Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 2:38:44 GMT
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    How does Ki know someone in Rocket? 
The question had been burning in Zac's mind since his close, innocent friend had texted him about a unique opportunity: an interview with a member of Team Rocket.
    Is he mixed up with the wrong crowd? Is he in trouble? Does he owe people money? Did he finally bag a hot, firefighter boyfriend, only to have his heart broken and, distraught, turn to a life of crime? 
Zac couldn't help but to fret over the danger his friend might be in. He had rushed straight to Mossdeep. There was no time to waste. But why an interview? Surely if Ki needed money he would just ask nicely, as usual. 
    Was it a coded message? Or maybe... Is Ki's new boyfriend a Team Rocket firefighter?
Ki's house was a bit out of the way, nestled in a valley at the very edges of Mossdeep. It had been a brisk walk from town, and as Zac caught sight of Ki's house his thoughts crystalized into resolve. We're friends, and I'll help him out no matter what. 
    Zac strode down the path, his Grassy Terrain flaring and sending Ki's catnip garden into fits of growth. He tried to organise the opening lines of his speech.
    Being in Team Rocket is one thing, but putting Ki in danger is a bridge too far. It doesn't matter if you're a hunky firefighter, he deserves better!
    Zac banged on the door. Not waiting for a reply he grabbed the handle to let himself in. There was no time for propriety, he needed the upper hand if he was going to save Ki's life.
    "I'm here, Ki, and I'm coming in!"

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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 2:55:11 GMT
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For all of 's worrying and racing mind, when he pulled open the door there would be no hunky firefighter. There would just be Ki, blinking at him a bit surprised, a pitcher of coffee in the process of being sat on his table. A Skitty snoring sleepily on a plush pillow, a plate of cookies, a muted TV on some romantic drama.

Chu-e, for his part, upon realizing it was Zac, did seem a bit tense. But he still offered a warm smile to his friend.

"Hey, Zac. You, uh... alright?" Then quiet, for a moment. When Zac moved away from the door, it was close with a slam, a force not of psychic energy but a Delphox snarling and breathing down the redhead's neck. Which earned the fire type a sharp look. The door was locked by the vulpine's paws before he stalked off, into the kitchen.

"Sorry about that. Cipher is very... overprotective." Folding his hands together, Chu-e sat down on one of the single chairs in his living room suite, sinking into the plush leather. "Coffee?" His smile was warm but didn't reach his eyes this time. "You may need it."
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 3:12:40 GMT
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    The presence of the overprotective Delphox did wonders for Zac's nerves. It was good to know he had someone looking out for him. "Alright? Yeah, I'm just, uh, a bit worked up I guess." He said, lowering himself into one of the plush chairs. "Coffee? You may need it."
Zac eyed the pitcher of brown, liquid gold. A whole pitcher? Just what was going on? "Maybe something a bit gentler for now. I don't think I need more of anything right now." Zac said, his face creasing into a tense smile. "I'd love some warm milk, honestly." 
    Zac looked around, taking in the adorable, Rocket-less interior, and Ki's feline furnishings. Last time he was here the place had seemed chock-full of cats, but he could swear there were more here now. Where did Ki keep finding them?
    "So," Zac said, pushing ahead to address the Donphan in the room, "you know someone in Rocket?"

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 12, 2021 3:54:45 GMT
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Nodding, Chu-e got up and went into his kitchen. Plain view of where Zac was, he took a moment to heat up the milk as requested. The Skitty yawned. Was he drawing this out to be cruel? Or to settle his own nerves? He kept quiet as he did so, only returning with a mug full of the warmed milk that he slid over to the other. A mug of coffee was poured for himself, more cat memorabilia, and he took a long draught before answering.

"Do you know who 'Chu-e Choi' is?" It would depend on how much that knew personally about Kanto, about the Beasts at the time, about a lot of things. A quick Poogle search would pull up multiple stories and wanted lists. Suspected crimes. If one dove deep enough, even a grainy and zoomed in picture of a man snarling in delight as he led a small army to march against a city. But would Zac know? Many people didn't know unless they had been touched by what he had spread personally.

Only after giving a few moments for Zac to process or question or stare in confusion (or any other number of things), a sardonic grin spread over his face paired with something bitter on his tongue.

"I know Chu-e Choi."
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 13:59:11 GMT
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    Zac had never Grookled 'Chu-e Choi'. He'd never run a Poogle on the Beasts of Kanto, and he sure hadn't plugged anything into a Carbing search bar that would have brought up a picture of his friend's former life, grainy or otherwise.  
        And so he took a tentative sip of the steaming milk, completely unaware of the gravitas of his buddy Ki's dangerous confession. "Oh yeah?" Zac asked, putting down the milk to let it cool. "Who's Chu-e Choi?"

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 14:19:57 GMT
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He doesn't miss a beat.

"I am."

A card is removed from his sleeve and tossed on the table so it slides to land in front of . An ID, from Sinnoh with Kanto stamps, faded and worn. The picture is a man younger, healthier, and angrier; but if Zac squints he would be able to see where 'Ji-Hoon KI' stops and 'Chu-e Choi' begins.

There is a hesitance there, how Chu-e's shoulders are tensed, how still he is. Watching the man across from him, unsure of how he'll react. Chu-e likes Zac. He is trusting him with this piece of himself. Yet, like anyone whose been bitten, it is clear he will flee like a startled rabbit (or maybe worse) depending on how his friend reacts.

".... I promised you an interview with a Rocket. I'm trusting you with this. But... you know you can't tell people who I really am, right?" He looks pensive, then sighs and closes his eyes. A deep breath, two, then he nods almost to himself. "You can ask me anything you want. Some questions I just might not be able to answer."
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 2:25:47 GMT
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    Zac looked at the ID, not picking it up. Fake ID? No, just outdated. "So. You're someone else." he said, setting down the burning cup of milk. He looked over at his friend. Ki. 'Chu-e'. Whatever. Zac wasn't angry. Couldn't be angry at Ki. But he was...confused. 
    He opened his mouth to say something reassuring, and a thousand questions crashed like cars in his mind, all of them speeding to be the first out of his mouth.
    "Why?" won the race. It was a terrible interview question, as it didn't mean anything. It lacked clarity, direction. It was a goading, accusatory word that a better, less shocked, interviewer wouldn't have thrown out so flippantly.
    Maybe it was first out because it was the shortest. Maybe because it was the common denominator in a dozen more useful questions. Why did you come to Hoenn? Why did you change? Why did you join rocket? Why did you try and hide? Why are you bringing this up now? Why did you lie to me?
    Why didn't you tell me sooner?
A few seconds later, the most important question would hit Zac like a sucker punch. Why aren't you using past tense?

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 4:36:12 GMT
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"No." Was answered, quiet. "I'm still me." Did it really matter what you called him? Ji-hoon? Choi? He was still who he would be and always would be regardless of whatever name you gave him. Hell, once upon a time, his last name was even Wright. He was the mask and the wearer, at the core of it all.

But, well, that was a whole other can of worms. Right now, Chu-e wanted to answer 's questions.

"That's a very loaded way to start." One hell of a question, actually. It could have meant a lot of things. Some of which Zac had already spelled out in his own mind. Other's that Chu-e could supply in his own. Taking a sip of his coffee, he winced from the taste before placing it down; he had forgotten the sugar and cream.

"The best way to answer that is... when you hear 'Rocket', what do you think of? What type of people do think join? Why would they join to start? If I know where your thoughts are on that, I think I know what your 'why' is really asking." He glanced down, staring into his mug, present but eyes also very far away.
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 2:55:40 GMT
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    "I think of a lowlife," Zac said, "someone who through malicious intent or unfortunate circumstance has ended up on the wrong side of society." 
    It felt like the temperature in the cozy home had dropped 15 degrees, and Zac clung to the familiar warmth of his mug. His first question echoed in his head. Why? 
    "I hope it's the latter, mate." Zac said, letting out a sigh and taking a sip of the milk. It was still too hot. Let's take it again then, from the top.
    "Why did you join rocket?"

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 3:30:01 GMT
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Zac wasn't pulling punches. Not that Chu-e expected him to.

"That's a loaded question, too." He says it with a puff of laughter, no humor added. Chu-e's quiet after that, rolling around the answer in his head, trying to think on where to start. How to explain. With some finality, more like a man facing the gallows than just having a conversation, he raised his eyes to meet 's again. There was sadness there but buried under was steel.

"When I was twelve, an older boy at school molested me." His voice doesn't hang on the words, as hard as they are to hear, an wound long scarred over. "I did what you're supposed to do in that situation... I told. I have proof. Anyone who saw would know he did it." A heavy pause, a scowl.

"But the judge took his side in court. They determined I was making it up. For attention, I guess? Well, I got bullied a lot for it after that. After that, I went kind of crazy. Not long after I turned thirteen I ran away from home. Got mixed up in the wrong crowd. Started doing drugs. When I was fifteen, a guy from Rocket offered me to join and I did. I was angry. Real angry. At the world, at what happened, but mostly I was angry at the system that hurt me worse than than boy ever could."

"His dad was a ranger, a real big time one, who was friends with the judge, who was friends with some other people, who were friends with more... so they covered for him. And if you look back in his record, they kept covering for him over and over. I wasn't the only one hurt by that one boy, Zac."

He takes a breath, something like fire in his eyes now, anger and fury that's white hot. Not aimed at Zac himself, but something else.

"I joined Rocket when I was fifteen because I hated the League. I'm still in Rocket now because I still hate the League. But." He says it clear, a matter of fact. "I don't hate it for the good people in it. I don't hate the people like you, or like , or like ; you're all the people who should be in the League, who should be what the League is from the inside and out.

"I hate the League for people like that ranger, for letting people like him and that judge and everyone else complacent enough to let people like me slip through the cracks. For the people who see the system as something to gain for their own profit. For people who don't care about who they step on as long as they reach the top. People like that should be nowhere around people, should not be left in charge of protecting them.

"The League left people like me to fend for ourselves, Rocket just happened to pick up our pieces."
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 2:49:54 GMT
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    As Ki talked, Zac started to feel sick. He extended a huge hand across the table, offering it his friend in support, and when Ki had finished his story Zac stood up. He walked around the table and wrapped his mate in a huge hug.
    "I'm so sorry Ki." 
    Zac had blamed many people for Rocket's resurgence in popularity: Scheming criminals, useless or corrupt cops, even the government for not giving people enough support or doing enough in times of crisis. 
    But he had never blamed the League. And certainly never thought that they could have directly driven such a wonderful person into the arms of evil.
    Zac had entered the house with a burning anger directed at some imaginary rocket firefighter. That hatred had disappeared when he realized that such a person didn't exist, but now it came back in full force. There was a person responsible for Ki's trauma. For his fall to rocket. How could Zac ever blame the victim for the shit that life had thrown at them? "Who was it, Ki? Are they still in the league? Give me a name. I'll set things right." 

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2021 7:00:36 GMT
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The hug is unexpected.

Usually when you tell someone not already in Rocket that you're, well, in Rocket, they get angry. In the end Chu-e leans into it. His insides felt sharp, like broken glass, and the comfort of a friend helps smooth that over and soothe his nerves. Tentatively, he even hugged back, a small and weak thing compared to all that gave.

"You... don't have to worry about that." It's a big awkward, stilted, as if a worse confession of what he said before. "That's, ah... well, after I found out there were more I..." He cleared his throat. "Well, it's taken care of." He averted his eyes, ashamed, and reluctantly tried to pull out of the hold. More for Zac's sake than his own. Honestly, Chu-e would have liked to hug Zac for a long time. It was so rare to get positive touches for him, even platonic, that he wanted to cling to the feeling.

"I'm not a good person, Zac." The words were soft but raw, shrapnel in his throat as he spoke them. "I want... I want good things. I want people to not have to deal with people who take advantage of the League or people like what Rocket..." He shuttered breath as he trailed off, then that iron again. "Or" Was continued. "People like me."

Another staccato breath, the pricks of tears. But he blinked them away before they could fall.

"Please. You... you must have a lot of questions. I'll answer what I can. Anything that won't put you in danger."
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 9:13:56 GMT
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    "I don't care about what you've done in the past. Everyone deserves a second chance," Zac said, the words spilling out of his mouth, propelled by honesty and resolve. Ki deserved better than life in some criminal hive. 
    Ki was a good person. Zac knew that as well as he knew his own hands. He had rarely met such a kind and joyous soul. He was the victim here, and Zac was going to make things right. If anyone deserved another chance...no. It wasn't Ki that needed the second chance. 
    "Please. Give us a second chance. The League is a force for good. You want the best for people? Then join me. We can forge a better world together. Tell me, Ki. What can I do to get you to join the League?"

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 13:35:18 GMT
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Of all the questions that could ask, that one probably startles Chu-e worse than the 'why' asked before.

What would it take for him to join the League? "I..." He glances to the side, pensive, mulling over what the other had asked of him. Chu-e didn't want to half ass any of these answers. Zac deserved to get the full truth from him, where he could. The very root of his issues with the League were because of how often they fucked up, letting things (people) be cast to the wayside when they were the very people who depended on it.

"... there would need to be a lot of changes to how things are ran." Is what is finally said, the words chewed on slowly but gaining a bit of traction. "I don't want... what Blackwell did to Kanto. For me to put any faith in the League, I would need to see actual accountability for a start- the kind that no high connections, no amount of money, no amount of anything could get it covered up. And real consequences for breaking the rules. No slaps on the wrist. If you fuck it up bad enough, you're out. The League is supposed to be a force for good, it's supposed to keep people safe, it's supposed to be filled with people who can bear the burden of responsibility for others. While there are people like that in the League, there are too many people in it now who just use those as a pretty veneer to abuse the power they have over others."

A small sigh.

"But there would need to be societal changes, too. I joined Rocket... Flames... eleven years ago? Before Blackwell, the bulk of Rocket was just... people like me. Don't be mistaken, we did shady and illegal stuff, but it was a single mother turning a blind eye during a drug deal so she could feed her kids that week, or a runaway like me stealing so they wouldn't have to go back to being beaten by their dad. It was people the systems we have in place now couldn't or wouldn't help. Yeah, there was always people willing to do more extreme stuff but that wasn't as common as you would think. Not until... well, not until Blackwell. Not until Kanto. Then the murderers and psychopaths reigned. And if you didn't become one, you died."

He says that last part sharp, a snarl, not at Zac but at the memories. Of the people stepped on and crushed under that heel, their lives mattering less than the conquest. Leading with fear only got you so far for so long. They were feeling the repercussions from that even now, the previous Rocket of this region scattering like rats from a sinking ship when given the chance.

"I guess, in the end... Rocket is a problem caused by the League not being good enough in my eyes. The Rocket now is more like it was before. Just people who were left behind and doing the best with what they have. If the League can prove to me they can actually take care of them properly, I would even go as far as turning myself in for my crimes. Until then, I can't leave them behind. I won't be someone else to turn my back on them when all most of them need is a kind hand and to feel safe."
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Tip Top Trainer Talks - Chu-e Choi [s]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 14:53:13 GMT
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Zac was desperate to hold Ki. To promise his friend that the world could be, would be better. To vow that he would rip up the League and make it anew. Tear out the weeds and raise a glistening beacon of hope. But 's words echoes in his head. "Think and understand the depths of what is plausible and what is not."
    And that was the ragged, red rub. As much as Zac yearned to tell Ki that the world would be better tomorrow, it would be a lie. "I understand," Zac said instead, "at least, as much as I can. I can't fathom the depths of what you've been through mate, and I can't promise you that the League has changed." Images of flashed through Zac's head. Her theft, subterfuge, cruelty, and subsequent promotion. "In fact, I know it hasn't."
    It was unfair to compare it to Ki's terrible history, but it was a microcosm, and sign that things hadn't changed. At least not enough. "The League isn't fixed. Not yet. But I swear to you that I will make it a place you can call home. I don't care if it takes months, or even years." 
    Zac pulled Ki into another rough hug. It was the best that he could offer. Words could calm and soothe, but they lacked the impact of physical contact. "You're my best mate, Ki," Zac said softly, "and nothing is too tall of an order if it means that you're safe and happy."

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