
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 0:34:01 GMT
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Not everyone made it out of Slateport. We have reports that several important people are still holed up in Slateport waiting for help. It’s a dangerous job but they can only survive for so long. Your job is simple, break in and break them out before things get too heated.


Ever since her last visit with Fernando, Stormy had been reeling from his previous insults.

"If you can't find something to do to help then you're incapable of helping."

Just hearing his voice, even if it was a memory, made her teeth grit.

She hated him. She thought she had hated her parents, but she was pretty sure she hated him more - the self-righteous, egotistical dick that he was.

The woman had lingered in Lilycove for a while after that, before traveling to Olddale and Rusturf and the like. She had even briefly touched the shores of Slateport before returning. She was a little bit wiser and a little bit stronger now.

She had also managed to find an easier, safer way to reach Slateport.. that was mostly the reason she had taken on a mission from the League. They were looking for help rescuing people still stranded in the city.

So, here she was.

Mistake number one was arriving alone, it seemed. Stormy's equally egotistical ass had decided to venture on this dangerous mission solo. There was no way in hell she was going to rescue anyone, but surely someone from the League would be in Slateport with her, even if they weren't on the same mission.. right?

Once Stormy arrived in Slateport, she made her way to the Lower District. Her reasoning was simple - Team Rocket likely controlled the Upper District with the malls and businesses and parks. If people still remained in the city that needed help, they had likely fled to the Lower District for safety. She could be completely off base - but she was sticking to her guns.
deltra of gangnam style
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 18:38:57 GMT
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her intrusion is as obvious as a flare being set off.

amateurish, alone, league girls are so predictable. from appearances alone, she doesn't look like she belongs in the slateport lower district even had it been still standing, but her decisive pace made him assume she was intending to achieve something specific. regardless, dominic follows from the rooftops through the streets; grand leaps and bounds that remind him of doing the same in his youth in saffron.

he has the aerial advantage, the element of surprise, pokemon trained to kill.

he's unthreatened in these streets, in the city that belongs to them, where a whistle is all it takes to swarm a location with pin-point precision.

, sorry
, observe or don't
, found her for you, thank me later

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 19:34:18 GMT
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Of course there would be patrols out right now, looking for moron league members who thought that they were just going to waltz around however they chose. The sound of wings flapping and a large bird landing next to her let Erinn know that something had been found by someone. After all she'd told Clara to come back if someone sounded the alarm or if she saw something on her own. Who knew which it actually was but nonetheless the large bird had something to show her. That meant there was business to be taken care of.

Slateport was their territory now after all and that meant all hands were on deck. In all parts of the city. Patting the bird on the neck she whistled a bit and Clara took off once more. Wings flapping and leading on forward to lead her where she needed to go. A baseball bat slung over her shoulder Erinn was ready to get this done and over with. They would teach a lesson to those league morons one way or another. If taking over the city wasn't enough she could teach them the hard way. This was their city now.

whaddup i was invited to this part
erinn is following clara towards the intruder
baseball bat in tow

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stormy, bronwen
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 20:39:36 GMT
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0000 words @verbatim3

For the time being, Stormy is completely unaware of the two Rockets rapidly approaching. For now, she believes she is still unseen and not in any immediate danger. Of course, that's obviously a fat lie given the man sprinting across the tops of buildings, staring her down. Or the woman coming up from behind her wielding a baseball bat.

Stormy slips in and out of sight to the best of her ability, weaving between buildings and fences. She peeks inside the windows of abandoned buildings, careful not to cut herself on the smashed glass windows. It's eerily quiet in the lower district of Slateport, and she feels her skin prickle with unease.

So far, the woman has seen no evidence of movement. It's like the life has been sucked out of the city, there is little to no evidence that anyone still lives here. There's no Pokemon, no footprints, no noise. Slateport used to be the hustle and bustle city, full of laughter and lights and excitement. This.. this was horrible.

Stormy presses her back against the brick wall of a nearby building. It vaguely resembled a marketplace. It was a shame Stormy was such a reckless idiot, or she might have studied a map of Slateport and gotten to know the area a bit better. But here she was, completely alone and in the dark.

Her best bet though seemed to be to enter a building and see if anyone was still hiding in Slateport.
deltra of gangnam style
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2018 23:37:35 GMT
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Oh, the girl was a fool.

It had only taken a small amount of initiative to guess the heroic League would be stupid enough to step back into Slateport. Since taking control, Team Rocket had ensured the security of their new victory was tight, so smelling out the rat in their midst had been quicker than the steps the newcomer had been taking into the lower distract.

But it wasn’t just her who had noticed. An array of grunts were trailing her heels, and the girl didn’t even know. It was cruel really, but cruel was what Geraldine loved.

Red lips turned upwards, she watched the girl approach. She was the shadow of a predator, now ready to strike. A spider itching for her prey. Geraldine held her breath for a mere moment as the girl stopped by a wall, before she spoke. 

“Looking for something, darling?” Her voice was a toying coo from beyond the girl. Her heels clicked low as she approached her. ”Well... Ha. Even if you were, you most certainly aren’t anymore.”

No whistle was needed. With her last words, her Seviper, having been silent by her side, suddenly released a screech. That was all that was needed. The lamb had come to her slaughter, and the pride was hungry.

im here to join the partyy
les go my lovelies
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 3:06:57 GMT
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Sarah was booooored. Taking over the city had been a blast, but now that things had calmed down a little, there was nothing left for her to do. Even the hostages that they had captured were no fun anymore. She'd scared them with exaggerated thoughts about what Rocket would do to them, but after weeks passed and nothing happened to them, they stopped believing her. She tried to entertain herself by catching a few pokemon, but every mon that she captured tried to escape her. Guess they couldn't handle her extreme personality? 

Just when Sarah was starting to think that maybe nothing good was going to happen, her Arcanine had caught a new scent.

Some unfortunate rattata had decided to sneak into Slateport, unaware of just how secure this city was. Sarah figured that some grunts had stalked the intruder just to gang up on and beat them. However, she wouldn't let them get ahead of her. This intruder, whoever they were, probably had an interesting personality if they snuck in the city alone. Maybe they could provide some fun for Sarah?

With her Arcanine, Sarah followed to where the intruder was. She saw it was a chick, which only made her more excited. Sarah moved close behind. Just when she was about to introduce herself to the intruder, another Rocket grunt spoke up.

"Ugh," Sarah openly stomped her feet. "I wanted to be the one to say hi to them first." She pouted as if she was an elementary-school girl being denied a turn on the playground swing. "Well, that doesn't matter much. You came here on your own expecting this, right? That means you can fight against several grunts without fainting right? right?" Sarah sounded impressed and her eyes gleamed with admiration. It was clear that she had a strong opinion of this person and their strength. After all, what weakling would dive headfirst into a city full of Rocket members on their own?

"Let's see just how strong you are! Ark, get in there!"

Lifting up a finger and giving her own pose with a little bit of pizzazz, and a wink, Sarah called upon her pokemon, Arcanine, who gave a mighty growl as he jumped in front of the intruder.

Now the intruder was surrounded by both a Seviper and an Arcanine.

Note: Yo.

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 4:32:17 GMT
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call it intuition; the feeling of cold, dead fingers caressing the back of his neck.

dominic halts to re-analyse the scene playing out below him. through the windows of the building, he can see figures accost the target he was tracking, and from mannerisms alone he can identify them as his subordinates confronting the young woman. he clicks his tongue in dissatisfaction. so hasty.

the lower district was practically destroyed and unoccupied, but this is where the remaining citizenry should be, hiding like the victims that they so crave to be. and yet it was somehow too quiet, like they had some sort of forewarning. the streets themselves holding are their breath.

dominic slides down a broken slope of a roof to a balcony over-looking the building the figures were in and sends a message to all rocket members in a radius of 1 kilometer of his location.

stay on alert. don't instigate. be ready.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 6:47:01 GMT
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His phone dings and, surprise surprise, it's one of the bosslings. Stay on alert? Well, sounded like something fun was about to happen. Chu-e wasn't doing anything else... may as well try and join in. He happened to be in the area, after all, and he wanted to make up for not being here to help topple the city in the first place.

Then again, if something has rattled this guy enough to bother to send a warning, he better stay on his toes. Chu-e makes bad choices most of the time but he's not fully stupid. He'd only met Dominic in person a few times in person, just enough for orders not enough for personalization, but he was still a loyal little piss-ant who would kiss his toes if asked.

So Chu-e called out Creams. Slurpuff had good noses, one of the best in the pokemon world, so just asking her to sniff out something living nearby wouldn't be too hard. Everything was too quiet in the streets. Normally wild pokemon were swarming here. No humans were here to care enough to beat them back like they had before.

Chu-e followed her and he stayed as quiet as he could. He clicked his tongue when Creams got too close, calling the pink pokemon back to him. There was movement in a building- probably some grunts getting to excited. Idiots. He liked to run in headfirst, too, but you shouldn't do it without a plan.

As @erinn drew closer, he let out a low whistle and raised his hand to draw her attention. 'Don't go in yet' he ordered, shaking his head and slicing his hand in front of himself sharply before pointing at the building. The two inside could handle it for now. She would be his backup for now. Shame he didn't know that Dominic was above.

theres too many of you to tag

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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jacob berwick
POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 13:20:25 GMT
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While Lower Slateport had been where most of those left behind had taken refuge, it was far from being a blind spot to the occupying forces. Jacob had been one of those Grunts who, for the most part, was willing to turn a blind eye, and even stealthily help out some of those stranded people when he could get away with it. Otherwise, he found himself participating in acts of brutality with groups of Rockets, having to keep a stiff upper lip, hiding the fact that it ebbed away at him.

Jacob would spot someone who clearly didn't belong roaming through the streets. The grunt, like Dominic and Erinn, would opt to trail the girl silently instead of engaging her directly. Jacob would quietly trail her from a distance himself, taking cover and moving through the shadows as she had, making sure she couldn't spot him when she would turn around. On his shoulder was Morrigan the Zorua. His little friend could easily be used as a distraction, thanks to her Illusory powers. Stealthily helping her was out of the question, considering that others were on their trail. Two more Rockets would come in, effectively throwing any stealthy approach to the intruder out the window.

As Dominic's voice came through his earpiece, Jacob sighed, hanging back, and being ready to either engage or back off, depending on what the Underboss would order.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 6, 2018 18:18:39 GMT
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Erinn was here because she wanted to fuck up a league member who had decided they wanted to be brave and stupid. Mostly stupid. So when she got the notification not to engage she felt her blood boil a little bit. Everyone else was going to get a cut of the fun while she would be stuck out here standing around like a moron. This sucked. If she had been a little bit faster then maybe she would have gotten to get a cut of the action. But for now she of fucking course had to wait.

If she had more people behind her she wouldn't have even bothered to listen to the orders. She could have feigned ignorance or whatever. But with a sigh and a deep whistle she called Clara back to her side. "This fucking sucks. I wanted to be first in." But of course her luck had turned for the worse. As Clara landed she gave the bird another pat. She had done well to lead her straight to the source and it wasn't the flying types fault they had been slow. At least she wasn't the only one who had to sit on their hands out here.

erinn is following orders but she isn't happy about it lmao

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2018 2:57:18 GMT
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0000 words@geraldine @sarah

Stormy had never felt panic like the panic she felt when Geraldine melted out of the shadows. Stormy thought she had been alone, ready to dive headfirst into the building and rescue whoever might be trapped..

Except there had been no one there other than herself and the dark-haired woman with the Seviper. The young woman froze, the icy tendrils of fear trickling down the back of her neck. She swallowed hard as she took note of her new friend's Seviper.

Geraldine's words were like silk, but laced with poison. Goosebumps ran up and down her skin and she felt her breathing begin to quicken. She was in very serious danger here, and she was all alone.

"I was looking for something, you're right. And it certainly wasn't you." Her own words were thick with disgust and contempt. She didn't like what she saw, and the only way she wanted to respond was with equal aggression and heat.

Unfortunately, she was soon to be joined by another Rocket grunt, though she was a lot more chipper and.. terrifying than the other.

The blonde woman prattled on for a time, making Stormy's head spin with surpise. Battle? Stormy didn't really know how to battle. But she couldn't very well tell this giddy little grunt that.

"Of course I do. One of the best trainers in the League."

A blatant lie, but she was probably going to die anyways.

Stormy blinked, hiding her face a little bit in surprise as Sarah sent her Arcanine on her. The giant fire dog pounded into view, stopping short probably inches before her face. The doggy breath was unbearable, and she felt herself growing faint.

She couldn't pass out here, not now.

Swallowing her fear, determination flashing in her bold red eyes, she let out a breath as she released her Castform. The tiny cloud Pokemon looked downright petrified, but put on a brave face for the sake of Stormy.

Honestly though? She was more than a little surprised that she let out Castform. The damn Pokemon had never been useful in his life. She had definitely meant to release Rapidash.. or Torkoal. Not this sorry excuse for a Pokemon.

< You'd better back off... bad guys! > he stammered, puffing out his tiny chest. Stormy did her best not to look horrified and ready to pass out.
deltra of gangnam style
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 21:38:28 GMT
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Geraldine's smile grew form the brave words spoken by the girl. Despite the disdain laced with each syllable spat out, she could see her panic at the situation unfolding before her. Geraldine could almost smell the fear, and both her and her Seviper ravished in it. 

Her eyes briefly blinked over to the blonde Grunt beside her, amused by the somewhat childish speech she spoke, before focusing her attention back on the intruder and her... Castform?

This girl was truly foolish.

As her partners Arcanine bounded in front of them, and the Castform attempted it's pitiful display of defense, Geraldine laughed sharply.

"Oh dear, oh dear. Best trainer in the League, you say?" She eyed the poor excuse of a Pokemon the girl had summoned, pursing her lips, "I highly doubt that..."

With eyes ablaze from the fire sprouting off the Arcanine, Geraldine gracefully pointed her finger directly at the girl, "But enough of this-"

Her Seviper slid forward at the sudden change in tone from his trainer, moving fast towards the Castform with a hiss,


The Seviper's mouth opened wide as a deep purple stream burst from it's mouth, aiming at the Pokemon ahead. The poisonous liquid gurgled as it was released. Geraldine didn't care if it hit the trainer.

No, she was more interested to see what the silly girl would do next. Best trainer in the League, she said. Well, she needed to prove it.

Up to you if it hits honey darling~~
Best late than never, right?
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 23:20:37 GMT
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Excitement oozed out of Sarah when the girl answered her. Yes, she was one of the strongest trainers in the league. Of course she could handle a bunch of grunts! Sarah practically started shaking with adrenaline at the thought of the battle to come. When the girl sent out her pokemon, a small little Castform, Sarah thought nothing much of it. She knew from personal experience how little things could have big effects, so she wasn't about to let her guard down against it, no matter how frail it looked.

Besides, this girl was in the middle of a rocket controlled city without any backup. Not only that, but she said she was strong too! There were just too many pieces of evidence that pointed towards how tough she really was.

Sarah allowed the other grunt member to go first. She waited patiently to see what the Castform would do to the Serviper's attack. Though, she didn't wait too long. Sarah was a very impatient girl, and she couldn't let this opportunity to fight get away from her. Thus, without any hesitation, she ordered her pokemon into battle.

"Ark, use Extreme Speed to get close!"

The canine barked in acknowledgment of his master's words. The large beast radiated intense wind as he gave himself a burst of speed. Within seconds, he was behind the Castform.

Next, Sarah ordered it again. "Thunder Fang!"

With complete ruthlessness, Arcanine extended its mouth forward. His fangs were covered in a high voltage of electricity, and he reached to take the entire form of the Castform in his mouth. If the Castform didn't dodge, the poor pokemon would be nearly ripped apart as sharp and electrified fangs would tare into the creature's body. Just to add a bit more torture to the creature, Arcanine would shake its mouth and chomp its teeth so that the Castform could really feel the pressure.

Note: GG.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 9:33:48 GMT
tch. what a fucking pain. what a fucking amateur.

fernando's here on unrelated business but the swarm of rockets is not something that goes unnoticed. unlike the inferior silph, fernando knows the terrain and environment well - not slateport but traversing through enemy territory. keep to yourself and hold a low profile. ample time with @ainsley has taught him, at least on the surface, how rocket operates. blending in isn't too difficult as long as he keeps away from the rest of them.

in disguise, fernando looks nothing like his typical self. his hair is dyed, discolored like the contacts that hide his icy gaze, even the makeup contours his face into shifting into a different look. there's no way in hell he'll come into slateport as one of the league's councilmen. here, he's someone else. another nameless crook who's one of the rocket's nameless minions. it makes it easier to scour around, just like the rattata they are.

from atop one of the many rooftops scouring over their location, fernando finds a way to observe without coming across the others that stay their distance. although he has no way of coordinating against dominic's orders, he's able to weasel his way around it. watching stormy struggle is only fun for so long. huddled in a corner, leaning against the roof's edge for cover, fernando unbuckles several pokeballs while his position is still obscured by both his vantage point and the element of surprise.

porygon, magneton, forretress, ferrothorn.

they will prove sufficient for his artillery barrage. blastoise, who would've joined them under normal circumstance, proves too bulky and protruding now will give up their position.

it only takes a moment to LOCK-ON. during that duration, stormy will be on her own. fernando will save her out of some backwards sense of pity but not at the expense of his own safety. during that time, gerald and sarah will have their chance to play around with their toy. enjoy it while it lasts, he muses. it won't be long before they're on the receiving end.


from high above, fernando calls out to his sister. surely his exclamation will draw their attention. not like it matters, he times his call out to coincide with his attack. blast by blast, those below will find themselves barraged by a mixture of ZAP CANNON and FLASH CANNON. his magneton and porygon deliberately aim toward stormy's location, using the attacks to barricade her in and cut of any further attempt to close in on her. it's a terrifying position to be in but the devastation of the attacks are the only thing fencing off any further threats. as for the other blasts, they're aimed but the sheer power of the attacks make them hard to direct. they scatter and act as suppressive fire. those who get caught by it are only a small bonus for the wreckage fernando's brings forth.

three larger, more obvious pokemon sprout up from his location. the trio of dragons: charizard, garchomp, and salamence, act as both a diversion and their escape out. confined to the rooftop, he'll need a way out and the three of them provide his best chance at getting out. however, his concern lies on cornered trainer below him. with little care for her castform and whether it gets destroyed by the enemy or his own friendly fire, fernando orders the pokemon to snatch her up.

with a mighty flap of their wings, they rise up, potentially drawing attention away from the armaments that line rooftop and fire down upon them, before splitting up in their descent. all three know their primary objective but the sight of salamence and charizard spewing out fire on everything else below them seems to demonstrate anything but.

for now, it is the garchomp, the one who strictly relies on physical moves, that heads straight for bronwen. all the while, the rain of hell and attacks never stop. they're steady and resounding, a concentration of his fury.  


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stormy, bronwen
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 2, 2019 20:16:05 GMT
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0000 words @sarah @geraldine @verbatim3

Oh, Stormy was scared. But it was her fear that fueled her. Geraldine and Sarah were both trying to intimidate her, scare her into admitting how weak she was. But that just wasn't in Stormy's personality to back down from a fight. She had come here on a mission, and she planned on finishing it.

What she hadn't expected was for the Seviper to shoot poison directly at her and her Castform. The rest was a blur.

Castform seemed to tremble with power, and as soon as the Seviper's venom sprayed from the viper's teeth, rain poured down from above. It came down heavy, soaking Stormy and Castform in seconds. The tiny cloud Pokemon's form changed to a water droplet, and thus, when Sarah's Arcanine used extreme speed to get up close and personal, he melted between the dog's teeth before the thunder fang could get through.

This may have lead to the Arcanine electrocuting it's own mouth due to the Castform soaking the Arcanine.. but regardless, the Castform returned to its natural form, wincing and sparking with the lasting effects of the thunder fang. It seemed exhausted and in a lot of pain, but still alive.

Stormy, however, was sucking in air as she herself had been unable to dodge one or two drops of the Seviper's venom. It burned at the exposed skin on her forearm, and she covered the enflamed wound, trying hard not to cry and show weakness.

Then she hears someone call her name. Stormy looks up in surprise and shock, looking at someone she doesn't recognise. Not long after, they are under attack by a series of gunshots and and cannons and you name it. Stormy throws her hands into the air to protect herself, and Castform tucks himself close to his trainer's chin, trembling with terror.

In his fear, he conjures up a hurricane. The hail and rain and debris whip around them with increasing speed and power, stinging Stormy's skin and tearing at her clothes. Through the hurricane, powerful blasts of fire scour the ground from the Charizard and Salamence that have appeared.

Stormy looks in horror as a Garchomp charges straight for her, unsure if it is friend or foe. Regardless, Stormy begins to run. Castform sticks to her like glue, continuing to make the hurricane worse and worse, while breathing hard from the damage he has taken earlier.
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