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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
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Game Gone Wild | № 042 (SW)
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2021 18:12:36 GMT
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Poopy sandals weren't as easy to ignore as poopy boots and if he tried to ignore it, it would make for a poopy memory staining his visit.

He ignored the little duskull roaming over to the grassy terrain onside the first shrines.

Carefully scraping his foot against the earth and stone he mostly cleaned the sandals while nourishing the grass.

With a spark of instinct and impulse he tore open the package of CARROT SEEDS and took a pinching of seeds.

Poking holes in the earth with his finger he dropped in the seeds and spread the droppings and dirt over the top of the hole with his foot.

Nature preserved and his sandals now shit-less; 2 for 1.

● balls: remaining: 22, 03, 87
● tags: @gamewild (042)
● notes: Skipping Duskull

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2021 17:59:35 GMT
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Another canine came about before long, one he couldn't identify. A thick coat of white reminded him of that absol he'd let catch last winter.

He still wanted one of those for the pack.

SLEEP POWDER from Baby was the solution to this white dog (as it always seemed to be) against these safari limitations. He couldn't remember the last time the 001 Pokémon had missed with it.

Babysaur used SLEEP POWDER!

Crimsen attempted to catch Furfrou!

● balls: (, , , )
● tags: @catdogsafari

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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it's HOT and it's READY (cats)
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2021 3:05:00 GMT
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Taking a stretch and getting limber he broke away from the kitchen to the next ticket being sent back

Adrian was filling the current ticket and the stall was too small to handle two orders at once.

With the next order's ticket (#7) in hand he came into a slight lean over the counter where was trying to both contribute and stay out of the way.

As if he'd let her.

"Excuse me, Officer Mosse, you don't plan on closing this stall without getting your hands dirty do you?" He looked around for .

"Now, Hoffman over there can't cook water. He's malnourished; that's why his hair is already silver." He challenged her, "Whats your excuse?" smirk intact.

● tags: ,
● notes: Baristacats, Closing shift
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
it's HOT and it's READY (cats)
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2021 20:06:54 GMT
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With the last order up, Sénon was beginning to lock-in on his culinary focus.


The fifth order went out so fast he barely realized he was working on it until it was done.

A thinly folded egg with fried rice and chopped onions peppers; black and bell.

Kirio's EGG BOMG was the centerpiece of the plating the fried rice was cooked quickly enough with another chimchar's FIRE SPIN.

Sirfetch'd did double duty mincing the vegetables for the Omu-rice while also cutting the layers of meats cheese and vegetables with his LEAF BLADE and a little HUSTLE of help from Nidoran.

The one of his Toxel triplets that was a total KLUTZ spilled ketchup onto the Omu-rice, which was just plain lucky.

Sénon mostly put together the Sandwich himself only calling for Dratini to SLAM the sandwich flat as per customer request.

Of course might small as she was she couldn't quite flatten the sub sandwich, maybe Adrian had something to flatter it the rest of the way.

● tags: ,
● notes: Baristacats, Closing shift

Egg Bomb, Fire Spin, Klutz (Ability), Hustle (Ability)

Leaf Blade, Slam,

Triple Kick needed!
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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
it's HOT and it's READY (cats)
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2021 17:25:59 GMT
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Having pokémon help in the kitchen made for a cramped kitchen in the name of majestic quality meals being made at literally inhuman speeds.

Some of the methodology was a little on the side of the excessive.

Like how they would have hit a roadblock if not for that Klink-Klank Adrian had. Of course once he saw it ground up the coffee he was forced to accept the excessive.


With a tossed handoff from excadrill used his precise arm-claws to RAPID SPIN tossing it to the air again and again giving the dough shape and making perfectly non-uniform crust; tender in some spots and crispy in others.

Putting a pizza stone on the back of Larvesta the final pizza (when ready) was cooked evenly in a neigh instant with via FLAME WHEEL.

As for the iced coffee, Lunatone's MOONBLAST covered bits of caramel and chocolate with a magical luminescence making them twinkle and sparkle as if covered in microscopic sugar crystals.

Dashing them into the professionally made coffee from Adrian and Sagira he gauged his work at Adrian's inquiry, "-looks good to me." He looked down the list for their next order. "Order up!"

● tags: ,
● notes: Baristacats, Closing shift

Bulldoze, Rapid Spin, Leafage, Flame Wheel

Gear Grind, Ice Ball, Moonlight

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
polite conversation . [ private ]
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2021 8:39:29 GMT
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He saw it. That cocky ass smirk.

Like any experienced gambler (and former criminal in the strictest definition of the word) he knew something valuable when he saw it.

Fernando Sliph emoting in posture was probably as rare as a short-range comet, and gone just as fast never to be seen again in the same lifetime.

He probably didn't even flinch when he popped his cork.

Sénon managed to not actually pitch his eyes to the side in dismissal, he didn't miss that he only saw it because Fernando wanted him to.

He'd seen this movie before.

He and Cait were so hive-minded in their relationship he could feel the pressure she was putting out for him to not shame or make a fool of her in front of this man she revered.

It was jarring how differently he and Cait regarded Fernando when they were so aligned on everything else. Her wanting to impress and save-face and his not giving a damn.

How could she make him do this song and dance?

Didn't she understand he'd saved her from a lifetime of Pearl Necklaces from this eternally Sphinx-faced fucker?

Her elbow went between his ribs and almost made him buckle from the placement.

Stepping aside to grant Fernando entry Sénon nodded reassuringly to reinforce being glad Fernando'd had a fun trip hassling happy people,

-or whatever Cait said.

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● notes:

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2021 7:47:49 GMT
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These things were becoming more frequent than ever.

Given he was first on the scene he did as he always did and watched the pack.

When he found a lull in the moment, he chuck a spare pokéball.

Like the eevee from the last occasion though, this lot was more interested in training themselves (and sparring) and socializing together than causing trouble.

That made them easy and willing subjects for his camera; his aura passed their vibe check and the pokémon accompanying him helped his score.

With Jūken and Lucario at this side along with a transformed Gan the gathering of Emanation and Aura Pokémon quickly accepted the four of them into the gathering of punchy puppies.

● tags: @pokéswarm (lucario)
● notes:


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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
it's HOT and it's READY (cats)
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 0:46:15 GMT
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Hoffman threw out a lazy jab but Sénon was far too comfortable indulging in his element to respond.

Mosse shot him a look, the two of them competing in a kitchen brought back some laughs for him, she was probably feeling the nostalgia too.

He stayed put until a surge of boredom shot from his cortex to his calves.

When strings put up the third order Sénon's was finishing off a thorough sterilizing of his pokéballs for kitchen cleanliness and washing of his hands for the same reason.


After his pokémon were kitchen-sterilized he sent them off to work. Chimchar would tenderize the sneasel meat with relentless FURY SWIPES breaking apart the tough fibers and allowing for a more palatable flavor in the end result.

Each cut burger sliced with precision by Antmor's HONE CLAWS, left the final slabs of meat to have an ice cube placed on the top before being flame-grilled to perfection by a FLAMETHROWER.

Now they just needed an EARLY BIRD of an alarm after the burgers had cooled for a minute or two.

Meanwhile; Togetic, Flareon & Milcery had cupcake duty.

Milcery mixed and whip the batter with inhuman speed from inside the bowl. Togetic's FAIRY WIND helped to trap joyous and jubilant air bubbles into the batter making for a (magically) high-volume cake at the end of the process with a HELPING HAND from Flareon's body heat in baking the mixture.

All that was left was to wrap the individual cups of sugary-spongy carbs in frosting and edible adornments.

"Milce, DECORATE the cakes." The baby Cream Pokémon let out her pkmn-cry at his request. "What do you mean you can't?" Oh right, he hadn't taught her cake-decor yet.

● tags: , ,

● notes: Baristacats, Closing shift


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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Other Side of the Pillow (M)
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 6:47:27 GMT
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When indeed, most of the last twelve hours were a blur.

He raised the stakes of her kiss by grabbing a palm-full.

It had been over twenty-four hours since their last toss-up and he was getting less and less hungry by the second. He answered her question

"I can't remember, I had some shots over at Trashy Rascals. Too many." Then he left with a whole bottle of the good shit on 's tab on account of a bet he lost to the Head Ranger.

Sénon wagered he must have brought the kid back with him for those nachos. Doug had a drink or two himself if he remembered the night right.

He remembered letting himself back in the apartment not super late in the night, but late enough that Cait was already asleep.

He woke up in bed in his boxers but he remembered going to sleep with his shoes on.

Cait must have taken them off while he was crashed. She took such good care of him, he was really wrestling down the urge to pin her to a wall and sweat out her makeup.

"Tell me," He broke away playfully between every couple of syllables for another kiss. "what you," His lips were slightly green by the end. "-want for lunch."

● tags: ,
● notes: mission specs

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Other Side of the Pillow (M)
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 5:06:18 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

There she was, and all was right with the world again. Given their morning ritual was interrupted by his own drunk shenanigans the night before he was tempted to charm his way into the bathroom with her.

Getting some food in his stomach only just barely won out over getting some love into his Cait.

"I'm making an early lunch, the kid might be waking up soon." Sénon himself was always ravenous when he woke up from a drinking blackout the night before.

Before he could ask Cait what she wanted for Lunch he noticed something hilarious at her feet.

He upped the octaves of his voice to make light and tease the haughty psychic. "Oh hey "Sticky" I didn't know you were here or I'd have gotten a nice bath for you." Who knew Espeon were the pettiest of all the eeveelutions. His money had always been Flareon or Jolteon.

You dump spoiled berry juice one pristine espeon coat and they hated you for life.

Luckily Cait was a trainer who demanded obedience and the Espeon was smart enough to know attacking him meant having to face any number of the pokémon he'd endeared himself to.

● tags: ,
● notes: mission specs

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 4:31:58 GMT
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With Umbreon's HELPING HAND, Flareon's firepower went through the roof and with proper footing he trampled the trunk with vigor and broke into the car's interior before igniting a LAVA PLUME around his body to warp the junked car with thousands of degrees of blistering heat.

Sénon had to make a carefully placed jump onto a smaller car pile to keep a safe distance.

The car was all but destroyed but to put a pretty bow on its destruction Flareon used HELPING HAND to augment the attack power Umbreon would use to finish off their scrapyard target.

● tags:
● notes: Mission specs


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 4:24:41 GMT
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He knew he'd been running these Zones for a while now if he happened upon a pokémon he'd seen before in a previous iteration of the zone.

His Shinx was Luxray now, and was probably in need of a playmate.

With a snap of his fingers Babysaur shimmered SLEEP POWDER over her and before the moment passed, she was out of her conciousness and into his first Safari Ball.

Babysaur used SLEEP POWDER!

Crimsen attempted to catch Shinx!

● balls: (, , , )
● tags: @catdogsafari

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
[m] glimmer
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 4:03:39 GMT
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With his pokémon falling back in line one by one, he waved goodbye to Zola, watching her walk away, exhaling in lamentation.

Behave Sénon.

Overhead the Ladyba and Ledian began to depart the woods en masse. The last of the sparkling remains they shed shimmered down from the sky settling on the grass.

Soon another team would arrive with the proper bugs to STRING SHOT the shining particulate they left behind.

He cupped his hands over his mouth as she walked away.

"My doors always open, Abara." He tried to tell himself he wasn't watching her hips sway with each step. "Awkward or not."


● tags: @zola
● notes: Mission specs

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played by


Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
[m] glimmer
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 3:04:47 GMT
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The eye witnesses were especially wrong.

He'd had his helmet on the entire time and left him league com at home.

was there, the witnesses had likely seen him on the back of Articuno of all things.

Some times people got the Head Rangers mixed up or didn't realize there were two of them.

"I didn't notice the cold shoulder until you stated your exit strategy." He laughed out loud, if he couldn't flirt with her he could still tease her. "Sorry if I alienated you a little back there. I'm going 'as best as i can'."

● tags: @zola
● notes: Mission specs

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game
Game Gone Wild | № 042 (SW)
POSTED ON Aug 16, 2021 2:53:28 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

The switch up was real as he hit the highest step of the legion of stairs leading to the top of Mt. Pyre rather than Mt. Chimney.

He was here to pay his respects to the memory of his fallen followers above all but word was this the place for both ghost and psychic types. Maybe while he was here he would give a visit too.

Dressed more formally than normal he donned the same Shihakusho he'd worn to the Vital Spirit Festival,

-in fact, he hadn't worn it since then. That old pack of CARROT SEEDS was still in one of the inner pockets.


Taking them out to have a look the Head Ranger was perturbed to the squishy feeling under his sandal telling him he'd stepped in pokéshit.

● balls: remaining: 22, 03, 87
● tags: @gamewild (042)
● notes:

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing