a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 13:49:46 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar

After the whole ordeal with Alfric after getting off the boat, Chu-e just wanted to go to bed. After a quick meal he had been able to find a cheap but clean hotel and had piled up, Pompom and Prince being used as makeshift stuffed animals while Puff kept his feet warm. All in all, it was nice to sleep in a bed again and not a cot on a ship. He was even feeling pretty good considering his general condition all around, until he woke up that next morning and decided maybe he should wash the stink from the ship off his body.

When he opened the bathroom door, what he found was a sticky cocoon mess of Caterpie, Wurmple, Weedle and other smaller bug type pokemon. He had blinked and watched them writhe around one another, one falling to the tiled floor and crawling towards him. He simply responded by shutting the bathroom door again and placing his bathroom essentials back in his bag.

A few moments of sitting on his bed and just... processing, he opened the door to his room, aiming to go argue with management for a new room, only to see a veritable army of those same worms and bugs wriggling around the ceiling and covering the windows with that sticky string. It was like they were turning this place into a giant den or something. He closed his bedroom door back and this time was a bit worried, pulling out his cell phone this time and trying to figure out... whatever the hell this was. None of that had been there when he checked in.

A quick search told him this was somewhat normal, given the time of year. Many bug types would usually migrate and find trees to burrow in to try and hibernate for winter. Sometimes they would get confused and try to do this with buildings instead. Best thing to do was to stay in a safe spot until local Rangers could take care to remove and relocate the pokemon.

Well, fuck all that. Chu-e wanted a shower and breakfast and some little bugs wasn't going to get in his way. Returning Pompom and Prince to their balls, he gave Puff's ears a rub down before standing again.

"Think you can keep me safe?" The Litten growled and fluffed up his fur, ready for a fight. He was young and energetic at least. He had that over Chu-e. With that in mind, the man sighed and opened the door again to step into the hallway. May as well hurry and face this horror show.
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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 16:36:31 GMT
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the man would be greeted with the sight of a gliscor, the pokemon's head craned back with a wriggling caterpie hovering above its gaping maw - held only by a claw. a release of its tail was followed by a noisy crunch, the bug-type meeting its end whilst partially satiating the dual-type's hunger. a round tongue flicked out afterwards, the pokemon glancing briefly in chu-e's direction before continuing to work on clearing the pests. 

webbing and wriggling beasts littered the floor, posing a threat to the inhabitants who were forced to remain in their rooms. several weavile and a sneasel scurried about, cornering and making short work of pokemon that emerged from cocoons or destroying the unhatched. they were surprisingly efficient in the task, with a stony-faced female overseeing the process. 

nothing was wasted or left behind, the webbing sliced away with pointed claws and the infestation culled with ice, teeth or claws. the young woman's lips moved, a sign made upon her chest as the hallway was alleviated - thanking arceus for sustaining her pokemon and bidding the spirits of the departed an easy journey. 

we'll be working our way downstairs," she informed, appearing grimly satisfied. 

she'd turn and come to an immediate halt, her narrowed gaze soon fixing upon chu-e. after her eyes had caught upon him, she'd soon beckon her pokemon to gather and follow her lead.  cait began to work her way down the steps, her sneasel paused briefly to peer curiously at chu-e's litten before hurrying after the group. 


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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
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words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 16:59:53 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Juicy." He muttered to himself at the sight, kicking away one of the Caterpie as it tried to climb up his leg. Puff watched with something like wide eyes, picking up said Caterpie in his mouth and carrying it with him now. The poor pokemon wiggled frantically to get away, but it seemed like it was more of a plaything for the kitten pokemon at the moment. It was then he spotted Cait and her army of pokemon, realizing this must have been the 'Ranger' part of that equation from the information he read online. When she noticed him, he decided to do the cheeky thing and wave.

Seeing her leave, he shrugged to himself and decided to follow after her. It wasn't like he had much more do right now and it seemed like she was more than capable of handling this situation.

"I thought the game for this was 'relocation'?" Not that he particularly cared either way. "Some are in the rooms, too. There was whole nest in my shower when I got up."

