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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2023 7:31:08 GMT
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A masked rider is probably a common sight on the roads around here. A kamen rider was a whole different story. They were heroes of justice that protect the people. These Lokix were not those kind, at least not yet while they were still running free and harassing people and Kazimir was here to stop that. "Alright you bozos! I've got something you can kick against, my own kick!" As he pulled on the reigns of his Cyclizar and jumped off its back to dive kick right down into the swarm of them while tossing a ball to try and catch one of them for himself.


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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 22:42:26 GMT
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"Wait you can use flowers for these kind of drinks?" It was really sinking in that he was not an expert at these kind of things. Not even his Alcremie could provide an answer as it rushed towards the pile of flowers they could use and searched through each one for any that caught its eye. As for Kaz he got to work looking through his phone to see what kind of floral based teas he could make. Notably one that was pretty easy to make considering they were on the clock and had zero experience making them.

"Uh...this one! Buttermilk! Get some roses! And let's put a twist on those ball things." The Alcremie handed her trainer a few roses that Kaz picked out of her hand with a groan as he felt the thorns prick his fingers as he got to work prepping them. Looking up he smiled at the cameras as his knife chopped away, "Everyone knows a rose has its thorns and that's what we're going for right now! Roses might be the most common pick but we love them all the same right? They come in all kinds of colors, mean something special for people, all that jazz!"

Buttermilk got to work pouring some lime flavored pearls into the cup and mixing in some sweet syrup and milk tea as Kaz brought his own ingredient and mixed it in giving it a bit of a red coloring as the two of them carefully mixed everything together before presenting it. "here ya go, as a twist on a cherry lime drink we give ya a rose lime drink! With some rose flavored milk tea and a bit of lime pearls to give it a nice sweet yet sour taste. Real prickly flavor am I right folks?"

r1: 73 + 93 = 166!
bubble tea brewing

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 21:42:17 GMT
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The Lokix and Iron Bundle clashed in the air, the fiery spirit of justice vs the ice cold reality of steel. Who would win?! Neither it seemed as the two of them were evenly matched and their clash sent them flying backwards to their respective corners. As the heroic bug landed on Kazimir's shoulders the now pretty much naked by Proboards standard man jabbed a finger towards the robotic penguin.

"Alright tin can this is it! You're gonna get scrapped when we're through with you. Ain't that right fellas?" He talks back to and @aiden trying to hype them up for the assault he was going to bring. Without even waiting for their response he was already dashing off, his tighty whiteys being the only thing keeping him visible and warm in the mall as he went for a dive.

His move was to tackle the Iron Bundle to hold it down...only he jumped a bit too soon and felt himself sliding along the floor towards the robot, the skin on his stomach burning as he skidded along the floor.

His Lokix was lucky to use his Trainer's mistake to turn it into opportunity as it jumped off as soon as Kaz fell and aiming a lunge at it should his trainer get a case of floor burn on his chest and stomach.

- rallies the troops!
- attempts to tackle iron bundle!
- trips up early and is skidding towards it on the floor
- lokix decides to try and lunge at it as well.

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Kazimir Wynter
paparazzi parade [c]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 11:31:39 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Sootopolis was like a castle. No a fortress. Well guarded and well fortified. Lots of natural blockades out in the front to prevent people from waltzing in over its borders, lots of Rocket crawling around the inside to keep the "peace" of the civilians. It felt like something that the League could never touch.

Until today.

Though to say that it was a League operation was overselling it a little bit. No it was just the crazy idea cooked up by someone who had ties with them and figured it was a good way to help them even in a small way.

That still didn't mean he wouldn't be recognized even if his official stint with them was short lived, his name was still on some roster somewhere. So Kaz walked along the streets wearing a fake mustache and beard to give him a more "older" appearance as he walked around taking pictures of the scenery and people around town. Who knew posing as a tourist was so easy?

As he took pictures of the scenery and people alike he came to one street and was getting an angle of some houses when he spotted...a familiar sight. One he hadn't seen in quite some time but just staring at them brought back memories of them. So he simply had to ask as he slowly approached, "Chui?"

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Kazimir Wynter
when a tree falls [s]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 8:58:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As Kaz and Domon stand a few feet away from one another they both prepare to charge at the other once again until a Dragonite suddenly stops them by dropping right in the middle of their bout. From its back drops a man about Kaz's age and already he can tell that this guy has done some bulking just by looking at him. Though...he's kinda short. It was almost kinda cute.

