i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 3:11:58 GMT
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THE CONTEXT[break][break]
a long time ago, a tower was erected on navel rock; people have believed it to be the perch of ho-oh, should the bird need rest from traveling the world. others believe it to be a tower of religious significance, like a tower of babel, ascending to the heavens and past the clouds. yet, the history has been shrouded in mystery due to its remote location.[break][break]

an underboss has defected from team rocket after discovering an awakening jirachi. after kidnapping jirachi, the underboss was last seen fleeing by boat toward the remote island.[break][break]

as a note, rocket members will most likely be hiding among the league members as part of the rescue team OR they could work stealthily, somehow. i'm lenient! suspension of disbelief and whatnot for the sake of roleplay and fun.[break][break][break]

LEAGUE: rescue the kidnapped jirachi; capture the defected rocket underboss[break]
ROCKET: hunt down the defected underboss and assassinate him[break][break][break]

  • this raid will hopefully end around or before february 5th.
  • there will only be one main thread (this one), which means you have to include a notes section of what your character does, where they are, and anything else you can think of. remember to tag who you're interacting with!
  • there is a 48-72 hour posting rule; however, shiv will be relatively lenient since he is busy! just let him know/do a placeholder post with a roll if need be. a deadline will be posted with each mod post.
  • there will be a moderation post every 48 hours.
  • there is no particular post order but please be mindful not to flood the thread!
  • you can bring up to six pokemon in with you.
  • before you post, make sure you have signed up here with your choice of death-enabled or non-death enabled and your six pokemon.
  • if you have already signed up, feel free to update your team/mode before you post.
  • if you are signing up late, let shiv now; there will be a cut-off moment (before the first mod post requiring a roll).

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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 3:12:10 GMT
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THE HUNT/RESCUE BEGINS...[break][break]

on a cloudy day, everyone arrives on a long wooden pier. the ride here was turbulent; however, aside from an occasional bout of seasickness, the journey is thankfully uneventful. perhaps, eerily so. surrounding the dock, wooden structures painted in brilliant reds stand in the seawater, like torii gates, and lead the adventurers to a small rocky island.[break][break]

upon breaching the coast of this island, navel rock, everyone would be able to see a large tower constructed from the island’s mass of stone. it reaches high, into the clouds.[break][break]

the tower’s base is actually within the mountain of stone, and the building itself is a curious mixture of wooden architecture and natural rock support.[break][break]


should you enter the tower, the stone doors already heaved open, you would see a large wooden room (a somewhat accurate visual guide is in the spoiler). a large wooden pillar that stands in the center supports the tower all the way to the roof.[break][break]

a staircase can be seen in the other side room, suggesting adventurers must cross the room to reach it in order to scale to the second floor; however, the staircase leads to a wall— and there is no door.[break][break]


six empty braziers are strewn throughout the room. several paper tags are nailed throughout the room with an ancient script inscribed upon them and shards of what appears to be crystal or some gem trail toward the staircase.[break][break]

what do you do?

try to post by 1/16's evening, pst! do anything you think your characters would do! ♥

[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]

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may 15
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 15:59:07 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
cait wasn't made to travel by ship upon the seemingly endless stretch of sea, the young woman having vomited during the time that had been spent upon the vessel. her guts had twisted and churned painfully beneath her flesh; her cheeks hot as a dizzy spell threatened to rock her more than the constant shifting of the boat that carried them. someone would occasionally pat her back, but it did very little in the way of remedying the issue. she still felt ill - and would carefully balance herself upon a pair of wobbly legs once they reached land. 

a water bottle had been pressed into her hands moments before she left the ship, and she'd take little sips with each uncertain step. 

'i can't believe - ' 

the young officer sucked in a breath, still shaking somewhat from the experience. cait hadn't expected such a trip to be as terrible as that one, and wasn't at all looking forward to the return voyage. 

'i'll fly on the way back. i'm not doing that again. i'm just not.' 

after wiping away a thin layer of sweat that had built upon her brow, she'd squint her eyes against the light of the sun and examine the land and the tower that served as its masterful centerpiece. despite its majesty and its well-aged appearance, it appeared depressingly desolate. 

'it's in really good condition. at least it looks that way from the outside.' 

cait remained still as she craned her neck to take in the sight of the great tower, awe creasing at her features as her gaze lingered on the architectural marvel. 

