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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
fossilize [m]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2020 16:23:33 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Rex sniffed, crossing his arms, "Yeah...Three is pretty dumb, but it knows when I'm serious." Rex admitted, remembering everything about the Cranidos. The little thing barely tried to dodge attacks and sometimes did things without him saying, it was infuriating. Still, he was glad Three knew enough to actually follow the job. [break][break]

Continue the job? [break][break]

Rex grimaced, still feeling the sand under his clothes, "Is there anything exciting here? Cause if we're gonna find another rock, I got better things to do." Like sleeping, or selling Pokemon.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is Rex.


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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POSTED ON Mar 19, 2020 0:25:36 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar
May I redeem my water evolution from here: to evolve Seadra into Kingdra?
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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
third degree [m]
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 18:10:27 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Warning: Given I will now be ending a potentially distressing scene now, I'd like to put a warning here just in case involving violence and death. Thank you! [break][break]


Rex sees the grief, the sheer agony of everything he had done, and simply has no basis to empathize, to feel sad....something. all he can really imagine, this woman is going to be angry in the worst way when she sees him again. Still, to do that, she'd have to survive. Given she didn't respond to him, he wasn't going to carry her out, but he could do this. [break][break]

"One, pit some rocks around her. Two, put out as much fire around us as possible, hey, she might get lucky." He wasn't sure what the odds were, but while the wall rung in the air, Two waffles over to fire creeping closer and spat a burst of Brine to keep them at bay. The foamy combination would prove hard to get through, even for flames. Ancientpower surrounded in a wide range, and would stick around. The flames weren't spreading to here, that was for sure. [break][break]

So now what, how could he ensure he'd be recognized if they saw each other again? His mask? Hmm. One squawked a warning as footsteps started in the distance, whatever he wanted, it would have to be fast. [break][break]

When the help arrived, he was on One, long disappearing into the smoky skies. Except for a sign nearby on one of the Ancientpower rocks, which he created with some help from Two's claws. I forgot. I'm T-Rex. Got it? [break][break]

He could only hope she remembered.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Bye bye, fight ya later~


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
Rex's randomness
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2020 17:52:14 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar
Why do gachas gotta be so perfect. Gotta add some violent Pokemon to Rex!

I'll take the Haxorus (He has a second now!) and the Noivern!
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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
XCOM look-alikes [M]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2020 17:07:43 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"No, never had it, don't really plan to." Rex admitted, there were way better things to drink than milk. His parents never got it, and he had to agree on them on one point, what was the point of it? He was hearing her next words, but not really listening in all honesty, and he thankfully got a distraction as the group had to stop. The Milktank let out a wail of despair. [break][break]

Huh. It looked fast. He didn't have very fast Pokemon himself other than Three, and Three couldn't be trusted to chase after a Pokemon that could potentially teleport, so he needed a Pokemon whose attacks would be hard to dodge efficiently. A flash of light turned into a hulking Pokemon with a wide mouth, already looking to scream. Six, the Exploud. [break][break]

Rex figured a noise would be pretty hard to dodge, or at least make it pay less attention to the Absol, who could certainly take it down. "Boomburst, anything that moves." Rex ordered, and the Exploud's eyes scanned the trees untyil a flash of moving brown made itself known, and screamed. Closing his eyes and covering his ears, Rex couldn't tell if it had worked, instead yelling "Alright! Catch the thing!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Beheeyem mission!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
third degree [m]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2020 2:21:19 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Warning: Given I will now be ending a potentially distressing scene now, I'd like to put a warning here just in case involving violence and death. Thank you! [break][break]


"Yeah, yeah, just keep saying that." Rex grumbled as Illeana continued to refuse to fight. He supposed that she just didn't have survival instinct. Maybe he just knew what happened better, or maybe he was too merciful. Getting your teeth kicked in sure was a good motivation to fight for his life, he remembered. God, that had hurt. How old was he during that time? How the years flied...[break][break]

Like his Pokemon, Rex had fought enough to be acquainted with pain and though he growled and jerked Illeana forward harder, he wouldn't let go that easily. "I dunno much, but maybe he'd let go if ya had a flying Pokemon too. Just my thought, they're not very good." Rex rambled through the shrieks, turning around just in time to see One's fruits of labor. It wasn't like he needed to see One's actions, but he sure wanted to. [break][break]

Crunch [break][break]

Huh, he always assumed it would make a splat sound. [break][break]

Illeana finally broke free from his grip, too slippery to hold onto with her desperate strength. Beside him, One screamed down and landed with a terrifying roar, fangs and claws red. Look at him! Praise him, T-rex! He did all that damage with one blow! Rex looked upon him, and he preened selfishly, waiting to hear that good word, the praise...and he got more. In a mockery to the tragedy before them, Rex...he didn't hug, never really did, put his arm around the Aerodyactl, and squeezed. "Your the real freak of nature, you're number One! How high was that, you beast!" He laughed, like the Pokemon had told a very funny joke. [break][break]

Two nominated herself to watch the woman, looking with her claws itching. If Rex could just say it, she could go for the kill! In an agonizing moment of glee, Rex suddenly remembered the situation and stalked over, arm around One's neck like an old friend. "I didn't even know he had the guts to do that, you know. Sure impressed me, huh, buddy!?" He leaned closer to his Pokemon, feeling a strange attachment to one who could defend him so bloodily. [break][break]

"Hey, could you grab the thing? Promise me you'll fight later too, can't exactly rescue you with nothin' to gain, you know. I gotta be gone, I'm already late!" He might as well not be talking about a Pokemon, or a tragedy. Even with his arm around his partner, he looked down and saw an idiot who didn't react to anything fast enough.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: One and Rex...bonding time?


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
fossilize [m]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 17:46:21 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Hey, you hear that, Three?" Rex turned harshly towards the Cranidos, a sort of sneer already on his face, "If you hit that stone and screw up, your no longer my number three, got it?" The Pokemon, used to being in herds of its kind, was terrified. Even if Cranidos fought to prove their dominance, they only survived by the herd. Thus, what it heard was that Rex would no longer keep it in the herd if it failed in this. [break][break]

The Cranidos stiffly walked over, watching for a long moment before it got to work. Although its movements were jerky, the fear seemed very motivational for the little dino. Chip Away was working, its back claws clearing away debris while staying far, far away from the stone. [break][break]

"See? I control my guys great."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Three uses Chip Away!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
third degree [m]
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2020 0:35:39 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Warning: Given I will now be starting a potentially distressing scene now, I'd like to put a warning here just in case involving violence and death. Thank you! [break][break]


Don't want to fight him. That's a joke, right? He only halts for a moment, then growls as Two leaps forward, "Well, you picked a fight, didn't you? Let me give you an lesson, from my experience." Two wouldn't kill, not right away. As wild as she was, she knew he could use a human, and held off on deadly blows as he talked, "When you pick a fight and you can't win, they beat the shit out of you!" Quite suddenly, he stops Two, leaning on the dangerous Pokemon's back with a smirk. The air smelled more like iron than smoke by now, and all he could think was that he was glad it wasn't his, "So? Feel like fighting now? I suggest Pokemon, you look messed up." [break][break]

The Hyper Voice exploded into the air, forcing Rex to flinch away as Two loomed protectively. Behind him, One shrieked and clamped down harder, one eye locked on Rex. Stop it! You're hurting him! In the chaos of it all, a ghost memory surfaced. Long, long ago. When his skin was rock, when many of his kind hunted in bloody hunts. What had they done to impress the others, to prove their merit. Oh yes. Of course. [break][break]

Rex glowered down at the begging "hero", momentarily forgetting about the fire, of everything. "Damn, at least that thing has more spirit!" Abruptly, the sound of the Hyper Voice faded. One was flying up with the Furret in his claws, eyes locked single-mindingly on the endless sky. "Huh...what's he doing?" Rex had little time to ponder, as the fire licked ever closer. With all sorts of carelessness, Rex suddenly leaned down and grabbed Illeana, unheeding to how much pain he could cause. The blood slicked his palms and turned his stomach, but his voice would never show it, it wasn't his blood, he wasn't the one hurt, he needed to remind himself as he taunted and cojoled. They were leaving, conversation was no longer possible near the fire. "Up and at 'em! You still owe me a fight, you got it!? Those little scratches aren't going to kill you, so move, now!" He'd drag this waste of time with him if he had to, beating someone wasn't a win unless they at least tried to win! She made this so much harder, he needed this win! [break][break]

Up the the sky, One had far passed the point where he could drop the Furret and have it faint. There was still time to turn around, to drop from a more reasonable point, but reason was no longer in One's mind. He wanted Rex to see this, he needed it. Rex would say the nice things he sometimes said, maybe he would even say them all the time if he was impressed. He was One's flock leader, the leader who needed to see his merit. Even as his wings grew tired, and the smell of blood faded, One knew Rex was being the fighter he always was. He would smell of iron, red in the fists, broken teeth with that predator-prey look in his eyes. How he loved the "T-rex". [break][break]

He dropped Faba.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: One uses Sky Drop on Furret! :'( Two stops attacking and Rex tries to grab Illeana and get out, cause he's still owed a fight!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
third degree [m]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 22:39:24 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Oh. You want to believe you're a hero." A roll of the eyes displayed such distinct disrepect, she might as well have been a child who said she wanted to be a superhero. How did the world support so many idiots like this? Her Furret didn't even attack an attacking Pokemon! He supposed losers always wanted to work harder to be "good", it was the only thing they were good at. Whereas he needn't waste his effort, he was good at fighting, he didn't need to concern himself with things like "morals" or "good". No, that was all so exhausting and hard, when he could be focusing on other things. It was so sad, he could almost feel sorry. Yet she still thought he was the arsonist, so she was quickly working her way up into irritating idiot, though. [break][break]

Then, when she asks him the idiotic question, he laughs, the teeth of his mask matching his mirth. "Cause I don't want to die! Will they pay me for me risking my life, give me a Pokemon, return the favor? No, they won't!" Everything he did, he got something out of it. He was stable, he was safe. He knew his usefulness, and what he could do, much like a Houndour in a pack. [break][break]

And she was going to stop him? Doubtful. As the Brine and Ancient Power sent her back, Rex started forward, face twisted in a smile only betrayed by the way his eyes widened and locked on her, "Well, come on then! Wanna fight? Get your Pokemon, or you and I are going to go, got me!?" His voice rattled and warped, overwhelming excitement and fear bubbling in his throat. If he didn't leave here, he was going to die, but this little hero needed a lesson on how power worked! Two sided up to him, mouth parting in a hiss as she extended her claws in a Fury Cutter. Pokemon fight or fist fight, he wanted some kind of blood to mark this.[break][break]

One grunted as the Quick Attack hit him square in the chest, seeming to do nothing other than rock him on his heels a bit. Rock-type didn't experience much pain from such mundane attacks and, as a natural predator, he felt even less. His own snarl unveiled on his face. Rex called him a loser cause of this little rat! A roar broke through the air as his talon whipped up, aiming to pin the little Furret beneath his weight. Electricity crackled in his maw once more, and he lashed down to give the little Pokemon a great, big Thunder Fang...yet One wasn't done yet. The bite should be enough to capture it, the more logical side argued, but he wanted to impress Rex...the predatoral mind only knew one way it could impress others...


[attr="class","notes"]notes: One uses Thunder Fang on Furret!...and he's thinking how to impress Rex. Two uses Fury Cutter on Illena!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
XCOM look-alikes [M]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 22:14:29 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Oh, nah." Rex chuckled and meandered after the Absol, hands behind his back like this was a totally normal walk. "I'm just lazy! Besides, I'm not sure I'm gonna even need to do stuff!" His own smirk was sedate but oh-so proud of himself. [break][break]

The Milktank followed reluctantly, head hanging low as its eyes flicked in fear. Luckily for them, Three wouldn't let it freeze in fear, roughly shoving the cow forward whenever it faltered. "Why do people even keep these guys?" Rex huffed and frowned at the Pokemon, "They're so weak, I guess they're good for eating..." [break][break]

Quite suddenly, the Milktank stopped and nothing could move it, even a flat out headbutt didn't budge it.. "Huh, your Pokemon picking up anything, cause our bait looks scared."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Beheeyem mission!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
charm the skin off a snake [ m ]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 21:55:57 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Five! Get it!" Rex groaned in rage as the otter Pokemon sprang forward, air bladders inflated menacingly, then promptly fell on her snout. "Aw, dammit...well, get up. I'm gonna rip that skin off myself if this keeps up." Rex couldn't even muster the energy to actually sound angry, kicking a pebble around dejectingly. [break][break]

"We got it, boss-man!" Rex announced, hoping their continuous failures weren't reflecting badly on him. It couldn't be his fault that this stupid snake could dig, right? "In fact, I'll get it! Let's get up here!" Rex suddenly darted towards one of the boulders, hauling himself up, then swiftly followed by Five, who held onto him as her tails sagged in boredom. This had to be a good idea, he could see the ground and Five could easily attack from here!


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Rex is here! If a mission calls for brutality, he's in!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
XCOM look-alikes [M]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 19:58:20 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



"Oh, I doubt those things are taking them! Don't psychic-types feed off berries? Or the mind or some creepy stuff like that?" He frowned and pawed at one of his Pokeballs, "...still..." A Cranidos was released, snorting and looking around until it's sharp eyes locked on the fat Milktank, those lazy things would be so satisfying to chase off this territory! "We'll take one, just in case. If the farmer asks, this is a "necessary process". Go get one, Three!" [break][break]

His words prompted the little dino to trot into the herd of Milktank and, soon enough, a panicked moo rang out as the herd split and out came a Milktank, harassed and having its ankles nipped to herd it over. "There! Bait! Lead the way, Morg!" He grinned, awfully proud of himself. "It'll be a cinch! Better be, I'm already getting tired!"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Beheeyem mission!


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
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Rex Drago
third degree [m]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2020 4:06:26 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



The scene before Illeana was almost surreal in its reality. A man lounging on a still intact case, two prehistoric monsters around him. One blasted water helpfully into the blaze, but only enough to keep the flames off of them. The other slipped and snapped after a Furret while Rex called playfully, "Did I trade ya for a loser or somethin'? Are you number one or what?" He almost seemed disappointed that this "quality time" with his Pokemon was so rudely interrupted, and One lost his prey too! [break][break]

"Who are you?" He grumbled almost inaudibly, "You're not fire control..." Clearly, it was more important to him on why this simple mission was suddenly so much harder. It was almost easy just now! At least, not until she started spouting slander about him. His eyes, the only visible part of his face, narrowed as he spluttered, "Hell no I didn't do this! What do you think I am!? Stupid!?" He jerked to his feet, his mask seemed to snarl, and his fists curled. [break][break]

"Look, I'm not putting out this fire anytime soon, so I'm sure as heck ain't sticking around here, I'm busy, and not suicidal!" He spat, pointing at the woman, "So get out of my way. One! Two!" Two reacted first, already irritated at being in the midst of fire, she spat a foamy mass of Brine towards the woman in one smooth turn of the head. One, finding no success attacking close-range, snorted and called ashy rocks from underneath his feet to race towards her in a general battering wave.


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Two uses Brine at Illeana, One uses Ancient Power! They are not aiming to kill, yet.


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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
261 posts
part of
Rex Drago
XCOM look-alikes [M]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2020 23:06:14 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar



Out in the middle of Milktank nowhere, the League didn't have much control over who exactly helped out clients. In this particular case, the League hadn't ever received the call for aid, yet there were people here. Just not League officials. [break][break]

"And these, er, cows are being taken by the Beheeyem?" Rex nearly sneered, barely containing laughter at the farmer and cutting him off with a rapid, "No, no, no need to say anything, we'll have the problem all sorted out, promise." The problem of Rocket needing some quality Pokemon, that was. Whether the psychic type was really stealing Milktank or whether the masses of Mightyena were casting a terrible light on them with their hunts, that didn't matter. What did was that the Beheeyem were ripe for taking? [break][break]

Finally left alone with his fellow, Rex grinned boyishly at her, "Would ya look at us, real alien fighters, we are, huh?"


[attr="class","notes"]notes: Beheeyem mission!


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The Enroi Region
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