"You mean them and Domon? Yeah, even if we're not on the ol' E-4 team anymore doesn't mean we can slouch around. Regions still got plenty of problems that some good ol' muscle can fix." With his response to the compliment the ginger giant also raised and arm to flex his bicep, letting them bulge as his Urshifu and the rest of his Pokemon mirrored their trainer. "We did come out here to train without disturbing people but uh..."

He did have to wonder why this guy and his dragon suddenly dropped on by, "What brings ya out here? You live 'round these parts?" Shit did he knock down this guys Secret Base in a tree or something?

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Kazimir Wynter
red riot [flashback][m]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 7:59:30 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Before a proper brawl could break out everyone was separated from one another and set aside to the arena to continue their little battle royal. Young men ready to prove themselves looked at each other with hungry eyes, their Pokemon sharing the same look. They were all craving it, the thrill of battle. Well all but one who looked to be the outlier of the whole bunch even as they stood in front of Kazimir and his Riolu.

"Dude you even awake to come out here?!" The young red head tilted his head with a grin as he sized the other boy up. Even if he didn't look in the best of shape he still shouldn't underestimate him. So far this little shindig was too much fun for that. "Cause ya better be alert or we'll take ya out quick, right Skywalker?!"

The Riolu lets out a bark as it charges at the Eevee with a raised fist. Or so it seemed as the fist opened up into a metal claw to swipe down on the little fox with all of its might its small body could muster even if the brown furball's growling did grate on the ears.

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Kazimir Wynter
night life fever [c]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 7:48:52 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Mmmm, sure why not. Send them my way." What's the worse that could happen if he gets a bit more enlightened right?

Upon the mention of getting strong and Legendaries offering help to people who don't need it Kaz returned the smile before it broke into chuckling. "That's true I guess. Our top champ has like, what four or five of them under his belt?" was what some might call a walking time bomb if he ever decided to get serious to bust out all the stops with them. That'll be the day. Though it does give him an idea.

"Oh don't worry 'bout me getting strong. In fact I think the perfect way to do that become champ!" He stands up tall, pointing to the sky, "And not just champion! But Top Champion! By then I'll be plenty strong that I won't even need an Legendary to even help me. Hell I'll probably be on equal terms with them, or something like that." His grin back at Doug is nothing short of playful, yet the cocky confidence still gleams through.


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Kazimir Wynter
SEA: kaz & amor
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 6:13:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Cost him it did as the Gallade was thrown out in place of the fallen Swampert. The light of Mega Evolution followed after and finally a single strike from it sent Kusanagi flying back over Kazimir's head as he watched his Pokemon float among the waves not even moving. The slight rise of his chest as he lay belly up put some ease on the hero as he recalled the samurai back home. At least he didn't lose another one.

"Jolly Roger! Your up!" His back was against the wall now. Best bet he had was to pin it all on his remaining two Pokemon. Dolphman was new to the team but he had spirit, something that could come in hand and turn the tide. Jolly Roger? He was a near staple of Kaz's usual team. An all rounder with some solid bulk to him, if anyone could take a few hits even from a Mega it was gonna be him.

"Blast away with Flash Cannon!" As he slammed the ball into the water below him the Blastoise rose up with Pokkenger riding atop his shell as twin cannons popped out and aimed at the Mega Gallade. Two white streams of a flash cannon quickly erupted to strike against the knightly foe as the turtle let out his war cry.


- samurott faints!
- sends out blastoise!
- blastoise uses flash cannon!

MP: 20 [post]
MP Total: 470

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
newtype // e4
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 4:54:44 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar


His hand slaps into Greysons as he shakes it with a firm grip. At the same time he gives the man a smile brimming with confidence. He understood exactly what he was telling him, it was stuff that he knew already for a long while. But it was still good to get a reminder.

"Fighting for the people is what I've been doing for a while Grey. So to me it just sounds more of the same. So don't worry 'bout me man. You can trust me to always fight the good fight. Both on the battlefield and off."


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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
SKY: Kaz vs Hitoshi [rt]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2023 4:45:17 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the empty plane was set to sink into the ocean below Kaz climbed to the tip of his Ultra Beast and scanned the waters. Not a single soul in sight. Not even a scrap of clothing or blood in the water, hell anything, that could point him in the direction where that Rocket went. "Man, those guys sure now how to make a getaway."

Sliding down Stella's neck he hunkered down in her collar and patted her, giving the signal to take off. Unbeknownst to them that Rocket grunt was somewhere on solid ground, lamenting over a Pokemon that gave their life for them.

A shared experience neither of them will share with one another. "What a weird guy. Gotta admire his dedication though."

mp: 410 [post + rt battle + battle win]
mp total: 590

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
waking the king [m]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 10:46:56 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the dinosaur's foot falls it stops in mid-air and the king's eyes go wide in shock. Tyramigo uses all of his strength to try and press his foot down onto the girl yet something fights back. An invisible force holds him from crushing her. Then the form of a ghost appears and the king just growls. How dare this little specter get in the way of his execution!

The king lifts his foot up slightly before pressing down again to try and crush both interlopers now. yet that never comes as his mind is overcome with a sense of drowsiness as the world around him started to get fuzzy. His foot slowly rose off of the Gengar as the dinosaur leaned backwards as he drifted off to sleep.

Then the sleepy reptile tilted forward and fell onto the ground with a thud and his head was falling towards Tsubaki. Before it hit her head however something, or someone, grabbed the head and lifted it up. " ok?" Kazimir had managed to recover from being flattened like a pancake and was now holding his sleeping t-rex's head, his biceps bulging as they did their best to hold up the large beast.

"Just...give me...give a sec to...there..." Slowly he moved the head away from both of them and shoved it to the side, letting it flop on the ground as it let out a soft snore. "Phew...can't believe that worked, never would have taken him to like a good lullaby. Thanks for that." He offers her a thumbs up.

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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
The Hunt for Blue October
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2023 7:58:09 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Oh you gotta be kidding me."

Did he really trade two old friends for two new...could he even call them rivals. Rivals sounded too kind for them. One of them tried to cut off his boys and the other he tried to convince to never return to the battlefield. Yeah Rivals sounded too kind for them.

"Y'know what. You guys really just-" The tumble weed came out and planted seeds around Celesteela as it let out a whine and aimed its arms at the Brambleghast and fired off a fire blast to roast this annoying weed. Kazimir then jumped off of the Ultra Beast to land on the ship's deck and just glare at the two before him. Taking an odd looking ball from his belt he threw it over his shoulder and out came a Naganadel who flew up to drench the tumble weed in a sludge wave to take it out of the picture.

"First off, I got a bone to pick with you girlie after last time. And you Mr. Mask, pretty sure I told you to never let me catch ya around doing Rocket stuff didn't I? I got a job to do here and you two are one of the last few people I want to deal with." He was almost growling those words out. Today was really just a day where he woke up on the wrong side of the bed and things just kept getting worse the longer the day went on.

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 16:32:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"What the?" He looked down at the remains of the Iron Bundle he was holding and saw that instead of machine parts it was stuffing. Suddenly he could feel that instead of cold steel body he was holding it was soft and squishy. Before he even had a chance to realize what he was holding he saw the real robotic penguin delivery boy appear and point its little water tank at everyone.

Then the chill came in the form of a blizzard.

The doll flew out of Kazimir's hands as well as the clothes off of his back save for his boxers as he stared at the blizzard. It wasn't until he felt a chill along his skin that he looked down and wrapped his arms around him to cover himself. Y'know, as much as he could cover his bulky frame with his large arms.

From his flying pants a Pokeball freed itself and out came his Lokix who took one look at the situation and knew what to do. "Kick kick kix!" He jumped up and prepared an axe kick right at the Iron Bundle to try and knock its container out of its hands.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 8:21:05 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

He had come to the mountain to offer some flowers to the grave of a friend. He also came to visit the non-existent grave of a Pokemon that he had only seldom met yet sadness grew in his heart whenever he thought of it. was some one who might not have had his heart for long but she'll never leave it. Solgaleo was forever a reminder of the bright sun that was a dear friend who vanished from his life after he failed to protect them.

Both memories made his heart heavy.

Staring at the swirling vortex did not. It actually seemed to steal some of his grief away the more he stared at it. In fact maybe if he just step inside...

"Wuh! Nah! Uh!" He pulled himself back as he realized what he was about to do as the toe of his shoe was about to step into the darkness. Maybe he wasn't in the best headspace to be around something like this. And yet... " Maybe...maybe you can deliver these personally for me yeah? Just...don't take me."

So he handed in what he was going to bring to the graves, a bouquet of flowers and a small lion-esque figurine, and watched as they sunk into the abyss.

[gacha teddiursa learns shadow sneak!]

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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 8:00:33 GMT
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"Hm..." Raikou, one of the legendary dogs. It was hard to not want to chase after them like he figured Josh would want to. But the fact that he was given options to try and do a good deed is...well this game knew him a bit too well. "Alright. Well let's play this like a proper Ranger." Besides there also was the mystery that was hidden right around here. They had to investigate.

[Put out the fire using a water Pokémon and examine the depression]


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing