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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 5:03:06 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Surprise dby the site of a Muk oozing up the corner of the cave, Shinobu felt a little sick looking at it. Muk, up close, were oily and viscous, not at all put together or cute. Turning the flashlight, Shinobu kept pushing on through the cave. "Maybe that wasn't my best idea. You take the lead, Airi, I trust you." Shinobu stepped behind here, keeping the flashlight pointing forward so she could see. Pokemon were swarming the cave, Shinobu was hopeful he would find the one he was looking for. All this journey had led him up to meeting a Toxel, nd here he was at the forefront of discovery. Shinobu kept chewing on his gum, eager to find the rare Toxel in this cave.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2024 4:02:41 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

As Shinobu turned his flash light throughout the cave, he made conversation with Airi. There was little rustling of rare Pokemon, but he didn't notice it over the sound of his own voice. "I was taught, confidence is key. It's best to know what you are doing, even when you are wrong." Shinobu popped a piece of gum into his mouth with his free hand, spearmint flavored. He chewed on it for a moment and then said to Airi, "You have a lot to be prideful of, who is to say you aren't confident? Ms. Nurse Trainer Ranger. Very prestigious if I do say so myself, i'm sure watching you work is incredible. Maybe if we see a rare Pokemon, we will get to see those skills at work." Shinobu sucked on his gum for a moment, listening to Airi talk.
As they kept walking through the cave, taking every turn and exploring the depths of the darkness, Shinobu and Airi saw lots of rare Pokemon. There were all sorts of Dark and Poison types roaming through the expansive caves. Little Alolan Rattata made a trail, and Shinobu led Airi down it. He figured there would be some kind of rare Pokemon a the end of it. Lol and behold, when the two came to end of the trail of Rattata they were surprised to be greeted by a Pokemon.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Drapion Season [DW]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 17:21:20 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

It was mid afternoon in Petalburg Woods and the sun was beating down on the canopy. Bug Pokemon were bustling above Shinobu's house, Caterpie and Wurmple were falling from the trees above. Shinobu heard a loud banging on his roof and decided to go outside and check it out. He brought his Zorua, Iroh, with him.
Sitting atop Shinobu's shoulder, Iroah stood guard. With the Pokemons extrasensory powers, it scanned the surrounding area looking for a disturbance. Irohs spotted the Pokemon on the roof, and told Shinobu with a few squeeks. Shinobu instructed Iroh to get up there and take care of the problem. The Hisuian Zorua ghost stepped up to the roof in a ghastly flash, and began pushing the caterpie from off the red roof.
As his Pokemon was taking care of the nuisance, Shinobu spotted a rustling in the bushes nearby his house. Without any other Pokemon to protect him, Shinobu was leery to approach, but he was a fearless Pokemon trainer, and he had a few empty poke balls if things got dicey. Walking over carefully, Shinobu inspected the bush that was rustling.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 15:48:40 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

After betting Renji, both of them seemed to be in higher spirits. Shinobu was bummed out that he couldn't finish his fight, and so was Renji, but Shinobu didn't want to impose himself on the young lady, he was, after all, a gentleman. Shinobu pulled out his poke ball and returned Renji. "I'm sure he needs some rest after that battle. Your Mismagius was certainly ferocious! That Psychic blast nearly did Renji in!" Shinobu's eyes lit up as he remembered the awesome show of force between Pokemon.
Staring into Elise's eyes with his own royal blue colored eyes, Shinobu did what he so often did when people seemed to be hurting. He searched for the softness in Elise's heart by gazing into her soul, and then said, "Stay strong, Elise. Your Pokemon need you, and so does your nation." Shinobu looked to be real serious, his brow was furrowed and he was bent over in Elise's direction, just a tad. He didn't want to see any of his friends suffering, and Elise seemed to be going through quite a lot at the moment.
In an attempt to steer the direction of the conversation to something more cheerful, Shinobu pulled out a poke ball. "Fancy showing me the rest of your Pokemon?" Shinobu held his poke ball in his hand, ready to show Elise his friend.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2024 2:28:43 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

Walking over to Elise, Shinobu dropped a treat for Renji. He had done well in the battle and it was looking like he would take the victory. Shinobu was proud of his little guardian Pokemon, and Renji happily scarfed down the milk flavored treat.As he stepped closer to Elise, Shinobu tried to shift out of the battling mood. He was raring to go, and having a lot of fun, but now he wanted to take a more compassionate approach with Elise.
Responding to Elise in a soft tone, Shinobu told her, "Have no fear, your highness. I understand what it's like to remember painful events, try not to let it get to you. You were doing just fine. A great battle." Shinobu gave her a thumbs up and a warm smile. "You're not weak Elise, but there's always someone greater than you. It's up to you to form strong bonds that will last through the tribulations. You can do it, you're a noble." Shinobu called for his Riolu to approach him. 
When Renji saw Shinobu call for him he came running up to the two people talking. Renji was a faithful Pokemon and Shinobu was his best friend, he was more than happy to be by his trainers side. Shinobu reached down and scratched Riolu's ears. "He likes his ears scratched. It'll cheer you up, Elise." Bent down, Shinobu looked up at Elise was a graceful countenance. He seemed to be a very forgiving man.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 23:28:24 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

When Elsie cried out in fear for her Pokemon, Shinobu ordered Renji to halt. The Pokemon did a flip backwards and assumed a fighting stance, ready to attack when his trainer gave the word. Renji didn't like being stopped at the last minute, but the Riolu considered himself a guardian, if his trainer wished to protect the enemy, Riolu wouldn't fight that. The Pokemon stood at the ready, his long metal claws cocked back in a chambered position.
Calling out to Elise, Shinobu spoke carefully to the young lady. "Are you okay Elise? We are just practicing! Do you want to put a pause on our battle, maybe sit and chill with our Pokemon?" Shinobu waved his gloved hand at Elise, trying to get her attention from across the arena. He was worried for his new friend, he outburst seemed to come from a deep place. As a royal, Shinobu could only imagine just what exactly Elise had bothering her. For himself, as a doctor, Shinobu felt a strong urge to reach out and help Elise.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 18:03:27 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar

As Shinobu watched his Pokemon fight, his heart was racing. The novice trainer had never fought such a strong ghost type Pokemon, and Elise's Mismagius was certainly a fearsome specter. Watching his Pokemon fight for his life got Shinobu's blood pumping and he was fully engrossed in the battle. IT was real, and Shinobu was fighting with his Pokemon.
When Mismagius locked onto Renji and blasted Riolu with Psychic, Shinobu's Pokemon went flying backwards. The shock of the psychic energy totally rattled Riolu. The young Pokemon didn't see it coming, and as he flash stepped in front of Mismagius, he took the blast head on. Renji went tumbling into the dirt, meters in front of Mismagius. The Emanation Pokemon quickly got to his feet, nothing but unrelenting force could knock him out, and Mismagius simply wasn't cut of the same cloth as Renji. Unfortunately he did sustain a lot of damage, and his mind was like a kaleidoscope of psychedelic colors from the after effects of the Psychic attack. Never the less, Renji stood up and prepared to fight back. Riolu pumped his fist in the wair, working himself up and gaining a bonus to his attack and defense by increasing his vigilance. Renji was alert and ready, but his reaction time was slightly off. He had suffered a serious attack and it wouldn't take much to finish him off.
Once Renji had gotten back to his feet and was all worked up, Renji commanded his Pokemon. "Alright Renji,go in for the kill. Use Metal Claw!" Shinobu pointed his finger forward and Renji dashed forward. As he ran, Renji extended his arm and three large metal claws extended from his paw. Renji closed in on Mismagius using his extreme speed, and then sliced at her with his Metal Claw.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
Reading for a Hare [S]
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 16:41:21 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
As Renji danced around the field, appearing from one place to another, Mismagius launched a thunderbolt from the ether at him. Renji was quick though, and he was already in action. He narrowly dodged the Thunderbolt, flash stepping to Mismagius's flank. 
Calling to his Pokemon from the sidelines, Shinobu commanded Renji, "Keep using Swords Dance, don't let her touch you Renji!" Shinobu thrusted his fist in the air, he was prepping Riolu's attack power for a mean strike. It would only take a matter of time for Mismagius to strike Renji with a thunderbolt though, his stamina wouldn't last forever and Mismagius was fast. Shinobu knew he would need to land a decisive blow on Mismagius early in the match if he wanted to win. 
Continuing his technique, Renji resumed flash stepping around Mismagius, dodging her attacks and preparing for a surprise attack. His attack was on the rise, and Mismagius was sure to feel the cold steel of Riolu's claw.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 15:25:58 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
Grinning mischievously, Shinobu replied to Airi in a whispered tone, "You don't have to worry about me, miss." He was a fearless man who spent his time getting cheap thrills from danger, worry would be wasted on such a Pokemon trainer. Shinobu gave her a big thumbs up and stepped into the cave.
With Renji at his feet, Shinobu pulled out a small flashlight. The cave was pretty dark going in and it was impossible to see more than a few feet in front of you. Shinobu and Airi could hear the skittering of different Pokemon. It would just be a matter of time until one appeared close enough for the blind bats to throw a poke ball. Wielding his light beam, Shinobu flashed it around the cave, hunting for rare Pokemon.
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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Camping Encounters
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 6:25:20 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
To Shinobu's surprise,a wild Swablu fluttered out of the bushes and landed next to his smoldering campfire. Shinobu was surprised that none of his Pokemon had reacted to the scary encounter, but when he saw it was a Swablu he realized that this Pokemon must have sensed a benign creature around them. No reason for any false actions. As long as Shinobu remained cool and calm, he would come free of an attack, and if he was lucky enough, he would be able to make a catch. In his utility pouch Shinobu kept a series of poke balls for catching wild prizes. This Swablu seemed peaceful enough, a perfect member for Shinobu's team. All of his Pokemon were obstinant and difficult, but it would be nice to have a carefree team mate on his side. Shinobu slowly reached for his poke balls, careful not to disturb the Swablu in any way. "I'm going to name you Tobtha." Shinobu thought to himself and retrieved the poke ball. He had it in his hand, all he had to do was press the button to enlarge the ball and make a good throw. Shinobu wore white, leather gloves to help fine tune his aim with poke balls, the test would be in just a moment. Shinobu had to wait for the Swablu to turn his head, and it wouldn't take long, but he didn't have long either. Shinobu had to act fast, so he lugged his poke ball at the Pokemon. It connected with the bird Pokemon, bouncing off his downy feather and begining the containment procedure. Swablu was drawn into the poke ball and it closed. Once the ball hit the ground it began rattling around, and only time would tell if Shinobu was succesful. 

