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Through Haze, Hail or Sandstorm
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 15:37:32 GMT
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"Martin?" There were certain names Sénon remembered and didn't let go of.

was one of them. Why? Happenstance.

Martin was his co-director in one of the best combat exchanges he'd ever had. Before he was anything else in this pokémon world, he was a stupid kid challenging everyone who crossed his path.

He never forgot the name of anyone who gave him an unforgettable pokémon battle.

Although, there was a chance Locke's 'Del Mar' was someone else.

Locke was a good name unto itself, the kind of name he'd wanted growing up.

It took the piss out of him that the answers only seemed to open up more questions. Still, Locke was helpful and left the writing on the walls quite legibly.

There were others, and he needed to find them.

The implications of not being able to follow-up with this Eris was cause enough for a follow-up itself. "Why's that?"

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Thirty One
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Whetstone Socials (SD)
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 14:48:27 GMT
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It felt good to be breathing fresh air again.

As nice as it was having his feet up for a while if he didn't get back outside now that he was back to 100% he'd become a fat house cat.

If was going to continue as the proverbial pyroar over Cait's pride he had to get back to tricks and trades and talents.

Last year had done these things with him.

It was how they met their (ex-)girlfriend in fact. He frowned as he sat with the drummed up feelings of missing in the months since she moved back to Galar.

She left big shoes to fill as their third and as a couple he and Cait hadn't found anyone that fit them like the Princess.

He almost let the distraction of affections-past keep him from noticing the sound of approaching footsteps as his first date sat down while he was staring off into space.

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● notes: #speeddating

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Thirty One
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Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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plans [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 14:12:15 GMT
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After their 'other world experience' Sénon had been on the mend.

This speed dating stuff was the first he'd been in the public eye since the start of 2022.

The blow he took to the head left him moving a bit slowly through the winter when he was supposed to have been revving at full throttle.

Any plans of 'hibernating' from work like he normally did come spring were left where Shuriken died.

He'd asked about Laurs love life but when he got his answer he didn't much respond to it, as if he'd never asked at all.

He rubbed his left temple in annoyance of a phantom pain.

"Have you ever been to the Seafoam Islands?"

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● notes: #roost

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Windburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2022 13:39:49 GMT
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"Mhmm." Not much to elaborate on concerning that.

From his skyview he saw a few unlucky bastards taken down and chewed out in the most aggressively literal way possible.

Frankly all the carnage Sénon remembered the most vividly was done by the ultra beasts, not the trainers wielding them.

A skarmory being worked liked a corpse puppet by those alien, 'nihilego' they called the species now, tentacles.

No point in going out of his way to drag those memories from the ocean floor of his mind, back to the surface.

"You ran off to fight a war." He frowned with his eyes closed. "I ran off to cook." He couldn't recalled if she knew that or not; his escapades abroad. Kalos and Alola.

"Now here we are, you pulled into cooking."  "-and me pulled into war." He could hear the echoes of his teenage self weighing in on what his adult-self had gotten them mixed up in. "Thanks! I hate it!" Simple kid;

Battling with pokémon was all that was right in the world.
Warring with pokémon was nothing but wrong, akin to evil.

"Like I said..." He didn't say the rest aloud but, 'Go figure'.

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● notes: 532 Heat Points

62 + 93 + 88 + 54 + 65 +
22 + 37 + 45 + 2 +


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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plans [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 15, 2022 3:10:36 GMT
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There was some kind of pattern forming here, all of his speed dates were with people he had very close personal ties to.

Two exes and his work-twin.

He sat down with a certain relief since it was Laurs sitting there.

He let his shoulders slump and deeply, he exhausted.

"Who are you dating?" Sénon was a bit tired but now there a string to pull on. He hadn't thought to inquire about what Laurs had going on in his love life in all these months working together but suddenly, he thought to ask.

Surely it was a bigger conversation for later; the two of them did have business to touch up on after all.

The memory of Articuno's graceful bow of gratitude at the forefront of his mind.

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Game Gone Wild | № 056
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 13:47:29 GMT
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( )

Nothing to get the stagnant back on track like a blow to the head. "just light you bastard." not even a literal fire-making contraption could keep up with his fervor.

To be fair, it was windy outside and no man-made lighter could compete with the wind. Once he had the incense lit he waited in silence and reflection.

● tags: @gamewild (056)
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Feb 13, 2022 10:57:45 GMT
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He saw the blow coming. "You know what your problem is, Gameboy?" He was just too slow to do anything about it. "You don't appreciate sacrifice."

Game Point.

The hit was so heavy the inertia threw him from his feet.

He couldn't see his new skull-fracture lying on his back. As he struggled to his feet he caught the sight of his blood mixing with the sea water.

Turned out, cracking his head earlier was foreshadowing.

He wagered the other guy must have been super-human to hit him that hard; one hit and he was down. Any referee worth their stripes would have called the fight by now.

The orange gauntlets reaching for his skull reminded him this fight would have no third-party to end it with civility.

Without the strength to free himself he was barely given the time to panic before an ALLY SWITCH threw him free

He didn't recall calling teaching Shuriken ALLY SWITCH.
He didn't recall calling Shuriken from its pokéball.

The partnership between the ranger and his roster evident as one of his own moved to protect him without orders.


Sénon remembered the promises he'd made so many. He must have thought he was dying if he was thinking about promises left unfulfilled.

It took a moment to process what was happening. "Don't you worry, there's still enough time and space for you to learn." By the time he did, it was too late.

ALLY SWITCH put Shuriken in the clutches of this, man. A starmie's body or the Head Ranger's head it didn't matter much what the quarry was, so long as something snapped.

It applied the pressure slowly causing a flash in the starmie's core as the sea-star resisted, but in an instant...

As the masked man sandwiched his pokémon its Jewel of the Sea popped off its body flying past its downed trainer.

"NO!" Words never felt more futile than in that moment. The voice ripping from his own vocal cords didn't sound like him, too panicked, too desperate.

As the life drained from its broken form the Head Ranger remembered what he'd said when he captured Shuriken with a promise.

"I think we could really help each other,
grow stronger together.
" He remembered.

"You can trust me." Shuriken remembered.

A final shimmering of light from the Starmie's ejected core would crack open another pokéball, weighing down the immediate area with a dying pulse of GRAVITY.

The added weight from a Starmie's death rattle did nothing to stop an apt TELEPORT taking the critically Sénon back to the gates and to his allies. He looked pretty good besides the technical hole in his head.

Satisfied with itself the Basculegion swam away, keen to enjoy its easily earned star-shaped snack.

● tags: @aap2

♣︎ Shuriken used ALLY SWITCH, Gravity; R.I.P.
♥︎ Tsukuyomi used TELEPORT to save senon
♦︎ Basculegion fled!
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Heartburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 12, 2022 22:54:16 GMT
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His pride didn't let him take eyes off her. Seemingly defiant against even fate itself to have what she wanted, and fair in what she was willing to offer to have it.

Now that the year was winding down it was dawning him just how busy the following year was going to be.

He was beginning to have a change of heart about leaving Cait to do the lion's share of the child rearing upfront so that he could keep keep Snorlax from blocking the roads and settling inter-species pokémon disputes.

The Ranger didn't need him as much as his own children would.

No point in bringing it to Cait until he was sure about it.

Taking her hand they made way for the Sauna exit. "How about one kid every year until you're thirty?" He picked her up bridal style, because his pores were opened and he was primed for a bit of lifting.

Also because it would relieve her feet. "Segue, we should watch Aliens tonight.." Yes, he was thinking of Cait birthing dozens of little redheaded "facehuggers".

Babies hugged faces didn't they? Yeah, babies hugged faces.

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031 Heat Points

96 + 64 + 93 + 66 +
68 + 43 + 49 + 38 +
36 + 81 + 26 + 60 +
37 + 76 + 78 + 60 +
18 +

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Heartburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 21:52:53 GMT
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He didn't leave her much room in the way of non-tolerated behaviors.

When she got all determined and spicy it was a turn on.

When she got demure and compromising, it was a turn on.

He'd yet to find a flavor of Cait he didn't like. "I mean..."

"A numerical name?" He'd heard much worse that that.

But "Four?" "If that's at the top of your list I'd swap it out for Seven it just has a better ring to it." Obviously she was staking her claim on how far she was willing to let their brood grow. Since he mostly agreed with her on the number, playing dumb was more fun. "I mean I wouldn't date a dude named Seven Game but maybe you know something I don't."

"Why don't we just call them 'Time and Space'?"

Palkia and Dialga were twins weren't they?

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049 Heat Points

96 + 64 + 93 + 66 +
68 + 43 + 49 + 38 +
36 + 81 + 26 + 60 +
37 + 76 + 78 + 60 +

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 21:25:56 GMT
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By the time he got hands on a proper pokéball to put some space between himself and his Cait-y pursuer, Kim was already intervening.

A HYDRO PUMP to freedom was a better idea than he had.

The previous HEX was bad enough but before Kim could secure the Head Ranger, the redhead was followed upon its last landed-blow with a PSYCHIC before going after the escaping human effectively ignoring Kim, and its trainer.

With the HEX and PSYCHIC at play Sénon was sensory compromised and a little slower on the draw.

In the instant he could see him, looked like

actually he looked more like...

Either way Sénon himself was like...


He burst from water even clearing a meter or two from the surface. He landed heavy and lacking for grace; the submerged struggle leaving him fatigued and lacking for air.

Seemingly for the second time this assignment, the Head Ranger was standing on the water's surface but rather for the second time, Shuriken spun under his feet, keeping him above surface level as his horizontal floating platform.

Not that he could visually see Shuriken from where he was, which was somewhere between delirious and psychedelic.

He barely had time to fill his lungs before a small storm of water was sprayed in his direction hard enough to break his line of sight, covering his eyes behind a blocking palm.

Before he could track it a blow to his gut took the air he'd struggled so hard to the surface for, sending him flying back in recoil skidding along the surface of the waters until his body came to a stop on a small stretch of land slowly growing larger.

Getting to his feet he braced to defend himself from the Big Fish he presumed to be the culprit. What he saw before him struck him more off-guard than a giant basculin trying to break his bones.

"You know what your problem is, Gameboy?" A person he'd never seen, but a voice he'd known all his life.

He saw the blow. "You don't, appreciate sacrifice."

He was just far too slow to do anything about it.


● tags: @aap2

♠︎ BACK on the Surface, thanks to kim.
♣︎ Senon is Hex'D (AND PSYCHIC'D)!

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Heartburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2022 19:39:43 GMT
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It was touching to hear that she'd once created something and she wanted its namesake to live on.

He could identify with that. "Primrose it is."

She wasn't quite off the hook with that list of boys names she had. If he bit the dust between now and coming with his own names for them, Cait's list would be the de facto.

He was more than a little curious on the possibilities.

"Middle names?" Did the tribe do middle names?

It wasn't exactly common in Kanto but his mother was (Alolan-)Galarian so he had one, and so did @ajay.

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109 Heat Points

96 + 64 + 93 + 66 +
68 + 43 + 49 + 38 +
36 + 81 + 26 + 60 +
37 + 76 + 78 +

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Heartburn (Sauna)
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 19:36:34 GMT
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"What were they?" He locked down on the point about the boys names. "The boys names." Lukewarm as he was to having a son at this point and time, he was deadset on his baby boy not being given the wrong name.

His mother wanted to name him after a chemical element.

"Xenon" was a pretentious name.

"-and where did 'primrose' come from?" He squinted at her in civil challenge. The name didn't hit with any significance for him but it had to have some greater context for her.

"Aren't you," he squinted his eyes even tighter as he chose his words carefully. "-not good, at naming things." Last he checked it had a been over a year and her little Riolu still didn't have a name.

● tags:
● notes: I rewrote this post
but kept the original role of 76

187 Heat Points

96 + 64 + 93 + 66 +
68 + 43 + 49 + 38 +
36 + 81 + 26 + 60 +
37 + 76 +

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 4:24:56 GMT
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He couldn't get away from her.

She wouldn't back off.

Just when he began to consider he'd have to fight his way back to the surface with pokémon those soft hands graced his face as the doppleganger of his wife-to-be laid a kiss to his lips.

Passing oxygen to his lungs his eyes probed the honeyed layers of her iris.

Subtlety he began to search the lining of his suit for a pokéball.

As much as he wanted to inquire about what she suffered, why she suffered. He still had a job to do and his own Cait to get back to.


Unfortunately, it seemed this world's Cait was as dedicated to her those that molded her into who she was as his own.

While he wasn't convinced his Cait would ever side against him if they ordered it, he recognized the woman before him wasn't his Cait. -and her 'Seamount', well it wasn't him.

As she backed from him her Basculegion backed her up forming a HEX for the Head Ranger.

In effect, Sénon's gaze distorted and the Cait he saw began to glow from the eyes in surround of the wispy glowing forms of dozens and dozens of little Basculin.

She only said two sentences. It bothered him to hear Cait's voice say the words. The former, rich with nurturing and sympathy. "I don't have to hurt you."

The latter, firm and resolved. "I will not let you pass."

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♠︎ Still under the electric spire
♣︎ Senon received the kiss of life!
♦︎ SEA-CAIT IS on guard!

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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old love [sd]
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2022 2:25:58 GMT
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He wasn't pleased to see her go.

It always felt like unfinished business with Remi.

-because of the misunderstandings

-because of the lies

-because of the differences in opinion on right and wrong.

He wanted to flip her hair with his finger to annoy her as she walked past but his hand stayed at its side. He supposed he'd reached his limit on how far he could go in his 'hunting' of Remi Cassel.

Touching Silver Straights felt like a betrayal of Green Curls.

So instead he yelled at her as she left, somewhere between a grin and a frown.

"'Sad Puppy' did me just fine!" It didn't.

He would have never gotten Cait sulking around all wounded, chip on his shoulder.

He also never told Remi about his little Kamikaze on Cinnabar's Rockets after he left Kalos, after he left her.

How he almost died.

How the pokémon he'd raised since childhood all died.

Except for Gan () who was seemingly immortal
and Kiri () who was like 200,000+ years old anyway.

She didn't know he only came to Hoenn to hideout until it was time for his revenge and that he might have had plans to see her again once he destroyed Rocket. Life just became more complicated than that.

and now it was all just more things left unsaid.

If this was where things were left between them, he was glad she could keep her head up despite what happened to Roman. He was glad she was able to move on, girls always did.

As Chimchar approached from sneaking off to stuff his face at the fruit table, scratching his butt with food still in his cheeks, Sénon remembered something as Remi disappeared in the reshuffling of dates.

"Aww shit! I forget to get my Dratini back."

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● notes: @speeddating2022

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