the start of a bad porno [social]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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a broken child on the wings of chaos in the realms of shadows
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TAG WITH @jackson
jackson barrett
the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2020 2:21:21 GMT
jackson barrett Avatar
Jackson barely noticed Mila's seductive wink, nor did he acknowledge the gentle touch of her hand against his elbow. His fullest attention was focused on the warm body of his electric hound in his arms. Blood soaked into the sleeves of his shirt, the dark liquid blending with the black threads and painting his skin beneath. It was hard to see the wound beneath the blood, but a thousand worst-case possibility swarmed his mind in the moment of distraction. A distraction broken by the hard melody of a question that burned through his veins.

"He's not my boyfriend." Jackson growled, pulling his elbow away from her touch as they departed from the chilled outdoors and entered through the cage doors of Ki's house. It was never that the house had seemed welcoming, but the walls seemed even closer and less inviting on his second visit. Jackson saw the Gardevoir, healed from their previous encounter, the moment before Gardevoir turned and his features fell to the ground. Jackson just scowled, grateful for help but ungrateful for the circumstance, as he followed Gardevoir's motion and rested Miro on the couch.

The bright lights of the room only made Jackson feel discomfort as he bore a distrustful gaze upon the Zoroark resting in the corner. He stood aside, arms crossed, with frustration and a whirlwind of thoughts swirling through his mind. Mila had entered with him, her features relaxed and calm in stark contrast of his own. She seemed drawn to the scent of a delicious meal roasting in the next room, while Jackson couldn't remove his mind's attention from worry of Miro. Not until Gardevoir had begun the healing process and Miro let out a satisfied sigh of relieved pain. Finally, he faced Mila.

"It's been a long time..." His voice trailed, torn between feelings of fresh anger and old comforts. She didn't need to know his original intentions for this place, but her accusations of him and Ki pissed him off even more. "Before you get caught up in that whole head of yours, don't you dare think that there's anything going on between me and that guy. He's been a pain in my ass and I don't need two of you getting on my nerves today." His words were harsh, but there was something deeper beneath them. Something long buried and protected within a cage of thorns.

Minutes later and Ki returned, clad in a t-shirt that looked eerily similar to the ones that frequented Jackson's wardrobe. And a pair of sweatpants with STUNNER slapped across the ass. "Oh, fucking hell." Jackson muttered, as if this couldn't get any worse. The trio of cats frolicked in blissful ignorance of the current scene, freezing when they grew abruptly aware of strangers in their home. Except for Skitty, who sniffed his leg before rubbing against him with a purr. Jackson tightened his arms against his chest, but remained still.

"Miro is fine." Jackson shortly replied, his tone once more cold and removed. "No thanks to you." His eyes followed Ki as he approached the Boltund with a box of treats, her tail wagging as the scent of expensive sweets filled her senses. Without a second thought, a contrast to Jackson who was prepared to smack Ki if he made one wrong move, Miro reached her mouth out and quickly gobbled up the treat. Jackson had never given her something so delicious and drool trailed from her lips as she then begged for a second one. Maybe a third, if Ki was generous. She was already feeling a thousand times better thanks to the effort of Prince. Jackson felt anger of her excited gaze.

In the mean time, the clink of something being slid through the mailbox caught a moment of his attention. Then, the Delibird slipped another present through the mailbox, his name written crudely on the side of the wrapped paper. Oh, fucking hell, what now? Did even the Pokemon outside think he lived here?

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
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TAG WITH @mila
mila alexopoulos
the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2020 2:51:57 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar
She hid it extremely well.

[break][break] Vincenzo knew her better than anyone, possibly even better than she knew herself. He and Mila had been together from their earliest days, possibly just as long and just as close as Jackson had known his Boltund. As a result, the Ninetales could read her moves extremely well. He knew that her cool and calm — possibly even excited, nearly like a giddy schoolgirl — facade was just that — a facade. She was hiding her true motives, her real interest that was investigating the home that might have been the center of a possible crime.

[break][break] The Alolan Ninetales glanced at her, watching the way she winked and egged her childhood friend on — probably intentionally — and the way that Jackson bristled, like a pitbull forced into a corner. Either that, or she was reverting back to her old ways.

[break][break] Vin was perfectly keen on observing and analyzing the situation, as he always was, but the delectable scent of a treat distracted him. Miro — who was healed now — had no hesitation in slurping up the offered treat. Vincenzo was more wary — but he, too, was flawed. He couldn't help himself, as he gingerly took the treat from his mouth and swallowed it gratefully.

[break][break] Mila was eying him, a smirk on her lips, but said nothing of his supposed 'weakness'. She - too - perhaps knew him too well.

[break][break] Instead, her interest was turned back to Jackson who, in the absence of his aggressor, had taken on a more serious tone in addressing her. "Isn't something always on your nerves?" she said idly, before placing a gentle hand on his arm. She looked him straight in the eye, her eyes soft and compassionate, a contrast to the person she had been minutes prior — flighty and amorous. No, this — the way she looked at him now — was gentle. It was real. "Sorry, I know. I didn't mean it. Come on, it's me, Jackson."

[break][break] There was a clink of something against metal outside as the Delibird placed something into the mailbox, but Mila barely paid attention to it. Instead her eyes were ran over Jackson's form, clothes still bloody from when he carried his canine into the warm house. "We have a lot to talk about," she told Jackson. "But first thing's first — shirt off."

[break][break] Quick and seamless, she reached forward and attempted to pull his shirt off of him in one simple movement. Unconcerned with the way he might have felt about it, she turned to the other. "You must have something for him to wear, right?" Her eyes twinkled. "Maybe something from a late night partner?" For some reason, he didn't strike her as the sort that preferred to keep his own company. Well — at least all the time. [break][break]

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
5'8" height
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2020 21:19:20 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Who could resist those puppy eyes? Not Chu-e. Since Miro wanted, he gave, another treat (or two) being placed in her reach before he went to place the treats on one of the shelves for now. His Meowth and Purrloin had decided to hang back, eyes wide and peering curiously from behind a corner. Seeing that she was getting no attention, Sprinkles, the Skitty, instead hopped her way up onto the couch. She sniffed at the canine, unafraid much like her Trainer, before trying to groom the dog pokemon. Who knew how successful that would be.

"'S not my fault Beepin thought you were really going to hurt me." The lie slipped out easily and he sent a meaningful look at Jackson. He might have known Mila but he didn't and she was still a ranger. If he really wanted, Chu-e could demand he be arrested on the spot. But he didn't want that, so they needed to push suspicion elsewhere.

"I probably have something." He grinned. This Mila- he didn't know her but he thinks he likes her already. It wasn't too many people who had large attitudes so he could appreciate meeting those who did. Ducking back down the hall, his two scaredy cats followed after him.

When Chu-e got to his room he paused when he opened his closet. Most of it was filled with his own stuff. But... well, Arthur's stuff was still in the back. Most of it was too fancy for Bryan, suits and ties, but another worn shirt, this one a faded band T-shirt, was pulled out. He pressed it to his face a moment, wished it still smelled like his cologne. Then he was back like nothing had happened, like having someone else wear his clothes didn't pick at the scab trying to form over his heart.

Chu-e came out as if nothing had happened, wondring if he would find Jackson standing half naked in his living room or not. "Give me that shirt and I'll throw it in the wash real quick." He balled up the t-shirt and tossed it at Mila, no warning.
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twenty eight
november tenth
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a broken child on the wings of chaos in the realms of shadows
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TAG WITH @jackson
jackson barrett
the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2021 3:15:41 GMT
jackson barrett Avatar
Miro was a simple canine. She smelled treats, she ate treats, she begged for more, she ignored the guilt of her trainer's frustrated gaze bearing a hole through her body. No, this was perfectly fine. She felt great. She was nice and cozy. Even Ki's Skitty, forgone of attention from Jackson, had leaped up beside her and begun grooming her fur. Her paws stretched out in front of her and bumped against the Gardevoir's long dress. If only Jackson could see how amazing and comfortable this place was.

But, he didn't. Flames burned in his eyes, the tiniest of inconveniences and jealousies coursing flames through his blood. Mila's honest question forced a fuming silence that flared the flames more. Isn't something always on your nerves? No. It hadn't always been like that. At least not when it was just Adam, Mila, Michel, and him. Not when it was just them against the world. Against their parents. Against everyone.

Then he lost Mila.

He lost Adam.


Well, there wasn't a fucking point to it anymore.

Sorry, I know. I didn't mean it. Come on, it's me, Jackson.

It was her. In fact, Jackson wasn't quite sure he wasn't into some weird combination of dream and nightmare. "I know..." His voice oddly defeated, trailing into a small breath of air. Even Miro noticed, her head lifting from her paws and beady eyes staring with concern at Jackson. He was so angry these days. Angrier than even days of the past. He used to laugh with Adam. And Mila. Even if he was angry, they always brought him down. Now, he only had her. And there was only so much she could do to make him happy.

Her paws stretched to the floor, a desire to comfort him overwhelming her heart, but before she could move Jackson left out a short shout. "What the hell?!" He snapped, hands grabbing for the edges of his shirt to keep it beneath his torso. "I get it - it's been a long time, but like hell you're gonna strip me down." Although - well, it didn't seem like he had a choice. He couldn't punch her. Push her. Shove her. He'd never do anything to hurt her and, apparently, that included using his full strength to keep the shirt over his head.

The black t-shirt slipped over his head, leaving Jackson's upper body exposed to all occupants of the room. The six pack. The muscles. And the scars, haphazardly spread across his back in long slashes and short cut. A cruel reminder of a past he'd done everything to shield his mind and heart from remembering. Miro froze with her paws on the ground and lower half still sprawled across the couch. Oh, Jackson...

"What the fuck is wrong with you guys." Jackson cursed, arms crossed over his chest and a flame-charged gaze snapping between Ki and Mila. "I'm not a goddamn child, I can change my own clothes." Not that it mattered now. Stubborn as she always was, Mila had already made the decision for him.

Chu-e left, then returned with a faded band T-shirt that he tossed at Mila. Instead of letting her catch it, Jackson thrust out a hand and caught the shirt, scrambling to slip it over his head and clothe himself in the presence of Ki. "You..." Jackson dropped his head into one hand, running it through black locks of hair and forcing himself to breathe. "Fuck. Just keep the shirt, I don't need it. If Miro is fine, we don't need to stay anymore." His eyes on Mila. "We can go."

Yes, he wanted to leave with Mila. Not that he would make his request any more directly than that. However, Miro's face dropped. Oh no, she didn't want to go yet. She was having so much fun.

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FEB 28
rustboro city
chaotic bisexual
fashion designer
part-time ranger
ooh, she'll take your name and number then she'll hit erase and walk away
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mila alexopoulos
the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2021 4:29:23 GMT
mila alexopoulos Avatar
It was obvious he didn't want it, but Mila did. And there were few things that Mila wanted that she didn't get — especially when it came to .

[break][break] Of course, Jackson being Jackson, he pushed. That's what the two of them did, ever since they were kids. Push and pulled. But Mila, somehow, always won in the end and it was only a matter of seconds before Jackson's black shirt was being ripped over his head, courtesy of Mila.

[break][break] For everyone watching, you can thank her.

[break][break] The sight that they were all greeted with was 's bare chest, which might have been hot, maybe, in some alternate timeline in which Jackson was not furious, Chu-E was not curious, and Miro was not distraught that her trainer seemed even doubly angry than he was before. Oh yeah, and then there was the matter of his scars, and the matter of the blood that was spilling all over his chest from the pokemon's previous fight.

[break][break] "Oh, don't be a baby," Mila said blithely, reaching for his arm once again in case he aimed to stand. Vincenzo, who seemed in a rather good mood now that he'd had his gourmet treat, trotted over with a wet cloth in his mouth. Where he'd gotten that was anyone's guess. Either way, the Ranger rookie was quick to dab at his chest to wash away the crusted blood just before Chu-E appeared out of nowhere and slipped the new clothes over his head.

[break][break] Though, by this point, Jackson had his mind made up and Mila doubted she could push him that much more before he exploded. It was sad, really. Just like Miro, Mila was having so much fun.

[break][break] "Well, I suppose I can come back for my questions," she said, pushing her hands to her feet. She sent a wink 's way. "And maybe Jackie's shirt too?"


— SORRY I TOOK SO LONG. we can continue this or close it - i left it up to both of u! [break]

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
the start of a bad porno [social]
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 6:21:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


