji was telling the Mudkip that he was there to guard him from the dangerous Pokemon of the cave, and it seemed like he was having a good time claiming his title as guardian of Pokemon.
In response to Airi, Shinobu spoke confidently, gesturing with his hands to better tell the story. "Well, the Professor in Littleroot gave me a Pokedex. I was scrolling through it at an inn in Oldale Town, when I came across a curious Pokemon. Toxel is it's name. I found in the Pokedex that it's known to be seen around here, so I came from Oldale to get to Slateport. Only took about a week of travel." Shinobu scratched the back of his blonde head and laughed triumphantly. "Now, I just need to find a Toxel!" He grinned devilishly. Shinobu was remarkably handsome.
Bending over to interact with Bean, Shinobu wasn't surprised to be ignored by the Mudkip. Mudkip weren't known for being particularly interested in strange faces, in fact Mudkip were more known for being solitary creatures in the wild. Shinobu pulled a treat from his utility pouch and threw it to the Mudkip. "Nice to meet you Bean. This is Renji. He's my partner, I hatched him from an egg." Shinobu threw a treat at Renji, who jumped in the air and caught it in his mouth, like a pro.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 1:13:12 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
When Renji, Shinobu's Riolu, saw the Mudkip, he got super excited. The Emanation Pokemon did a flip in the air, letting out an exited roar. Shinobu waved happily to the beautiful young woman. The young trainer was a doctor and he had a sort of friendliness that went beyond the typical means of making friends. He was smooth and assertive, a reassuring force in the field of medicine, and his social life benefitted from his cadence as well. The doctor called out to the woman, "Well I hope you're friendly, for my sake! I assure you though, you're in no danger. I'm just a League trainer, searching for rare Pokemon! A normal day in the outskirts of Slateport, right?" Shinobu slowly walked closer to the woman, with Renji following right behind him, punching at the air. 
When Shinobu made it close enough to be in talking distance of Airi, he stuck his hand forward for her to shake. He was wearing a white, leather glove, the best tool for gripping poke balls in the heat of battle. "My name is Shinobu, Awai. I'm from Petalburg Woods, doctor and Pokemon trainer, at your service." Shinobu gave the ranger a deep bow. He was wearing black, denim jeans, and a grey muscle t shirt. Shinobu's finely toned triceps curled around his form as he extended his arm out in a formal bow. "How long you been searching?" Shinobu asked gently.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 0:58:40 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
With the premise of battle looming over the two trainer's shoulders, Shinobu earnestly pulled out Jean's poke ball and returned her to it. He planned on using Renji for this fight, and wouldn't need the shy little Cyndaquil. Pumping his gloved fist, Shinobu said to Elise, "Alright, pull some strings, your honor! Let's do this!"
After reaching back up to close the library window, Shinobu followed Elise and Charles to where they would battle. As he walked, Shinobu thought up a strategy for Renji. Renji's specialty was about close quarters combat, which would be difficult against a ghost Pokemon. Fighting type moves were totally inneffective against Ghost type Pokemon. Shinobu had a plan though, he knew just what to do. Riolu was a fast Pokemon, and Shinobu planned to make use of that speed. Despite his background, Shinobu was a natural Pokemon battler. He had honed his skill in Oldale Town against trainers, before he set out on his journey to earn all eight badges. Shinobu was lightning quick, and he had a bright, analytical mind. It would be tough for Elise to get one over on Shinobu, but he had lost before. He had never fought a ghost type specialist though, the young trainer was excited to practice his skills.
As the two trainers settled into the arena, Shinobu took note of where he was battling. The arena was a garden of sorts, with pumpkins growing along the circular edge of the battleground. There was a tall gate up at the edges, a boundary line for a fair match. Shinobu stood about 10 meters across from Elise and threw out his poke ball. "Renji, I choose you!" Shinobu called out as his PokeBall released Renji in a red beam of light.
Appearing on his two feet, Renji had his arms crossed, facing Renji and looking especially sore. Renji didn't like to be contained by a ball for a long time, and he was mad at Renji for doing so. "Don't be so tight bro, you got a match to win." Shinobu called out to Renji. Hearing about a fight perked Renji's dog ears up and he turned to face Elise's Pokemon.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 0:12:33 GMT
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It was late in the evening and Shinobu had been scouring the outskirts of Slateport city for hours. He was looking for a rare Pokemon, a Toxel. Shinobu had recently gotten a Pokedex from the Professor in Littleroot, and upon searching through it for poison based Pokemon, Shinobu found a curious little Pokemon named Toxel. Toxel was a poison and electric type Pokemon that stored both electricity and poison in sacs on it's body. Shinobu thought that sounded absolutely vicious and desired one for his team. A few weeks later, Shinobu found himself in Slateport City, hunting around for the location of Toxel's. Most people were helpful and after a few days of data gathering, Shinobu found the spot where it was said that he could find the baby pokemon.
Deep in the hills, nestled up on a ridge, was the entrance to a large cave where Shinobu had been directed to go to. Shinobu was told that Toxel found prey items in the cave, and swarms could be seen leaving the cave in the morning when Toxel rested. Shinobu was definitely excited when he saw the cave and he headed up the ridge to get into the entrance, his Riolu following closely behind him, punching at the air as it ran.
Up the rocky path, Shinobu found a young woman climbing to the cave. She seemed to be on a mission just like he was, and was moving up the hill in record time. Shinobu creeped up behind her and called out from behind, "Hello there! Looking for Pokemon?" The doctor waved to the young woman in front of him.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 23:22:04 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Looking down at Jean, Shinobu let her lick Charles. Shinobu knew that his Pokemon was soft natured and meant no harm. Shinobu giggled as Calyrex let out a cry and Jean jumped back. She didn't ignite her fires, instead she came right back to Calyrex's foot to sniff him some more. Shinobu was watching and felt the universal pull of innocent Pokemon tugging at his soul. It was so sweet to see animals behaving as nature intended them to, at harmony with people. Shinobu was shocked to see how close Jean had scooched up to Elise. It seemed the Pokemon was getting used to humans after all. Shinobu bent down to give Jean another treat, all the while talking to his new friend. "Spirit mediums huh? That's very interesting, and a far cry from the field of medicine. You must be gifted, Elise. It's a pleasure to meet one such as yourself, a noble goddess among men." Shinobu stood back up and gave Elise a regal bow. 
"I'm sure Renji would love to train with you. He's never fought a ghost type before. It would be an honor to battle with you," Shinobu grinned a devilish grin, his passion was peaking out at the talk of Pokemon battles. "When might we arrange this battle?" Shinobu had a fire burning in his eyes.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
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Shinobu Awai
Morning Encounter
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 22:40:40 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

It was early in the morning and Shinobu was sitting at his campfire on Route 102. He had spent the night in his tent, waiting out the rain. Shinobu was a hardy adventurer, but he was not foolish. He knew that if his shoes got wet while he camped, it would be all over but the memories. After setting up his campsite it was nothing more than a wait, and that waiting led into the morning. It rained extra hard on Route 102, and there weren't many trees to provide shelter for Shinobu. He was lucky enough to stay dry in his tent all night long, but when he rolled it up in the morning he noticed there was a small tear in his tent's waterproof, vinyl covering. Discouraged, Shinobu decided to try his hand at some Pokemon catching. He loved working with his team to find Pokemon, and Shinobu was an exceptional pitcher. Hoping to erase the feeling of his bad luck, Shinobu started walking down the trail with Renji, his Riolu.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 22:25:36 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

When Elise mentioned joining the military, Shinobu's heart skipped a beat. He was very glad to hear her approval in his pursuit. Shinobu was brimming ear to ear with pleasure as he replied to Elise. "I think I will try my hand at that. If all goes well I will see victory with the mighty Hoenn nation. I never took myself as a battler before I met my Riolu. Renji has really taught me what it means to stand up for yourself. I'm sure he will be pleased to learn I am going to take my hand into the military. Renji loves fighting." In truth, most of Shinobu's Pokemon loved fighting. They were a very rambunctious sort. 
Speaking of a rambunctious Pokemon, Shinobu's Cyndaquil was getting into mischief as the two trainers talked. Jean had grown familiar with Elise by now, and she was feeling brave. The fire rat crawled on the ground closer to Calyrex. It's fires were extinguished, for now, but one wrong move and everything would be lit up. Jean was testing her boundaries right now, she sniffed at Charles's feet curiously, then she stuck her tongue out and gave them a wet lick.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 18:07:09 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
With Jean on his shoulder, the Pokemon had a more clear view of what was going on, and with Shinobu facing Elise, Jean was nose to nose with her bitter rival, the human being. She flared he fire up on Shinobu's shoulder, the flames shooting above his head. Jean was careful though, she made sure not to spark any of Shinobu's clothing o nfire. She wasn't acting out of haste, but rather Jean was scared. People frightened the young Cyndaquil, and despite Elise's unassuming presence, Jean was terrified. The Pokemon hissed and snarled, clawing at Shinobu's shoulder and digging into his flesh. After just a second of that, Shinobu picked Jean up like an angry cat and set her back on the floor. Jean scurried behind Shinobu, seeking refuge from the big, bad, scary woman in the room.
With Jean occupied for the moment, Shinobu continued speaking with Elise. "Marvelous work, the medical field. I was a doctor for three years before becoming a trainer. I worked on Pokemon and humans, tending to their injuries and ailments. It was really satisfying work. If I hadn't hatched Renji, I would still be doing doctor work. I really love learning about how the body works, and how to fight disease." Shinobu thought back on the fun times he had mending Pokemon bones and tending to people in their time of need. It was different work than what Elise spoke of. Working on the front lines was always something Shinobu dreamed of, but without Pokemon to fight for him, he could only tend to the sick back on the home front. 
With a medical corps officer in front of him, Shinobu's heart and mind aligned in a moment of splendor. His dream of tending to the sick and his passion for Pokemon could be united, if he fought with the League for the good of Pokemon. Shinobu had an easy time deciding. He was a great doctor who had lots of experience treating rare Pokemon, and he loved the thrill of protecting innocence with his Pokemon. Shinobu's eyes lit up with excitement. "Say Elise. If you're with the military, do you think I might have a role fighting with the League? I'm a great doctor, and I'm learning how to become a great trainer. Maybe I can provide something for the world." Shinobu smiled warmly at Elise, his question delicately hanging in the air.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 15:30:21 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Once Elise shook Shinobu's hand had bent back down to pet his Cyndaquil. Jean was still eating and seemed relaxed. Most of the smoke in the room had left through the window, but Jean still had a bit of fire spouting from her heat sockets. Shinobu wondered if his little Cyndaquil would ever relax. She was a normally happy and playful Pokemon, but bring her around another human and she showed a whole different sidle to her. Deep down Shinobu worried that his obstinant Pokemon would keep him from reaching his dream of becoming a Pokemon Champion. All of his Pokemon showed signs of misbehavior, it was upsetting really. Shinobu was a naturally well organized man who followed the rules and obeyed the law, to have Pokemon that were so far against his own nature, well it was disheartening to say the least. That isn't to say that Shinobu didn't love his team of Pokemon, each one had a special place in Shinobu's heart. 
Once Cyndaquil had eaten all her snacks, Shinobu fed her some more by placing the treats closer to Elise. Jean tentatively approached Elise, growling viciously and snarling like a rabid wolverine. She eventually made it to the treats and started eating, her flame receding naturally as the comfort of food replaced the fear in her heart. Shinobu stayed kneeling down and watched his Pokemon carefully. If anyone made any sudden moves, it was likely that Jean would fill up the room with smoke again. 
Still on one knee, Shinobu looked up at Elise, who was sitting in a chair with Charles the Calyrex. "Must be a very rare Pokemon. I hope you can learn something about it, maybe try a National Pokedex." Shinobu dropped more treats for Jean. She started purring softly, her flame almost completely gone now. "When I was a doctor I saw lots of rare Pokemon, but I never worked on any Calyrex. I never even heard of one until today. You are very lucky, Elise." Shinobu picked up Jean. She had finished her treats and was sitting next to Elise, spouting fire from her back ever so gently. Jean crawled up Shinobu's broad shoulders and nestled herself in the nook of his collarbone. Reaching into his treat pouch once again, Shinobu gave her a milk flavored treat, Jean's favorite.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2024 2:05:35 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Before he sat in the chair, Shinobu thought it was kind of the woman to let her Pokemon freely sit on her lap. Shinobu was a friend to Pokemon, but he didn't have any that liked to sit on his lap. The closest was Jean, who would nestle on his shoulder to light his hair on fire. All of Shinobu's Pokemon were spitfires like that. The novice trainer pulled his poke ball from the utility pouch on his waist and released Jean.
Jean was a small Cyndaquil, no bigger than two hands. She weighed about ten pounds though, she was big boned. Jean had large, blue eyes, and a long snout. She was an utterly cute Pokemon, until she lit her flames up in outrage. Jean had quite a temper and generally didn't get along with other humans. Shinobu was her only man, and the Cyndaquil made sure to let everyone know it.
When Shinobu released Jean from her PokeBall she was startled awake. She had felt Shinobu shake her ball, but she wasn't quite ready for a surprise visit by Elise. Jean stretched carelessly, then as she opened her eyes and looked around she was lit up with fury. She couldn't believe Shinobu had the nerve to release her around another human. Jean lit her fire on her back in anger and started gently releasing a smoke screen in the room.
Not expecting Jean to react so violently, though he was thankful she didn't light the place up in flames, Shinobu pulled a handkerchief from his pocket and handed it to Elise. "To breathe into." Shinobu waved the smoke away from Elise."Pardon me miss, I didn't expect my Pokemon to be so mad. I'm trying to get her adjusted to people." Shinobu held his hand out for the woman to shake. He was wearing a white leather glove, designed to optimize his grip when throwing poke balls. "My name is Shinobu Awai. I come from Petalburg, excuse me." Shinobu stepped over to the wall near where Elise was sitting and reached up toward the window. Stretching his long, slender body up to the window, Shinobu opened it to help alleviate the gas that was still filling the room.
With the window open, Shinobu stepped closer to his Pokemon and bent down. From his utility belt, he pulled out a few treats and then left them on the floor next to his Cyndaquil. Jean immediately started eating and the gass she was exuding relented. "Gotta know how to teach em." Shinobu said to Elise, who had yet to introduce herself, and he gave her a warm smile. "This is Jean. I named her after my favorite kind of pants." Shinobu reached down and smacked his legs, which were wearing a grey, washed denim. "I came here to get a cookbook. My Mr. Mime at home loves to bake, and I want to get him something to read while I am away." Shinobu looked over at Charles. He had never seen a Pokemon like that. "If only I had a Pokedex." Shinobu thought to himself.
Thinking of a Pokedex, Shinobu had yet to stop by the Professor's lab in Littleroot to pick himself up a copy. The Professor had personally offered it to him, a reward for his merit as a doctor, but Shinobu had been so busy he didn't think it important to get himself a Pokedex.
At his core, Shinobu was a healer and lots of people around Petalburg were aware of his healing touch. When he decided to give up his practice and follow his dream to become a Pokemon trainer, alot of people were dismayed, but the Professor wasn't one of them. He believed in Shinobu and emailed him personally on the matter. "Follow your gut and make you're dream a reality." The professor had said. That had been quite some time ago, and now Shinobu was struggling with his own team. He tried not to pay his ignorance any mind and said to Elise, "Might I ask you about this Pokemon?" Shinobu looked her in the eyes and locked his icy blue irises with Elise's own beautiful eyes. He was being sincere and as was polite, he looked her in the eyes when speaking to Elise.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinobu Awai
In The Yard
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:40:26 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
After taking the scenic route back home to Petalburg Woods, Shinobu decided to retreat to his estate. As a well studied doctor of Petalburg City, Shinobu had earned himself a beautiful home in the forest by tending to citizen's ailments. Always close with Pokemon, he preferred to live near Pokemon in the woods, even before he was a trainer, and he had his house maintained by a trained Mr. Mime. Mr. Mime did the shopping, the cleaning, the maintenance. He was a really well trained Pokemon, in fact he was gifted to Shinobu by a patient. As a doctor Shinobu lived comfortably before he became a trainer, but since he had left with his team to aquire the league badges, Shinobu hadn't been home much at all.He was eager to meet with Mr. Mime and see how his home was doing, and Shinobu rushed through the leafy trails of Petalburg, excited to be home and sleep in his own bed.
Walking up the verdant green path to his house, Shinobu noticed that Mr. Mime had kept excellent care of the rose bushes in his front yard. Those bushes were as old as Renji, the Riolu that Shinobu first partnered with. He prized those bushes over all else in his home. They were a symbol of his love for Pokemon. The red tin roof of the house was clean of algae and moss,and the siding was freshly painted. Mr. Mime had been doing a great job, he was a well respected member of Shinobu's family.
Scurrying along the trail were a plethora of Pokemon. Shinobu was pleased to see that the family of Rattata he fed were still doing well, they had new babies. There were also flocks of Pidgey's in the trees, Shinobu's longtime friends. He had fed those pidgey's since he first moved into Petalburg, and they were a testament to his hardworking nature. Shinobu never let a day go by, without feeding those pidgey corn from his bag. The Pokemon were doing well, and Shinobu's home was doing well too. The trainer's heart was overjoyed when he opened the front door and called to Mr. Mime, "I'm home!"
Surprised by the sound of Shinobu's voice, Mr. Mime squeezed out and flopped out of the chair he had been sitting in. The Pokemon clambered out to the front door, nervously smiling, excited to see his master. Shinobu reached out and gave Mr. Mime a big hug and then pulled out a Twisted Spoon he had found during his travels. "For you buddy." He said and handed the trinket over to his Pokemon.
After getting reaquintated with his home, and Mr. Mime, Shinobu went to the kitchen to get himself a snack. Mr. Mime baked the most delicious focaccia bread, and Shinobu loved his gluten. He ate a big chunk of bread and butter at his dining room table. Once his belly was all full of bread, Shinobu headed outside to clip a few roses. He planned on being at his estate for some time, at least two weeks, and he wanted fresh flowers in his kitchen while he was there. Taking a knife, Shinobu headed out to the front yard to cut himself some roses.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shinobu Awai
Camping Encounters
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2024 23:37:01 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

It was still early in the morning and Shinobu had already been up for a few hours. He couldn't sleep with all the racket of bicyclists on the road above him. Shinobu was hoping to find a bird Pokemon on the route, he had traveled just north of Mauville specifically for that reason. It wasn't a real long journey to get where he was camped, but it was certainly noisy under the cyclists road. The constant humming of tires o nthe track kept Shinobu awake all morning, and he just couldn't take it anymore. He woke up from his cot and started making breakfast.
For something to eat, Shinobu had a can of beans and an old baguette. He released his Cyndaquil, Jean, out of her poke ball and she started a fire for the trainer. "Pokemon sure are helpful." Shinobu thought to himself as he boiled his beans in a pot. 
With himself fed, Shinobu took to his bag to find some berries for his Pokemon to eat. He released them all from their poke balls, Renji, Riolu, was already out. Shinobu didn't keep his starter Pokemon in a ball. Renji was a distrusting Pokemon, who could never let his well being be so carelessly handled as by those with poke balls. Renji was actually quite the character. Noble and proud, Renji the Riolu believed in a strong sense of justice. He considered himself a protector of the weak, and a guardian of the frail. Renji was truly a paragon Pokemon, but he was a bit fussy. He only like sitrus berries, but fortunately Shinobu had some for his buddy to snack on.
While Renji and the team were snacking on their favorite respective berries, Shinobu noticed there was a rummaging of the grass around him. He instantly sensed a battle and wasted no time in commanding his Pokemon. "On the alert guys, we have company." All of Shinobu's Pokemon, except Goro the Gabite, put their berries down and got into an aggressive stance. Jean the Cyndaquil flared her fire on her back high and reared up her hind legs. Renji the Riolu assumed a fighting stance, his front leg raised, ready for a kick. Bane the Zorua transformed into a spitting image, look alike of Renji. Hanzou the Froakie jumped into the air, flipping back ward and summoning bubbles around his hand, ready for battle. Goro the Gabite though, he just kept snacking on his Wiki Berry, unphased by the danger around them.
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