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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Foray to the Fiery Path [Catch]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 21:05:09 GMT
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The ball clicked, and Josh smiled slightly as he picked it up. He would reach over to pat Inferno on the head. "You did great, Inferno. Get some rest" He spoke softly as he returned the Typhlosion to its Pokeball.

Josh couldn't help but be a little curious when he noticed the way that the other Trainer had caught the much more dangerous Larvesta. While it had been harmless at the time, he knew the species could be easy to send into a dangerous rampage. He had gotten used to battling in order to capture Pokemon, trying to just throw it tended to set them off and prompt a battle anyway. But... There was something amenable to the way that Orion had done it. Something that reminded him a lot of why he did this. And he couldn't help but smile, just a little.

"Weird coloration?" He inquired. "I think I've seen Houndoom like that before. Though it's apparently quite rare. I suppose I can see why she'd be a little guarded" He admitted. "Max loves everyone, and is a bit of a jumper. He... Forgets his size, sometimes."

He laughed a little bit at the remarks about Inferno's roar. "He's had plenty of practice" He remarked, an amused tone emitting at that. "My wife's Typhlosion and Inferno, mine, are siblings. So they've had a fair bit of rivalry, and... Like to roar. A lot."

It was there he noticed an interesting Pokemon, a Darumaka, hopping to and fro without a care in the world. It hadn't noticed them yet and while he was tempted... He remembered what Orion had done earlier. Curious as to if it would work, he would grab a Pokeball from his bag and quietly toss it at the Darumaka, hoping to hit it from behind when it wasn't looking.

Catching Darumaka

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Wobbly Day Out [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 20:56:04 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Wob was stubborn. Very stubborn. And didn't really know what "quit" was. So by the time the Beldum began to float toward the blue blob, it had already kicked its stubby feet about before bouncing itself upwards and back to its base. But Wob was very much about to attempt to make the attempt once more - unfettered by its past failures and seeming intent to climb up the slide if it was the last thing that it did - until the Beldum would catch up to it and bop it with its head.

This caught the Wynaut's attention, and Wob looked to it with a curious eye. "Wy?" The Wynaut inquired, tilting its head. "Wynaut?"

The Beldum didn't have long to express any point it planned to make. The scatterbrained Wynaut had about ten to fifteen seconds max before its attention would divert back to the slide.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Bank On It!
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 20:51:11 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Josh was already on it. Believe it or not, this wasn't his first rodeo with this sort of thing. Keeping calm, he motions toward Fawkes. The Charizard, seeming to already know what to do, begins to bat its wings as the wind from the rapid movement of the wings sends the smog back toward its users not seconds after the bandit offers their ultimatum.

Josh's partner had not been so lucky in his attempt. The bandit had used what looked to be a Fairy Type to stop its attack. Josh wasn't familiar with Alcremie, but he'd been able to gauge enough of its type from that display, or at least enough to make a guess. He'd also noticed the way the new Pokemon was reacting... But unfortunately, as much as he felt bad about it, he was going to have to knock it out.

"Air Slash, once more" He called to the Charizard.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2020 20:44:43 GMT
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The normally emotionless Swampert let out a cry in agony as while Protect was able to save Josh and Lightning, the Swampert itself was hurt. Josh let out a growl as he stepped back once from the remains of the rain, quickly recalling the Swampert back to its Pokeball for the time being. The Pokeball, hopefully, would lessen its pain. He would need to get it to a Pokemon Center as soon as this was over, but for the time being, to spare it, Swampert would be left out of the fray for the rest of this. The holes that had been made from it impacting the ground and other areas told him just how damaging it was.

There was that creature, and there was the bomb... Far too much going on at once, and he had to choose what to focus on. He had heard someone call to move the bomb, and he watched as the bomb sailed away, seeming to be heading as far away as possible from the group. The creature meanwhile, seemed to be heading for that wormhole that a whole bunch of people had been heading toward... Deciding to prioritize the bomb, Josh calls back Fawkes as he and Lightning hop onto its back. The Charizard lets out a road as it takes flight. "Wh-?" Josh grunted as the ground began to erupt under them. All he can do is hope that whatever is kicked up won't hit them.

Josh takes a deep breath as they careen toward the falling bomb. If they could manage to knock it toward the ocean without detonating it, then they might be able to have it explode harmlessly high in the air, out of range of any buildings.

"FAWKES, USE DRAGON CLAW!" Josh cried out from the top of his lungs, as a green aura would radiate from the Charizard's claws once they reached the bomb. So long as the bomb was sent sailing away and not exploding, Josh would call out to any trainers in the vicinity.



- Josh withdraws Swampert for the remainder of the Raid, to keep it from further pain and heal it at a Pokemon Center later. Raichu and Charizard remain.
- Josh brings out Charizard and hops on its back, unintentionally gaining some ground away from Nihilego's attack
- Charizard uses Dragon Claw to knock the bomb as far upwards toward the sea as possible, hoping that when it detonates, it will be away from buildings and civilians and explode harmlessly
- Josh calls to other trainers: "KEEP IT UP THERE, GET IT HIGH AS YOU CAN!"

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Wobbly Day Out [Mission]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 17:12:48 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

One thing about Wob was that the Pokemon just didn't know how to give up whatsoever. It slid back down the slide... And immediately tried to climb back up. This time, Wob went sliding down on its back, starting to spin around when it hit the ground, its tailspin going comically long before it finally came to a stop. "Wy..." The Wynaut would groan as it toddled around a bit as it got its bearings... And then immediately went for the slide again.

This time the Wynaut got a little higher. But that also meant the flight down was a lot faster, and the Wynaut's tailspin sent it crashing into the wall.

Wob is... Uhh...

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Too Much Water [Catch]
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 17:07:00 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

With the Poliwhirl dispatched and caught, Josh watched the Pokeball click before disappearing, indicating it had been sent to his PC. He'd have to think of some kind of creative nickname for it later, he immediately thought. Maybe something witty. Either way, once that was done with, Josh would sit back down and bait his hook again. The newcomer complimented his Raichu and he smiled slightly. "Thank you" He spoke softly as Lightning would return to curling up, this time resting on top of the Swampert. Dunamus didn't seem to mind. Or even move at that. Not even a shift, or a change in expression. It remained still, like a statue.

The newcomer brought out a Pokemon that Josh hadn't seen before, causing him to sit up and stare at it a moment. Even more surprising was that after the man answered its complaints with food, it changed its appearance entirely!

"I've never seen a Pokemon change appearance after being fed before."


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Give A Dog A Home
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 16:50:00 GMT
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Thank you!
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2020 16:37:56 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar


They had managed to hit the thing, and it even began to shrink in turn. A clear indicator they were damaging it. If they could hit it, if they could damage it... They could kill it. Josh and Fawkes had arrived just in time to see the Light Screen go down from a Scizor using Brick Break, and Josh goes in for the attack...

Then suddenly a ball strikes the creature, sucking it in before clicking. It was a Pokemon after all then? He wasn't so sure, what wild Pokemon was capable of that? While he was used to dealing with Pokemon lashing out... No wild Pokemon had ever, in his years, taken this much clear sadistic joy in dealing death. He didn't consider for even a moment going for the Poke Ball that had captured the thing. If the thing was dealt with, that was all that he cared about. He had no interest in seeing that thing again.

But the bomb on the lighthouse still needed to be dealt with.

"Oi!" Josh called out toward any Trainers nearby. "If nobody has any ideas for disarming that bomb, we should do all we can to negate the explosion!"

But before Josh could do much to put that plan into effect, something would suddenly shoot into the sky. Some kind of... He didn't know how to describe it. It was like a monster met man. Was it another Pokemon? No... Something about it seemed off. Something even more monstrous than the thing from earlier. Whatever it was though, it launched an attack that came down on all of them. Some kind of acid rain. Those around him began to take strides against it, with one Trainer using Sunny Day to improve their vision. This allowed him to spot a Trainer's Dogedemaru using Zing Zap, seeming to be trying to evaporate the acid rainfall. Now, if he recalled right about Togedemaru...

Seeing an opportunity, Josh pointed toward it. "Lightning, use Thunderbolt on Togedemaru!" Josh called to Lightning. Perhaps the Raichu would have hesitated a long time ago, but Lightning had learned to trust his Trainer, even if a command seemed ridiculous. "Rai... CHUUUU!" It cried out as it launched a Thunderbolt at Togedemaru. The attack arced through the air, adding more electricity for Togedemaru to work with before striking the Pokemon. It did no damage, instead the electricity was absorbed into its body thanks to the Togedemaru's Lightning Rod ability, just as Josh had predicted.

He wanted to do more, but for now he needed to focus on protecting his Pokemon and himself if they were to continue working at this. Ordering for Fawkes to land below, he would recall the Charizard back to its Pokeball before bringing Dunamus back out. "Protect!" He called to Dunamus, who would use Protect to shield itself as well as Josh and Lightning from the acid rain, with the bunch hoping to weather the storm before continuing their assault.


- Josh decides to ignore the Beast Ball, not wanting to see the creature again anytime soon
- Josh calls to other nearby Trainers: "If nobody has any ideas for disarming that bomb, we should do all we can to negate the explosion!"
- Raichu uses Thunderbolt on @nicole's Togedemaru - adds more electricity for it to use for evaporating the rain and activates Lightning Rod to buff it.
- Josh lands, recalls Charizard, sends out Swampert
- Swampert uses Protect, shields itself, Josh and Raichu from acid rain

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
processed shop
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2020 20:30:54 GMT
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Purchasing two Tamato Berries for 20 Poke
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Josh's Garden
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2020 20:19:20 GMT
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- Harvested 3 Colbur Berries on June 4th, and planted 3 new ones (July 3rd, Overgrow).
- Harvested 3 Colbur Berries on July 24th, and planted 3 new ones (August 14, Overgrow).
- Harvested 3 Colbur Berries on November 14th (Oof), and planted 3 new ones (December 12th, Overgrow)
- Harvested 3 Colbur Berries on December 19th (A bit less late this time) and planted 3 new ones (January 16th, Overgrow)
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Foray to the Fiery Path [Catch]
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 18:14:26 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar


Josh would be surprised when a Rockruff would come charging their way, almost barreling into Lightning. He smiled softly as he leaned down to scratch the puppy's chin, while Lightning had panicked and dove out of the way of the puppy Pokemon's charge. Josh chuckled a bit before he saw what he assumed to be the Rockruff's Trainer heading his way.

"It's no problem at all" He promised when the Rockruff's Trainer apologized. "My Houndoom is the same way, to be honest with you. Just does what he wants and barrels into who he wants" He admitted with a small laugh. "Josh Dragomir. And this..." He trailed off as the Raichu would toddle back to them. "Is Lightning."

Lightning's ears perked up though, and Josh straightened a bit as he looked to Lightning, nodding his head as he looked to Orion. "Hold that thought" He spoke politely as he tapped the button on one of his Pokeballs.


A Typhlosion would appear from the Pokeball just in time to use Swift and intercept a Nidorino's attempt at a Poison Jab.

"Good hearing, Lightning" Josh praised the Raichu with a small smile as he turned to the wild Pokemon. Wild Pokemon seemed to be constantly territorial, he noted, but he supposed it made for good battling practice. "Inferno, Lava Plume!" Josh called to the Typhlosion as they turned around just as the Nidorino would charge them once more. Using the flames on its back, the Typhlosion unleashed a stream of molten rock shaped flames that careened into the Nidorino mid-charge, stunning it. Taking the initiative, Josh would pull out a Pokeball and toss it toward the Pokemon, hoping to catch it while it was still groggy.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
processed shop
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 16:42:34 GMT
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- Type 2 and Type 3 Evo in order to evolve Cyndaquil into Quilava and then into Typhlosion (-50 as part of event price)

- Psyduck Pail (-200)
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Bank On It!
POSTED ON Jan 21, 2020 16:33:41 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

The blonde haired Trainer smiled softly at his guard accomplice's reaction to seeing his Raichu. He would shake the man's hand, but their conversation would be abruptly cut short by an intrusion. It seemed that his new accomplice had spoken a little too soon about hoping nothing bad would happen. Bad things always seemed to happen in situations like these. Lightning's ears perking up was something Josh noticed while Alec was talking. "Raichu rai!" Lightning cried out in a panic, and Josh immediately ducked down, covering his head. He didn't know what it was that Lightning was warning him about, but he trusted the Raichu's judgement.

The gamble paid off, as Josh was able to avoid the effects of Dazzling Gleam. He didn't hesitate to grab a Pokeball when a man would barge in with an Alcremie and an Emboar. "No shit" He grumbled when the man claimed they were being robbed, quickly sending out his Charizard.

The large Charizard let out a roar that probably didn't help the situation of the people scrambling about. Josh got to his feet in time to see his new accomplice attacking using a Shelgon.

"Fawkes, use Air Slash!"
Josh called to Fawkes as the Charizard would follow suit and launch a series of razor sharp projectiles flying toward the giant pig.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
Fire squirrel
POSTED ON Jan 20, 2020 23:14:34 GMT
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Accepted, thank you!
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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Josh Dragomir
bulbasaur stew [m]
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2020 21:35:49 GMT
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Rumors had begun to surface that an illness was starting to sweep through parts of Hoenn, presently incurable. When Josh heard about it, his first thoughts went to his children, who were still young and very much vulnerable to this kind of thing. Easily so. It didn't take much for him to decide to head out and pursue the additional rumors of a cure. It was an old legend, really, nothing to take at face value, but... It was worth looking into, no matter the risk.

To his surprise, another was searching for this "miracle cure". Someone who had been afflicted by the illness himself, to his surprise. Josh happily agreed to help, though he was concerned that the young man that accompanied him might collapse before they find something. Walking through the woods wasn't the best idea while you were sick, after all.

"I have kids" He admitted as he looked to the young man. "Can't let it spread."

He hadn't really given much to introductions or motivations until now, so the best he could do he thought was give some insight into his own motivations. Something to comfort the sick young man into confidence that he would be doing his absolute best to find this cure. "Try not to talk too much unless it's important. Save your strength" Josh advised gently when the man spoke up. "We'll find your cure. Do you remember where they said it might be? Anything about this legend that I might be forgetting?"

He knew he had just suggested toning down the talking, but if he remembered something that he hadn't... Well, the sooner they found this cure, the better.


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