love and war [e4]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
love and war [e4]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 22:48:59 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




pokemon league

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Even now, Moltres' blackened form takes her breath away. It forces the breath from her lungs, as though she were expending exuberant amounts of energy herself just watching Moltres take form. She can feel its rage, its jealousy, its pride burning like something alive beneath her skin.[break][break]

"Gotta keep you on your toes!"[break][break]

She jokes, but there is a note of anxiety lost in the throw of her voice as she challenges him in return. When she had first seen Moltres this way, the legendary Pokemon had been nearly crushed by the strange black hole Pokemon- if it could even be called a Pokemon- that had emerged from an ultra space portal. She had felt Moltres' connection strain, nearly breaking, before bursting back with rage and fear and hate.[break][break]

They both had changed practically overnight, desperate to live, desperate to fight, desperate to win.[break][break]

And it is what drives Moltres to devour, consume, destroy. It gathers wind beneath its wings to propel forward, unafraid, into the WICKED BLOW of the Urshifu. The dark-type move damages but does not break the blackened bird. Instead, Moltres screams, aiming to collide with a SUCKER PUNCH.[break][break]


notes: moltres hit by wicked blow - uses sucker punch



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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
love and war [e4]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 20:50:36 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

while urshifu's power was now greater than it was before it underestimated how strong moltres was now as it met its wicked blow head on. of course it should have seen the sucker punch coming but the shock of seeing this mighty bird come straight at it made the fighting dark type hesitant just long enough to feel the bird's talon strike its chest and slamming it into the ground. "domon!"

kazimir cried out as he watched his pokemon fall to its back, the spot where moltres struck looking a little bit red as thin lines spread across it. the beast laid there on the floor unmoving, like it didn't have a single ounce of energy left in its body to continue. kaz stood there falling to one knee as for a moment he could feel what the pain on his pokemon's chest must have felt like on his own, clutching it as he looked onto the battlefield, at the two pokemon that were fighting their hardest, at stormy who was providing them with one of the toughest challenges they've fought yet. and finally he looked down at the megastone embedded into his glove.

he wasn't going to give up like this was he? he's come to far to just say "that's game" because he could see the chance of defeat getting closer and closer. that wasn't who he was was it? its not the kind of person he wanted to be anyway, and he sure as reverse world wasn't going to let his pokemon be those kind of pokemon as well. as their trainer he needed to make sure that they were pushed to reach new heights right?


"c'mon domon! I know ya got more fight in ya than that, or was all that just a lie huh?! didn't ya join us because you saw me and everyone else as real fighters?! kazimir tightened his fist into a ball and forced a grin on his face as he rose back to his full height and faced stormy and moltres with confidence, " so what the hell does that make you if you go down like that huh?! we're almost there, almost at the end, so give me all ya got and then surprise me with more! cause i know you got a hell of a lot more in you man!"

the stone on kazimir's glove flashed for a second as the urshifu's eyes opened up wide and focused themselves on the dark bird in front of him. "ya think that's all it'll take storms?! then ya don't know about our WAKE UP SPECIAL SURPRISE!" the urshifu suddenly brought its legs up and placed its hands on the ground behind its head and sprang himself to his feet and in the same motion brought up his fist as a growing flame of power roared to life around it as it was released into a powerful uppercut with the full power of a G-MAX ONE BLOW aimed at moltres' chin and beak.

TLDR: Urshifu used g max one blow on Moltres!
[rolling to extend mega evolution (20+ roll needed)



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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
love and war [e4]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2021 21:19:31 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




pokemon league

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

The impact of the two Pokemon colliding rumbles like thunder. Moltres' talon crashes against the Urshifu's chest and the impact sends them both crashing to the ground. The only thing visible from Stormy's end of the field is her legendary Pokemon's wings arched high. It screams again, shrill, enraged.[break][break]

But as quickly as the bird shoves him into the ground, the Moltres pushes off to separate itself. It was a matter of time before the bear retaliated.[break][break]

Kazimir begins to shout a pick-me-up for his Pokemon. Stormy can't help but be moved herself, and Moltres flaps its wings in the spot as it waits for the Pokemon's next attack. [break][break]


Surprise is written in Stormy's voice as Urshifu eats up the distance between the two of them with his 'one-blow'. As expected, the dark-type Moltres doesn't flinch, taking the attack head on. [break][break]

When the dust settles, Moltres is still standing, albeit disgruntled. There is a glow to the bird, this time, however, as if the Pokemon has finally found a worthy challenger. [break][break]

And, as aloof and over-confident as the bird has always been, it takes to the sky.[break][break]

"That's.. a compliment- I think. I believe it's going back to the volcano to recharge."[break][break]

Stormy scratches the back of her neck sheepishly, glancing about the battlefield. It looked a complete mess, charred and full of broken glass and feathers and fur.[break][break]

"Thank you for the battle, Kazimir! I hope we gave you a run for your money."[break][break]


notes: moltres hit by wicked blow - uses sucker punch



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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
love and war [e4]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 16:29:06 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

as the dust settles on their battle domon is brought to one knee as he stares down the moltres who takes one look at him before letting out a cry and taking off to the skies. both trainer and urshifu look on in confusion and amazement as the bird takes off only for their trance to be broken by stormy's words. " you mean? we won...? we won. we won!"

kazimir rushed over to his urshifu who was just about to get to his feet only to be hugged by kazimir and almost falling over thanks to the imbalance. it couldn't be mad at his trainer however, it knew that they came out victorious and hugged his trainer back. the two cheered for joy at their victory but kazimir shot a glance at stormy and broke apart from his partner to walked over to her with a smile before pulling her into a hug as well.

"thanks for the battle storms, and don't worry. you know i'm not going to go down without causing a lot of hell around here. count on it."

TLDR: kazimir wins!

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October 13
808 height
808 height
39,425 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
love and war [e4]
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2021 19:36:08 GMT
shiv Avatar
[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]BATTLE COMPLETE!



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