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 6:09:41 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
With his eyes wide open with interest, Shinobu listened to Airi tell him about her ambition and dreams for life. IT was refreshing to hear of someone in a position of power look towards the restorative paths of life. Not every ranger knew how the Pokemon body worked, and sometimes that led to injury. Shinobu felt a relief knowing that Airi would be safe with her Pokemon. Shinobu loved all Pokemon dearly, and couldn't bear to see harm done to them. 
Nodding along to what she said, Kokou agreed with her convictions. "You have admirable dreams, Airi. I hope you achieve them, and I hope we can be friends long enough for me to see them as well." Shinobu smiled humbly and stepped past Airi towards the cave. "IT looks like we have reached out destination. Let us enter?" Shinobuwaved for Renji to leave his post and follow him, the Riolu did so without a scene, despite wishing to remain with Bean.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @shinobu42
Shinobu Awai
A Meeting by Chance
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 3:23:12 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar
As Shinobu looked down at Bean, the Mudkip playfully squirted the man with a beam of water. Shinobu put his hands in front of his face and blocked most of the water. He didn't mind playing with Pokemon, a little water was no big deal as long as it was all in good fun. Shinobu laughed with Airi and tossed Bean a treat. "That Pokemon there is a little squirt." Shinobu remarked and turned his attention back to Airi.
In response, Shinobu spoke softly. He had a certain firmness in his voice, but his words were soft and flowed like butter from his lips. "I started training to be a doctor when I was sixteen, and I excelled in the art. I think when I was twenty three I had performed my first surgery, so I've presumably been working as a doctor since then. But I officially became a doctor when I was twenty four." Shinobu looked to the sky, reminiscing on his time in medical school. He had always been an exceptionally smart young man, quick to pass his grades in school and always the first to excel in a subject. It was fun to think about his time in school, but that part of his life was long since passed. Shinobu was a trainer now. He continued further with Airi's question. "As to why I became a doctor, well I think that's as simple as wanting to help people. I've always sought to do good for mankind. I see myself as a good man, a main character, if you will." Shinobu winked at Airi. "What about you miss, why did you become a Pokemon Ranger?" 
As Airi and Shinobu spoke, Renji stood firm with Bean, not moving in the slightest and standing like a statue.

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played by

King of Cats

Twenty Seven
March 31st
Littleroot Town
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
41 posts
Shinobu Awai DOLLARS
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Shinobu Awai
Awai, Shinobu's PC
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2024 2:51:26 GMT
Shinobu Awai Avatar


current party



♂︎ Steadfast[break]
Quick Attack, Metal Claw, Force Palm,[break] Counter, Work Up, Swords Dance



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current party



♂︎ Illusion[break]
Agility, Nasty Plot, Shadow Sneak,[break] Foul Play, Bitter Malice, Shadow Ball



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current party



♁ Blaze[break]
Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Flame Charge,[break] Rollout, Double Edge, Quick Attack



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current party



♂︎ Torrent[break]
Lick, Smokescreen, Water Pulse,[break] Substitute, Double Team, Bounce



[] background-color: #232323; border-radius: 5px; border: 1px solid #202020; margin-bottom: -20px; padding: 25px; font: 12px courier new; padding-left: 40px; text-align: justify;[/newclass]
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current party



♂︎ Sand Veil[break]
Sandstorm, Dragon Rush, Bulldoze,[break] Sand Attack, Dig, Dragonbreath



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay