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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
helping hand [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 16:58:34 GMT
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Clover felt a little nervous at the idea of riding on a Beedrill, but they trusted Josh and his pokemon. No one so prominent in the League would put a child in danger. But the idea of riding Raikou surprised them. "... really? Legendary pokemon usually come in bad times, don't they?" They were portents. They tended not to appear unless they were necessary. She couldn't associate them with goodness outside of the Earth Mother and her Sisters' most clear vessels like Kyogre or Nature's Giants. [break][break]

The literature was a little unclear about the other legendaries and their place, if they were divine or just particularly strong pokemon. In any case, he figured Raikou would bring a storm that was necessary in some way - but surely such judgement, if it were divine, would be a bad sign, right? It was admittedly confusing. "I feel like it is a bad sign to see so many of these legendary pokemon in Hoenn." They spoke softly, to not upset the children. "Doesn't it scare you?"


mission: babysitter duty

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clover matamata
big wave [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 16:45:48 GMT
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It took a moment for him to realize there was anyone around. He nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of someone else's voice. "Uh-" they uttered instinctively, eyes glued to the oddly-colored Charizard. This person looked a little formidable and, unfortunately, someone at an advantage against their Tropius. They tugged on Tropius' side to get the pokemon to turn and face the newcomer. "I'm fishing?" Oh, that didn't sound very convincing. "You've got to get them to the surface before you start." Nope, that wasn't good either. Maybe she wouldn't know anything about fishing, though?


something fishy |

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to plunder [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 16:36:16 GMT
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From the water, then. If stealth was preferable, then they wouldn't use Tropius to swim across the water, either. "I'll see if they have any pokemon guarding underneath." They dove into the water and swam over to the boat, looking like someone just enjoying the ocean if anyone were to see them. They ducked their head underneath but saw no pokemon beneath the boat protecting it. Perfect. They had honestly feared the thieves would have a sharpedo or something keeping watch, and they weren't that strong a swimmer. [break][break]

She lifted herself onto the boat very slowly, cautious not to make any noise as she looked across the surface to ensure there was no one around. She rolled onto the deck as quietly as possible, dripping. If they were fast, the thieves would have no evidence of their entry besides water that could've come from a high wave lapping at the ship.


plunder the pirates |

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clover matamata
in for a penny [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 16:32:05 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

He stifled his giggle only partially as Tempest brought him in close. They had a stupid grin at Temp's attempt to relate, nudging back at him. The reference to her Sachem is more sobering. Clover loved her people, of course, and following Earth Mother was the true path, but Maili's decisions were not ones she could always agree with. She was happy to prove herself, but trying to impress the League by their standards was playing their game, and they felt the attempt too progressive when it was radical change they needed. [break][break]

"I think... I think we need to do more. Earth is slow to change and ever-steady, but it can still experience radical changes, y'know, like earthquakes? I think that's what we need right now. What we all need." They ran a hand through their hair as they thought about it. "I broke off on my own to see for myself if we can get the protectors to act." As far as she was concerned, Nature's giants needed to course correct the path Hoenn was on before the people living on here destroyed everything. The unnatural rifts proved that the government was failing. [break][break]

It sounded a little crazy, sure, but they knew better than to try and pitch the concept at home. Their parents had been unhappy at any mention of trying to garner the giants' attention, but waiting for them to act was clearly not working. Between industrialization and war, the League was dropping the ball. What she knew was that she was obligated to see this through. It was her truth, and she had to be true to it, even her Sachem would disapprove. "I hope our Sachem comes around, but... slow to change, y'know." It was going to be lonely to stay away from home for so long.


recruitment act i |

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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 16:19:44 GMT
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Despite his answer, he made the secret identity stuff sound easy. Clover imagined him with a different hair cut immediately, nodding thoughtfully as he finished listing methods. "I think you could pull of a shaved head." Real close to the scalp, looking sharp. She could see it clear as day. [break][break]

"Rocks are cool. I found Archen in some. Actually, I also found Scatterbug in some rocks, but she wasn't doing so hot." Scatterbug had been injured and left to rot, which made her an easy choice to rescue. They flinched as the lights went off and looked around for a cause. Howard's Claydol illuminated the way for them. [break][break]

"Crumble? That's cute." They didn't say more in case it was unbecoming behavior in front of an admin. Instead, they considered the interior of the power station as they walked through it, though the electrical current running through a nearby wire started to make Howard's hair stand on end. He reached out a hand and flattened it before reason overcame instinct. "Tryin' to help," he said sheepishly. [break][break]

He turned towards Howard again. "So, what convinced you to come out here with me?" He knew these areas were dangerous, and it wasn't like Clover had built a reputation as a heavy hitter or anything in their short stay with Rocket.


14 tend to another's injuries or staticky hair.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
in for a penny [m]
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 15:18:51 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

Clover turns with bright eyes to see a man of similar skin tone with features that remind her of home. "Clover," she finished for him, grinning until she realizes what's stopped him. He had caught sight of her tattoo. And, as her eyes drop to his biceps (did this guy live at the gym?), she notices one that's unmistakably of the same style. "Hoyeon? She laughs warmly. "Hey, that's awesome." She reaches out for a handshake, then changes her mind at the last minute and comes in for a hug -- all before realizing that that was probably not the move for interacting with a Rocket superior. [break][break]

"Sorry-" they start, "force of habit." Their family in particular were big on physical affection, and Clover had definitely noticed the lack of hands messing up their hair at all hours of the day. She hadn't seen many folks outside of her home that were like her, though she supposed with his Milotic tattoo that he was not quite like her... but she could forgive him for misinterpreting the story of creation. For now.


recruitment act i |

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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 15:11:37 GMT
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Clover successfully fights a smile at the crestfallen expression on Hitoshi's face. They weren't sadistic or anything, but she could find humor in such a burden. Her parents liked to make her climb the tall, tall trees when the kids got balls stuck up there because she wasn't afraid of heights. But it calloused her hands like crazy and sometimes even left sap all over her clothes. [break][break]

"The burden of talent," they echoed sympathetically. At least the two of them were successful in the placement of cameras, and Clover even managed to avoid tangling the cords to the point of destruction, which was a huge win. The two of them get to test the camera placements by viewing it on the security hub screens. It doesn't take long for something to catch her eye, though. "What's that?" Movement on the camera, gone as soon as it appeared.


project tower | investigate

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 15:01:12 GMT
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He grinned at Hitoshi. "Nice, so we'll have a fighting chance." He was only teasing, but he looked forward to seeing the legendary beast. It wasn't a creature they were very familiar with, but if legendary pokemon acted out the will of Earth Mother, it was important to see what they did. [break][break]

Wo-Chien was smaller than they'd thought it'd be. But they also hadn't expected poison gas, so maybe expectations weren't doing him any favors. He sent Archen after the creature, flying above the gas and dropping down to use u-turn, swapping with Oricorio on the field. The quick transition of their pokemon was intended to keep the beast from predicting their moves. If there was space on the field to launch the attack without striking Hitoshi's pokemon, Oricorio would follow up with hurricane to tie up the poisonous gas and blow Wo-Chien away.


project tower | attack

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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 24, 2024 14:54:46 GMT
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Kyogre had a lot of power to rock the boats, as it were. They weren't sure what it would take to incite the beast to act. Apparently, it had been upset and erratic for quite some time. Surely, the rising conflict was going to push it over the edge, but... it hadn't happened yet. Maybe it wouldn't. It was hard to understand the will of such creatures. [break][break]

"Training," she echoed thoughtfully. "I've been in the same boat. I think I need more practice with battling, though. I don't really do that a lot." His family wasn't filled with trainers. In fact, his closest family members didn't even capture pokemon. There were a few regulars that hung around their home, but those pokemon were never caught with a pokeball and technically were wild. [break][break]

He turned his attention to der Rotom. "And where did you find this one? It looks different from anything I've seen." They weren't sure how to feel about pokemon that looked so unnatural. Were they intentionally created that way? They turned their attention towards the waves to see Archen assaulting a Panpour with dragon claw. "Does it shock you to touch it?"


dw | water/fairy | catching panpour[break]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
red bonds [m]
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 22:47:04 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

He was quite decorated. [break][break]

Oricorio tentatively left her and Archen to flutter to the Pyroar's feet. She was braver than Clover would've been after being inches from death. "Well," she started, "I've been looking for more pokemon. Things are getting a little, uh, shaky out here." Clover shared a look with his Archen.[break][break]

"Oh, uh, I'm Clover. Matamata." It was a common enough surname among the Hoyeon people, but no one in Fallarbor had really broken into the public eye lately. She was going to, but not in the way her parents had intended. The need for divine attention was something they couldn't meet while working for the League. [break][break]

"What brings you out here? Just walking them?"


bond bridge | oricorio x litleo

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
Lightning-Struck Tower: Clover & Hitoshi
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:41:55 GMT
clover matamata Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 05

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]beast: combat training day


"You've made the correct choice." [break][break]

The cold voice of Kanto's Black Hand greets you as you and others split off towards his direction. There's something grave yet unsettling in his tone, sending a shiver down your spine. You try to reassure yourself that it's unrelated to the black crystals running up and down his arms. [break][break]

Surely, General Harcourt wouldn't harm one of his own, would he? [break][break]

"Do as I say, and I will forge you into a weapon worthy of Rocket," he states, almost as if he can read your mind. [break][break]

You can't help but wonder — [break][break]

What happens if you defy him? [break][break]

As the other grunts disperse into smaller groups, you face the choice: stay with God General Harcourt or join the others training under Rocket's own Charlatan.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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clover matamata
Lightning-Struck Tower: Clover & Hitoshi
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:41:39 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

They turned to the voice speaking to them with bright eyes. This is the kind of scenario that should cause anxiety, but they know they're on the right path, and they are unshaken by the admittedly terrifying conditions of facing off with someone titled God General. "Thanks for the recommendation!" Their voice is a pleasant chime in a grim atmosphere, but they become aware of it and adjust to a more stoic disposition. "Nothing like learning from the best, yeah?"[break][break]

They are excited to learn. She is not excited to witness Necrozma, who feels like the most unnatural deity - or just very strong pokemon; she isn't sure her Hoyeon family members have clearly defined the so-called legendary pokemon that fit outside of their creation stories. "Are you coming along, too?" She eyes the SPECTRA denotation but doesn't ask, yet. They get the impression that too many questions is a bad thing.


project tower | zev

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clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:36:40 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

The tera cave begged for photos. When he found an opportunity for a shot that caught no one in it, they snapped a quick photo. Nature photography looked like a better and better career with each expedition they found themselves in, but they suspected these were photos that would never see the light of day. Still, the tera crystals were absolutely stunning. [break][break]

He turned to Hitoshi as their two tasks were laid in front of them. They could join the team doing security or the one doing reinforcements. Since they were paired and he had chosen their Wo-Chien training session, they lent the choice to Hitoshi. "What's your preference?"


project tower | following your choice!

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march 11
5'6 height
5'6 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
197 posts
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TAG WITH @clover
clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:32:38 GMT
clover matamata Avatar
[attr="class","ptower-top"]project tower scenario 06

[attr="class","ptower-mid"]tera tunnel defense


In preparation for the upcoming war, you and your team have been entrusted with the crucial task of fortifying Rocket’s defense—a complex network of tera tunnels interwoven with bunkers seized from Project Lockbox during Meteno. You must fortify the walls using steel beams and metals provided by Rocket’s own blacksmith, ; or instead choose to install security cameras in the walls as determined by Rocket's intel team and Admin Bee (). [break][break]

What should you focus on?



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played by


march 11
5'6 height
5'6 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
197 posts
part of
TAG WITH @clover
clover matamata
POSTED ON Jul 23, 2024 16:31:30 GMT
clover matamata Avatar

They picked a hell of a time to commit to Rocket. It had, of course, been intentional. War promised catastrophe, and mass environmental destruction was the most likely path to summoning nature's giants, the protectors she was certain were necessary to save her ancestral home. The choice before her about two deities to fight was one that filled her with a sickly excitement. These were either servants of the Earth Mother or strong pokemon elevated to god status because of their strength. [break][break]

In either circumstance, fighting them was a test of her strength and loyalty. [break][break]

Paired with Hitoshi, she looked to him to assess how he was feeling about things. "Most of my pokemon fly, so it might be disadvantageous to fight a stronger flier. I think Wo-Chien might make for a better opponent." Not that ice attacks promised any kind of success against her team, but she hoped their collective agility would help.


project tower | wo-chien

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