'tall,' she thought. 'it's so tall.' 

her condition improved somewhat as she observed her comrades take leave of the ship, intending to follow the lead of her superiors instead of braving the unknown by her lonesome. she sought out familiar faces, hopeful that their presence would lighten the mood somewhat. 

'but i haven't really seen anyone i'm very familiar with, yet. i doubt they'll just pop up now.' 

despite making the decision to remain temporarily idle upon the dock, she'd reach for her belt to retrieve a pokeball. her lurantis appeared a moment later in a flash of light, the pokemon blinking owlishly before shifting her gaze to take in the unfamiliar area with a display of open curiosity. 


- cait alfric suffered a severe bout of seasickness during the trip to navel rock. 
- she's still a bit woozy but is recovering and sipping daintily on some water. 
- she's still on the dock and is patiently waiting to follow those of a higher ranking's lead. 
- lurantis has been taken out of her pokeball to accompany cait. 

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 3:19:49 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
He would get his Pokemon out and start storming the tower. There weren't any exits aside from the main door, and their target was supposed to be within the confines of the building. He could go rushing in and start making a move, do the mission nice and quick, and then go home and sleep. That was the plan.

Or so he would like to do. He wasn't smart, but he wasn't dumb enough to go against the bidding of the higher ups and risk a mission failure because of his recklessness.

Priam assimilated himself within the ranks of the League officials. He was young, and he knew he exuded an aura of naivety and simpleness that brought suspicion away from him. Then again, he wasn't supposed to act until the others do. The best line of action for him was to be on standby, as always, and watch things unfold from the sidelines until he was needed.

Eyes scanned the crowds for any familiar faces. Surely, he'd know someone here so he could try and stick by their side and follow their guidance for the whole operation.

  • a lot of pondering here and there
  • is currently a lost child, but tried to play it cool

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nikolai
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 3:41:58 GMT
the clouds are ill omens that hang overhead, foreshadowing tragedy that has yet to happen but will because circumstances commands it to. the journey is eerily silent as the souls on the boat keep to themselves perhaps out of caution. nikolai wasn’t present for the regirock incident, but reports told a tale of a team with internal conflict so strife that it divided them. today might be no different. it doesn’t feel different: they might be a team but it feels like anything but.

the silence of the trip allows him to size up the others. everyone has their own agendas, him included, and that’s what makes people unpredictable. he doesn’t trust these people and he doesn’t expect them to trust him either, especially not after the winter ball. it's why he’s not hidden under the cover of a hood. no more hiding. he's responsible for his own mistakes.

nikolai hangs back when the boat docks and is among the last few to leave. he catches a glimpse of and stops his advance to check up on her. ”feeling better, cait?” it was hard not to notice her battle against seasickness earlier. he flashes her a comforting smile before ushering her forward. ”come on. let's not keep them waiting.”

his shadow hangs heavy as he enters the tower. taking a moment to breathe in the grandeur of the tower, he looks around the room and takes in its details. he circles the room, noticing the empty braziers, the crystal shards, and finally the staircase at the other end of the room. but it doesn’t lead anywhere.

no one’s piped up yet, so he clears his throat and steps towards one of the crystal shards. ”the stairs lead to a wall, but i’m sure this place holds its secrets.” he stops by one of the empty braziers. ”perhaps we need to announce our arrival.”

placing the crystal shard in the brazier, he reaches for one of the paper tags. ”can anyone read this?” he tugs it out of the nail. ”if not,” he places it in the same brazier.

”there are five others. i suggest lighting them all at once.”

≫ travels on the same boat as the rest
≫ checks up on
≫ suggests to the group to light up the braziers with the crystal shards and paper tags inside
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y o y o

may 15
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 4:05:56 GMT
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cait's expression could be accurately described as a strange combination of bashful and embarrassed, the  officer just barely managing to meet petrov's gaze. 

"i - i'm fine, sir.

she bobbed her head up and down somewhat awkwardly before the gym leader moved on to focus on the mission at hand. the young woman's eyes tacked his movements for several beats before she followed his lead, relieved to have an experienced individual offer her a form of guidance. 

'this is my second serious mission,' she thought. 'and the higher ups are around this time. i need to make a good impression if i want to really make it in the league.' 

"we can do this, girl," cait said, directly addressing her bemused lurantis in a hushed tone. 

the grass-type blinked uncomprehendingly before nodding her head, her mistress's random surge of determination proving itself to be quite infectious. the pair entered the tower confidently, though their good mood very quickly dampened as they warily eyed the dust-encrusted interior. 

'at least it doesn't look like it's about to collapse all around us,' she thought. 

she'd hurry to follow petrov's advice by retrieving a crystal and paper tag of her very own before peering down at the strange items with a hint of confusion. 

"what do we light them with? do we have a fire-type handy or even a set of matches?

- cait responds to that she's fine - though she's a bit awkward about it due to bad nerves. 
- she enters the tower
- cait collects a piece of paper and a single crystal
- cait asks how they'll go about lighting the items. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 4:29:18 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","mercypost"]assignments came swiftly with a rather simple directive. her mouth had gone dry, chill in her bones, when she'd seen the time (five minutes to get to the docks twenty minutes away), but more importantly, when she'd seen the name

they're both there now, silent in their small shared speedboat. it cuts through the water silently. waves rock them from side to side, threaten to send them tumbling, but she grips the plastic turnkey to the engine with white fingers, flicks her wrist. the engine hums, whining into the night as she slices through an oncoming wave. 

the tower stands tall in the distance and she can make out the shapes of larger boats docking at the opposite side of the shore. 

when they near, she cuts their speed down by half and the engine falls back to a low purr. the only words she's spoken thus far were to apologize for the three minutes late she'd been getting there. embarrassment still sits like a rock in her stomach. 

of all people

"i suggest we keep a low profile, let the rest of them do the work for us and take them out when we see the opportunity." she speaks with conviction, but her usual cool thrums with nervous anxiety. 

the sand crunches underneath the bow and she hops out, water chilling her ankles, and tugs it closer to shore. she shoves an anchor into the sand and dusts her hands off on her blazer, raises her eyes to those entering the tower. 

> mercy and emma arrive by boat on the opposite shore

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[newclass=.mercypost b]color:#d15c72;font:bold 11px calibri;line-height:12px;text-transform:lowercase;[/newclass]
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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 4:36:34 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

He moves in unison with the rest of the league members as they make their way off the boat. Several of the faces were familiar to him, having caught glimpses of them at the ball. Both their names and motives for coming were unknown to him. Some came to do what is right, to ensure the Jirachi's safety he thought. While others he knew might have more, selfish reasons for attending despite being league members. Lucas knew all too well the temptations that would likely plague others. He wasn't the only one that had heard the legends of the wish granting pokemon.

Selfish thoughts plague his mind as he'd release a Glaceon to walk alongside him. What if he were able to get to the kidnapped Jirachi before the others? Would he, should he make a wish? Did the league have a wish in mind? Were the legends even true? Questions race through his head. Some he knew he shouldn't be thinking, much less voicing to others. He does his best to push them to the back of his head till the time comes, and to instead focus at the task at hand.

A head of white hair in the crowd catches his eye. He could never forget seeing it back in those dark tunnels. "A perfect distraction" he thought to himself. Pushing through the crowd he makes his way towards . "Conrad, Conrad." His hand falls on the boy's shoulder. "What are you doing here? You shouldn't be here you know." He lightly chastises the boy, knowing this was no place for someone of his age.

  • Has selfish thoughts about Jirachi
  • Recognizes Priam in the crowd
  • Talks to the smol boi

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 5:18:29 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white

Orders for the assassination of the underboss in question were given swiftly, and without hesitation.

Emma had taken to a nearby boat not very long after, waiting impatiently for a certain pink-haired grunt to drag her ass out of bed, or wherever she may have been. Time was of the essence, after all, and the beast wasn't sure how long ago the defected underboss had fled via boat.

Three minutes behind schedule already. The woman says nothing in response to Mercy's apology, and sits in stoic silence as her partner starts up the little boat. Emma has never really been a fan of boating, the uneasiness of the water makes her feel ill. That is perhaps why she doesn't speak for the duration of their trip.

Water occasionally sprays her face, and she absently wipes it away, a solemn look resting peacefully across her face.

Now was not the time for emotion, despite the severity of the situation. Traitors were to be culled, Team Rocket had no room for weakness or disobedience. You were in it for life, or you didn't last very long.

Her own thoughts are being sorted through rapidly as the woman decides their best plan of action. Rocket and League alike would be crawling all over the tower, hunting for the kidnapped Jirachi. She supposed many of them were here for malicious intent, for greed, for fame. They weren't here to rescue a Pokemon, they were here for selfish gain.

Emma was not. She could give less of a shit what happened to the wish-granting Pokemon. It was irrelevant to her. What mattered were her simple instructions.

Eliminate the traitor.

Mercy's voice pulls Emma out of her restless thoughts, and the woman stares down her partner with cold concentration. For a moment, she says nothing, contemplating what she has been told.

"Agreed. However, I wouldn't jump to the aggressive so quickly. No one is to figure out our true intent, if we can help it."

Her voice is hushed, cautious about potential threats nearby that might overhear. They've landed at the opposite side of the tower, but she isn't sure whether or not they've arrived on this side alone.

By now the pair of them could see the shapes of people reaching the shore from different positions. More and more boats docked at the runway that came out a ways across the water. Some were hastily wrapping rope around the posts; she wouldn't be surprised if their knots were tied poorly and they were stuck on the island.

She watches with careful conviction as people begin to enter the temple. Given that they are a little behind, she does not hear what Nikolai has proposed, his question completely missed.

As she enters the building through the only entrance visible, the immense stone doors open and welcoming.. which seemed odd. Did they ever close? Something about this place whispered malevolent thoughts.

Emma barely turns to make sure Mercy is still following - if she's smart, she will have been.

In the meantime, Emma pauses off to the side to not draw immediate attention to herself. She's looking up at the nearby braziers with mild curiosity and suspicion.

> arrives on shore with mercy
> enters the temple slightly behind, doesn't hear nikolai's question
> idly examining the braziers



[googlefont=Montserrat:300,400,800][googlefont=Inconsolata:300,400,700,800][googlefont=Roboto:300,400,700][newclass=.runrun]width:350px;padding:14px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 1px #e3e3e3;color:#777777;[/newclass][newclass=.runrun2]background-color:#f0f0f0;position:relative;padding-top:50px;overflow:hidden;[/newclass][newclass=.runruncirc]height:300px;width:400px;background-color:#e3e3e3;border-radius:100%;position:absolute;margin:-210px -25px 0px -25px;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg]height:100px;width:100px;padding:13px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 2px #cccccc;border-radius:100%;margin:0px auto 20px auto;position:relative;z-index:1;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg img]height:100px;width:100px;border-radius:100%;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 21:07:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar

she nods in agreement to her higher-up's revision of her plan. their directive is the most important part of this mission. she'd be a fool to hope that her fellow rockets were here to accomplish the same goal--the fabled wishmaker's skills are a temptation she's sure will bend the wills of many. 

it's in silence that she makes a pact to wolfe. she watches the woman's hair sway as she trudges purposefully towards the tower. she will follow her orders, her will, until they see the mission through.

and should anyone get their hands on the mythical pokemon, she'll see to it that they fall before they can abuse its power. 

they are instruments in need of fine tuning. her father's words ring in her ears. the wishmaking pokemon is no tool and she knows that none possess the skill to wield its power, to tune it finely with a steady hand. that kind of power shouldn't rest in anyone's hands. it shouldn't exist in the first place. 

she nods again when emma looks behind her. she steps into the room and scans for familiar faces. she vaguely recognizes one person and mentally tags him as a possible rocket ally. (perhaps taking a couple of weeks off had done more harm than good.) 

her teeth click as she eyes one of the league's head scientists and sootopolis' gym leader. because of the ease the others seem to have around them, she imagines they're likely aligned with the league as well.

low profile. just keep a low profile and this'll go smoothly.

she peels away from her partner's position and examines a brazier on the opposite wall herself. the script is gibberish to her, but something doesn't seem right. why would the target leave behind a riddle for them to solve? she holds her tongue, keeping her musings to herself.

> follows emma inside the temple
> wonders why tf rocketman left a puzzle for them
> recognizes lucas and nikolai as league assoc.

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rocket grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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jacob berwick
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 6:32:39 GMT
jacob berwick Avatar

Just what the hell had Jacob gotten himself into?

When the redhead heard that one of their underbosses turned against them, and decided to kidnap a Jirachi on his way out, Jacob was quick to accept the mission, despite the danger involved. Unlike most Rockets, Jacob wasn't too zealous, or too bloodthirsty, so accepting an assassination mission seemed out of character for him. Perhaps it was to prove himself, especially after he ran his mouth in front of a Beast without knowing who she was first. Or perhaps he was hoping that he could get Jirachi to grant his wish to resurrect his girlfriend and daughter.

Unlike his pink-haired comrade, who overslept, Jacob couldn't get any sleep at all. With a can of an energy drink in hand, Jacob found himself getting onto the boat early. Dressed casually in a red t-shirt, a pair of beige cargo shorts, and high-topped sneakers, along with a bandage covering his head tattoo, Jacob could easily pass as any League registered trainer who was simply there to rescue the Jirachi.

Upon arriving on shore, Jacob would walk into the temple. The boy was clearly nervous, which seemed to be natural, given what everyone was going against. He would look around at the various trainers who were in on this mission. While his mind was wracked with the possibility of being found out, or dying in some horrible way, he just barely kept his cool. Taking a swig of his energy drink, Jacob would press on.

'Just relax, Jacob, you got this.', he thought to himself as he entered the tower.

Jacob would look around at his surroundings, seeing the braziers, as well as the staircase. The first thing the redhead would do was make a beeline towards the stairs, being stopped by the stone wall impeding his path. Jacob looked at the wall in frustration, seeing no opening. The man would then go back down the stairs, taking another look at the braziers, as well as the paper tags. The dialect was one he had no hope of understanding, and the sight of the gems on the ground leading up to the staircase only frustrated him.

"Great...", Jacob muttered, kicking at the ground.

tags: @mercy
notes: -Jacob arrives on the island with Mercy and Emma
-Jacob tries to go up the steps, only to be literally stonewalled
-Jacob, being a dumb-dumb, is stumped by the presence of the puzzle

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 7:29:08 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



notes down there, p extensive

See, much as he wanted to travel by air, the place they were going to wasn’t exactly on any known maps. Even if he didn’t mind riding a ship to get there with the rest of the members who’d been summoned to answer the call at this mysterious location called ‘Navel Rock’, he found the terms of said summons a little unsettling.

Jirachi? Awake? How is that even possible? I thought the mythos surrounding it were… unless I maybe read them all wrong? He mused privately, twisting his left hand nervously. While he still had the cloth sling wrapped around his right arm as a general precautionary measure—yes, he knew a certain blonde doctor was going to blow his top if and when he found out the other had gotten himself involved in this—he could mostly move his arm already.

The key word here being ‘mostly’.

Even though he wanted to bring his little face-hugger along, there was something…that didn’t sit well, that didn’t feel right with him as they made their way down the plank once they’d arrived at their destination.

Like there was some sort of power humming through the air of this secret location.

Try as he might to check his PokéGear to see if it would appear on the Hoenn map, he was surprised to see that it refused to register, and wondered just where the hell they were.

Was this still even in Hoenn? Or had they gone too far out?

At least I have enough Flying-types… I hope, he thought as he checked around in the pocket of his jacket and finding all six were still there. While there were familiar faces here and there as they were herded along to the entrance of the tower that seemingly pierced into the heavens, he couldn’t help but wonder:

Was there something else waiting at the top?

Looking up, he tried to squint at the point where the tower was seemingly devoured by the clouds—at least before everyone was herded inside. Orders were orders, to say the least.

Now that they were properly within the interior, he couldn’t help but notice all the paper talismans that were scattered around the area. Six empty braziers stood, and he walked over to look at one, wondering if there was indeed a way to get them all lit up.

Well, there could be… he thought, rummaging around and calling forward Agni, his Magmortar. Landing with a thud beside him, he pondered on the suggestion by one of the fellow members of the expedition. He wondered if the Magmortar was fast enough to hit all six in one shot, but due to the way they were spread out, it would be lucky enough if the Fire-type could hit half of them before focusing its attention to the other three on the opposite side of the room…

“…does anyone else have a Fire-type to spare? We can try lighting all of them at once. See what happens, he suggested. At the same time, though, he couldn’t help but look at the paper tags—written in a language he couldn’t make heads or tails of. There was also some kind of trail that led to what he assumed was a non-existent passageway at the end of a staircase…

“That trail seems to suggest it leads in that direction. But there’s only one way to find out…” he said, more to himself than to everyone else in the room.

“Agni, get ready to light those braziers, on my word.”

- arrives with the rest of the search party
- looks up at the exterior face and wonders if it really is as tall as it does look before being herded inside
- heard Nikolai's suggestion and agrees to said suggestion, summoning his Magmortar out
- looks and notices the paper tags and the 'glittery' residue on the walls leading to that seemingly blank stretch
- ponders if Magmortar can hit all six braziers in one single shot

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he & they
twenty seven
january 12th
johto, ogi isle
why don't
you give up?
41 height
41 height
the restless is the mind, hollow human.
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jayde cross DOLLARS
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jayde cross
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 9:22:17 GMT
jayde cross Avatar

[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



murdering the traitor was the true objective.[break][break]

for every fellow member of rocket, most could've cared less for the well-being of those that surrounded them. the proper individuals of league were the enemies, and yet, in the eyes of jay he didn't give a damn about either. [break][break]

rocket is his key to power, to the answers of legends that have tormented him since he was just a boy. memories graze the sturdy wall in flashes of lightning and fire. [break][break]

it is the storm that breaks the silence. [break][break]

the shadow of his beast catches the glaring sun. it is a brief respite in the dull weather as he moves closer to the earth, slipping from its large back. [break][break]

jay is indifferent towards seeming suspicious. despite being absent in the sail across the ocean, he is just a curious researcher willing to lend a hand. watching the few upfront aid retreat into the temple, he looks up at the obscured structure before also moving forward. [break][break]

truthfully, the guise of being a researcher wasn't that much of a fake. his desperation into the pit of danger was what made him who he was. even if it meant losing his sanity for the sake of discovering just what made the world the way it was. of course, in his case, it was much different. [break][break]

jirachi— he stops to the back of the slight crowd, we'll see how strong you truly are. the sworn determination may be heard to the legend, he allows such thoughts to scatter in the voice that resonates with the rest. another traitor, another target. that idea is a chance, scarce, but jay is always willing. he approaches one of many braziers with the grumpy charizard close to his side. [break][break]

"whenever you're ready." the tone is low and cool, nearly seeming tired. he awaits the count of the rest before the reptile can cast its flames.

slipped in with everyone else and is now helping out 🔪


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 9:37:45 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Isra had been grateful for the sleep still in her eyes. She thought she had never been on a boat before when she boarded and took her hiding place away from the others and the sun, hidden further below the darkness of her parasol. Somehow despite the certainty of her own memories the rocking of the boat had felt familiar. It was unsettling, comforting, perplexing. She would not linger on it as she stood, well after most of the boat had left to step onto land.

The sound of her heels touching ground was different and she found it grounded her again, pulling her out of the loose wistfulness of her mind. It did not need to wander into corners and crevices now, she needed it focused on the task at hand. She could not say why she was chosen for this but it felt fitting. It felt right. Her steps were slow, careful. This was a curious place and they were here for a curious reason. She could not allow herself to get hung up on details.

Isra joins the others slow and leisurely. Something about this place makes her cautious, deliberate. Every movement felt like it needed to be made just right to lead them forward. She will leave the rest of them to the braziers, it will either be the answer or it will not. After a stroll through the room she picks up a shard of the gem trail, turning it in her hands before retrieving a paper tag from the wall. There is not much else of note beyond th fact she does not have the time to marvel at the structure as she would have liked.

She holds the tag up, and wonders what it says.

>>Isra joins a bit late
>>Takes a shard from the gem trail out of curiosity
>>Examining one of the paper tags a bit more closely
>>No pokemon out.

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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37 height
37 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nikolai
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 15:10:52 GMT
the group rallies to his suggestion like mareeps. perhaps it is because they lack a sense of direction; without one, they are all individuals floating aimlessly, waiting for someone, or something to lead.

to 's question, he answers: "i'm sure the group has enough fire-types." 

there are too many faces in the crowd for him to focus on, so their true intentions; unjust like @mercy and ; rightful like and ; or indifferent like and ; go unnoticed.

for now, a shadow of mystery remains cast over the group.

summoning his charizard, he gestures for her to remain idle while he starts his circle around the room. one brazier after the other, he makes sure to carefully place a single crystal shard and a paper tag in each one. he passes the likes of , , , and , but doesn't stop until he's back at his original brazier.

"those not helping should stay clear while those helping should try their best not to burn the tower down." 

he steps towards the middle of the room so they can all hear him. "my charizard has those two." he then points to . "your charizard has that one." then . "your magmortar has those two." he points to the two braziers, then takes a step towards . "and we have this one." 

six total. all they have to do is time it right.

"count of three. go on one." he pulls out a convenient lighter and holds a few paper tags in his hand. "three." he lights up the paper tags. "two." he holds it carefully over the brazier.


≫ fills up the rest of the braziers each with a crystal shard and paper tag.
≫ suggests to light them all up at once.
here's how i picture the room and the plan.
≫ tags in post!