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making time
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2023 0:52:33 GMT
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When an underboss invites you somewhere, you never question it. You just go. Yet even the unwavering Oscar felt put off as he traveled to a cavern deep under Ever Grande. If he did not know any better, he would think that this would be a great place to leave the body of a freshly killed scientist. An amusing idea, Theo would never want to hurt Oscar right? Right?

In all seriousness, Oscar would be lying if he said he was not nervous. Yet he did not reflect his anxiety as he approached Theo within the cavern. He had every right to feel fear, but it was up to him not to let it get in the way of his work. "Theo." Oscar replied with a whimsical tone as he finished his advance.

"I'm okay, feeling a little tired." Oscar paused as he appreciated the natural beauty of the cavern, perhaps searching for a hint on why he had been called there. "You did not pick an easy place to meet up. What are you planning?"

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2023 4:18:14 GMT
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Merry Christmas! Here is a gacha (Except for the move Celebrate) Ice Tera Frigibax just for you!

I hope you enjoy!
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An Unlikely Bond [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 6:08:01 GMT
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A single scale fell from the beast, landing right in front of Clavis. Clavis was astonished, looking to the dragon as if asking permission to hold it. When he was sure that all was well, Clavis bubbled happily and shoved the scale into his bubble. It made the water around his head very cold, but he was enjoying the dazzle of the scale so much that he did not mind.

Alas, the day was growing old and the sun was starting to set. The sunset naturally looked amazing as it was reflected upon the dragon, but Clavis could not stay any longer. His team members would be wonder where he was, and they would no doubt cause a great deal of ruckus looking for him. Clavis stood up, taking one last look at the beautiful monster. If only there were something he could leave for the creature to repay it for its generosity.

Wait, perhaps there was. Clavis blew into the water around his head, causing a stray bubble to pop out and float toward the dragon. When it got close, the bubble would freeze entirely, falling to the dragon's feet as a glass orb. Clavis waved goodbye to the beast before reluctantly turning away. He happily skittered off, leaping into the shadows of the setting sun.

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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An Unlikely Bond [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:53:20 GMT
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The dragon shook his shoulders, blessing Clavis with a splendid display of frozen beauty. Clavis beamed silently, the sound of light bubbling the only indication that he was in-fact cheering. Clavis would try to be as quiet as possible, not wishing to disturb his wonderful art piece.

Yet others were not as courteous. Ever once in a while a baby pokemon or two would wander by, unaware of the dangers posed by the icy dragon. Clavis was quick to remind them that the world was indeed dangerous, leaping forward with a shocking glare to scare away anyone that would dare try to disturb his art. Even the larger pokemon were not safe, as Clavis would valiantly attempt to scare them away. Luckily they seemed more intimidated by the dragon itself, wandering away so that Clavis could feel good about himself before returning to his admiration.

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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An Unlikely Bond [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:39:58 GMT
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If Clavis could understand what the dragon had said, he would surely be intimidated. Instead he would smile, blissfully unaware of his unwanted presence. Clavis sat himself down, satisfied to admire the great beast. Unfortunately he was not the only admirer of this dragon. A teddiursa waddled by, curiously watching the dragon as he shined in the light.

Clavis did not enjoy sharing his artwork with others. Faster than the infantile teddiursa could react, Clavis would leap forward and snarl. The small bear cried out before running away, much to Clavis's satisfaction. He would then return to his sitting spot to admire the dragon once again.

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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:25:29 GMT
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At the prospect of soup, Oscar would politely shake his head. "I'll be alright, I'm not usually hun--" Oscar was drowned out by his pokemon happily cheering for food. Well at least Rosco, Ku, and Navitas did, Genesect abstained because it never felt the urge to eat. Actually neither did Navitas, why was it excited? Maybe it was just happy to hear its fellow pokemon cheer.

Oscar's pokemon waited patiently for soup to be made, while Oscar listened to the sound of sand whipping against their shelter. It was strangely soothing, like rain against a window. Except it was not rain, it was horrifying alien sand. Oscar pulled his attention away from his trance and looked toward Howard.

"Hey Howard--it might be a little too late to ask this but--do you think this is all possible? Like, we're not screaming into the void here yeah?" Oscar thoughtfully looked upward, his ears focusing in on the surging sands. "I want to believe it is. More than anything."

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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An Unlikely Bond [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 5:03:34 GMT
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Clavis did not know what drew him to the horrifying monstrosity looking about as approachable as a prison guard, but he could not help himself but engage. The little spider sauntered up to this towering dragon, admiring his beautiful scales and steely demeanor. He circled the monstrosity, admiring him from every possible angle.

Then he sat there, staring up at the thing. Perhaps he wanted to be acknowledged, or maybe he just liked looking at this shiny behemoth. Either way, there was nothing the dragon could do that would get him to stop.

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An Unlikely Bond [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 4:45:28 GMT
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Clavis the dewpider had been depressed lately. He was always left to his own devices, after all he was Oscar's most trusted confidant. However, Oscar's loft was awfully dreary without him there--and he was there less and less. Clavis knew that he could get to Oscar if he needed him, but the fact that the little spider was getting less affection than he was used to was really bringing him down.

So Clavis decided to blow off some steam. It was his occasional habit to sneak into the Route 117 Daycare to get up to mischief whenever he felt down. As usual he slipped through a hidden weakness in the daycare's wooden fence and scuttled off to possibly mingle with his fellow pokemon. What bizarre creature shall he meet today?

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2023 3:29:14 GMT
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The Oscar of the not-so-distant past would have crumbled under Priam as he leapt at him. Not this Oscar though, no sir. This Oscar was healthy and had been working out! So while he may have staggered and strained as he caught the much buffer Priam, Oscar would manage to keep his footing--for about five seconds. At least long enough to respond.

"I--missed you too--buddy---HRNG!"

Oscar collapsed on the floor, but would spring to his feet the moment Priam would allow him to. He probably should have been embarrassed by this ludicrous display, but he was too busy being happy to see his friend to care. Oscar recovered just in time to encounter Zev, who had decided to grace him and Priam with one of his coveted greetings. Oscar turned on his heels toward the beast and returned his greeting with a cheerful nod. "Zev! I did not expect to see you on the main floor. Then again, this is where the drinks are. Speaking of--"

Oscar's attempt to order something was cut short as announced the start of the White Elephant exchange. Oscar put his cravings aside for the moment, and eagerly waited for his turn to receive a gift. Once he had gotten it, Oscar would raise the expensive bottle of whiskey and admire it within the light.

"Now this is a fuckin' gift." He said toward Priam and Zev. "Whoever brought this has some taste. Time for us to get the same." Oscar would run to the bar and grab some bourbon glasses (and a glass of prosecco, he didn't forget). Placing everything on a nearby table, Oscar would pour both Priam and Zev a generous glass of his new top shelf whiskey before pouring a glass for himself. As he handed Priam his glass, Oscar would inquire about his sweater offer.

"Hey if you make one for me can it be extra baggy? I like being 'lost' in my sweater, y'know?"

Oscar raised his glass toward his two companions. "To another splendid year!" He was about to take a drink when a rotom phone flew in his face. Oscar glanced around, and was unamused to find his pale visage upon a nearby screen with a heart surrounding his head--alongside Zev and Priam. Oscar kissed his glass before winking at the camera and turning away to enjoy his gifted beverage.

--Oscar loves his gift!
--Oscar shares a glass of whiskey with Zev and Priam.
--Oscar thinks kiss cams are icky!
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 1:47:05 GMT
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Oscar chuckled at Mint's Genesect dreams. "Yes please, we can do a playdate! Prime hasn't met another Genesect yet, I bet they'd get along." Or you know, rip each other apart. There was not enough data of Genesect interacting with each other to be worried about it. As far as Oscar knew, it would be adorable.

Oscar flinched as Mint's vaporeon came up to him. He was not paying enough attention, silly dog got the drop on him. Oscar chuckled nervously, "I dunno if I'm allowed to feed you anything." Mint confirmed that the poor thing was getting tubby, but Oscar could not let it wander away empty handed. He poured a single boba pearl from out of his straw and covertly offered it to the water dog. A fun secret between him and Oscar.

Oscar moved up to observe Mint's playlist, and he liked a lot of what he saw. Fucker was a gifted vibe master. "Yeah for sure! It'll keep me company as I bury myself in paperwork." Oscar looked away when Mint started texting, it would be impolite to eavesdrop. His eyes would scan the party floor, resting upon a familiar face he had yet to reunite with. Oscar's eyes beamed.

"Hold up I gotta say hi to someone. I'll grab drinks, do you want anything?" After taking Mint's order Oscar would excuse himself and power walk out to greet his oldest friend. "Priam! Priam over here! PRIAM! PRIAAAAM!"

--Open to interactions.
--Oscar secretly fed 's vaporeon a boba pearl.
--Oscar excused himself from the dj booth to reunite with
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POSTED ON Dec 11, 2023 15:00:27 GMT
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"You're good. You're good. You're good. Too far to the right--You're good." Oscar was miraculously keeping calm as he directed the placement of the roof. He was lucky to have the assistance of Howard's golurk, Navitas acted as a natural crane but it did not have the strength to make subtle adjustments on the fly. With golurk's help they were able to fine tune the perfect placement for the roof, causing it to fit snuggly into place as designed.

As the roof was put down, Oscar quickly realized a flaw in his base plan. There was no light inside, the base went completely dark. Oscar was kicking himself, this was like minecraft base building 101 how did he forget to have light? Oh well, he shall improvise. Genesect had been waiting patiently while the roof was being placed, and once everything was in order it would begin using its claws to weld the walls to the roof (Fell Stinger). While Genesect did that, Oscar poked his head outside to call upon their team. The sand was actively hostile now, stinging Oscar's skin as it whipped by.

"The sand's getting rougher, we gotta go!" Oscar stood outside as his and Howard's pokemon piled in. Whenever Howard himself would enter the base, Oscar would follow the admin inside. There was one more slab of steel left, a makeshift door to be used until Oscar could design a hydraulic door that would properly seal in the base. Rosco propped up the steel slab, pushing it into place just as the ultra sandstorm properly began.

Once the steel slab sealed everyone in, the base would briefly become pitch black. This darkness was broken by Navitas, who used Tail Glow to illuminate its bulbous head. Oscar clapped his hands together, "Good thinking Navi, you're always one step ahead you beautiful bastard." Rosco propped himself against the slab, keeping it in place as the sandstorm picked up outside. Oscar rubbed his hands together, he was admittedly a little too excited to see if they could survive this test from the desert.

"Everyone get comfortable, we might be in here for a while."

20 attempt to spend the "night", surviving the elements or any threats.

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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 19:55:47 GMT
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Why Zapdos chose him? Oscar chuckled nervously as his pale face turned slightly red, "You and I are cut from the same cloth Howard. A couple forward thinkers." Oscar looked down, trying not give into self doubt. Zapdos had not chosen him, nothing has. He did not need such patronage, but would he fulfill his dreams without it? His ambitions were indeed getting larger and larger, and the scope of their project was unraveling before their eyes. Could they alone manage this incredible feat?

Howard's dusty clasp on Oscar's shoulders pulled the scientist back to reality, and he found his morale boosted by Howard's mere presence. No wonder he was an admin, the man had natural charisma. Missing the strange thing that zipped overhead, Oscar's attention was locked onto Howard's gathered pokemon. His weird mutant magneton had brought them a couple of cacti, and Oscar agreed that they would be worth studying.

"Yeah I mean, if these guys can survive out here surely we can get other plants on board. I wonder if we can drink the water inside?" Oscar had an impulse to split one of the cacti open then and there, but something held him back. He half expected their insides to be full of acid or something worse.

Sand brushed past Oscar's face, more intensely than normal. Oscar looked up toward the horizon, and indeed the winds seemed to be picking up. "Just our luck I guess." Oscar mused. "Sandstorm's building! We gotta get into the base!" Oscar turned toward said base and to his exasperation the roof had not been placed yet. Oscar clapped his hands together, "Alright double time that roof we don't have much time!" Oscar ran into the makeshift entrance of the base and began directing his pokemon on the proper placement of their steel roof.

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One Hour Later [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 18:45:33 GMT
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As his memories returned, Oscar was not sure he deserved the moniker of 'smart guy'--even sarcastically. He thought he was being so careful, but clearly his own confidence blinded him to the true difficulty of this heist. Well at least what to do next was crystal clear.

"Prime, use Techno Blast!" Genesect looked to the backseat and let out a series of beeps. Oscar groaned, "Let me worry about collateral just do it!" Genesect saluted before once more sticking its upper body out of the window. It charged the cannon on its head, keeping itself stable by shoving its claws into the body of the truck. When maximum power was reached, Genesect let out an incredible blast of energy into the mob of voltorbs. The resulting impact caused a chain of explosion that not only cleared out the mob, but shook the ground for several blocks in every direction.

As genesect pulled itself back into the shaking truck, Oscar held onto the headrests of the front seat--hoping that his destructive gambit would allow them to escape.

--One Hour Later--

The trio were trapped inside of a ludicolo themed taco joint. They had decided to ditch the truck and try to sneak through the city on foot, but this proved to be difficult due to a heightened police presence. Of course their were more cops out, there was a fuckin' gigantic explosion in the middle of Mauville's tech district. With few other options, they elected to break into this here taco restaurant and hide behind the cashier counter until the heat died down. Oscar had spent a lot of the time longingly examining his prize, the small generator core that had caused all of this trouble. This little bastard better be worth it, the effort to steal it was already more than Oscar had bargained for.

Genesect's task was to take out all of the restaurant's security cameras with Electro Webs. When that was done, it kept itself busy by covertly making torchic tacos behind the counter. When Oscar realized what it was doing, he would crack his first smile in hours. "When did you learn how to make tacos?" Genesect beeped as it carefully balanced ingredients on its claws. Oscar nodded, having missed what Genesect had actually said. It was crazy how it already made five tacos without any opposable fingers. Oscar looked to Shred and addressed him directly for the first time in a while, "Hey do you want a taco?"

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