Puff, meanwhile, loped quickly in front of his trainer, eyes sparkling to try and catch up with the team of Cait's pokemon. The Caterpie had given up on it's wiggling but was still locked firmly in the Litten's jaws. His puffy paws were too big for his body, making him stumble a bit and showing he still had a while before he grew into them.
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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 17:15:38 GMT
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the corners of her lips twitched downward, eventually forming into a proper frown. 

my mission parameters failed to mention anything about 'relocation'."

she very nearly slipped on a slick layer of web, but was helped by her gliscor - the pokemon aiding in maintaining her dignity as the soles of her tennis shoes slid. a look of irritation settled across her freckled features, the woman's eyes downcast as she peered at the floor and the multiple pokemon that swarmed the halls.

get to work," she said, clapping her hands.

her pokemon eagerly fell upon the tender prey, their instincts as natural predators on overdrive. but the sneasel remained, preoccupied by the presence of chu-e's litten. the little male gave a smirk, amused by the fire-type's blunder.

you should be compensated and relocated elsewhere while your room is cleaned out," she informed. "you were staying here - yes?"

it was a relatively cheap establishment. a place of decent quality - clean and tidily-arranged. a pity it was currently infested, the owners having called in to have the problem be dealt with. 'relocation' was a pricy endeavor; but 'extermination' was a cheaper alternative. 

they're going to have everyone move to the establishment next door, i think."  


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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 17:30:36 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"I skimmed one article online so I'm an expert now." Was all he chose to answer with, not trying to hide the slight grin at her fumble. It would be his benefit to just go ahead and leave, since it seemed that Miss Alfric didn't exactly want to deal with him. Yet at the same time, he had really missed his quota of 'be annoying' when he had been locked in the hospital and recovering. You didn't mess with the nurses unless you wanted you pudding cup to go missing.

"With all the bug juice you're making, I hope there isn't a Big Fry over all these Small Fry you're squishing." It was pretty gross but kind of fascinating. Usually rangers were all moon eyed over wild pokemon. To see one, and a high ranked one, just go about ending them like this was a whole thing. "Yeah. It was just for the night. Maybe I can get a refund instead."

Puff, for his part, was true to his name and fluffed up his fur in something like pride to be recognized. He dropped the Caterpie at the Sneasel's feet, like any cat would bring a mouse back to someone else. He was helping! The Caterpie, for it's part, at least put up a meager show of trying to crawl away. It was probably exhausted.
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y o y o

may 15
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 17:46:20 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
she'd quirk a brow. 

you'll have to ask the front desk."

with that said, she'd very closely observe her pokemon do their work as an organized unit. cait was strictly humane as she committed the act - having informed her companions that they were to be quick. prolonging the inevitable was cruel, unusual and against her values. her pokemon were expected to waste nothing and do their work at a decent clip, clearing the way all the while.

the job was unsavory and perhaps morally questionable, but she'd rather be present to grant these pokemon their final rites in death. 

"sneasel," she said. "shouldn't you be helping?

the ice-type's mouth was presently full, the weasel having accepted the caterpie with a pleased look. it was a messy affair, his mouth smeared with the green liquid of its blood. cait grimaced lightly at the sight, reaching down and scooping the young pokemon. with a dark handkerchief, she'd wipe his mouth clean. 

"let's hope you grow out of that."

she'd eye that litten who had gifted the snack, brows furrowing ever so slightly.

"i expected something bigger and older, to be honest. this one looks young - your litten, i mean."


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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 18:10:31 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"He's the biggest and oldest I got." Taking a moment to kneel down, he ruffled the fire type's fur. Puff, for his part, seemed to almost pout and tried to fluff himself up more to look even bigger and stronger. He would show this lady that he was super strong! "But, nah. Other than a few pokemon I gave to friends, most of my pokemon went to 'The Foundation for Orphaned Pokemon' before I went on that big mission. Didn't want them caught in my mess in the end." He looked a smidgen sad at that for a moment. He really did miss his old friends and hoped they got good homes.

Standing back up with a grunt, Chu-e nodded to the Sneasel. "He's cute but doesn't seem your style. I would expect like... an army of grass types or something." He motioned to his own head. "Think it's the hair and eyes."

With that said, Chu-e grabbed the banister set on making his way downstairs. It was kind of dark down there, the pokemon probably having finished blocking out the windows while they had all been dallying up here. "Guess I'll see if I can get that refund." He turned to nod to Cait but found himself... gone. Surprise flicked on him for a moment before he was jerked down the stairs and into the darkness. Thick threads of webbing had wrapped around him and pulled him down without a sound, like some sort of horror movie.

"M-myah?!" The Litten ran to the edge of the stairs, peering down into the darkness and looking unsure about going down himself. After a second or two of pacing, the kitten pokemon started to hobble down the steps, worried about his trainer. Looks like if Cait wanted an 'out' for the whole 'Choi' situation, she had one.
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y o y o

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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 19:05:43 GMT
cait alfric Avatar
the man's abrupt departure startled her, though her reaction time had greatly improved over the years. she'd bristle, a hint of a glow entering her gaze as she stared intently down at the potent darkness that had taken him. 


her gliscor returned to her side, following her gaze as her weavile gathered at her feet. they peered up at their mistress, slightly crouched and eager for orders. her sneasel shifted with her grasp as she administered her command, his narrow-eyed gaze peering worriedly down at the distressed feline.

"make sure he doesn't die down there, please."

she sounded more exasperated than anything else. despite the coldness she had presented him with thus far, her desire to protect and perform her duties as an officer remained steadfast. for now, chu-e was naught more than a nuisance - and undeserving of whatever fate likely awaited him. 

her weavile obeyed, traveling as a pack as they hurried downstairs. once the man was within sight, one would seek to free and secure chu-e while the remaining two dealt with the creature who had taken him. cait made her way to the confrontation, each step tentative as her gliscor ensured she was escorted safely. 


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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2020 23:27:10 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Cait hadn't been the only one to come for a meal, it seemed. The downstairs had been mostly cleared out of the smaller insects already, all of them wrapped up in silk balls and stuck to the walls and ceilings. While the same strands as upstairs were completely over the windows and most doors here, there was a thicker concentration on the ceilings. Chu-e was fairly easy to find, plastered to a wall nearby and currently being covered by a gang of Spinarark and Ariados. For his part he seemed more frustrated than anything, unable to wriggle free.

Litten was at his feet, wrapped up in a spitting tussle with two Ariados he was just barely managing to keep at bay with his flames. There was little finesse or skill in his battle style, showing just how inexperienced he was in combat in general.

When Chu-e spotted them, his eyes widened and he started to wriggle harder. "Har-hanv-uu-uh! Har-hanv-uu-uh!" His mouth was already covered in silk, muffling his words. But he was very pointedly looking above Cait. A belated few seconds after his wiggling, a massive Garvantula tried to drop down on her head, shooting webbing at her and her pokemon. This was most likely the one to pull Chu-e down to start with.

Garvantula were territorial and aggressive. This was probably his harem of Ariados and they had seen this spot as an easy meal for winter given the general infestation. There would be little chance of getting out of this one without a battle.

(i don't really wanna control the pokemon for whatever battle happens, so feel free to dispatch of them as you like lol)
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y o y o

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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2020 9:22:24 GMT
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cait peered skyward, her eyes narrowing upon the sight of the large spider. it made for a frightening image, the young woman vaguely unsettled by its domineering presence. her gliscor effectively positioned himself between the threat and their mistress, eager to showcase their mettle in the face of skewed odds. 

the bat's barbs were effectively utilized, his partial ground-typing preventing him from being vulnerable from the electricity that sought to lock his muscles. the grapple made for a messy affair, both appearing intent to undo the other. her weavile dealt with the harem, coordinated and well-trained in the face of their enemy. 

cait moved to tend to chu-e, her sneasel helping slice away the rest of the webbing. she kept his mouth covered - of course. 

we're getting out of here."

she hissed the words, unwilling to remain exposed within the confines of the room. there were attacks and bodies flying about - and she had no intention of being struck by crossfire.


eventually the electric-type and his females were dealt with, her pokemon emerging tired but injured from wounds that varied in severity. 

"do me a favor," cait said, shortly before she departed. "stay out of trouble."  


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a wasp the length of your arm [mission; open]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2020 3:25:28 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]MISSION COMPLETE!


