i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
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Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 16:27:08 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

It was done.

The monster was taken care of, sent to the pits of whence it came by the looks of it. Though Josh hadn't seen it grab someone on the way out, as he'd already fallen over from exhaustion. Beads of sweat hit the ground at a rapid pace as he collapsed alongside his Raichu and Charizard. Wiping his face, he eventually managed to sit up. It was time to get going then. Police would likely arrive shortly to do cleanup, and he needed to get Dunamus to a Pokemon Center.

As he and Lightning hopped aboard Fawkes once more, he would press a few buttons on his HoloWatch. The figure that popped up as a holographic presence looked puzzled at his state but spoke regardless.


"We..." He spoke between haggard breaths. "We need to talk."

The figure gave a nod in understanding as Josh cut the communication. He would hold on tight as Fawkes flew off.



Josh hops aboard Charizard and leaves the scene to get care for his Swampert

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sea witch
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 16:59:16 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

olivia, as per usual, was the first to act. 's orders for emergency services were left unheard, as olivia had already summoned the crown and the rangers. as a brawl took place where the portal once stood, olivia found herself dictating rescue operations. the night market itself was a hellscape, landed with smoldering holes of cobble and mud, dismembered and detached bodies littered the ground - ominous reminders of the carnage the clown had left behind.

on top of all of that, olivia received an alert via crown member in her ear piece. "a brawl is breaking out at point zero." the familiar voice of perry buzzed through as olivia instructed the rangers to the injured. she groaned, her throat still sore from the assault and... . where was dahlia? "no one is to enter ground zero unless given authorization by the council." olivia barked, ascending her jellicent.

she looked over the gathering storm that was the media: their flashing lights, torrent of questions, thunderous demand for attention. "a press conference will be held in the next few days to address the situation." olivia began, her voice echoed via the earpiece and to speakers provided by the crown. she held up a hand, silencing the reporters, "and until such time, there will be no questions, comments, or concerns related to the 2020 slateport incident. what is to be said is that thanks to the heroic efforts in particular and myself, the commissioner is safe and in custody but under extreme duress and will not be available for interview for the next few weeks." this only seemed to spur more questions and comments. "consider this an official gag on the media." olivia ordered, her voice chilled and stern; regal even, with the authority of a queen. she didn't have the time to waste; apparently the fools were still fighting.

cameras snapped some shots of the councilwoman heading back to the mess that was the market, but her silhouette would be cast in shadow and smoke as olivia entered the fray, leaving the public with as few answers as she could. olivia floated on in via jellyfish, catching the tail end of the conversation: balder had thrown hands, kyle was mourning mateo, and... that girl, that poor sweet child. she had lost so much, given so much; even now, as life dew rained down upon them the men bickered.

"sacred seas, enough." olivia barked from above the crowd of her peers as they argued. her jellicent came to the ground, allowing olivia to dismount alongside fernando. "while you have been busy bickering like children, the crown and emergency services have began their mission through the devastated market." she said to all around, before continuing, "i have issued a gag on all media until a council press conference may be held -" she paused, sparing a glance at ," - soon, once we have answers. the only public statement that i have made, on behalf of the league and council, are thanking the combined efforts of and myself for capturing the commissioner."

it was then that her unfiltered fury crashed upon them, " if you dare to strike your superior, and yes the elite four are your superiors, you will face swift and severe punishments. this is your first and final warning." her voice was icy cold as she moved onto the next, " and , expect a meeting in the coming days once we have a better understanding of the situation. get in contact with if possible." it was then, at last, did her tone warm as she approached kyle and . "you have performed exemplary work today, . thank you... but your work is not done. we need to see the commissioner and have her under league custody; for her own safety. go home, rest, grieve, but keep dahlia in your sight at all times. let's see if we can get to look at her." she turned back to the others, saying, "we all have questions for her, but she needs time to rest and heal." olivia had a question, more of a name, that kept ringing in her ear: blackwell.

olivia took a deep breath in, the rank smell of sulfur and saltwater coating the inside of her nose, and turned to look at the light house. "that girl, the one on the tower." she said before turning on her heel to face them all, "has given more of her heart than any of you. any of us. look to her for an example, in these trying times that we face, as a beacon of hope. and the gods only know we could use some hope." olivia brought a finger to the earpiece that had been turned silent, activating it to issue a final order to the crown, "notify all media outlets, that girl on the lighthouse is hence forth known as the Saint of Slateport and is to be publicly recognized and endorsed by myself for her sacrifice and continued work to keep us all alive." the chatter on the other end confirmed such.

"now," olivia began with a sigh, "we do damage control. the remaining elite four, , are to report to the council. gym leaders present, save for , are to return to duties as normal. and , go to dahlia, secure the area. we don't know who or what may be after her. , you will be having a private meeting with the council regarding this... display of abilities, and your actions. the savior complex isn't a good look for you, so knock it off."

it was then she addressed the trainers present, "i thank all of you for your hard work and the sacrifices you have made; yet i must ask for one more: keep the events of today to yourself until the council has given a public announcement." there was one last thing... she pointed out the pokeranger, , "keep up the good work, but please be safe."

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia takes charge
+ olivia officially gives a [LEAGUE ENDORSEMENT]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 17:14:38 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“What, what’s the—“ Alexei began, before his mind belatedly registered the shocked expression on her face as she reached out to the side of his head and pulled away her fingers.

What he saw next alarmed him.

Oh, shit! He thought in a panic, quickly pressing his palms to his ears—he could hear again, although it sounded rather distorted due to the blood clogging up the ear holes. Shit, shit, shit, this is bad! He continued in the back of his mind, knowing that if this wasn’t immediately brought to a hospital this would bleed uncontrollably and—

Wait, what was that?

He blinked at her, before allowing her to lean on him so she could stand up—she looked weak in the knees due to shock. He couldn’t blame her, though—after what she had seen? She would definitely not be alright.

He wondered if something had changed about her—but he would find out about that in due time. Just not at the moment, since she mentioned that she was going to do something.

“Wait, wait a second, what are you going to—“ he continued, before watching as the Gardevoir winked both itself and her away from the area. He could only guess what she was going to do. Looking around wildly, he wondered where she had gone off to—it took a good squinting to pick out that there was now a solitary figure atop the lighthouse.

Miraculously, the structure was still standing. But it was really dangerous for her to be up there! What if the place crumbled down?!

Out of alarm, he quickly sent out his Pidgeot again, looking tired and worse for wear. Pointing in the general direction of the lighthouse, he was about to ask Idun to take him there to where she was when a misting rain fell from the sky.

While it was no Rain Dance, this was… different? Somehow. Looking at the Flying-type, he was surprised to see that the scuff marks and various other physical injuries were slowly being washed away by the rain. It wasn’t just any kind of rain, it was…

Something else entirely.

Still, he couldn’t leave her up there, alone. Mounting the Pidgeot, he then pointed at the lighthouse, shooting back into the sky and heading to where she was located. For some reason, he decided to unball his Sableye—making an appearance, shrieking painfully in his hold as he held the little prankster close.

“Shh, Loki, don’t fight the rain,” he said softly, letting the healing downpour drench not just the Sableye, but himself and the Pidgeot as well.

Whatever had happened was definitely one for the ages. Turning his attention to the skies above Slateport, he saw that there was a Gardevoir, the same one that had healed him, was the source of the healing rain.

The shrieking in his hands was getting softer, though.

That was… a good sign, at least?

• Alexei goes bananas when he realizes he’s bleeding, because shit that’s bad. For him at least.
• Helps Ruby stand up, blinks in surprise as the Gardevoir used Wish on him
• The bleeding’s stopped, for now
• Watches in mute surprise as she seemingly disappears with the Gardevoir
• Panicking, he wonders where she went—he eventually picks out a small figure at the lighthouse via lots of squinting!
• He does a concern and sends out his Pidgeot, gets ready to fly up
• Notices the downpour is much more… mellow? Restorative? Yes that
• Flies back into the sky on his Pidgeot, releases his screaming Sableye
• Lets the Sableye soak up the Life Dew rain
• Currently: Alexei is headed to where Ruby is just in case something else happens to the lighthouse!

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 8, 2020 20:54:31 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
There is a face beneath this mask, but it isn't me.
TAG @event


ta-ta for now
There was a lot to be learned from this event.

The true strength and resolve of many of Hoenn's well-known league members had been tested today, something Remiel had longed to see ever since his arrival in the region. The very Ultra Beasts that had so suddenly chosen to test those strengths had provided invaluable data as well. Furthermore, he had managed to seize one of the Ultra Beasts for Team Rocket— and, perhaps more truthfully, himself. There was a meeting to be had with his peers. Regardless of its outcomes, Remiel saw his success today as nothing more than another step— albeit, a considerably large step— towards his ultimate goal.

Hoenn's lauded heroes, in the meantime, had ultimately proved to disappoint his expectations. If protecting and serving the people of this nation was their paramount goal, then they had done terribly today. The giant crater, and the mass of rubble and civilian corpses that filled it, was a morbid monument to that fact. No, much like a tight-knit guerrilla in an impoverished country, they had mostly just protected and served themselves. And he didn't condemn them for that fact. That was simply just a staple of human nature. No, far worse, he condemned the hypocrisy.

He imagined some of them may reason that 1000 dead was better than 100,000. But that was a flaccid excuse for those who didn't want to acknowledge the flaws in their coordination, nepotism, and strength. Furthermore, the white-haired woman wasn't the only one who had caused the death of a pokémon through sheer desperation. And, while to him Psamathe had been nothing more than an asset, she had no way of knowing he wasn't an ally. She was, perhaps, the most blunderous and hypocritical of them all. A chimpanzee with a machine gun, wearing a uniform and calling itself the protector of all innocents.

Coincidentally, only a few had managed to garner what little respect he had to offer from afar— one of them being a ridiculously costumed individual himself. The lad had come close to foiling Remiel's plans through ambush and sheer number of pokémon assisting him alone. And he would have likely lost, if it hadn't been for his own allies and the legendary Darkrai. But that was a mistake Remiel did not intend to make again. Every loss, even if only a near loss, came with a lesson. And he was never foolish enough to grow complacent. Measures would be taken.

Regardless, Remiel considered the fruits of this explosive new year's day to have been worth it. He had acquired the power of an Ultra Beast, and was one step closer— one considerably large step closer, if things went as planned— to rising up the ranks of Team Rocket, expanding his influence over the region, and becoming powerful enough to keep himself there. Of course, his plans went far beyond that and there were more intricacies to preside over. Enough, perhaps, that would warrant building a team.

As always, however, every truth and fact the black-haired royal had uncovered today spawned several questions in its place. It came with the intensity of his inquisitiveness, one he considered fundamental to knowledge and, subsequently, power. Most were questions he would personally uncover answers for over the next couple of months. Whether in the lab, or by paying certain individuals a visit under the guise fo someone else, Remiel would ensure he made time for it and see it done. Others would likely require more extensive and creative measures: such as the circumstances behind Dahlia Goode's possession from a mysterious Ultra Beast.

If anything could be garnered from the mysterious fox-masked individual upon the Dragapult that people had seen tonight, however, it was that he didn't quit. 

And this was only the beginning.


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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 0:20:13 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


As Balder dismissed 's complaint about his actions and suggested he should punch Nicole or Ruby, he heard Fernando's question about him being open to open wormholes. He was about to answer until he heard a familiar voice. Olivia. The cause of his earlier outburst had decided to join them and to meddle in this situation that was, sort of, getting resolved. And decided to spark the flame once more.[break][break]

Not only was she claiming that he would get punishment for hitting a "Superior", which is definitely not the case as the Elite Four do not reign over any of the Gym Leaders and are considered a separate entities, according to other regions at least, but she also dared to start doing a morale speech and to order people around, even after everything that had happened today, all of her blunders. All for the sake of publicity and looking good.[break][break]

"I'm done." As Balder said those words, Solgaleo went to place itself beside his Avatar, staring menacingly at Olivia. Balder's angry gaze went onto her as well. "You dare order me around, tell me I'll suffer punishment for stopping a man from trying to kill himself on a suicide mission for another man? A man that is not my superior but someone I respect and saw potential and want to keep alive as much as possible?"[break][break]

As Balder's anger was slowly starting to rise up, Leo, feeling the Alolan's man's anger through their psychic link, started to emit a low growl. "What fucking right do you have to come around and do as if you did nothing wrong, Abbiati?! First you place civilians into dangers by throwing bombs around, order the Elite Four to do your dirty work after literally throwing an explosive at one of them, even killed somebody else's pokemon! Because yes, I saw that! A man lost his friggin' flygon because of your actions!"[break][break]

"But of course, you'll say it was all to save Dahlia. Who almost killed you because you wouldn't fucking listen to me when I said it was most likely a trap! And now you waltz in here, doing your publicity stunt, try to boss everyone around and tell me to drop my "Savior act"? THAT SAVIOR ACT SAVED YOUR FUCKING ASS WHEN I MET YOU IN THIS CITY AND YOU ALMOST GOT CAPTURED BY TEAM ROCKET! IT'S NOT EVEN AN ACT, IT'S WHO I AM! I'M A MAN THAT PUTS OTHERS SAFETY FIRST, THAT WANTS TO SEE HIS FRIENDS AND ALLIES FLOURISH!"[break][break]

Balder took a deep breath, remembering the time he spent with those people from the League. He had some good times with Olivia and the others. But now those times were coming to an end. "I used to respect you. I was glad you became a council member in the past too. I thought you'd be able to help more people, to ensure everyone's safety. But now I see that's clearly not what you're aiming for. You just want power. Publicity. And to think I helped you at the gym... Honestly, I'm disgusted with myself for thinking you were a nice person and helping you make Sootopolis safer and helping everyone."[break][break]

Balder emitted a simple whistle, making Solgaleo open a portal beside them. "From here on out, I'm not affiliated with the Sootopolis Gym anymore, nor the league. The council can go fuck themselves for all I care. I'm riding alone now, and I'll protect the people I care about, and the civilians, in my own way. And if you try to do something to hinder me, to stop me from helping others..." As he said those words, Solgaleo emitted a threatening roar towards Olivia. Balder turned around, heading towards the portal. As he was about to enter it, however, he turned and looked at Stormy and the Pokenger. "I'll be in touch with you two for the rescue." He then looked at Fernando. "Make things better, will ya?"[break][break]

And with that, Balder entered the portal with the Lion. As soon as he entered, the portal closed, stopping anyone from following him. The Vagabond Hero, Dark Balder, was now out in the wild. Some people were clearly going to dislike that, starting with the council. But what could they do to a man that could literally warp anywhere now? Who's skin was as hard as steel, boasted superior strength that allowed him to fight one of those mysterious creatures without suffering any damage? The true question now, however... Where was he going to hide?


[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Balder Exits the thread.
0000 WORDS FOR @event [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Feb 9, 2020 0:36:40 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

Everything aches and the pounding in her head grows more severe the more negative energy funnels into the conversation. Balder and Fernando go at it with words, bickering - though Fernando isn't the type to outright argue, his words are jaded.[break][break]

The cold, calculating tone of her older brother is nearly deafening and she remains silent. [break][break]

Even when Balder encourages her to go after Kyle she hesitates, as if waiting for the same direction from Fernando.[break][break]

It is, however, when Olivia joins the group with her commanding attitude that she realizes immediately she doesn't want to stay any longer. The woman takes control of the situation but, instead of relinquishing the fire of the conversation, she adds more fuel to it. Stormy begins to grow agitated and uncomfortable as Balder's voice raises and he ultimately denounces himself his gym leader position and tells everyone to fuck off.[break][break]

And still, for once in her life, Stormy remains silent. It's like deja vu, a moment she doesn't care to relive. In a way, she'd been in Balder's position before. She'd been the target of a misunderstanding. She'd overstepped and went too far, made a mistake, got people hurt (killed, actually). She had seen the ugly face of the League and survived. [break][break]

Stormy dips from the conversation. This doesn't concern her, and she doesn't have the patience or energy to tell Olivia that she's wrong and that it's unfair of her to attack the group for being useless or not evacuating people or whatever the fuck it was that she'd complained about. She needed to find Kyle.[break][break]

And she doesn't need anyone's permission to do that, so she doesn't ask for it. Instead, the young gym leader turns tail to run away. Or walk, really, walk with a limp to her step and nursing the bruised ribs from her fall from Wadjet.[break][break]



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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Feb 11, 2020 6:10:24 GMT
shiv Avatar






sirens continue to sound in the air, ringing in the new year as emergency services come on to the scene. thanks to call to head ranger, , and 's calls for assistance from The Crown, pokemon rangers, slateport police, and other emergency personnel busily aid the injured and the dead. hoenn's recent discovery of mega stones has allowed some nurses to be equipped with mega-evolving audinos. still, such potent healers are sparse, considering the rarity of such stones.[break][break][break]

has been teleported to 's residence, thanks to his cosmog's teleportation. follow-up reports would reveal her to have survived the nihilego (and the attempted assassination. no one may be able to discern this, save for and his noticing of the joltik, and perhaps, the bite marks she has sustained). regardless, medical reports would indicate two toxins: one from a joltik and another from the tentacled beast.[break][break][break]

in some ungodly twist of fate, it appears as if the beast's poisons have allowed to build a resistance to the other poison which has saved her from death. perhaps, if she had been hurt in some other way... the assassination would have succeeded. in a week's time, she would be discharged. changed from her experiences, the commissioner seems to be on edge... paranoid, and perhaps, slightly unhinged according to her political enemies.[break][break][break]


the beast ball containing the blacephalon is returned to , thanks to the efforts of the rocket operatives. reports given back to team rocket will indicate the assistance of a darkrai and the success of the capture. the device, constructed after analysis of the fallen nihilego in a previous encounter, shows to weaken the ultra beast's abilities upon capture; however, the beast is still able to be a potent, weaponized force. the rockets, , , and , who have been instrumental to its capture are subsequently honored with endorsements.[break][break][break]

is posthumously honored with recognition from the league. despite the uncertainty of his fate, the league's decoration of the dragon clan leader suggests a pessimistic outlook. furthermore, is also awarded with a second order of merit. his recovery of 's body and integral decision to clear the minefield is recognized.[break][break][break]


and are also recognized for their are endorsed due to their medical aid with the latter being awarded recognition by councilwoman, . furthermore, and have been awarded endorsements for their bravery in battle. was able to provide the last push against the new year's bomb, saving slateport city from razed to the ground. similarly, the pokenger's () brave actions have saved pokemon and trainers alike thanks to his bravery. in the following days, will be able to hear the occasional chirping or cry from within his body... and around in the wilderness.[break][break][break]

although is initially considered for an endorsement, his subsequent denouncement of the league has forced the organization to withdraw their recommendation. furthermore, controversies have risen against 's actions during the raid; however, many still do support her actions in the public sphere.[break][break][break]


lastly, those who have injured pokemon, in particular, the ones who have been subjected to the acid rain such as 's sableye, require immediate medical assistance. a simple heal will not suffice. slateport's pokemon center will prove to become an overcrowded space, and many require helicopter transport to other medical facilities. any medical examination of 's type:null will highlight the cracked helmet's state, prompting any professional or medicinal expert to caution her about any further damage.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","ihead"]FULL REWARDS (DE)

these full rewards are given to the characters of players who have posted for the majority of the raid. in other words, they have consistently posted for most rounds. furthermore, they have filled out every tl;dr post should they have had one. for this reason, they will receive the following rewards immediately, while some are redeemable in the site shop.[break][break][break]



[attr="class","ihead"]FULL REWARDS (NON-DE)
like the above category, these rewards are given to the characters of players who have posted for the majority of the raid. in other words, they have consistently posted for most rounds. furthermore, they have filled out every tl;dr post should they have had one. however, their rewards are slightly decreased due to selecting a "non-death enabled" mode. for this reason, they will receive the following rewards immediately, while some are redeemable in the site shop.[break][break][break]



[attr="class","ihead"]PARTIAL REWARDS

these partial rewards are given to the characters of players who have posted for some of the rounds. if they have a tl;dr post in the event at any point, they will receive less rewards. for this reason, they will receive the following rewards immediately, while some are redeemable in the site shop.[break][break][break]


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing