Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 3:13:02 GMT
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"Whew! What a great little find." Zac said, bouncing the pokeball in his hand. "Ain't that right Michi?...Michi?"
He looked around, but she was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Dev, where did Michi go? I thought she was right here?"
"Oh she headed up into the trees over there, with Matchan"
"Well lets see if we can find her a little something before she gets back."
Zac said, winking into the camera.

He sent out Corsola, who floated happily in the river. "Okay buddy, do us a little recon hey? Swim down river and keep an eye out for any Applin, yeah?"
The Corsola smiled up at him, eyes blank but delighted at the attention. "Or any pokemon, really."
"I think she likes stuff that is round and cute, but hey, whatever you can find."
"Cor~" chirped the little creature, swimming off hapily in the wrong direction.
"Oi! No, check downriver!" Shouted Zac, and the coral floated around in a lazy half-circle before drifting off downriver. "There we go."

"Zac! Heads up! There's comething in the river!" Dev called, alarmed, and Zac saw the jagged red shape cutting through the water, surging along the sandy bottom as it made for the oblivious Corsola. "Corsola, quick, use AQUA RING!" Zac shouted.
The bubbly little branch surrounded itself in shimmering layers of water, just as the predator reached its target. It surged upwards, and a red club-like tail burst out of the water underneath Corsola, smashing into her with a devastating FLAIL that sent the pink coral soaring happily into the air.
"Cor!" She squealed, aqua ring distorting the cry as the glowing rings restored the damage it had sustained.

A head poked out of the water, looking around for its missing prey with a pair of intense eyes that were deeply inset under a star shaped head plate.
The plate was colored in brilliant yellows and reds, and Zac caught a glimpse of a diamond shaped snout that protruded from under the creature’s low brow ridge.
“It's a full grown TURTONATOR!” Zac said, gripped by excitement. He couldn't believe his eyes, and turned to the camera, ready to gush about the adorable monster before the reality of Corsola’s situation set in.

In moments the cute little coral creature would come crashing down into the river, and would be a sitting duck for this draconic predator. But right now it was Turtonator that was in trouble. “Go on then! Hit ‘im with a BUBBLE BEAM!”

The soaring orb of water broke off into a thousand shimmering bubbles that streaked towards the confused turtle, pelting it and driving the creature back underwater. “Oh no you don’t.” Zac said, heart pounding as he pulled off his jacket, keeping one eye on the Turtonator swimming back towards him.

“Now folks, sometimes your heart tells you to do something...ill advised,” he said, yanking off his boots and throwing them into the pile of clothes. “and while as an educator I can’t recommend following such wild impulses, I can confidently say that as a human being, your beating heart is what keeps you on your feet,” socks, hat and lavalier mic joined the pile “so to deny the whims of the heart is to reject the most profound insight that one’s body can offer.
A message straight from the very core of you being.”
“You’re going to do something stupid, aren’t you?” Devin asked, resigned.
“No Dev, i’m going to follow my heart. Now hurry up with that pokeball!”

The Turtonator drew level, and Devin tossed Zac the ball just in time for him to dive, arms outstretched, right onto the creature. He disappeared into the chill waters, and a moment later a surge of roiling heat and steaming bubbles broke the surface.

“Zac!” Devin shouted, struggling for a better view of what was happening underwater, and increasingly sure that he had just watched his best friend get blasted by a giant, flaming turtle. 
The turbulence faded, and Devin swept the turbulent river again, desperate for any sign of the pair.

A few moments later, Zac burst from the waters and pulled himself up onto the bank, soaked, grinning from ear to ear and clutching a pokeball. “Got the little beauty.”

NOTES: Zac defeats Turtonator in single combat
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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 15, 2020 15:45:08 GMT
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There was a possibility she'd tear her skirts while jumping down to reach the little stream where Zac and Devin were waiting, so Michi had Matchan carry her down the ledges for their reunion (which he did: salvaged picnic supplies sandwiched between two of his hands, Michi seated in the others).

She arrived in time to see the red-haired man go flying into the water, clearly in pursuit of some water predator.
"Ehhh-eh-h?" she cried (bumpily) as Matchan legged it towards the scene, huffing under the pressure. Before Michi could even ask Devin what had happened, Zac was back, wearing a triumphant grin and bearing a new capture. She could only applaud from her seat, awestruck by the incredible feat. It was like a staged television performance. She couldn't believe it was real. "Aaaa! Amazing, amazing! You are wonderful!" 

<Matchan!> the fighting-type agreed, looking a little winded, before gently setting the middle-aged woman back on the ground. She immediately pulled a fluffy beach towel out of her bag and threw it over the man. Good thing I brought my towel just in case we went to the beach! Michi thought, pleased with her good thinking. "You must be so cold! Did you catch ringo?" She caught sight of the Corsola and remembered what Zac had been shouting. "Ooh, my mistake - not a ringo. But, very cute!" She could see why he'd had one on his wishlist! It had a small face, like an emoji.

Michi remembered she'd also made a surprise capture and she made a pleased little sound.
"I also caught a Pokemon!" she exclaimed, "Do you know? What is it?" She pulled out her Pokeball and pressed the button.

There was a flash of light, and a perfectly round, blue Pokemon appeared on the ground. The Marill opened its eyes sleepily, ears twitching. 
"Ooh!" Michi exclaimed in delight, then frowned as if it had just occurred to her that hadn't been what she was looking for. "No, that is not it. It is here... oh, where is it... just a moment." She began to rummage in her bag again, searching for the Amaura's Pokeball. Behind her, the spherical mouse closed its eyes again and curled backwards, beginning to roll away down the slope. Michi saw it too late and dropped her bag in dismay, reaching desperately after it. "My Meriru...!"

NOTES:  no rest for our heroes, marill is rolling away!! can zac roll it back in time?!

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2020 3:15:32 GMT
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[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD DREEPY APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] CLEAR BODY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]QUICK ATTACK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD ONIX APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] WEAK ARMOR
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]STEALTH ROCK
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ROCK SLIDE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]SMACK DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HEAD SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2020 10:04:01 GMT
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"Meriru-, I mean, Marill!" 
Shouted Zac, as he lept after the rolling blue ball. Unfortunately, Marill's marui nature made it far more rollodynamic than Zac could hope to match, even with his powerful legs. What am I gonna do? Zac thought, heart and legs pounding. If I lose this little bugger in the trees she's gonna be distraught! He forced himself harder, faster, better, but it was't enough. The Marill lengthened the gap between them, and then noticed something terrifying: Marill was heading for a boulder. "Slow down you little speed demon!" Zac gasped, trying and failing to close the distance.

Marill barelled onwards, her trajectory straight and true as she shot towards a massive bounder. And then Zac heard the telltale grin of rock-on-rock. "Of all the bloody times to not have a camera." He wheezed, finally slowing as he watched the beach ball pokemon harden and burst straight through the car sized boulder with a devestating Rollout, spraying the hillside in scree and throwing up a considerable dust trail behind it. 

"Unconscious, protective move usage." Zac said, smiling despite the pain tearing up his side. "Would have loved to get a shot of that."

Meanwhile, the blue menace crashed through another, smaller rock, reducing it to dust. "On the plus side, i'm no longer worried about losing track of it."

But before Marill could crash its way to the bottom of the hill and into the treeline, some of the boulders in its way started to move. "Oh you've got to be bloody joking." Zac said, as the Onix raised its head and roared at the fast approaching Marill.  

NOTES: Zac chases a runaway Marill
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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 2:02:28 GMT
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Visions of Marill flashed before Michi’s eyes. The time she’d seen it sitting roundly at the resort hotel, mixed in with the beach balls. The time she’d picked it up and put it inside her beach bag. The time she’d walked all the way home carrying it and put it on her bed until the next morning when she’d caught it in a Pokeball. The time she’d shown it to all her friends at yoga class and they’d all applauded. All these beautiful memories, slipping away, as she watched the spherical mouse Pokemon slowly gaining speed down the hill. “Goodbye,” she whispered, wind stirring her hair. “Meriru...”

Fortunately, Zac was on the case. Relieved that the red-haired man was in hot pursuit to fetch back her roundest and therefore most precious Pokemon, Michi sat down on the side of the stream next to Matchan to wait. The Machamp sat down cautiously next to her, dangling his feet in the water. They both looked up when there was a mild crash and explosion downstream. Dust seemed to be rising from something down the slope. <Matchan matchan...>

“That’s nice,” Michi said, patting him.

Meanwhile, Meriru was absolutely asleep. Its thick fat naturally insulated it against the rough-and-tumble nature of the descent down the slope, and it slammed through the first boulder with not hardness, but the force of its buoyant body absorbing an impact and reflecting it right back. The Onix was no exception. Ordinarily, such creatures rested underground, but the new stream flowing from the ruined Meteor Falls had disturbed the usual groundwater, and today the rock snake was snoozing outside in the sun.

Of course, one could not simply smash through a living, breathing Pokemon the way you could an inanimate boulder. So when a second-stage Rollout hit the central stone of the serpent’s body, a tangible ripple passed through the Marrill’s fat, traveling from the point of impact— and then reversing.

An explosion of force rocked the two Pokemon, and both were shuttered backwards against the strike. The Onix roared in pain and surprise as small chips of its body burst from its wound, but its weight was in its favor. Faced with an immovable object, Meriru ricocheted from the Onix’s body like a rubber ball and went flying back into the air, sailing back up the hill towards Michi.  

Michi had been playing with a tiny little dragon on the bank of the stream, letting it pounce on a little stick she was holding, when the high-pitched whistling of an incoming projectile reached Machamp’s ears. <Maa!> he said in alarm, standing up. Michi looked up, the floating lizard taking advantage of the situation to zip forward and grab the stick in its toothless jaws. “What’s that, Matchan? I should take a picture of Doreepi? Good idea, where is my phone-“

Matchan was already running down the riverbank like a quarterback trying to catch an incoming pass, lunch supplies still clutched in his lower arms. He leapt and caught Marill as it thundered back down, managing to roll and absorb most of the shock like a seismic toss. He held the Marill up, tired but victorious.

“Say chee-zu!” Michi said brightly, taking a picture of Dreepy with the stick.

NOTES:  all is well. Except for Onix.
Catching (befriending?) dreepus

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 2:38:55 GMT
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As Marill disappeared into the sky, Zac slowed his run to a gentle trot. "Well...huh..I guess...I should head back up."

The little blue dot soared, the force of its collission with Onix sending it arcing perfectly towards the riverbank. "Uh...HEADS UP DEVIN!" Zac shouted. I'm sure he'll be fine. Matchan is up there anyway. He shook his head with a disbelieving smile. That pokemon sure has its work cut out for him.

Zac turned back to the wounded Onix, who was dazed, curled into a ball around its central, cracked sphere. He approached cautiously, and as he did the Onix unwound, the car-sized, crested head following Zac's approach. There was something dangerous in the way it watched him. Something terrified yet terrifying. The wild intensity of an unpredictable, injured beast. 

Zac's body shuddered as a deep rumble emanated from the pokemon. The ground shook underfoot, and the air around him rippled, like he was standing next to the speaker at the rock concert. 

"Easy big fella. I can help you." Zac said, approaching low and slow, hands out, non-threatening. He reached into his back pocket, where he kept his emergency pokeball. "I'm going to catch you okay?" 
Zac's world shook at the Onix unwound fully. The rock snock reared up, boulders grinding. It let out a roar of pain, and rock chips fell like stony hail. The Onix sagged.  
One chance. Zac thought, hurling his only pokeball at the Onix, before he ran for cover, hoping that it was weakened enough that the capture would work. If it doesn't, then I hope I can outrun it.

A good fifteen minutes later Zac reached the top of the hill. Exhausted, yet satisfied. He held out the full pokeball to Devin, who was sitting next to Michi, feet dangling in the water. "Got 'im." Zac said to the pair, taking deep breaths. "Full sized Onix. Biggest i've seen. Needs a poke center. You guys alright? Get the Marill?"

"Oh yeah." Devin said happily. "And lots of pictures." 

NOTES: Zac catches the wounded Onix
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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 4:35:31 GMT
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It was very helpful having a professional cameraman there to give her some of his "tips and tricks of the trade." Michi scrolled through all her pictures of Dreepy, pleased with the quality. Her first few photos, before Devin had started helping her, had a curiously translucent quality to them. It was as if the little dragon wasn't quite all there. Ooh, I suppose that makes sense. He is ghost.

Michi actually recognized the Pokemon from a foreign language cartoon her daughters used to watch when they were children. The partial ghost-type had been a kind of childish antagonist who sometimes crawled or floated over the screen, obscuring the current puzzle, until the viewers yelled "Dreepy, no Creeping!". three times.

I wonder if they'll remember him! Michi thought, tickled by the nostalgic memory. She looked up to see Zac arriving just as she was sending her favorite picture of the Dreepy to her daughters. "Many pictures!" she agreed happily with Devin. The Dreepy peeked out of her bag, where she'd been posing it dangling off one of her keychains. Matchan waved Marill at Zac. Michi had been too distracted to bother returning the mouse Pokemon, so it looked like the fighting-type had just one more thing to carry. 

Some of her enthusiasm faded when Zac mentioned Onix. "It is very big, isn't it?" she said politely. Still, she was concerned if the expert said it warranted a visit to the Pokemon Center. She felt a pang and realized that it was disappointment. She had been having fun, she realized, and the prospect of ending their wilderness adventure and returning to civilization was surprisingly disheartening. Still, Michi contained her emotion. "Aah, if it is an emergency, I don't mind!" she said quickly. "It is no problem! " She smiled at Zac.

As they picked their way back to the original picnic site and began their descent back down the route towards Rustboro City, Michi got a text back from one of her daughters. She was unlocking her phone to read it when she realized something, looking down at the lock screen. Oh, I never caught Ringo! Despite all the dragonfruit they'd thrown around, the chibi apple had never appeared. Fortunately, now that she knew the secret to attracting dragon, rock, and fairy types, she knew she could just come back.

"Thank you for teaching me to catch Pokemon!" she said to Zac as she tagged along, Dreepy zipping in front of her. She smiled up at the man. "It is very fun, and exciting. I am having a good time!" She'd almost forgotten she'd come out here to help guest-star in an episode to surprise her husband.

Since downhill was not nearly so exhausting, she'd decided to walk on her own rather than having the belabored Machamp carry her. There was actually another question on her mind, but the older woman hesitated before finally asking it.  "Zac? What is good way to catch... dog Pokemon?" 

NOTES:  dreepy no creeping!!

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 17, 2020 5:08:59 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD MIMIKYU APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] DISGUISE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]WOOD HAMMER
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD RELICANTH APPEARED!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SWIFT SWIM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]AQUA TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 2:36:20 GMT
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zac ramsay


As the now expanded group headed towards Rustboro City, Michi asked Zac a deceptively simple question.

"Zac? What is good way to catch... dog Pokemon?"

His brain went into overdrive, and he actually had to stop for a moment to think about it. "Wow. Well, that's a big question. You see, roughly speaking there are three groups of dog pokemon.
You have your true canids, which are then often split into the subgroups of bipeds, like Snubull, and quadripeds, like Furfrou. These are what I think of when someone talks about dog pokemon."

"Then you have your mislabelled canids." Zac continued, getting more animated. "Riolu, Fennekin, Eevee. I know it sounds wild but people without enough knowledge of biology often mislabel those pokemon as dogs, when really they are more like foxes, or cats, or raccoons or something."

"The last group are the legendaries, and I only separate them out because they play by their own rules. If you're wanting to get your hands on Entei or something then that's a whole other ball game."
"You're not after Entei, are you?"
Asked Zac with unbridled excitement. 

"Because if you are I have a ton of great tips to share." Zac started reaching into his bag to retrieve his notebook, but look on Devin's face told him not to open that can of worms right now. 

" you have a picture?" Zac asked, gesturing at Michi's phone. "Maybe I can give you something more specific."

As Michi reached into her bag and retrieved her jangling, becharmed phone, Zac saw movement behind her. 

A 'Pikachu' was emerging from behind a nearby tree, only it wasn't a bright, chubby cheeked mouse. Instead it's skin was palid, hanging like a bedsheet draped over a coat rack, with the facial features poorly scratched onto the sheet in dirt and blood.
The malformed beast shambled towards Michi, dragging its broken wooden 'tail' behind it. "Sweet Shaymin's Petals." Zac breathed in horror.
Thankfully, Michi was absorbed in her phone, swiping through dozens of soft-filtered pictures in search of her Dream Dog. 

"Oi Dev, help Michi find that photo, I have to...ummm..get some berries or something." He said, thinking on his feet. 

NOTES: A wild m̶̖͋͆i̴̞͎͋̓m̷͉̓̐i̸̢̋ḳ̶̡̤̅͝y̶̲̪̥͆́ȗ̵̫̌ appears
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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 2:53:53 GMT
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Michi couldn't believe how knowledgeable Zac was about dog Pokemon-- her relief was palpable. Of course he would understand! The redhead was an educator, after all, just like her husband. As a professional, of course he wouldn't go asking her questions like why she wanted a dog, or whether she might want to replace her current dog, or pry into her home life.

To Michi, cute wild Pokemon like the all the ones they'd captured today and "pet" Pokemon were in very different categories. One was something you collected, the other was something you displayed. And she just wanted to display something fashionable, was that so wrong? 

"Ooh, I did not know!" she said eagerly, realizing some of her favorite Pokemon characters - eevee, for example - fell into the misnamed category. At the mention of Entei, Michiko had no reaction. "Mmmm?" she asked neutrally, pretending to seem interested. Truthfully, she didn't know what that was. Is it a rare dog character? Perhaps she could find one in a gachapon. 

Far more eager to show Zac her favorite Furfrou haircuts, Michi retrieved her jingly-jangly phone and was indeed absorbed in it when the shambling horror arrived behind her. Matchan, her usual protector, was also occupied-- he'd dropped Meriru by accident into a small pool and was trying to covertly fish the floating mouse back out without waking up an ancient Relicanth at the bottom.

"I enjoy Pharaoh Style... mm... but also, Dandy Style has funny hat!" Michi couldn't stop herself from giggling at the pictures of the half-shaved canines with their dyed white fur, "Ooh look, Debutante has a hat also! Maybe one boy, and one girl?" Would her husband be upset if their new dogs had Furfrou puppies? "Oh, my daughter is texting me... one moment, please." Oblivious to the menace, Michi began messaging her daughter about Dreepy again.

NOTES:  passing relicanth!

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 3:07:54 GMT
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With Michiko busy texting her daughter, Zac circled around past Devin, grabbing his second to last pokeball. Need to grab more back in the city. He thought, before sneaking over to the Mimikyu. "Can't have you getting close to Michi." Zac said softly, kneeling down a safe distance away from the monster. "Tell ya what. You come quietly and i'll find you a good home and some...souls to eat. Sound good?"

The creature shambled towards his faster, which Zac interpreted as a yes, and he rolled the ball at it. The horrid visage disappeared inside and was caught with nary a wiggle.

Relieved, Zac returned, laughing as he saw Michiko bring up another picture of Furfrou wearing a funny hat. "Oh those little dogs are definitely true canids, and cute little devils too!"
He looked around at the wooded area. It had provided them with a bounty of beautiful, monstrous catches, but if Michi was after something cute then maybe it was time for a change of scenery.

"Tell you what Michi. In the city i'll grab some dog-catching supplies and after this we can go hunting for a fur baby for you. How's that sound?"

NOTES: Zac bribes ṁ̴͙͙͚̤ͅi̵̩͖̦̰̊̓̋̈́͝m̵̠̙͗͐͂i̸̛͓͙͐̈̌͝k̴̨̥̹̓̾͌y̸̢̙̏ͅu̶̙̾͜͝ with his immortal soul
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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 3:45:08 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar


Trying to stop herself from giggling at a funny reaction gif her younger daughter had sent, Michi looked up from her phone and looked around for Zac. She had to lean around Devin, who was standing very close to her for some reason, before she saw the wildlife vlogger crouched just behind her. There he is! What is he doing over there? she wondered, but was far too polite to ask. There were no restrooms in the forest, so...

<Machaaaa-cha!> A triumphant sound came from the side as Matchan returned, holding Meriru aloft and with only a few Relicanth bites. "Good job, Matchan!" Michi praised him, though she wasn't sure for what, and turned back to Zac, lighting up at his offer. "Oh! Is it okay? We must get Onix to the Pokemon Center," she said earnestly, "But after, maybe we will buy 'dog-catching supplies?' I will give you a tour of Rustboro City! It is very close to my hometown."  She clasped her hands, beaming.

Personally, she had some reservations about immediately heading out on another Pokemon-hunting adventure, but perhaps while they were shopping she could suggest another day to go dog-hunting. She certainly wasn't so tired from all the hiking that she couldn't do some shopping.  "Let's~ Go!" 

To be continued...

NOTES: closing thread!  tadaaa

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Zac's Route Roundup - Route 115
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2020 4:10:46 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]ZAC CAUGHT MIMIKYU!



[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] DISGUISE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]PLAY ROUGH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]WOOD HAMMER
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---

[attr="class","wildtag"] &

[attr="class","wildnote"]BOTH OF YOU RECEIVE 10 PD!