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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2020 21:40:46 GMT
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"i grow enough to provide a few handouts," she said.

admittedly she was being biased toward angelo, but her reasons were admittedly murky. so it was left entirely unsaid, but at least the smile she sent his way remained genuine. 

so it's no big deal. takes less than a day to get a decent amount."

cait offers him an amused grin, her eyes suddenly alight with mischief.

i've got to show you something."

she retrieved an extra blunt, her tongue flicking out to wet her lips as she anticipated its taste. after reaching into her pocket to retrieve a lighter and setting the tip alight, the young woman would inhale deeply. her breath was held for seconds, eyes fluttering shut before a plume of smoke escaped her as she very slowly exhaled. it hovered in the air, its enticing reek beginning to permeate throughout the office.

shaymin sniffed a bit, nothing the scent before adjusting their stance accordingly. the fumes that presently hung within the air was quickly absorbed by the godling, the pink petals of their flowers becoming duller as a consequence. appearing pleased with themselves as the air was cleared, the grass-type tilted their head up; a self-satisfied expression now twisting at their tiny muzzle. 

amazing, isn't it? shaymin can absorb toxins like it's nothing."

cait paused, her blunt  delicately positioned between two fingers - her eyes fixed on him.

you're a handsome man, angelo. got a woman?"

there's a teasing edge to her voice, the former gym lead verbally prodding the courier for a reaction.  

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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2020 19:11:46 GMT
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 Angelo likes the little spark of mischief he spies in emerald eyes and subtly leans closer, curiously anticipating whatever it was that Cait had planned.

He watches as the former gym leader picks up one of her spares, elegantly lighting and drawing on the blunt with an effortless kind of grace, like this was the most natural thing in the world. She exhales and smoke curls around them, fragrance strong as it swirls around the confined space yet Angelo doesn’t waft it away, instead letting the scents of the plant stick to his skin and clothes.

Then his gaze drifts away from Cait, following her line of sight to the Shaymin, watching with curious blues as the little creature focused itself and began to absorb the fumes into its flowers; petals fading in colour but its expression brightening. How could he not be amazed?

Very. Leave some talent for the other divine deities, hm, little one?

Their gazes meet and Angelo lets out a soft chuckle, corner of his mouth twisting into a grin at Cait’s compliment, the amused edge on her tone not lost on his ears. People often weren’t quite so bold but he found himself appreciating it; even if it was mostly for her playful tones. It was almost like a professional wall, no matter how slight the courier and the woman hiring him had shared, had been broken just a little. He feels his shoulders relaxing.

A woman...

Thoughts unwillingly drift towards a woman as untameable as the sea, picturing a wicked grin that entices him to pursue into dangerous depths. It slips away like the smoke that had just permeated the room. Angelo doesn’t try to bring it back; he already knows the name of that temptation.

No,” he says, lips shifting into a lazy sort of smile. “I don’t. Turns out not having a bed to offer isn’t exactly a great way to encourage a repeat meeting. Or at least that's the reason I've been told.” Angelo shifts to lean his hip against the edge of table, regarding Cait with a light-hearted expression on amused vocals, as he casually folded his arms.

Though you said you’ve got someone, right? Can’t say I’m surprised.” Although his tone was light, playful in return now that they were apparently on more teasing terms, Angelo wasn’t flattering her just for flattery sake; Cait was a beautiful young woman, after all.

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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2020 22:49:06 GMT
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she mulls over his answer, her look transitioning from teasing to contemplative. 

'women do prefer a man who can bring something to the table. but angelo looks like a hard enough worker. if there's a lengthy stretch of peacetime, his ride should be a smooth one.'

"i do," cait said. "
and with any luck, this one will stick around. one night stands are nice - i'll be the first one to admit that - but i want someone who's willing to settle down."

the woman sounds slightly bitter, the raw emotion at the edge of her voice as she speaks. 

i want to have a family. after everything is good and done, you know? i want to get to that point where i can go 'i'm finished'. but first there's school - and then there's league business."

she held the smoke within her expanded lungs before she eventually released it, her strange eyes narrowing slightly. 

bringing a baby into this kind of world isn't ideal. so i have to wait for good times to come around. let's just hope i'm not in my late twenties or early thirties before that happens."

her expression is far away, her brows tightly knitted as she resisted the urge to grit her teeth.

but enough of my bitching, let me finish so you're not forced to hear anymore of it."   

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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 18:33:02 GMT
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 It seemed that a nerve had been scratched, Cait’s tone turning from teasing to bitter as she begins to speak about her delayed plans for the future. He didn't have to be a genius for Angelo to read the air, to figure out that starting a family of her own was something of great importance to the herbalist, that Hoenn’s current climate brought more pain to her than just the obvious that war brings; personal feelings inflicted until it leaked out on frustrated words.

Not saying that you were bitching but feel free to bitch away, if you want. Better out than keeping it bottled in,” he says with a soft smile, hypocritical as many often did when comforting others, Angelo more than guilty of containing his worries like a storm in a jar.

If anything, it’s nice to hear. That you know what you want but you’re conscious of the current situation.

He might not be in the same place that she was – he felt like he hadn’t even started yet while she was ready to finish – but there was a flicker of respect there as Angelo considers a braided bracelet on his wrist, playing with the frayed blue edges. Funny, he thinks, how having children of his own was the absolute least of his wants, all the while certain ones back home were near the top of his highest of concerns and motivations.

Take it from someone who’s seen the consequences of jumping in head first into that kind of commitment without any thought... You’re doing it right. Even if being patient for something you want can be shit.” There’s a layer of bitterness in his own voice even if he tried to mask it behind a kind smile; spoken from the raw ache of a child who had taken on more responsibilities than should have been placed on his shoulders. Hinting at a younger version of himself playing third parent to a brood, when he should have been out swimming in the canals of Alto Mare or stealing oranges from the local groves.

Anything I can do to help? With the prep, I mean.” He asks, wanting a brief distraction from his thoughts about home and the future, as much as he was genuine in lending a hand. “Feel free to say no if I’d just be a pain in the ass and get in the way.

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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 1:20:52 GMT
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"don't worry about it," she said.

cait gave a vague wave of dismissal, aware that she was nearly finished with prepping the packages. everything was promptly bundled away, a bit of stuffing added to reduce the amount of jostling that was bound to occur.

i honestly feel like i already bitch enough to my boyfriend.

she'd inevitably speak up again, the silence having grown somewhat uncomfortable; though she was aware she was entirely at fault for that.

i just want to build something that vaguely resembles an ideal life, like in one of those picture books. i already have the house - the steady income - but i'm lacking a few things."

the woman gave a sly little smirk and raised her hand, giving the fingers a little wiggle.

like a ring, for example."

cait decided to take advantage of angelo being here, desiring his opinion - his perspective

you're a man who i assume is interested in the opposite sex, angelo. what kind of qualities do you look for in a woman you decided to marry? a good job? a reward-winning smile? a nice ass?"

she laughed, deriving no small amount of amusement from her last inquiry.  

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POSTED ON Dec 14, 2020 18:38:11 GMT
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 Angelo didn’t mind when she insisted that she didn’t need any help with the last of the packing, giving Cait a nod before stepping over towards the window, leaning against the frame and peering out as she worked. He thought he could see a pokemon or two drift by amongst the trees but they were gone before he got a clear look at them. Perhaps those were the ones that she had asked about when he first arrived.

Ah-ha. Well, hopefully the future Mr Alfric catches on soon.” He responds, arms loosely folded as Cait pulls his attention away from the window, his lips curled in a small smile. Personally, he wasn’t all too taken by the thought of the fairy tale ending – at least not for himself – but Cait knowing what she wanted and seeing her enthusiastic for it was nice. He hopes she gets it someday.

Cait’s question for him has Angelo’s eyes widening in surprise before he trails off into a small chuckle, her last little comment bringing a flash of amusement, although it doesn’t take away from the thoughtful look in his gaze.

Honestly? I haven’t really thought about it,” he admits, shrugging apologetically. “I barely have the time to fit in a girlfriend - even if I wanted to - let alone think what my potential, far in the future wife might be like.” Getting married sounded like it belonged in an alternative universe for him but he feels inclined to try and give Cait something to work with, even if it is drawn from the top of his head.

In theory though… ‘Quality’ wise? I guess someone who’s independent. I don't think I could handle being with a person who’s unable to function on their own and I'm sure they wouldn't be happy with a boyfriend who's off cycling around the region all the time, either.” His tone turns a little playful at the end, deflecting, as if pretending this was something he was going to be doing for a long time yet.

Although as he envisions it, Angelo realises that’s not quite exactly the whole picture of what he’d really want. Even if he were in an alternative, ideal universe, he’d like to be with someone who would join him and share in the thirst for those new experiences out in the big, wide world, too… Yeah, he thought, that would be pretty great. To be part of a pair that didn’t need each other to breathe but when they were together, it was that much sweeter and easier.

Maybe, many years in the future...

But a nice ass is always a plus. Obviously.” There’s a return grin on his face, as he adds that instead of his real thoughts.

What about you? Your guy match the qualities that you were looking for?

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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2020 20:55:14 GMT
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she ponders over his response, paying particular attention to the 'cycling around' tidbit. cait wondered how long he would need to accumulate funds before he became 'comfortable'. scholarships could only offer so much, with the money they gifted sometimes only putting a slight dent into the lump sum you owed.

'and i doubt he's a bad student. if he had a free ride i'm sure his gpa would be solid.'

cait wished she had a company or a ridiculously large amount of money at that moment. but her resources were supplied by those who were kind enough to give them. her own stability tied into a certain man; one who had caused her career path to alter and twist dramatically within the span of two years.   

"oh! um - "

she very nearly missed his question, blinking as she stared down at the nearly completed packages. cait tentatively resumes her work, managing a small smile as she answers. 

i guess i'm a bit traditional," she said. "i'd like a man who could take care of me. someone who'd make a good father -  who'd love me and be attentive to his children. i also wouldn't mind if he was tall - with amazing hair - and a nice body to match."

it was a simple desire - but a desire nonetheless. she puts out her blunt that she had been enjoying, smothering it while it was half-finished and putting it away. 

and we're nearly done..."

she grabbed a roll of tape from her desk, plucking up shaymin on her way and placing them there.

i'll feed you soon. okay?"

the shaymin blinked up at her and then returned to peering at angelo, intrigued by the stranger.

one - two - three."

the three packages were neatly wrapped and marked with separate addresses.

and we're done!"

cait's pleased look shifted from her finished work to angelo.

your taxable payment will be directed into your account in a few hours. as for your under the table pay - i have it right here."

she pulled out a wallet from the pocket of her denim jeans, counting a few bills with care before surrendering the slim stack.

i'll have one of my pokemon escort you off the property, so you're not potentially harassed. they can be a protective lot."      

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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2020 15:01:34 GMT
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 Nothing wrong with being traditional,” he responded, it was a staple image for a reason – having a reliable husband who would look after a family – but it was one that Angelo had not exactly experienced. Nor was he sure he ever would be able to provide in turn. But an absentee father didn’t deserve a passing thought from him and so he banished it, watching Cait as she finished up the last of her prep instead.

Great!” Angelo pushes himself off the window ledge that he had been leaning against, moving towards the table with the carefully labelled and packaged products, meeting Cait’s pleased smile with one of his own.

I’ll get these to them before the end of the day – and I’ll drop you a message when I’m done.” Stacking up the deliveries carefully, he shoots the Shaymin a final smile and one last scratch under the chin, before collecting everything in one arm.

Thanks again, Cait,” he tells her earnestly as he takes the notes, stuffing them carefully in the back pocket of his jeans. This was going to help nicely; the former Gym Leader’s generosity in giving him the job was not one that Angelo would forget in a hurry.

He walks through the pretty cabin in the woods and waves goodbye to Cait at the door. “If you ever need another courier, you know how to get hold of me. I’ll even bump you up to the top of the list.” There’s a small playful grin on his lips as he says that but there’s a hint of truth to it too – he’d happily do business with her again.

Together with his newly assigned bodyguard, Angelo pushes off and disappears down the woodland path, parcels secured to the bike and on their way to their respective owners.

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2020 6:12:13 GMT
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