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Target Practice [M]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 14:01:51 GMT
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Bryan's quick thinking and fancy moves managed to turn the tide of battle in their favor, setting the pink gremlin up for a follow up attack by Oscar. Unwilling to allow this nonsense to go on any further, Oscar commanded his corviknight with the full intention of finishing the pest off. "Send it to hell, Brave Bird!"

Oscar's corviknight screeched, encasing its steel body with dazzling light as it dove toward the gremlin. The gremlin saw the attack coming of course, and attempted to maneuver its hammer so that it could strike back in mid-air. Jokes on that little cunt though, its hammer was too big and heavy to wield during free-fall. The Brave Bird struck fully, sending the creature flying downward so fast that it was instantly lost as it landed amongst the treeline.

Oscar paused as he waited for the pink figure to emerge. Luck seemed to be on their side, as the little shit would not reappear. Oscar landed near Bryan, sliding off his corniknight with a heavy sigh.

"Well that didn't go as planned--sorry our leisure trip was ruined." Oscar rubbed his arm, struggling to look Bryan in the eyes. Not from shame or embarrassment, but out of the awkward uncertainty of watching the man die and having him appear totally fine. What was up with that?

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Bio Metal [C]
POSTED ON Apr 7, 2023 13:50:09 GMT
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Temp seemed to take Oscar's debriefing with stride, which made Oscar more than a bit giddy to move forward. He rubbed his hands together as he walked past Temp, "That's the fuckin' spirit! I knew you were the right man to call." Oscar wandered out of sight, reappearing a short time later with what seemed to be a massive stone bowl and a squeaky cart. It clearly took effort to pull, and Oscar would stop to catch his breath as he presented the bowl to Temp.

After huffing excessively, Oscar would brush off how winded he was with a wide grin. "So--I'm not a---holy shit--huff--I'm not a blacksmith, but I've watched a few youtube videos and uh--hooff--I think we can melt down some of these steel types and make some ores to test." Oscar hopped over to the magnemite they were examining earlier and tossed it into the bowl. "I think there's a few Magnemite in this group. Grab all the shells you can find and toss them into the bowl!"

Oscar got right on it, digging through his carefully set up cadavers and tossing in any magnemites or magnetons he found. If Temp did the same, the bowl should have been filled up in no time. As the bowl reached capacity Oscar would place his hands on his hips and laugh, "Fuck yeah look at this haul. So umm--to melt it we gotta use excessive heat under the bowl I think?" Oscar leaned over, realizing that the bowl would have to be lifted to get any heat under it. He waved his hands dismissively, "Fuck it, we'll just apply fire directly to the metal. What's the difference, am I right?"

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possibility [postdorm]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 23:20:49 GMT
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Oscar did not pry further, accepting Lulu's answer at face value. She knew her own limits, if she says that she was alright then why would Oscar think otherwise? Lulu's Porygon Z got to work, reminding Oscar of his brief partnership with the specialized program not too long ago. Oscar tilted his head in the other direction, "It can really pack it in. Do you think it has like--a stomach that holds all the data? Do Porygons get hungry?"

Amusing musings aside, Oscar was starting to feel a little on edge. His mask did nothing to protect him from the mist, its sweet aroma clogging up his sinuses once again. He kept hearing things, screams and cries that he originally thought were from battles nearby. He began to recognize the voices attached to them though, echoes of long dead foes reliving their final moments. Oscar began to sweat profusely behind his mask, so he finally decided to remove it.

His face was paler than usual, drops of sweat rolling down his forehead. His helmet hair latched to his scalp, unwilling to part even with its newfound freedom. Oscar ran his fingers through the stubborn locks and kept his eyes peeled as the Porygon z continued its meal. There was no one nearby, only the voices. Yet he could not shake the feeling of being watched.

Oscar shared his uneasiness with his companion. "I feel like something is nearby. It's--I can't explain it..."

--10 MP per ic post
--10 MP mention of environmental mutation / paranoia
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possibility [postdorm]
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 0:53:45 GMT
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The Ultra Sea campaign was destined to be complicated, but the reality of the endeavor was more than even Oscar anticipated. He thought he would have an easier time now that his goals leaned more toward the academic, yet he had been caught up in fierce conflicts regardless. However, despite the chaos Oscar still had duties to attend to. He, , , and were unified in their quest to expand Rocket's resources.

In that spirit, he had arranged to meet up with Lulu at the site of an Interdream Zone anomaly--or at least it was an anomaly to him. Here in Ultra Space these sorts of occurrences could be common place for all he knew. The two met up amongst the leaking pink mists, both looking like they had gone through hell to get here. Lulu had clearly sustained some minor wounds, and Oscar's golden mask had its luster nearly completely wiped away.

Oscar folded his arms as Lulu addressed him, ignoring the bizarre sounds that radiated through the mist. "She sees Pandora's Box, I see a treasure chest. It's not gonna be easy but the fruits of our labors will be worth it." Oscar tilted his head, "You alright there? I mean I know you are but I feel like it's still polite to check in before we start."

--+10 MP per ic post

Total: 10 MP
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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 0:11:07 GMT
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Oscar had only glanced down the cliff before turning away, deciding he would be able to think better without the visual stimulation of the tera crystals below. "If I were the Seal Stone..." He mused out loud as he stroked the chin of his helmet. "I would be as far down as I could get." Oscar nearly regretted not landing closer to the open waters of the Ultra Sea. They might have had an easier time going down, even with the dangers listed in Rocket expedition notes.

Still, they were fully capable of mining their way down--it just might take some time. Not that Oscar minded, there was plenty to observe down below. He was positive he and Nomi could get some good data off of these tera crystals--but alas that was not meant to be. Nomi pointed out that had appeared nearby, and Oscar could only sigh heavily as his plans were dashed.

He reluctantly turned to look over the cliff, immediately focusing on the two figures that had appeared below them. There was no mistaking it, one of them was Remiel. It was shit luck to already have some League dogs coming upon them, but to have one of them be Remiel? Talk about garbage odds. Oscar and Remiel were not enemies, in fact Oscar was likely one of Remiel's last allies within Rocket. Yet the deal they made not too long ago was clear: should they encounter each other with witnesses they would be forced to do battle. They could not risk the dangers of others knowing about their alliance. Oscar was no enthused.

"...Fuck--might as well give them a proper greeting."

Oscar pulled a red ball off of his belt, not hesitating to open it. Genesect emerged from the ball, its sleek black form reflecting the glow of the tera shards. Oscar pointed toward the two League agents, having his fingers form the shape of a gun. He pretended to fire, and Genesect nodded with understanding. It turned its cannon toward the two, charging energy before unleashing a massive blast (Techno Blast). It was a flashy attack with an audible build up, perfect for getting Remiel's attention while still making the first move.

--Oscar's outfit inspiration.
--Oscar hates this already. Sent out Genesect and had it use Techno Blast.

10 MP per IC post in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
50 MP for participation in a Postdormitum Battle/Mission.
25 MP use a legendary/mythical pokemon in your thread (can only redeem once per character).

Total: 85
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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 23:18:09 GMT
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Oscar's comrades managed to nab a few Ultra Beasts. Excellent, it was about time they got a chance to catch one of these pests! Oscar decided that he should give it a go himself, after all he was not sure when he would have another chance. Especially since he might be incinerated by this pissed off regieleki in a few minutes.

Seeing that Gaultier missed his target, Oscar thought that he would try his hand at catching the same stakataka. Oscar reeled back and threw a ball, just in time for yet ANOTHER Xurkitree to get in the way. The ball bounced off its bulbous head, capturing the wiry monster before it could even react. Oscar huffed as the ball rolled to his feet. "I already have one of these..." He mumbled as he reluctantly picked it up.

His disappointment was interrupted by the screeching of the regieleki, who had just taken up sending thunderbolts in every possible direction. You know, for fun. Oscar returned his Lycanroc and squatted to better balance himself on Genesect. "Bob and weave boys we're outta time!" Oscar took off, using ultra beasts as cover to escape the dynamaxed titan's wrath.


--Oscar accidentally catches another Xurkitree.
--Oscar suggests getting the fuck out of dodge.

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Life Could Be a Dream
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 14:43:06 GMT
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had cashed in a Favor; there was apparently an anomaly related to the Interdream Zone on route 112, she did not have time to look into it so she called upon Oscar. Oscar was usually more than happy to assist Lulu in anything she needed, but he had a full day today so he declined. That was when Lulu dropped the Favor card, and suddenly Oscar could not possibly refuse. It was in the unwritten rules of true friendship, Favors were an unbreakable pact!

She had even sent her Porygon Z to tag along with Oscar, a modified member of the species that can turn Interdream energies into data. This was clearly a very important task to Lulu, so Oscar took it seriously. He ventured to Route 112 to observe the anomaly, though what he found he did not expect.

"Yikes--how the fuck did that happen?"

Oscar had to have been half a mile away, yet he could still see the pink mist that poured out of a tear in the sky. It was like the world's most whimsical waterfall, as well as a horrific defiance against the laws of nature. Its cause was irrelevant, Oscar was there to get data and that was all. He just hoped that no civilians were stuck in there, that would be a disaster waiting to happen.

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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2023 23:56:25 GMT
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Between the difficulty of the obstacle and a dragonite in front of them using fuckin' Wing Attack, Oscar and Lancer would end up lagging behind. They had no choice, the increase in wind resistance was causing Lancer to shake and if he maintained this speed he would probably end up losing control. As they lost ground to avoid disaster, Oscar's eyes glared at the dragonite and its rider from behind his goggles. They shall pay for this transgression!

Or not, it's a race so who knows if they will even see them again.

They may have been in sixth place now, but this was only the first lap! Mistakes will happen, but winners bounce back from losses to claim their rightful victories! The third obstacle was coming up, and Oscar tightened his grip on Lancer's reigns. "Alright, just like we practiced." Oscar whispered to his steed, who nodded with assurance as he picked up speed.

What awaited them was a more advanced version of the obstacle courses they had used to prepare for this race, all Lancer had to do was focus and keep going fast! So tightly did he focus, that he began to glow red with a ferocious passion (Focus Energy). Question was, would it be enough?

Speed (A)
Endurance (C)
Reaction (C)


--Oscar and Lancer fall back, Oscar gives a death glare from behind.
--Lancer used Focus Energy in an attempt to optimize its performance in this Obstacle.
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Shock Treatment [M]
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 20:30:21 GMT
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Oscar tapped his chin, a small smile creeping onto his face. This guy knew his stuff, honestly Oscar was impressed. Oscar tilted his head before answering Kaname's first question. "Yeah I tried resistors, but like you guessed normal steel doe snot react well with Infinity Energy. I mean, if the resistors were big enough it would be fine, but at this small of a size they just melt."

Kaname's following statement ignited Oscar's mind though, his smile growing into a devious grin. "The answer was so obvious, I can't believe I did not think of it until now!" Oscar ran over to a nearby closet, opening it with dramatic flare. The closet hid a fireman pole, which Oscar would quickly latch onto.

"Quickly Kaname, to my secret lab! Away!"

Oscar slid down the pole about ten feet before landing on a storage space he had claimed under his workshop. Oscar had transformed the space into a truly bizarre laboratory, filled with pylons, electrified chemicals, and countless displayed corpses of steel pokemon. Oscar would run over to a displayed magnetite, its shell hollowed out. He raised it upward and brought it to what seemed to be a forge, the aforementioned electrified chemicals pooling beneath it becoming a technicolor mass.

Oscar placed the magnemite shell into a compartment that hung over the colorful liquid. The compartment was super heated, so the metal shell quickly began to melt. Only now would Oscar begin explaining his idea, that is if Kaname had followed instructions and was currently present.

"I've done extensive experimentation with the bodies of steel pokemon. If you melt them down, you can compact them into ores that display different properties depending on the species. For example, ores made from Magnemite shells are exceptional electricity conductors. It is likely that resistors made from their melted down flesh will be able to properly conduct Infinity Energy--just as you theorized!"

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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 20:11:49 GMT
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Oscar thought that the worst of their troubles would be the Ultra Beasts peeling themselves out of the woodwork as the power spot roared awake. Little did Oscar realize that the electricity surging from within its center would hide a terrible secret. Dyna Energy was dangerous on its own, but combined with a pokemon of significant power and you have a recipe for disaster.

As Regieleki took form, Oscar's face drooped from behind his helmet. This thing was big from the get-go, but as it absorbed Dyna energy it only got larger and more imposing. Oscar gulped loudly, lamenting their current position. "You know, I thought about it and I officially hate this place."

Oscar pulled out a pokeball, opening it to once again summon his Dusk Lycanroc. Oscar gestured frantically toward the Regieleki. "Slow that thing down with Splinter Stormshards!" The Lycanroc obeyed, howling as the ground beneath it erupted toward the dynamaxed legendary in a volley of spikes. By the Ultra Beasts were closing in, and Oscar anticipated a staggering confrontation.

However, most of the Ultra Beasts seemed more focused on getting the fuck away from Regieleki. Oscar relaxed a bit, perhaps they could use this to their advantage?

--Oscar sends out Lycanroc to use its Z move against Regieleki.
--Oscar observes that the Ultra Beasts are more focused on running away, and wonders if his team could capitalize on this situation.

--Use a Z move in an advantageous way.

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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 19:40:32 GMT
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It would seem that Desolence was in for a harsh battle, as both the Kleavor and its master seemed unyielding in their resolve. Before Desolence's tail could even make contact however, as a Focus Blast would soon knock it away. Oscar followed the blast to its source, and created a heart with his hands toward . It was very thoughtful of him to back Oscar up.

Even though her attack did not hit, the special effect of Desolence's iron tail would quickly change her body. Black crystals began to encase her, covering her leathery skin with an armor-like shell. With her vicious transformation complete, the now Poison/Steel type would screech with blood lust. She craved carnage, and Oscar was not going to withhold her from achieving it.

Between the legendary Shadow Lugia becoming a magnet for all of the League's attacks and the League starting their retreat, now was the perfect time to get some potshots in. Oscar agreed with Gavin, as long as they could get access to the portal it did not matter if the League got away or not. Pursuit would be futile and fruitless. However, that did not mean that he would refrain from making their retreat as difficult as possible.

Oscar pointed toward the League's side. "Wash them away!" Desolence roared, stomping her feet to raise toxic fluid from beneath the earth. The gathering sludge would create a large wave that would shortly be sent careening toward the League members and their pokemon (Sludge Wave).

--Oscar is super thankful for Fern's intervention.
--Nidoqueen's special ability changes her type to Poison/Steel.
--Nidoqueen used Sludge Wave on the retreating League side.

10 MP for referencing another character (must include tag).

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POSTED ON Mar 29, 2023 12:29:37 GMT
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CHARACTER: [break]FACTION: ROCKET[break]PARTICIPATING IN BATTLES?: Y[break]DO YOU WANT A BATTLE LARGER THAN A 1v1?: Y the bigger the brawl the better.[break]PREFERRED PARTNERS?: , , , , , @anywhereiamneeded[break]PREFERRED OPPONENTS?: , , , , , @anyone[break]POKEMON TEAM (6 MAX): TBD[break]NOTES/COMMENTS: This brings back memories :3 [break]

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 13:13:12 GMT
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The battle became considerably more complicated as the defensive strategies dropped. Oscar was content to still fill a support role, but his tune changed as a Sandstorm was kicked up to smother the hail. Oscar clicked his tongue, "The weather's been awful lately."

With no defensive pokemon that could benefit from the surging sand, Oscar decided to take on a more aggressive stance. Yet he would not get the chance to switch out before a massive stone pokemon would charge toward Wrath. Wrath only had a moment to realize she was being attacked before the creature's massive axe smashed her into the ground.

Oscar gasped, taken aback by the sudden strike. Wrath was barely moving, her harsh breathing being the only indication that she was still alive. Images of the death of Wrath's mate Nostra flashed through Oscar's head, and he would hastily withdraw the frosmoth to avoid losing her too.

Oscar pulled another pokeball off his belt, seething as he opened it. A Nidoqueen emerged with a flash, standing tall as he dully observed the chaos around her. Black crystals jutted out from her back and shoulders, an unmistakable sign of her Shadow nature. The lingering splinters from the Stone Axe dug into her hide, but she seemed to barely register such a inconsequential discomfort.

Oscar locked onto , the most likely culprit for this unwelcome Kleavor. Oscar's furious digitized voice would ring out above the sounds of battle, "I'm gonna rip this cave man apart! Desolence, take out the axe fuck!" The Nidoqueen eyed the only pokemon with axes for hands in the vicinity, charging forward with an unnatural grace. Once she closed the distance, she would swing around and attempt to smash the Kleavor with her Iron Tail.

--Frosmoth is knocked out by Kleavor.
--Oscar sent out Shadow Nidoqueen.
--Shadow Nidoqueen used Iron Tail on Kleavor.

10 MP for referencing another character (must include tag).

30 MP if you mention an opponent’s attempt (deceit, distract, strategy) is successful against you.

150 MP for having your pokemon knocked out by an opponent.
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No Pain No Gain [M]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2023 20:02:36 GMT
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Genesect did not understand the nuances of sarcasm, so Mitch's mocking seemed more like an attempt to be friendly. Genesect appreciated this, as determining if a human is friendly or not has been rather difficult in the past. Oscar paid no attention to Mitch's shenanigans, he was too busy pulling up his Metal music playlist.

Oscar tapped his phone once more, raising it dramatically to add a little dose of theatrics to an otherwise mundane task. Suddenly Heavy Metal would burst forth from speakers placed within Genesect, sending waves of 'sick-ass' riffs across the training facility. Genesect was more of a techno fan, but it still tried to appreciate Mitch's music choice with some wicked break dancing. As a being with only the most basic grasp over emotions, Genesect has found immense comfort in listening to music and learning how to dance.

It makes it feel, y'know?

Oscar folded his arms, keeping his eyes on Mitch. "Break a sweat!"

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