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We thought a picnic would be nice (M)
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2023 17:10:58 GMT
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Oscar shrugged as Zev donned the headband. "Kinda? It's a heart monitor from some fitness video game. I just modified it to make it--y'know useful." The duo stepped through the tunnel's threshold together, Zev having been smart enough to bring a flashlight. Why did Oscar not think of that? He would have kicked himself for his carelessness if he had not gotten over it three seconds later.

The answer to Zev's next question came as the beast accidentally shined the light across an Ariados clinging to the wall. Oscar did not react, as this discolored arachnid belonged to him. Illustrating this, he stepped forward with his arms crossed. "Emma, is the target docile?" Emma nodded, climbing down to join her master's side.

Oscar nodded toward the scuttling spy-der. "Emma's shadow abilities allow her to turn invisible. I've been having her keep an eye on the target." Oscar continued forward, allowing Emma to move just a few feet ahead. "The target won't know we're coming, but they are paranoid. According to Emma's surveillance they've set up--how many traps?" Emma stopped to rapidly strike the earth with one of her legs eighteen times. Shocked that he did not remember such a vast amount, Oscar grimaced.

"And uh--how many could you disable for us?" Emma struck fifteen times before continuing forward. Oscar shrugged, "I'm sure she'll warn us before we encounter any danger."

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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 16:32:38 GMT
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Oscar did not consider the dangers that lay between his comrades and the disconnected pieces of the circuit board. Not because he did not care, he just could not see them from up high. As he reached the first segment and found no one below him, Oscar would huff with annoyance.

"What's taking those two? This is no time to be fooling around."

Eventually Gerald made an appearance, minus Gaultier. At this point Oscar had come to expect Gaultier to wander off on his own, he had no idea the man was taking care of his Aggron.

When Gerald finished the segment, electricity would quickly pass through the patch of scrap metal and into the previously dormant circuit. Oscar grinned, his plan was working!

Oscar quickly moved on, guiding whoever could follow them toward the next segment--and the next--and the next--and so on and so forth. After a while Oscar began to notice a pattern, the circuits seemed to be guiding electricity toward a dark section of the board that Oscar previously assumed to be inaccessible.

Oscar excitedly moved on to the next segment, his curiosity aching as he wondered what the circuits would power. He could not possibly predict that this would be the last circuit required to reveal what hid in the darkness.

Electricity ran down the completed circuit, and to Oscar's shock it would just keep going and going until it reached the dark section. There was a spark, followed by a blinding red flash. Genesect cried out in surprise, and Oscar raised his arms to block the impact of the flash. As he slowly lowered his arms, he would be forced to squint toward what seemed to be an enormous pit emanating a familiar crimson glow.

Oscar was puzzled for a moment, a sense of dread overriding any excitement he would have felt for this discovery. Where had he seen this shade of red before--and why did it worry him? He began to mentally sort through his memories, which would lead him to the three day war. Before the war began, giant pokemon surging with red energy attacked various Hoenn cities. That energy--could it be?

Oscar's eyes twitched as he connected the dots, a cold sweat running down his forehead.

"Holy shit on a pancake...find Gerald and Gaultier! Triple time!"

Genesect dove downward to find Oscar's companions. Oscar was so focused on reuniting with the duo that he barely noticed the rising sound of sparking electricity and--screams? No, that would be ridiculous. If he thought to check, he might notice that the electricity that now piled into the red pit was starting to take shape...


--Oscar guides his pal/pald through completing the circuit board.
--The electricity flowing through the completed circuits has activated a Power Spot.
--Something big is emerging from the Power Spot.

28  resolder the subterranean circuitry to activate, deactivate, power, or depower particular structures, power spots, or pokemon/ultra beasts above.

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The Pokepod Presentation (C)
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 15:56:34 GMT
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Oscar's entire face and neck tightened as he desperately tried to hold back a chuckle. The idea of turning Infinity Energy into some kind of drug you could huff was exceptionally entertaining, but Walsh's question was clearly serious so Oscar restrained himself. Oscar cleared his throat to dispel the bubbling giggles and answered truthfully.

"Once extracted the Infinity Energy physically manifests as electricity, the same way it does when Mega Stones are crushed within the Infinity Energy Generators. That electricity can be guided into any electronics to power them, but I theorize that it can be directed into organic matter just like normal electricity. My first idea for application would have been a device similar to an electric chair, but after some thinking I think something more akin to electric shock therapy would be both safer and more successful. I would just have to test it."

Oscar rubbed his chin, his eyes looking upward as his mind swarmed with ideas. "If I can get that working we would have a plethora of doors open to us. Perhaps we could even create our own Blue Mulch, but that might as well be science fiction to us now. Basically fuckin'--nature is gonna be our bitch. Opp, excuse my language."

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Family Reunion [C]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 15:45:54 GMT
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It did not take long for Gavin to arrive, and Oscar would greet him with a bright grin. The expression was a bit too happy, a clear sign that Oscar had been stressed up until this point. "Yo! Thanks for coming on such short notice. I um--I wanted to show you something kinda crazy."

Oscar slowly pulled out Zapdos's pokeball, which must have looked so unassuming to the unaware Gavin. Oscar took a deep breath and raised the ball outward away from himself and Gavin. Once he was sure that Gavin was watching, Oscar would open the pokeball.

There was a brilliant flash of light, and as it faded the massive Zapdos would appear with a surge of static electricity. Zapdos stretched its wings out, creating an imposing scene as it let out a mighty cry. Once it was all stretched though, the legendary bird would retract into a resting position--appearing rather comical compared to its majestic flying form. Still, its sheer size was an intimidating sight to be sure.

Oscar motioned toward Zapdos with a nervous smile, "Ta-da, I caught the legendary Zapdos." Zapdos looked to Gavin briefly before putting most of its attention to the ceiling. It let out a low grumble from deep within its throat, a sign that it was displeased. The noise drew Oscar's attention, and he would attempt to calm the titan. "Hey yeah I get it, enclosed spaces aren't your thing. I swear it's just temporary though so relax." Zapdos huffed before forcing itself to turn away, staring directly at Gavin once again.

Oscar walked up next to the Underboss. "This is Gavin, and he has someone you might recognize." Oscar turned to Gavin and spoke to him in a hushed tone. "I read that L-U-G-I-A had a connection with the three legendary birds. I thought it might be an interesting idea to see what would happen if they were brought together---you do have her on you right?"

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Shock Treatment [M]
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 15:35:15 GMT
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The wait for help was thankfully not too long, and as his assistant for the day entered his lab Oscar would greet him with only a lukewarm smile. He was usually a lot more sociable, but all of the effort spent so far had made him too bitter to chat. He at the very least responded to his visitor's introduction.

"Oscar Clayton--pleasure and all that." Kaname had approached the machine and asked what Oscar was working on, and Oscar was so tired that he had briefly forgotten. After a long pause he would roughly shake his head and clear his throat. "Ummm--right! Okay, uh so see this thing?" Oscar slapped the larger machine nearby, which nearly blended into the background with how bizarre and mangled it looked. One might even mistake it for a scrap heap.

"This is called the Poke Pod. Well, it's my left over prototype that I use in experiments. The real one is in Sootopolis. This bad boy sucks up Infinity Energy out of pokemon, and that energy can be used to power machines." Oscar walked back over to the poke center machine and leaned over it. "Like this piece of shit here. Extracted Infinity Energy can heal pokemon beyond what is capable of the average pokecenter machine--reverse aging, revitalize damaged organs, that kind of thing. The damn machines can't take it though, they always end up exploding."

Oscar bent down so that he could be eye-level with the machine's inner workings. "I'm trying to adjust this machine so that it can take on the load of Infinity Energy, but it's like trying to solve a puzzle box upside down. Fucking tech is archaic as hell. I'd explode too if my insides looked like this."

Oscar got back up and shrugged, "So yeah that's basically it."

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No Pain No Gain [M]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 23:28:49 GMT
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Mitch dropped his pants anyway, and Oscar let out a sigh so heavy that he nearly sank through the floor. But fine, whatever. At least he was covered. As the subject approached the nearest equipment, Oscar would thoroughly answer his question. It just so happened that Oscar had considered these very factors during initial planning.

"It's complicated. Past tests have shown that the treatment as it exists currently can't heal major lacerations. Er, outside wounds. It can only heal minor shit on the inside. Torn muscles, exhausted lungs, aging cells, that kind of shit. So like poison would just kill you and while I thought about getting you beat up at first I think that will leave too much damage. A heavy workout is the way to go. Oh shit I almost forgot."

Oscar pulled out a pure-red pokeball and opened it to reveal his Genesect. Genesect looked to Oscar for instruction, but Oscar would just pull out his phone and begin tapping. When it realized what was happening, the cybernetic warrior threw its claws up and made a loud pitched squeal of simulated delight. Oscar looked up toward Mitch.

"What's your preferred genre for workout music?"

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Generating Solutions (S/Oscar)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 23:20:21 GMT
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You can bet your bottom dollar that Oscar had been waiting for this call from Amor. Ever since the project was first described to him over text, Oscar had been eagerly anticipating the completion of the Primal Energy Generator. Not just because such an invention would be a huge advantage to Rocket, but also because the harnessing of Primal Energy would be beneficial to Oscar's own blossoming plans.

As Oscar entered Amor's workshop, he looked upon his friend's creation with a sense of pride. He really did it, Oscar could not believe that dominance over primal energy was nearly here. It brought him back to when he had finished the Infinity Energy Generators so long ago, time sure does fly.

As Walter walked off, Oscar would open his arms to greet his friend. Unlike Amor, Oscar had come in a full suit because fuck it he liked how they felt. Oscar chuckled as one of his hands flew outward to shake Amor's. "I wouldn't miss this for my own funeral. Fucking beautiful machine you have here! What are you working on right now?"

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The End (M)
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 23:07:28 GMT
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Oscar scowled at the indeterminate amount of walking they had yet to do. Why did he not bring snow-shoes again? Well to be fair Oscar has never lived in such an environment, he has been blessedly ignorant to the pure horror of the cold. He was under-prepared simply because he did not know how to prepare.

Yet despite his discomfort, Oscar pushed on alongside Jayden. At Jayden's question Oscar would sigh heavily. He did not have an answer at first, but eventually he would make a few suggestions. "We could sing songs. What was the one about the beer on the wall?" Oscar sneered before shaking his head, "I'm kidding, please don't start singing."

After another moment of staring out into the blank landscape of the wastes, Oscar would provide a serious answer. "We can talk about the training simulation for SPECTER. Felix says that it is a good idea to collaborate, I agree."

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 21:31:14 GMT
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As Oscar predicted, Lancer's speed served them well. The first obstacle was a breeze, and soon they would find themselves well ahead of the competition. This initial advantage was a double edged sword though, as Lancer's superior speed had a trade off of a lower than optimal reaction time. Quite unfortunately, navigating the rest of this forest would require quick reflexes to maintain their lead.

Luckily Lancer had Oscar upon his back. Lancer could focus on going fast while Oscar could determine the best times to react to sudden change. Oscar leaned forward, focusing entirely on the course. In stead increments he would provide commands, "Up...down...up...down..." and Lancer would react accordingly.

Would this strategy carry them through this obstacle safely?

Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)


--Oscar is helping Lancer react to the second obstacle.

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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 21:20:45 GMT
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"The real interdream zone." Oscar repeated, stroking his chin. To traverse such a place physically, was it even possible? Perhaps it was not their physical body, but their consciousness that will travel through this forbidden realm. Oscar continued to massage his chin as he asked further inquiries.

"The porygonz you have patched, have they reacted to the dream data in any noticeable way? I wonder if it will have some sort of effect on them." Oscar's eyes seemed to zone out toward nothing, as the inner machinations of his mind began to churn out horrible possibilities. While most would react to these invasive thoughts with horror, Oscar would seem them as an opportunity.

"Do you think a human consciousness can be turned into data?"

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infinity and beyond
POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 21:13:13 GMT
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Oscar nodded, "Good idea, perhaps this shard's value will reveal itself after some examination." Oscar scooped up some more possible samples and put it all into a bag attacked to the hip of his suit. He began to hop around the rest of the crater, hoping to find something else of value. Alas, there seemed to be nothing more than moon rocks--not that moon rocks weren't cool it just was not what he was looking for.

After a good deal of fruitless searching, Oscar reunited with Lulu. He sighed heavily, checking his oxygen levels before addressing his companion. "We might want to move out soon. We can stock up and explore more of the surface. We should probably bring some sort of transportation so that we can get around faster."

There was a moment of silence as Oscar looked to the crater's sides. It was a whimsical trip down, but the thought of having to bounce up seemed exhausting now. In his absent gawking, a stray thought would suddenly spring forth from Oscar's mouth.

"The meteor was teleported elsewhere, how would shards of it reach the moon?"

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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2023 20:30:22 GMT
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Hm, Gaultier brought up a good point. This circuit board plane was massive, what would be the best way to put it back together? Oscar stopped in his tracks, taking out a pure-red pokeball to toss up and down idly. He faced his companions with an aura of confidence, "I'll take to the air and guide you two toward broken segments! Then all we gotta do is drag their broken ends together and solder them into place. You guys know how to do that right?"

Oscar looked around briefly before picking up a thin bit of metal with his spare hand. "If we can't drag parts of the circuit together, we can fill in empty spaces with scrap metal. We just gotta connect unconnected segments with segments being energized then melt the ends so they stick! That should power up the board in its entirety!" Oscar threw the scrap metal away, "What will happen then? Fuck if I know but that's the point of exploration! We explore, fuck with shit, and see what happens! Hopefully it'll be good."

Oscar opened his ball, releasing the cybernetic man-made horror Genesect. Genesect did not bother to observe their surroundings, instead looking directly at Oscar for instruction. Oscar clapped his hands together, "We're going hoverboard-mode bud. Hop to!" Genesect immediately jumped in the air, twisting its body until it resembled a compressed version of itself (Magnet Rise).

Oscar hopped onto his floating ride, bending at the knees to allow for better balance as they flew. "Just follow me around, I'll guide at least one of you to disconnected segments!" Genesect began floating upward, taking Oscar out of sight as it became a glowing purple dot high above. From his vantage point, Oscar could see the whole pseudo-grid before him--and he at least got the assurance that he was on to something. Electricity flowed through the grid, creating the star like visual affect that left him awestruck when they first discovered this realm. Yet in many places it did not go anywhere, it just slowly faded into nothing. Oscar pointed to the closest unaligned circuit and Genesect would begin flying in that direction.

--Oscar explains how to solder metal to fix circuits.
--Oscar lets out Genesect and offers to guide whoever wants to help him toward broken segments of the circuit.

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Shock Treatment [M]
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2023 2:16:22 GMT
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What time was it? Noon? Oscar checked his phone, groaning as he confirmed the time. It was half past four, Oscar had been working for nine hours. He looked upon the pokecenter machine that he was modifying, a mangled mass of wires and metal that used to be functional. It should not have been this hard, this was not even the first time he meddled with these healing machines--why was it so difficult now?

Well, he knew he just did not want to accept it. The pure Infinity Energy extracted through his Pokepods fried the damn things--and he could not figure out why. Oscar was trying to brute force making the machine more amicable, but nothing was working. With such little progress, Oscar decided that he needed a fresh pair of eyes.

He texted Lulu Flint, once again requesting an assistant. Now all he needed to do was wait. At this point he should probably just hire his own staff...

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No Pain No Gain [M]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 18:58:06 GMT
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Oscar was immediately aghast, his stoic 'professor persona' disappearing in an instant. "The fuck is wrong with you!?" He exclaimed, grasping his head as he struggled to comprehend the level of ridiculousness before him. "No, NO! Keep your fuckin' pants on ya weirdo! What were you raised in a barn!? Shit's sake!" Oscar covered his face and sighed heavily, having reached his maximum stress level in the span of five minutes.

Oscar slowly lifted his hands and pointed them toward Mitch, "I'm just gonna assume you can work out properly." He gestured broadly toward the work out equipment that surrounded them. "I need you to work out. Right now. And I don't mean casually."

Oscar folded his arms, trying his best to regain some semblance of his earlier professionalism, "I am going to test if Infinity Energy can heal a human's physical body. If it can do it for an exhausted pokemon surely the same can be done for a human under the right conditions. You gotta fuckin' commit though, you gotta exercise until your heart feels like it's about to rip itself apart. I wanna see you get so sick that you'll have to drag your broken body to my lab for healing. Rip and tear every muscle you got until you're a husk of a human. I mean, don't break any bones or nothin' but get close."

Oscar pointed to the locker room entrance. "You can change into a workout outfit in there. Just--please come out with clothes on."

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No Pain No Gain [M]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 18:20:04 GMT
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Oscar sized up his assistant for the day, offered up by the ever reliable . Normally Oscar did not care who was sent to help him with experiments, but this time he had to be a bit picky. The ideal assistant for today's endeavor needed to be fit, and at least semi-capable of long-term exercise. Settling for a subpar specimen would be detrimental to Oscar's entire project.

Luckily, this seemed plenty capable of what Oscar desired. Suiting for a professional stooge, Sam chose his minion well. Having spent a solid three minutes silently staring at Mitch, Oscar nodded and finally decided to speak. "Alright you seem good enough for what I need. Tell me Mitch, how often do you work out?"

Oscar folded his hands behind him, his head titled as he awaited Mitch's answer.
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