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Family Reunion [C]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2023 17:26:00 GMT
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Oscar took inventory of his surroundings, trying to decide if they were suitable for what he desired. The training facility under the Blackstone Laboratory in Sootopolis was huge, but could it sustain the might of two legendary pokemon? Oscar felt indecisive, worrying far too much about the logistics of having two incredibly powerful forces of nature meeting indoors--and they would be meeting.

As soon as Oscar remembered Zapdos's relation to Lugia, he knew it would only be a matter of time before the two were drawn to each other. He thought it would be best if their meeting was in a controlled environment, if it were to be by chance Oscar was afraid that Zapdos would attack the corrupted Lugia. A controlled meeting however could hopefully reignite their innate connection, bolstering a bond instead of a rivalry. This shall be important if Zapdos was to remain on Rocket's side of the war.

Oscar decided that this area would have to do, and he would send a text to to summon him.

Hey, can you meet me at the training room under Blackstone? I have something really important to show you.

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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2023 15:18:25 GMT
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Oscar's anticipation grew as the start of the race neared. He pushed himself close to Lancer's back, his hands tightly clasping the small reigns at the top of the beedril's saddle. His legs locked into Lancer's waist, ensure that Oscar would be both safe and aerodynamic. Lancer reered his lance like 'claws' back, pointing them behind him. He shall have little need for them in the first round, best to keep them out of the way to create as little air resistance as possible.


Oscar clicked his heels against Lancer, and the beedril took off with a roar-like buzz. Oscar cackled with fiendish glee as they dove off the rooftop, Lancer's speed already sending shivers of adrenaline down Oscar's spine.

Then came the first obstacle, which Oscar did not fear in the slightest. Lancer was a slim pokemon with a solid acceleration, so Oscar was confident in his steed's ability to weave through the trees. Of course in the pit of his stomach Oscar feared slamming into a tree, but he pushed such anxiety away with his uproarious chortling. After all, it was too late to back out. Might as well give it one hundred percent!

Oscar chose Target 1
Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)

Will edit in Lancer's moveset when I get home :3
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Spirit of Collaboration [M]
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 16:27:32 GMT
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Oscar chuckled, his grin growing almost manic. Naomi had invited the hypothetical vampire into the threshold, there was no going back now. "Y'know, I'm glad you asked!" Oscar opened the door fully, revealing that he was holding the handle to a very large tray on wheels. He enter the lab, pulling the tray behind him with a decent amount of effort. Upon the tray, Naomi would be able to see two rough looking mechanical arms connected to a laptop, along with what seemed to be scattered pieces of a full-arm gauntlet. Lastly, she would notice the various shards of Tera crystals that noisily rolled around in the tray as it moved.

Oscar brought the tray up to Naomi and leaned against it, "So this looks like a hot mess, but I swear it's just organized chaos." He gently grabbed one of the mechanical arms, which looked pretty accurate to a human's thanks to the guidance of . You know, besides the fact that it was made mostly of wires and metal. He lifted it up so Naomi could see. "I've been working on human cybernetic prosthetics. The idea is to create more durable limbs for--whomever would need them. But I caught wind of your Tera research and it got me thinking..."

Oscar grabbed one of the Tera crystals and raised it to be parallel with the arm. "What if my cybernetic limbs could be modified to utilize Tera energy!? Tera crystals seem to react better with machinery than organic matter anyway, it could be a viable way to enhance human physiology." Oscar put the arm and the crystal down. "Though before that I wanna hear what experiments you have int he oven!"

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Doomsday Prep (M)
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 16:13:31 GMT
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Oscar did not hear the knock since he was struggling to loosen the mechanical hand's vice grip. He thought to himself that this will be very useful once in the hands of , but for now it was just a huge pain in his ass. When his assistant for the day appeared, Oscar looked up and smiled. "Hey there! You must be Olliver."

The man apologized for his lateness, to which Oscar just waved his hand. Then Olliver wondered why Oscar had called upon him, and Oscar just nodded enthusiastically at the suggested reasoning. "That's right! I asked Miss Flint if she knew a talented biologist, so they sent you! Nice to be recognized for your talent, right?"

Oscar gently grasped part of the mechanical fist, "I am working on cybernetic prosthetics for the human body. Neat right? I don't know shit about anatomy though, I'm kinda just using my robotics knowledge to make something resembling a human arm." Oscar's grasp turned into a firm grip, "Before we can do anything you're good at though, I need help opening up this fist. Grab the other half of the hand and pull, don't be afraid to get rough with it."

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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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We thought a picnic would be nice (M)
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 16:02:17 GMT
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Oscar had looked into the cave for only a second, and in that time Zev had managed to get the drop on him. Oscar flinched as he heard his surname, and as he looked to Zev Oscar's face would contort into an expression of bewilderment. "How were you so quiet looking like an armory?" There was no hostility in Oscar's voice, but rather amused curiosity. Zev was truly made for this job.

Zev asked about the target, and Oscar rested his hands in his coat pockets as he looked back into the cave. "We have a lost little drilbur. A poor ranger who thought he could help the war effort by joining Rocket to gather intel. He's been hiding out here, so we are gonna pay him a visit and see what he's learned." Oscar gave Zev a sly look, "Then, y'know. Stuff him in a hole."

Oscar lifted one of his hands, pulling out what seemed to be a black headband. He tossed it over to Zev, "Put that on, it'll record your vitals during our picnic."

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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2023 18:35:12 GMT
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Oscar had paused on a page that seemed to depict a volcanic eruption, with a shaded Groudon seemingly being the cause. He grimaced, not wanting to consider what it was like to meet Groudon in person. He pushed the book away, taking a deep breath before answering Jayden.

"Both finding a new world and pursing more Avatars for Rocket are solid options, but they aren't reliable. There's no guarantee that it would be safe for us to jump worlds, especially if there are other versions of us already there. And Avatars? Putting the fate of the world into the hands of finicky pokemon with god complexes seems less than optimal."

Oscar leaned back in his chair, slowly rubbing his chin as he stared up at the ceiling. "Maybe there's another option. Perhaps we aren't looking close enough to the resources we already have..." He was formulating something, but the pieces were scattered. He needed time to put the puzzle together.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Data Date (M)
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2023 2:10:41 GMT
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Oscar clapped his hands together, his pointer fingers pointed toward Jason. "Love that energy--hold onto it-- but no." Oscar turned toward the mouth of the cave and began walking forward. "We take this sneaky-like. We don't want the ghost to get away, so we gotta get the jump on it. Then we fuck shit up. Oscar paused and looked back at Jason. "Well, you fuck shit up. I'm just supposed to watch."

Oscar continued forward, pausing again upon fully entering the cave. It was more icy then he remembered, with frozen pools of low-tide ocean water scattered across the cave floor. Oscar rubbed the back of his head, "Shit, we can't take our time though. High tide will be fuckin' killer, we gotta re-kill it before then. Let's be quick but quiet."

Oscar pushed on, moving as quickly as he could while making as little noise as possible. He was very careful to avoid the frozen pools when he could, not wanting to slip and break his ass. He was not sure where to go exactly, but he had a basic intuition and that intuition told him to follow the cold deeper into the cave.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2023 22:26:43 GMT
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Unlike his companions, Oscar was pumped to be back! They stench of ozone and scorched metal meant that he was on the doorstep of opportunity, and he sure as hell was not knocking. Oscar gallivanted ahead, swinging his arms as they traversed the electrified plain.

Last time they were here, they managed to bring power back to one of the plants. As Gaultier brought up turning more of the power back on, Oscar got an idea. He snapped his fingers, whipping around to face his comrades in arms. "Well we got one generator up, we just gotta connect it to the rest of the 'circuit board'. If we we do some digging, maybe we can find some power cables that were disconnected. Come on gang!"

Oscar marched forward, taking a moment to call back one last note. "Before you complain, reconnecting the circuits to the generator should attract a shit-ton of Ultra Beasts. It's all connected, see?" With that Oscar focused on moving deeper into the subterranean circuit board. If you look closer, you would swear that he was skipping.

--Oscar suggests using the power plant they revived last time to bring more power to the 'circuit board'.
--Oscar is jazzed to be here.

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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sublime tea rhyme
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2023 4:15:40 GMT
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Oscar rested his head between his pointer finger and thumb, an amused smile forming on his face. "I'm the only one who knows you're here." His tone was soft, like a father speaking to their distressed child. He could not blame Chu-e for making the assumption that he did, Oscar would have thought the same thing in his shoes.

"I'm in town for a conference. I was at the grocery store stocking on lollipops and who should I see casually shopping nearby?" Oscar gave Chu-e an inquisitive look, a clearly sarcastic gesture. "I followed you home just to make sure I wasn't seeing things. The mixture of confusion and joy I felt was staggering. It was like the world's worst prank."

Oscar let his hand drop to the table, his expression becoming far more dire. "We all thought--still think--you were in danger. You clearly are if they had to chip you, but Rocket may not see it the same way. The question is, what are you going to do when word does get out?"

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Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2023 4:07:41 GMT
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Oof, Temp was ignorant to what Project Genesis was. Oscar was honestly surprised, he had expected Gavin to maybe bring it up at some point. Oh well, it was not relevant to their current machinations. Temp's note about the fire pokemon was much more disappointing, but Oscar knew that he could work around it just fine. It shall just take a bit longer.

Oscar teetered back and forth, realizing rather quickly that his lack of context would only be increasingly confusing to Temp. Oscar was so used not having to share his thoughts with anyone at work, he would have to work on that. Oscar held up a finger, "I am jumping the gun a bit. Allow me to provide some background info." He ran briefly out of sight before returning with a heavy looking case.

Oscar would abruptly clear Temp's current table before slamming the case in front of him. With the click of a button the case would be unlocked, and Oscar would slowly open it to reveal the steel casings to some sort of gauntlet. The pieces were all detached, but they were clearly aligned to form a hand and forearm. Oscar giggled as he came around to Temp's side and began his explanation.

"Have you met ? She's a very talented blacksmith on our payroll, and I hired her to make me multiple sets of these bad boys. They're prosthetic casings made from smelted steel type pokemon! Light weight, durable, flexible, these fuckers are gonna change the alternative limb market forever! Presently though, I am more interested in Aurelie's research during the creation process. She took it upon herself to test some of the ores, and found that the 'skin' of each steel type provided different properties."

Oscar reached down and picked up the discarded magnemite. "For instance, the magnemite family can create ores that can conduct electricity! I don't have a steelix around, but ores made with their bodies are resistant to heat! You get the picture, I wanna do more tests so that I can understand the nature of what could be a very versatile resource!"

Oscar put the magnemite on the table and put a hand on Temp's shoulder, "Now I'd understand if this sounds a bit too ghoulish, and I wouldn't blame you if you wanted to back out. You just gotta tell me now before we get elbow-deep into some mad science."

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POSTED ON Mar 10, 2023 18:01:42 GMT
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Oscar had been kicking himself ever since he missed the sign ups for last year's race. What an absolute blunder, he would have cleaned up the competition faster than a--really fast pokemon. Whatever, FUCK IT! FUCK! IT! The past is gone, at least he made it into today's race.

He felt especially invested in this challenge, as it was hosted by the elusive . Well, he was not at all elusive but Oscar could not seem to pin the gym leader of his base-city down long enough to meet him. Like, first he just wanted to shake his hand or something but the longer it took to encounter Mister Devlin the more driven Oscar became to know him. How was Oscar supposed to destroy him so that he could take over Mauville if he could not even meet the guy!?

Oscar figured that supporting and taking part in Josh's race would be a good way to at least exchange prolonged eye contact, and as luck would have it the gym leader would be placed not too far behind Oscar's starting position. Oscar was already mounted on Lancer the beedrill's back, the both of them sporting vintage flying ace costumes. Oscar slowly looked behind him, his large goggles reflecting the sun. As he set his sights on his competition, he would give them all a nod and salute--though he was careful to aim toward Mister Devlin in particular.

Oscar turned back to Lancer leaning over to talk to his steed. "You ready to slaughter these jokers?" Lancer made a serious of buzzing noises that emulated an engine revving up, and Oscar would cackle manically in response. "What a beautiful day for a race!"


Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)

--Oscar is here!

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March 18
Heahea City
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Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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Beyond the Veil [C]
POSTED ON Mar 9, 2023 21:27:53 GMT
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There was no hesitation within Oscar's statement, he truly did trust Amor. Oscar would quickly begin elaborating, "Amor has proven himself to be a loyal and useful ally. His initial loyalty to the League was a minor barrier, but once that waned I seized the opportunity to recruit him. I believe that he will be a powerful asset to Rocket--though I fear he may have anger issues. Nothing a little therapy can't solve."

Oscar nodded confidently, "Yes I trust him, and if he shows that trusting him was a mistake then I will correct it personally. The usual cycle of things." Oscar seemed so nonchalant toward the ways of Rocket; as a long time member the organization's violent code seemed like just a quirky tradition.

Oscar returned to Lulu's machine, taking a closer look as he addressed Lulu once more. "I want to know more about your dream research. What have you learned so far?"

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