fish stick'd [ open ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Feb 28, 2021 20:21:44 GMT
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glitch laughed as he tossed another cheese puff into slushie's open mouth. the arctovish couldn't feed itself to it was always a spectacle trying to feed it. but he didn't mind. it was more entertaining than anything watching the gaping open mouth close around cheese puffs and occasionally some fish sticks that he got from the cafeteria. was it appropriate food for an ancient fossil pokemon? who the fuck knew. he wasn't a nerd ass scientist after all. so long as slushie was still alive and kicking it couldn't be the worst thing for him to eat. right?

 an open thread where glitch is feeding slushie cheese puffs and fish sticks in the middle of the cafeteria.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Mar 2, 2021 23:46:56 GMT
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Chu-e didn't come to the cafeteria too often.

He liked to eat in his office with stuff he had brought from home. It was hard for him to eat certain foods nowadays. That plus the general seasickness he felt when on the sub didn't really add up to him needing to come here. Today, however, he had realized he left his thermos and lunch at home. So, even if reluctant to do so, he had traveled to see if he could manage anything they had to offer.

A plain salad and a bottle of water in hand, Chu-e started to make his way out of the canteen.... only to stop when he saw one of the ugliest motherfuckers he had ever laid eyes on his life. It was a pokemon. The poor thing looked like a toilet. Something had messed up when creating it.

His feet moved on their own over to the Trainer and pokemon in question, watching in disgust and fascination as it devoured the cheese poofs and fish sticks.

"That thing fell down the whole ugly tree and hit every branch." But his tone held something like reverence, eyes sparkling as he watched Slushie. "I love it. What is it? Can I feed it something?" His salad and water were abandoned on the table, forgotten for the moment.

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POSTED ON Mar 6, 2021 18:10:55 GMT
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he laughed in an annoying way that only he could as choi told him that his pokemon was ugly as hell. yeah. he knew slushie was fucking ugly but that was part of the reason that he loved it. "it's an arctovish! it's a fucked up fossil pokemon from galar. his name is slushie." he pushed the plate full of fish sticks and cheese puffs towards the newcomer. "feel free, you gotta throw it in though or else it can't eat it. galar can't even fucking put a pokemon back together right. they have like, four different kinds of these shits and i have two of them. the other one is called jerky." but jerky could feed himself at least. his head wasn't on fucking backwards.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 8:22:46 GMT
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"Hell yeah." Chu-e picked up a chip and tossed it into poor Slushie's mouth, helping to feed the pokemon. There was something really sad about it not being able to feed itself. One of those abominations of nature that needed to hope for a kind human hand to keep living. It was pathetic. He gave it another chip.

"I think I have two of these." Pausing in his feeding, he patted himself down and reached into his pockets. Unlike most normal people, Chu-e carried many more than the League sanctioned six on him at any given time. You never knew when something stupid would happen and you needed to use what you had on you. It was stupid to limit himself.

But, after a few moments he made an affirmative 'a-ha!' sound and called out two pokemon of his own. An Arctozolt and a Dracovish. The two pokemon yawned and looked mostly confused. They weren't used to being taken out of the pokeballs other then for feedings. They were, basically, just seen as fodder for the Underboss.

"You said there's four. You got the last missing link or one of these two ugly bitches?"
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POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 20:38:59 GMT
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slushie obviously didn't care that it was an abomination to nature and that it needed to be hand fed in order to survive. it just liked being able to have food flung into it's mouth as it munched away on the chips. it was having a good time and that was fine. after all as long as it does it's duty glitch didn't care how many bags of chips he had to give it.

glitch was more excited to see whatever chu-e was going to pull out of his bag. especially if he had two of the other fossils that were not in his collection yet. he always wanted to see more of these freaks of nature. he didn't have either of the ones that chu-e had and that was fine because he had two that the underboss didn't have.

"hold on let me find it." he dug around in his bag some, pretty much dumping it out on the table as he looked for the pokeball labeled 'jerky'. more lipgloss than anything fell out but finally he found it and pressed the button. "it's a dracozolt and he's got some fat fucking legs." jerky was obviously more used to being out of it's pokeball and was more alert than slushie seemed to be. but that was fine. "behold, galar's finest fuck ups." but he loved them regardless.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 18:03:32 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
When his own Pokemon were free, Chu-e watched as Glitch dumped out his bag. He noted the lip gloss, picking up one of the rolling tubes and lifting it to squint at the label. "Is this brand any good?" Flipping it over to inspect the label, he only placed it back down when had finally released his pokemon. At seeing 'Jerky', Chu-e let out a low whistle.

"Damn, you were right. That pokemon is thicc as hell. Two 'c's and everything." He placed his hands on his hips and looked between the four freaks of nature.... "I wonder if you could take them apart and put them back together right." It was clear that that parts were all mixed up. Between the four of them, they might even have four normal looking pokemon by the time they were done.
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june 5th
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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 20:42:14 GMT
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when chu-e asked about the lip gloss he had to look over to see which one he was talking about because he had a lot of them. "oh yeah that brand is great, and if you put it on a solid surface and then rub a piece of paper over it then it'll pick up fingerprints." it was fashionable and a tool. "plus it smells like caramel." so that was always a good thing too. having all four of the galar fossils in the same room felt like a weird dream come true. he really wanted to have them all on his team at one point. but of course getting a hold of galar fossils around here were fucked odds. but he didn't really give a shit about odds on a normal basis.

"Like, I don't think we have enough parts to put them together properly like... What fucking head belongs on Jerky's fat ass?" It was super hard to figure out what went where when he wasn't even sure what part belonged to what creature. He wasn't a fucking scientist or anything. All he knew was eat hot chip, steal and lie.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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solaceon, sinnoh
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 0:37:38 GMT
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Chu-e made am approving noise at the lip-gloss, making a mental note later to pick up a tube or two for himself. Anything that was cute and useful was pretty much an instant success in his books. maybe something peach flavored. Caramel was nice but it wasn't his favorite in the world.

"Hmm. I didn't think of it that way. Maybe this is why I'm not any good at puzzles." But, eh still examined the four pokemon with some scrutiny. "We could probably have at least two full pokemon between the four of them. Then just slam the other pieces together to make even worse monsters."

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june 5th
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glitch maverick
fish stick'd [ open ]
POSTED ON Mar 28, 2021 18:47:49 GMT
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he tried to think about what sort of monster would be made if they just threw random pokemon parts at each other to see what sticked. glitch was pretty sure whatever it was would need more intensive care than just throwing food into it's mouth. especially since it was already a chore doing it for slushie. "yeah but knowing my luck we would end up sticking two butts together and it would be farting all over the place." and that was gross. he'd seen how some of the men in rocket lived with their barely showering and using 5 in 1 shampoo. he couldn't handle a pokemon that lived like that too. "what if we took an aerodactyl and mixed it with something?" now that would be cool.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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call you tonight?
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2021 22:42:43 GMT
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"That is a good point...." Speaking of two butts, given the two yellow tops, they would also have some weird Catdog situation going on. There were too many questions left unanswered by that show he just didn't want to know. The realities of this were more horrific than they deserved to be. "Well, we would at least have two reasonably functional pokemon?" But, he laughed again, already dismissing the idea. This was why he shouldn't be allowed into the labs as much as he was.

Leaning over to grab his food again, Chu-e was about to say his goodbyes when a sudden realization hit him.

"Hey, I never got your name. I'm Chu-e." He snapped twice, pointing at his two pokemon. A quick point and they both started to stumble down the hall on their weird and disjointed bodies. "Want to come up to my office and eat? If I have to stare at this paperwork by myself much longer I might die."
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june 5th
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fish stick'd [ open ]
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2021 14:34:55 GMT
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he grabbed the pokeballs for his massive monsters as he saw that chu-e was starting to leave. it was kind of sad but at least he'd gotten to chat with someone a bit on the fun side. his own pokemon didn't need to be wandering around the halls. he didn't want someone getting any funny ideas about grabbing them from him. as much as he liked to shit on his pokemon he would literally kill someone if they tried to steal them. "my name is glitch. i work mostly with technical shit so it works." he slid off of the lunch table and brushed his clothes down some. they had fish stick crumbies on them. gross. "sounds like a blast. i can show you some online stores that have some really good shit if you want." after all paperwork was fucking boring, shopping was the way to go in any situation. "lead the way." after all he had no idea where the office was or whatever.

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POSTED ON Apr 4, 2021 5:47:56 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]THREAD COMPLETE!


