thorn's plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 11:10:42 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar










i'll be fine[break]
i'm all right

[attr="class","fa fa-gift"] TWENTY-EIGHT

[attr="class","ion-heart"] HOMOSEXUAL - UNAVAILABLE

[attr="class","ion-android-attach"] LEAGUE

[attr="class","ion-ios-briefcase"] COUNCILMAN

[attr="class","ion-android-home"] FORTREE

[attr="class","ion-waterdrop"] INSECURE

[attr="class","ion-leaf"] DETERMINED

[attr="class","ion-planet"] LEO SUN / PISCES MOON


Though Orion was once content to linger on the sidelines and avoid attracting notice, his reputation now precedes him more often than not: councilman, elite ranger, environmental activist. Though he struggles to live up to the expectations placed upon him, Lykos is a well-meaning individual whose social ineptitude is born of anxiety rather than disinterest in the affairs of others.[break][break]

His quiet, fumbling nature should not be mistaken for foolishness. This black sheep grew up amidst lions and possesses a lion's pride, with a subtle intellect that manifests in his ability to analyze.[break][break]

Deep-seated insecurities leave him struggling to create close personal connections with others. He has never been in a serious relationship, and friends must make a conscious effort to reach out to him during his radio silences, lest they lose whatever progress has been made. Should you persist in getting to know him, however, Orion's loyalty knows few bounds: he will go to the ends of the earth for those he cares for.[break][break]

He may be gentle of heart, but a fiery temper burns low beneath the surface: cross him and be made to regret it.[break][break]

(See his infamy file for common public knowledge.)[break][break]

Seeking: Close friendships, fellow rangers, mission partners, enemies to piss him off.[break][break]
Pokemon theme(s): Psychic/ghost, with a fair amount of dark.[break][break]

As a note, I am generally willing to repeat missions, so even if I've done one you're looking at, just ask![break][break]

Special mission requirements:[break]
[✔] Orion has 100+ infamy.[break]
[✔] Orion is a Ranger, and qualifies for bonus rewards.[break]
[✔] Orion has a mega-evolution.[break]
[✔] Orion has a flying-type.[break]
[✔] Orion has a water-type.[break]
[✔] Orion has a dragon-type.[break]
[✔] Orion has a fire-type.[break]
[✘] Orion will not snitch on the league.[break]
[✘] Orion does not have a Pokemon with 'Dive'.

[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:675px;height:530px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;}]









i'll never[break]
soften my grip

[attr="class","fa fa-gift"] THIRTY-THREE

[attr="class","ion-heart"] DEMISEXUAL - ENGAGED

[attr="class","ion-android-attach"] ROCKET

[attr="class","ion-ios-briefcase"] UNDERBOSS

[attr="class","ion-android-home"] SOOTOPOLIS

[attr="class","ion-waterdrop"] STOIC

[attr="class","ion-leaf"] AMBITIOUS

[attr="class","ion-planet"] SCORPIO SUN / VIRGO MOON


UPDATE: Following an excursion into Hoenn's Route 113 during a Rocket operation to secure a remnant of Xerneas, Gavin's identity as an avatar of Shadow Lugia — though not his name — was revealed. With this knowledge, he has retracted any involvement with the League through the alias of 'Patrick Cavalli', and has made clear to Rocket his intent to pursue their objectives wholeheartedly with his newfound power. I'll update this plotter with a more accurate description eventually, but leaving this here to prevent confusion! DM me if you've got questions! He also lives in Sootopolis, now, not Fallarbor.[break][break]

To the League, he is Patrick Cavalli: an evolutionary scientist who has recently taken an interest in the gym circuit. Cavalli is known for his many steel-types and his frequent use of sandstorms in battle. Though he owns property in Fallabor, Cavalli is rarely found at home. Neighbors describe him as 'a quiet man, but very polite'.[break][break]

To Rocket, he is Gavin Merlino: a sharp-minded scientist turned underboss whose graying morals found him mingling with those like-minded individuals who dwell in the underworld. He seeks to understand and exploit the process of evolution for personal gain... and, so long as they are on the same side, for Rocket's gains as well. Rockets may glimpse further into his true personality: his quiet nature is a cold one, calculating, and it's rumoured that the experiments he performs upon his Pokemon are gruesome in nature. He has never confirmed nor denied these rumours.[break][break]

His identities are intricate and complete, but neither are his own.[break][break]

There is no trace to be found of the man he used to be. Any good criminal knows how to cover their tracks, and Gavin considers himself to be a very good criminal.[break][break]

(See his infamy file for common public knowledge and more information on his league alias, 'Patrick Cavalli'.)[break][break]

Seeking: Rocket cohorts, fellow fossil collectors, enemies to fight him. Rocket grunts for him to mentor.[break][break]
Pokemon theme(s): Steel-types and fossils. His theme is now shadow Pokemon, with the other theme as a backseat.[break][break]

As a note, I am generally willing to repeat missions, so even if I've done one you're looking at, just ask![break][break]

Special mission requirements:[break]
Special mission requirements:[break]
[✔] Gavin has 100+ infamy.[break]
[✔] Gavin has a mega-evolution.[break]
[✔] Gavin has a flying-type.[break]
[✔] Gavin has a water-type.[break]
[✔] Gavin has a dragon-type.[break]
[✔] Gavin has a fire-type.[break]
[✘] Gavin has a Pokemon with 'Dive'.[break]
[✘] Gavin is not an ex-Rocket member.

[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:675px;height:530px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;}]


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he / him / his
july 26
Sootopolis, Hoenn
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
1210 height
1210 height
nessuno vince.
3,834 posts
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Laurence Anderson
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2019 15:57:55 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar
Lars &

So Lars just got promoted lol

And he wants to meet all of the other Rangers out there. Try to get to know what makes them tick. And of course since he has a colossal problem with trust issues (it’s been his problem since he was twenty-one, this butt’s twenty-eight now) it’s going to take a while for him to lower those walls.

It’s not going to be easy. This man has the emotional capacity of a cactus, I swear.

Moment SwSh drops, we round up Wooloo! Watch the normally stoic man break down at the sight of all that fluff.

There’s like a lot of missions that he hasn’t done yet, so we can pick from any one of those. I’ll holler you way and let you know which ones he hasn’t done yet. Or if Orion wants to do one of the Ranger-centric missions Lars can come along for the ride to see how capable the new face on the block is.

Let me know what you think!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2019 13:06:45 GMT
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let's torture him with monty.
unlike in the wild with 'patrick' monty is typically the guy who presses buttons without realizing it because he just lets his mouth flap if he gets comfortable. idk, i feel like monty would definitely flirt and maybe that breaks the ice but later on down the line monty might trigger the ice queen? monty wouldn't mind, though, and would just be like 'oh how i fix this?' and then say some optimistic stuff to mend the bridge. or whatever. idk. orion sounds fun okay

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Dec 30, 2019 3:41:17 GMT
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@reagan &

Hi there! I know that we've talked about these two already, but I still wanted to go into detail about some ideas and just to make everything official! xD I believe that we discuss these two teaming up to complete a babysitting job with each other! (Sorry, I still apologize for not starting that thread. I'm not the best at starters, but I could possibly get a thread up for them by this Tuesday, if things slow down for me. However, if you would like to start the thread than that's even better!) Anyway, the two of them will start to get to know each other by working alongside side each other. I am positive that the two of them would simply bond over the fact that they're both fairy-type specialist! Reagan is currently working as a traveling nurse, her main location is in Lilycove and towns/cities close to that area. If she was to find out about Florian's depression and anxiety then she would try her best to cheer him up at all times, bake him sweets and fix him up a lot of herbal teas! I could see her becoming quite interested in research to by hanging out with him more often and watching him work in his field of expertise. Perhaps, she could end up becoming a Lab Assistant for him in the future for times when he is too sick to conduct research on his own or just in need someone to accompany him a long mission or research trip?

@reagan &

Reagan is the total opposite of Orion. She's quite vivacious and loves making new friends. I think that it would be interesting to have these two meet up with each other or complete a mission together to see what would come out of it. I could possibly see Reagan being the friend/acquaintance, who is constantly trying to pull Orion out of his shell.
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
fortree gym leader
gym leader
חקל דמא
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Alexei Ivanov
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 1, 2020 5:25:52 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar
Alexei &

It’s started

The flustered actions, the stammering, the ears going on fire so much whenever he’s near Florian!

Yep, this cinnamon roll is starting to do more and more a concern for Florian, even if he sucks at it. As you’ve already noticed blood scares the hell out of him and it makes him panic, so now he’s like must protect Florian at all costs no matter what because oh Arceus if there’s another thing he’s afraid of it’s death. Dying, death… the usual.

Who knows when Florian’s going to find out about Alexei’s darkest secret?!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2020 3:37:00 GMT
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@looker &
let's catch some wild pokemon weeha

But no seriously, there could be some chemistry between Looker and Orion. They're both rather impersonal and not too fond of being around people longer than their jobs require them, though the difference being that Orion just isn't good at making friends while Looker almost doesn't want to make friends. Though, having a contact in the rangers would help Looker out a lot, and having a private investigator as a friend wouldn't hurt Orion either - though Looker could teach him to have a little more backbone.

Not to say that the two of these loners will ever be acquaintances (though that'd be kinda funny) though they could have a chance encounter around Route 114 or the Meteor Falls. Looker spent two weeks sleuthing around Meteor Falls investigating Remiel Calcifet, so he can appear pretty much anywhere there and say that Orion walked in on him investigating a dig site, then we can catch some psychics and/or darks.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2020 15:38:23 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

we've already briefly discussed plots with orion and stormy over discord but..
we also mostly talked about emma and river, so i'm gonna see what we can do with orion and stormy.
her brother is also a member of council and while i'm not sure how stormy might meet or acquaint herself with orion other than because she's a gym leader, i feel like there might be.. something? stormy works fairly close with the league and her brother for the most part (or tries to) when she isn't busy in lavaridge or running ranger errands. speaking of, stormy might have, at one point, been orion's superior in the ranger force. they might have met while on duty in that regard.

honestly idk, i'm hopeless.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 26, 2020 22:00:02 GMT
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So it's clear that this moment, Kieren and Gavin more than likely don't like each other. You may have noticed but Kieren is the kind of guy who find everyone annoying. And Gavin is no exception. Especially since Kieren knows he has a Fairy type Pokemon. Kieren despises Fairy type Pokemon like a girl does Bug Pokemon. Just minus the the freaking out part xD Honestly, these two may not like each other for the moment but in the future these 2 could make quite a team in a battle.

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jan 31, 2020 16:20:50 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

kyle finds out that there's someone who's actually normal in the council so he tries to get his favor. along the way, he finds the awkward socially inept side of orion and uses him as practice for his own social awkwardness by trying to be friendly and shit, but it's so obvious so it ends in a disaster. thoughts?
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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oscar clayton
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON May 20, 2020 19:43:38 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

Hello boss. There are adventures out there that only Gavin and Oscar can settle, I can feel it! I am forcing Oscar to be social with his fellow Rocket members, especially the higher ups. He's immature as a criminal, though he has enough experience to be confident in his skills. He needs the tools to be a smooth criminal, not just a burglar. I think Gavin could teach him this, or maybe at least something that will help him be a better grunt and rise through the ranks eventually. I'm sure they can find a way to be pals, what do you think?
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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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Valerio Dachev
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2020 9:30:00 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar

[newclass=.oblivReply] --oblivAccent: #ECD643; --oblivBorder: #DEA02C;[/newclass]



rocket cohort sidekick sumn

so basically, these two have been kicking it since their B&B days and their joint missions in the creation and development of the underwater rocket headquarters. it is very obvious how valerio crushes on his underboss but he recognizes the fact that romance may not be possible, if not difficult, for both of them. regardless, he keeps the rapport that is initially present and strives to deepen their budding friendship. the dracozolt valerio recently acquired may be another plot point for valerio and given since the former has taken new interest in searching for fossilized dragons. in the long run, valerio could be a very dependable colleague and friend for gavin, with his years of experience and the age gap that is not too distant unlike the other newer rocket members.[break][break]

let me know what you think uwu


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Jul 14, 2020 2:00:01 GMT
Deleted Avatar
hey boss.
was thinking that abner is one of the many who would send evolution data to gavin as he evolves his pokes and etc. if you wanted to thread a mission with them when we're not all chaos cause of endeavors i'd be down.
[newclass=.witness] font-size: 13px; [/newclass] [newclass=.witness b] font: bold 13px roboto; color:#765D75!important; letter-spacing: .3px; [/newclass] [newclass=.witness h2] margin-top: 10px; text-align:center; margin-bottom: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.witness img] margin-top: 10px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Aug 31, 2020 15:21:10 GMT
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Orion Even though he has deep seated insecurities that stop him from making friendships, Cotton would definitely change that a little. I think if she ever met him, she'd notice the way he carries himself and would just introduce herself and tell him she likes his hair or something to get the conversation going. She's the type to send him good morning messages and randomly do check ups when she's not in the same town to talk with him. I could definitely see her trying to befriend him though. Add/edit/delete?[break][break]

florian So Cotton works with different professors and supplies them with info and photographs of pokemon she studied. So I could see these two knowing each other that way. She would honestly really love his personality and his public garden. She would probably fly there with her pokemon to visit and take photos of the pokemon who end up there often. Florian is definitely someone Cotton would snap a few secretive photos of just because she's so interested in who he is and find his candid self beautiful. She is really into Fairy type pokemon as well, and wants to build a team one day of them so I think she'd definitely talk to him about it. [break][break]

gavin So I love love love having enemy plots so I'd love to do something?? She is the type of person who tries to talk shit out before considering battling so she may end up in a compromising position or something then decide to save her own day?? I'm not sure how you feel about this but perhaps he's the first team rocket person she meets, and he just so happens to know her dad and makes a comment about how she looks like him? If you don't think that's possible it's totally okay!! Just trying to trigger her future plot line!

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he, him, his
november 13th
it ain't easy
being cheesy
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
60 posts
j.j. harlow DOLLARS
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j.j. harlow
thorn's plotter
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2020 2:51:18 GMT
j.j. harlow Avatar
j.j. +
hi boss. those are some nice glasses boss. i'm not really kissing up to you boss. this is just an obligatory greeting post so we can thread together.


it's a long life full of long nights