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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
helping hand [m]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 21:46:50 GMT
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Of course they responded to disasters, but Rangers couldn't solve the larger problems of waste and destruction caused by industrialization and the other byproducts of a government that couldn't stomp down the uprising Rocket faction. The war was only a symptom of what was festering. "You don't get it," she says instead, shaking her head a little. It was hard to explain to people, even those that were like-minded. But trying to articulate it without sounding like a Rocket apologist was impossible. [break][break]

The kiddos took to Drampa like a Farigaraf to water, but Clover felt the moment stretching thin like over-extended twine. They were going to expose themselves if they kept going on about their anti-establishment mentality. "I should get the kids back so they can wash up before their parents return."


mission: babysitter duty

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 20:10:45 GMT
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She froze midstretch. An Onix crawled ahead of her, eyes barely open. It seemed to be chasing something slowly or, perhaps... was it sleepwalking? She held her breath. It slithered on the ground, its large boulder-y body dragging dirt along with it. She waited until it was a decent distance away before she released her breath. Tropius, all the while, was unaware and chewing on his leaves. "I don't think I've seen sleepwalking before."


sw | rock/fairy/dragon | skip

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 17:27:05 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

Tropius bent to eat some tree leaves. Clover stretched her arms overhead after dismounting to let him snack, reaching up until her back finally cracked in all the right places. Riding Tropius was great for travel, but her posture needed work. Or maybe they just needed to change how they were seated periodically. It was a bit of a work in progress, but they were optimistic it wouldn't take long to establish a better habit. Certainly, her back would thank her.


sw | rock/fairy/dragon

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
big wave [m]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2024 17:23:27 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

Okay. This wasn't going according to plan. But honesty was going to sound insane: 'hey, yeah I'm trying to build up to a natural catastrophe to summon Nature's Giants and force the hand of Earth Mother to course-correct Hoenn and destabilize the government that's failed to protect the land.' [break][break]

The fishing boats had ratted him out, huh? It would have been easy to sink them, and they did believe their goals were worth a few broken eggs or whatever, but it also wasn't like he was so unhinged as to create unnecessary casualties to people just living their lives. Now, though, they're rethinking the small mercy of just letting them go elsewhere. [break][break]

They needed to commit or flee or fight; there were only so many moves to make here. "Well. I... was here first?" Clover visibly cringed as the excuse fell out of her mouth. How much could this Leaguer tolerate?


something fishy |

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
processed shop
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 22:13:53 GMT
clover matamata Avatar
claiming zarude and a prem gacha from PROJECT TOWER

please roll fairy
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:40:21 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

After a while, it gets to be a little fun. A little. He still struggles to make things smooth, but at least their hand-eye coordination is solid and the movements around the track are steady. Once they've mastered the footwork, driving will be easy peasy. "Racing sounds kind of fun," he admitted as Hitoshi mentioned the potential to be a racer. "Do you ever do it?" [break][break]

People drove in Fallarbor, especially because of the ash, but her people tended not to. But there were many towns in Hoenn that didn't see much driving, particularly those that were by the sea. She was the first one in her immediately family to learn, which felt good, even if they preferred a more natural mode of travel.


project tower | finish

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[newclass=.cloverbody h1]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;color:#a189c4;text-align:right;border-bottom:#a189c4 solid 1px;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 20px 0px 10px 0px;[/newclass]
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march 11
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:35:29 GMT
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's gacha STAKATAKA from ULTRA PLANT is going to

and the gift is CANON and granted to mr. howard by the power of FRIENDSHIP
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march 11
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
Lightning-Struck Tower: Clover & Hitoshi
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:32:34 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

The praise felt weird, even though they knew they should want to make the god general happy. Hitoshi's comment carried more weight, but they had liked Hitoshi more and more throughout their paired training. They took a sniff of the whiskey, unfamiliar with it, and cringed. "Woof. That stuff reminds me of papa's moonshine." Heavy stuff. His older sister made it with pecha to better-mask the alcohol, but it was all new to them beyond a few sips. [break][break]

"Quick is good," they echoed as they followed Hitoshi. It was better to avoid unnecessary pain, and getting more efficient could save them valuable time. It was hard to tell what the war would look like, but they hoped it would give an opportunity for summoning Giants and saving their homeland once and for all. "What's next, Mr. Hitoshi?"


project tower | hq

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[newclass=.cloverbody b, .crushbody i]color:#a189c4;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cloverbody a]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;color:#eee;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cloverbody h1]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;color:#a189c4;text-align:right;border-bottom:#a189c4 solid 1px;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 20px 0px 10px 0px;[/newclass]
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march 11
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:24:41 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

"Wh-?" They started as Howard picked them up, "Mr. Howard, I can run!" But she sees the wisdom in mere moments as the two of them get the hell out of dodge faster than they could've individually. The Stakatakas move in an odd, kind of ugly grace within the trick room. "I kinda wanna catch one," she murmured as they fled. [break][break]

Archen cawed his agreement. "Ok, just one," they affirmed, tossing a pokeball at the one closest. They turned as Howard did, curious. The dotted expression of the Giant was reacting less than she'd expected. Her community had passed down for countless generations that the Giants had faced that danced like sunlight through canopies and glittered like sun-caught silt in a pond. It seemed a little more statuesque than she had expected, though its power, speed, and storm-wrapped entrance had seemed par-for-the-course for one of Earth Mother's dearest tools. Dejected, she asked, "So, we're just leaving Mother's Giant?"


hands down the best use of trick room

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[newclass=.cloverbody b, .crushbody i]color:#a189c4;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cloverbody a]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;color:#eee;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cloverbody h1]font-family:ubuntu;font-weight:bold;font-size:14pt;color:#a189c4;text-align:right;border-bottom:#a189c4 solid 1px;padding-bottom:5px;margin: 20px 0px 10px 0px;[/newclass]
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march 11
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
Lightning-Struck Tower: Clover & Hitoshi
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:18:11 GMT
clover matamata Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 05

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]beast: combat training day / end


You want to ask if there's anything more you can know, as is impossible to tell whether this man, blind and gagged, is a traitor befitting of such a cruel end or simply an innocent person who made a mistake. [break][break]

But something in the God General's eyes bring you pause. [break][break]

In war, there's no room for hesitation. [break][break]

Grabbing the blade that is offered in his hand, you step forward. Whether you do so ruthlessly or with caution, eventually, the man slumps in your grip. Blood pools into the floor. [break][break]

"Good work." [break][break]

"In war, hesitation means death. If you don't do it, someone else will."


[attr="class","ptower-choice"]RETURN TO HQ



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
Lightning-Struck Tower: Clover & Hitoshi
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:17:45 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

Clover's put down countless wooloo, miltank, and gogoat. They've also killed attacking vespiqueen and raticate. And, once, they put down a thief's fuecoco. Killing pokemon is no big deal. People? [break][break]

They had stabbed the thief. It was bad - blood spilled quickly, from the gut - but her mom had triaged the thief with the help of her pokemon. Their Sachem had taken the thief into town to be arrested. Presumably. Clover wasn't sure, but she'd been assured she wouldn't get into any legal trouble. The thief had tried to take her baby brother; there had been no thought in her head at the sight of the strange man holding him. [break][break]

Now, there were thoughts. Thoughts of Hoenn on its final legs. Hoenn commanding the presence of so many legendary pokemon because it was going to turn to sludge and ash and waste like Kanto if someone didn't stop it. If someone didn't summon Earth Mother and Nature's Giants to protect the environment of Hoenn. Clover was determined to make it happen, and one life in the grand scheme of things was justification enough. She felt, too, that this scenario only had one correct answer. She accepted the knife, aware Hitoshi was assessing her just like the god general. [break][break]

She does not believe in cruelty for the sake of it. She stands behind him and cuts the sides and front of his throat, hitting the major arteries but remaining out of any spray from the initial contact. The sound is ugly, as he tries to cry out in the first moment, but it's not the most painful cut. He bleeds quickly, thoroughly. She doesn't take her eyes off of him. It feels disrespectful to not gave his spirit space to return to the earth where it belongs. From mud to blood, blood to mud.


project tower | kill

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 20:09:07 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

Clover beamed at Hitoshi. "Can't wait to see her!" A forge sounded badass. The car, on the other hand, was a source of far less excitement. She got in and buckled, then listened to his instructions. Okay, she knew brake was left, gas was right, and the stick part chose the gears. She pulled the gear shift down to D and squeezed the steering wheel tight. "Uh- it's going. I'm not even on the gas. Is it supposed to do that?" [break][break]

Several minutes into the scariest crash course of their life, a grunt pulled up beside them and insisted on a race until they saw Clover's babyface and... she didn't know. Maybe they thought it wouldn't be fun to beat someone so young? Or maybe they could sense her terror. Clover did their best to listen to Hitsohi's ever-patient instructions, but their accelerations and braking were still very sudden and shaky. "You can do it, Clover..." they kept murmuring, wishing for their ancestors to give them strength.


project tower | DECLINE

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[newclass=.cloverbody b, .crushbody i]color:#a189c4;[/newclass]
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march 11
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2024 19:52:54 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

"You make it sound easy..." He started, unsure of his ability to drive anything. He could handle Tropius and a few other flying pokemon, but he wasn't confident about machines. Still, he followed Hitoshi's directive. "Iron Lady sounds cool. Can I meet her?" [break][break]

There were way too many vehicles of destruction. Clover wasn't sure where to start. "Um. Maybe we can drive that one?" It was a large, boxy Humvee fitted with a turrent on the back. The windows didn't look to be the kind to roll down. Perhaps, they were bullet proof? "But we don't have to... it might be safer if you drive."


project tower | test drive

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP