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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
to live with your ghost | dw
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 2:46:40 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

        "Perfect, a new pet," she mused. She hadn't expected to capture it so easily, but life was full of surprises. She followed alongside Abby, doing her best to ignore the foul stench of waste. Thankfully, she wasn’t in her designer clothes—otherwise, this little venture would have been much more frustrating. She didn’t notice the large pile of trash—the Garbodor—until the light caught it and her masked friend took an interest. Yuck, not her style, but the nearby Meowscarada was. Their eyes met for a moment, making her grin. “Smyrna, be a good little dragon and get the kitty.”[break][break]

Her Dragonite snarled, giving her a dark look—Smyrna was nothing if not prideful. But the challenge seemed more appealing than disobeying her human. Lucky for her. The dragon lunged with Extreme Speed, but the feline was ready, claws honed with a wicked Night Slash. Smyrna hissed in pain, a mistake that cost the Meowscarada dearly. The Dragonite retaliated with a Hyper Beam, blasting the cat into the rocks.[break][break]

“I said get the kitty, not kill it,” she sighed.[break][break]

The dragon merely rolled her eyes, as if to say she knew her own strength, unlike some people. Both watched as the Meowscarada staggered slightly, eyes growing fierce. The power of Overgrow coursed through it—enough to do serious damage—if not for Smyrna pummeling it into the ground with Extreme Speed once more. Now the thing lay unconscious.[break][break]

“Well then,” she muttered.[break][break]

She masked her slight nervousness, tossing out another Pokéball. The cat would suffer for this later on. Every after went down she keep a smile looking at Addy, "Lucky for you, I don’t mind getting a little messy."[break][break]


         • Bingo: Surprise [break] attempt to catch Meowscarada [break]





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2024 0:51:02 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
Eve wondered how her little Buneary would react to more of its kind. She thought back to how the little rabbit used to run around and play with others, though some were more cautious of her presence than others. She knew the Lopunny, in particular, would give her serious, dark looks, but she paid them no mind.

After all, she had her Dragonite if things got too interesting. As Eve relaxed, the rabbits began to calm down as well. One even dared to come closer, which made her smile. This should be a piece of cake. She waited, a Pokéball hidden in her sleeve, ready for any that tempted fate. Only time would tell if one would.
Bingo: Cake
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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
to live with your ghost | dw
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2024 0:43:27 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

         "Oh, I bet you would be," Evelyn remarked, knowing Addy would never turn down a chance to learn something new—so long as it was profitable, of course. "Pests, maybe, but definitely new research material! At least from what the reports say. They don’t seem to have a lick of Infinity Energy. It's something fascinating, like discovering plates. A coincidence, I think not."


She barely glanced at the Pokémon, dismissing the bird with a passing thought—more suited for dinner in her opinion. But there was something grim behind the dog’s eyes that caught her attention. Alright, then. She was busy, and time was of the essence. Without hesitation, she summoned her Dragonite to deal with the mutt swiftly. The dragon let out a powerful cry, almost cheering itself on, before unleashing Extreme Speed. In seconds, the dog was down.


"Good," Evelyn muttered, tossing a Pokéball gleefully in her hand. This should be a quickly and easy capture. However, her companion’s next words caught her off guard.

Or maybe it wasn’t the words but the nauseating stench of Dragon Pipe. Disgusting. She nearly gagged, but finding more Pokémon was a necessary evil. She just didn’t need Little Miss Poison taunting her about it. Evelyn’s eyes gleamed with sharp amusement as she tilted her head slightly, a smirk curling at her lips."Well, darling, someone’s got to keep the filth from rubbing off on you."




         • Attempt to capture Mabosstiff and bing0 - capture [break]





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
part of
TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
processed shop
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2024 6:01:23 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar


welcome to the poké mart!

None This Time!


be sure to visit the pretty petal flower shop near rustboro!

19X Tamato Berries - 38 Pokéballs
38X Grepa Berries - 380 Pokédollars (RIP the grepa that got destroy you will be missed) - Destroy berry slot is getting replace by a honey gather combee  from eve as of today

Dates - Spoilering so I don't take too much room last harvest was December 25 by 

January 8, 2024
January 22, 2024
February 5, 2024
February 19, 2024
March 4, 2024
March 18, 2024
April 1, 2024
April 15, 2024
April 29, 2024
May 13, 2024
May 27, 2024
June 10, 2024
June 24, 2024
July 8, 2024
July 22, 2024
August 5, 2024
August 19, 2024
September 2, 2024
September 16, 2024


do come again!

0 PD
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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
Evelyn's PC
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2024 0:08:43 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar

Trade/Wild Info

Iced Iced Tea - Gained Clamperl
Bird for Weasel - Gained Hisuian Sneasel
A Fish for A leafy Fox - Gained Leafeon
A Poison King For A Little Bunny - Trade Gacha Slowking(G) for Gacha Buneary
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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
The Border - RE
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 23:44:23 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

Evelyn took a few deep, measured breaths, steadying herself. She had seen strange things before—some even remarkable—but this? This was on a whole different level, even for her. The sight was unsettling, and for a moment, she debated running. Her Gastly hovered close, the only real comfort she allowed herself. But fear? She wouldn’t let it define her.[break][break]

Running or fighting—the choices were beneath her, but they were all she had. This is what happens when you dabble with forces beyond your control, she mused bitterly.[break][break]

“Then we will fight,” she whispered, eyes narrowing as she fixed her gaze on the sprite. She wouldn't be bested by some supernatural creature. Her Gastly launched a Shadow Ball, but the sprite barely reacted. What kind of anomaly was this?.[break][break]

What should’ve worked didn’t, and the realization hit her hard. The sprite lunged, and Evelyn’s stomach dropped. No—this wasn’t supposed to happen.[break][break]

I’ve made a mistake.[break][break]

Suddenly, her body felt like it was on fire, the searing pain too much to comprehend. For the first time, she felt powerless. Her pride screamed at her to fight back, to hold on, but her body betrayed her, and she collapsed to her knees, trembling.[break][break]

It wasn’t supposed to end like this.[break][break]



         • become possessed by a spirit attempting to return to life.[break] Bingo: anomaly





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
to live with your ghost | dw
POSTED ON Sept 14, 2024 22:02:45 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

         This was fun. Team Rocket had become quite the breeding ground for conspiracy and drama, and she thrived in it. She had learned more than she ever expected, made some key connections, and of course, looked flawless doing it. Though she’d never admit it aloud, she owed Addy for this opportunity. Still, it was getting harder to hide the truth ( the child she wished to protect) she so carefully guarded, but the money was flowing just as fast as the research topics.


Evelyn strolled confidently, her posture effortlessly graceful, a stark contrast to her brooding, masked companion. This gave her a perfect excuse to show off her expertly trained Pokémon—not that anyone else could handle them as well as she could. “ That's good. I've heard so many rumors about weird territorial creatures running amok. I just hope we don’t run into them and waste our time.”



         • bingo: protect





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2024 17:21:08 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
Space-time distortions. She had read about them but never thought she’d experience one up close and personal. From the outside, they seemed like elegant domes, but as she approached, it was clear they were anything but. According to the records, they had never appeared like this before, which meant things were spiraling out of control. The distortion was unstable.

The Pokémon nearby grew more hostile by the second. It was dangerous, even though every part of her wanted to explore the anomaly. But survival came first. She had to fight. "Hyper Beam! Don’t give an inch!" she commanded. Her Dragonite unleashed a powerful blast, turning a Sneasler into ashes. Opehina and Belladonna soon joined the fray, working together to push back the swarming Pokémon. Oddly enough, each Pokémon seemed to learn new skills during the battle. How strange.

The glitches in the distortion intensified, forcing her to her knees. The pressure was overwhelming. She knew it was time to leave not before grabbing an odd look shard as she left.
Learn two event moves
- Belladonna used Glitzy Glow forgets Quick Attack
-Ophelia learns Baddy Bad and forgets growl
Eve picked up a red shard
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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
knit our bones together | m
POSTED ON Sept 12, 2024 22:43:36 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

         Evelyn smiled, both inwardly and outwardly. It didn’t matter what name Absinthe went by—Addy would always be her, unchanged in Evelyn’s eyes. Though she would never admit it, she wanted to be closer to her. Joining Team Rocket... well, that required careful thought. Evelyn wasn’t the type to rush into anything, even though loneliness gnawed at her. She couldn’t ignore the two powerful factions in the region, always vying for control. Picking a side was inevitable, but once you did, there was almost no going back—especially with Team Rocket.


They were ruthless. They knew how to twist people to do their bidding, and betrayal was second nature to them. But Evelyn couldn’t deny the appeal. They had resources—more than the League could offer—and she needed those resources to track down her prey. Yes, they really were quite the wildcard in her plans. As long as she kept her daughter hidden, she wouldn’t have to worry. No one would ever know, except for Addy. And Evelyn trusted Addy with that secret; it was safe in her hands.


"Alright, after thinking it over." she said with a casual air, though her heart raced. "I’ll join Team Rocket. I’ll need a few days to sort out some things, but you can count me in."



         • Bingo: Wildcard





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



[newclass=".snakeeyes"]--accent: #b374c9!important; --headercolor: #b374c9!important; [/newclas]
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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
A Poison King for A Little Bunny [Trade]
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 4:08:51 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
Gacha Galarian Slowking to for Gacha Buneary from
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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
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TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
The Border - RE
POSTED ON Sept 8, 2024 2:16:19 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

       Robin Coello? Evelyn made a mental note to look her up in the records later. For now, playing it kind was the best choice. "Evelyn, though some prefer to call me Eve," she said with a slight smirk, "and this is my Gastly, Arsenia." On cue, the Gastly winked at the ranger but hovered close to her trainer. Arsenia didn’t quite grasp the situation, but she seemed to trust Evelyn’s judgment—something most people failed to appreciate.


Yet, beneath her curiosity about the ranger, Evelyn felt a growing sense of unease. The way Robin spoke—detached and strange, almost as if she weren’t human—unsettled her. What was she hiding? Why did she make Evelyn feel so small? "That’s... understandable," Evelyn said, forcing a smile. "It’s my first time at the border, and it's both interesting and a bit eerie."


As she boarded the ferryman's boat with Robin, Evelyn's eyes fell on the river. Her reflection wavered in the water—sometimes it was her, other times it was something twisted, something less perfect, like the shadows of her own fears. Spirits flickered in the corners of her vision, taunting her with things she couldn’t quite make out. By the time they reached the other side, a shift had occurred.


Hatred, fear, envy, and an overwhelming grudge welled up inside her, clashing in a storm she could no longer contain. The moment her feet touched the ground it only seems to get worse. "What's happening?" Her voice cracked, more with indignation than fear. The world felt like it was shrinking, tightening around her—an intolerable affront. "Something is out there!" She felt exposed, powerless, a sensation she hated above all else. Something was wrong, and she loathed the feeling of not being in control.




         • experience immense grudgefulness, fear, envy, or hatred.[break]





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
part of
TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
knit our bones together | m
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 23:09:26 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

         Anger was as natural a feeling as pain and envy. Evelyn didn't envy Absinthe—at least those she had lost were dead. The ones she craved retribution from were still hiding in the shadows, while she waited for her moment to strike. She let out a deep sigh and placed her glass down. "Surviving? Maybe. But accepting your fate? That’s just another way of letting your demons win. You say you’ve lost everything, but you haven't you lost me? Time was never on our side. It almost never is, but I refuse to sit idle" Her Pride would never allow it.


"Yes, quite the reunion, but at least we have each other, as misery loves company." Evelyn, despite the many years apart, would be the one to stand and console her friend. Whatever was going through her emotions, it felt good—or maybe it was just the brandy talking.

She pondered what Absinthe might be thinking, but she already had some ideas. Absinthe no doubt had contacts to keep her business hidden, but Evelyn hadn’t been so lucky. "Absinthe, let's not be vague. Just say what you mean."


         • bingo: Pride





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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played by


Eve, Snake Eyes
October 12
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
55 posts
part of
TAG WITH @evelyn
Evelyn Vespera
knit our bones together | m
POSTED ON Sept 7, 2024 4:29:34 GMT
Evelyn Vespera Avatar
[attr="class","rizzy snakeeyes"]

        "Oh, don’t flatter yourself! Honestly, with a cover name like Lady Taipan, I should’ve guessed it was you sooner." Evelyn snorted, staring down at her drink for what felt like an eternity. It was easy to get lost in the 'what-ifs' and 'what could have been,' but those thoughts only stirred up bitterness. Like a snake coiling tighter, she tensed, thinking of the family that was dead to her—and her ex, the deadbeat. Her judgment had been clouded by loathing and a thirst for revenge for too long.


"A lot has happened. Too much for one little story," s Her gaze fixed on the masked woman. Anger simmered just beneath the surface; this sudden reunion stirred things she’d rather keep buried. But she wouldn’t be anyone’s victim—not anymore. Her family, though… when she found them, they’d feel her venom. Her face darkened for a moment before she sighed, steadying herself. "Escape, you say? Funny how running seems easier than facing the mess you made. Escape is just denial—a way to delay the inevitable that will happen no what we do or try to stop it. Least from the shambles you left behind, you'll pick up the smallest pieces of what used to be you. You can learn, you can grow, and you can get revenge."


For a second, her mask slipped—the thought of her family cowering beneath her, like scared mice, was almost satisfying. And her ex… Evelyn sighed, knowing there was a special place in hell reserved for him. "I’ll tell you this," she said, her voice tinged with bitterness. "After college, I became a married woman with a promising career. Now? I’m a single mother, and my career’s the only thing keeping me afloat. There’s only so much you can take before it all drags you down."


She let absinthe fill in the gaps, "I don’t know if ‘shitty’ is the right word," she added, "but it’s far from what I expected my life to be."




         • Bingo judgment





[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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