what they did to you

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saoirse quinn
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POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 23:04:03 GMT
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Project: False Prophet.

Nikolai Cross.

Dr. Volk.

These were the names that Lulu had uncovered over the weeks since Underboss had tasked her with digging up his lost past. She had seen more of him than most—possibly even he himself. She’d even seen his heart; the literal one, beating inside of his pried open body.

Though she’d said nothing yet, she’d learned about (old) Rocket’s initiative to force avatarship via injection of Legendary DNA. Initially, she hadn’t cared much. Lulu had both participated in and witnessed plenty of human experimentation in her day, and she would be no hypocrite on that front; and, she was more a physicist than a geneticist. Not her field.

However, in light of recent events, it felt like it was. To pursue such a thing seemed wrong, in a way she couldn’t pin down logically in her immoral head. Whether or not that was due to Darkrai’s influence would be unknown, however, even to her.

Good thing it had all failed, right?

What it hadn’t failed to do, clearly, was fuck up to some surely irreparable level. They shared more in common than either of them would likely know for some time.

While Lulu had been expecting to be summoned, she hadn’t expected it to come with an invitation to join the underboss in his own home. Even more surprising was to find that she could nearly call him a neighbor. However, while Lulu stuck to high rises in the deep city, Chu-e’s residence was out in the countryside, and understated in such a way that she had to check the address a couple of times just to be sure.

Her Gardevoir returned into its pokeball and she pocketed it, rapping on the door lightly, twice while she glanced around for a camera.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 14:13:22 GMT
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It was warm today. This was something that vexed Chu-e tremendously, since Hoenn's definition of 'warm' and his definition certainly didn't agree; to natives it would be pleasant but not exactly hot. To him it was enough to make him break into a light sweat. Usually he wore fitted compression shirts, long sleeved, under his clothing but he found it too hot for that. Too uncomfortable. Maybe it was nerves causing it. Something had been eating at him lately, something he couldn't pinpoint. The prep for 's visit had been a welcome distraction.

Lulu would find a camera affixed in a corner above the door, very obvious, but someone with her sharp eye would be able to spot a fake. One of those cheaper ones you bought to make people think it was a real camera to trick skittish thieves. She may still have the more unsettling feeling of being watched, though, as if something still wasn't right or maybe just out of sight.

Regardless, when Lulu knocked, it only took a moment after a quick 'Coming!' from his side before the door opened.

He hoped Lulu didn't mind being exposed to a few of his nastier scars. While his shirt hid many of them, if she cared to look she would still be able to see the ones that were just barely not covered by the collar of his shirt, puckered and ugly. But he would smile, the scent of fresh coffee and cinnamon pluming from the doorway. "Miss Flint! Thank you for the visit. Here- come in, come in." Stepping back, he ushered her inside, the door closing after she would step inside.

Chu-e's home was homey and quaint. The entry led directly into an open plan living room to the left, a plush leather couch and two matching chairs sitting circled around a wall with a large tv mounted on it; the tv was muted but playing, looking to be one of those daytime game-shows, a woman excited as she jumped around from winning some prize. On the wall behind that was rows and rows of bookshelves, filled to the brim with books of all shapes and sizes. A room on the far wall seemed to open into a kitchen. To the right was a hallway with various closed doorways and staircase that led upwards into the unknown. A few shadowed entry ways spoke of other rooms deeper in the house. The kind of place meant for a small but well-off family, inhabited by one man. A little dated but still kept up.

It was messy, though. The kind of messy that told it wasn't normally dirty. There wasn't a speck of dirt on the floor, no dust, no collected trash, but there were books everywhere. An explosion of them, sitting on the tables or on each other or on the floor in some cases. Papers were scattered, all with Chu-e's chicken scratch writing if she dared try to read anything.

"Please excuse the mess. Here, this way." He made his way for the kitchen, stopping once he was in the room to bring a plate of fresh muffins to his breakfast nook, where coffee and tea and whatever else Lulu could hope to want was laid out. "I hope this is alright. I didn't know what you liked." While visibly a little frazzled, he still gave her a kind smile as he sat down and prepared himself a cup of tea.
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 23:13:17 GMT
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Green-lensed eyes found the fake camera staring blankly back at her. She scanned for another, surely less obvious, while not necessarily expecting to locate it. The scientist did, however, feel it there. Or something.

There was little time to find out, as the door swung open following the underboss’ muffled voice. She was greeted with a slightly less-clothed-than-usual , as well as the wafting aroma of his hospitality.

Her eyes fell briefly to his scars. The woman was hardly known for her politeness, but she didn’t gawk. In fact, she didn’t look surprised in the least, and her gaze just as quickly flicked back to his. “Hello, Sir.” She nodded. “I hope you’re well.”

Lulu briefly surveyed her surroundings on her way in, but made a point not to be too nosy. She did, however, notice the heavy reading and note-taking he'd been doing.

When he led her to his breakfast area, her brows raised at what was laid out. She recalled the New Year Party. Man liked to bake. Despite a typical lack of politeness, best believe she sat down and took a muffin. This was her boss.

“Coffee is always good. Thanks for all this; totally unnecessary.” The scientist responded with a tight smile, pouring herself a cup. The woman looked tired as all hell, Darkrai's curse more directly visible than its blessing. It might’ve been odd that, despite this, she seemed a touch friendlier than last time. “Is this in regards to my digging, or something else?” Both, maybe?

People had taken more of an interest in her since her avatarship—even the likes of . She was no longer just a scientist. She was a weapon. If it weren’t for Darkrai’s loyalty, she may have even felt somewhat objectified.

“I do have answers for you.”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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POSTED ON Mar 23, 2021 14:24:52 GMT
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"I've found people are usually more receptive to my nonsense when they have a full belly." Another grin slid into face at his own little joke, a small puff of laughter leaving him. He lifted his tea to his lips and drank deep as he listened, as if he hadn't paused to remember something as basic as drinking till now. "A little bit of both. I also wanted to congratulate you and I had some files I thought you might find interesting."

Standing briefly, he vanished into the living room. There was the sound of a drawer opening and closing, then he stepped back with a red jump-drive in hand as well as a few papers. He slid them close to Lulu as he passed her again, sitting down and taking one of the muffins with a small sigh.

"When the whole incident with Genesect happened, I had found Cadis' old lab. I confiscated most of the papers inside after the fact." That he didn't grab during, that is. "I don't understand what any of it means; I thought someone more versed with these things should have a copy."

That was not the only information in the files but that could come later. He didn't want to overwhelm her with too much at once. She looked just as tired as he felt, typically. Chu-e wondered how much was Darkrai's influence and how much of it was her own habits to push herself; Chu-e made it his job to know things and he had access to the security footage for the Labs.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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POSTED ON Mar 30, 2021 22:50:05 GMT
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The comment drew the smallest, though somewhat reluctant smile from her. In a world of cutthroat gangsters, Chu-e was what one might call a breath of fresh air. What seemed like true good-naturedness was something she’d not often been treated with. His unique personality had drawn distrust from her at first, but it was steadily subsiding.

She took a bite out of the muffin, watching him, sifting through his secrets in her head. Having more pieces only made her want the rest. He was an object of her curiosity, now.

There was no further acknowledgement of his congratulations past a nod as he disappeared into the other room. While he was gone, she finally allowed her tired eyes to drift out from the nook, sipping too-hot coffee. They lit up at the drive in his hands when he returned. More puzzle pieces.

Only this was a new puzzle.

Cadis’ Genesis Project. She placed a hand over it, though didn’t move it from the table. She simply wanted to feel it in her possession. Confession passed across the table and her cheeks rounded as much as they could while pulling at a still stubbornly tight smile. “I like you.”

Childlike enthusiasm welled in her and she wanted nothing more now than to teleport home to start the dissection process, but tea was not yet complete. That would be rude, even for her.

The next step in the conversation would be tricky, considering the recent attack that the underboss had suffered by Genesect. “If this does contain what we need to continue this project...” Her eyes went a touch darker, and a hair or two frayed. “Is that what we do?” Or are you scared, now?

She hoped not. It would be too tempting to attempt to build her own at home, even if Rocket didn’t facilitate it. This sounded much too fun to go on cold and unpursued, collecting dust somewhere.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 3:47:31 GMT
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"Of course." There wasn't a hint of hesitation in his reply. Picking up his own muffin, he took a small nibble before continuing, brushing crumbs from his fingers and over his plate. "With the Shadow Lab out of order, we need everything at our disposal to even the playing field with the League. This isn't like Kanto. We don't have the element of surprise or the manpower. Your work matters more now than it ever has before."

Even then, as he said it, there was a small faraway look. He was looking at - but more through her than at her. Absently, his hand raised up to trace the column of his throat. Mind locked wherever it had been before the scientist's visit.

When focus came back, his eyes were sharp. They lifted to gaze into Lulu's. Soft but closed off.

"Is it okay if I ask you a personal question or two? You're not obligated to reply. This is for myself, not for anything official." A cup of tea was picked up, swirled as he stared into it, then he tipped it back for a long drought. Stalling. "What did it feel like when Darkrai chose you? And does it know if... if Cresselia... is it also real?" The cup was placed down, his hands folded and placed in his lap.
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 23:42:11 GMT
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The go-ahead, paired with his validation, caused a light to well in her heart she didn’t often feel. The smile was difficult to keep dim, but she managed, willing herself to act coolly, as though she actually did own her own importance.

While she’d turned down several attempts at picking through the effects of Darkrai’s influence on her psyche, she was finally receptive to ’s approach. The affable underboss proved apt in breaking the hard exteriors of many with a bemusing ease. Lulu, however particularly difficult, was ultimately no exception.

She stared at him a long moment before setting the muffin down and propping her elbows on the table some, forgetting her manners in favor of leaning closer towards him. It was as though she might not be able to project the words loud enough for him to hear otherwise. Her eyes cut as she strained.

“It felt, um… like something shifted? Like… everything that I thought I wanted…” her eyes didn’t stay on him, looking up into a corner of her mind as she dug for the words, and they came almost gruelingly bit by bit, “… just sort of… changed.”

She blinked at him, already exhausted, even though she’d practically told him nothing, and with a Wobbuffet’s level of eloquence to boot. She pressed on, warming up.

“Before Darkrai, I had been feeling… off, for days. Weird dreams… really weird, erratic thoughts, and restlessness...” She briefly thought back to driving a car off a cliff, but decided not to mention it. “Suppose whatever was going on in my head caused me to call out to it. You know,” she pointed at her temple, “—mentally.”

She dunked the last of her muffin into her coffee cup and finished it off. Swallowing, she continued, “Not sure if it heard me, but, here we are.” A flat smile passed across the table at him. Then, she shrugged. “Or, maybe those feelings were just it settling in all along.”

Her eyes fell to her hands and she played with her fingers some and an amused breath of air huffed from her chest. “...Maybe it just thought I needed help.” As soon as the words left her lips, her eyes flashed up at him to gauge a reaction, somewhat regretfully. She was tired, she wasn’t used to a boss offering her tea, and now she was oversharing—something which was very unlike her.

Her throat rumbled lightly as she cleared it and moved on, straightening a bit in her seat. “As far as Cresselia goes… I have no idea. It hasn’t given me any clues.”

She sipped her coffee, handle held between her fingers sort of awkwardly before she set it down and tried again. “Why does Cresselia interest you?”

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 16:16:58 GMT
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If was looking for some type of disapproval or even pity she wouldn't find it. One person couldn't be an island. Admitting there was even a chance Lulu had thought she might have needed help, even indirectly, was the far braver action in Chu-e's opinion. It was easy to bottle up your emotions and pretend you didn't feel them, pretend they didn't happen; but it was often what ended up driving many a person crazy in the end. Their lot, the seedy and underbelly of things, often expected a tough exterior to be built up. It wasn't uncommon for those to view things like 'help' as a weakness. If only they could see how strong they could be if they came together instead.

But Lulu would see his eyebrows furrowed in thought. Finger tips moving to drum on the table. A twitch of a knee as if to prevent it from bouncing. Small signs. Something was eating away at the Underboss, at least mentally.

When she pressed on about Cresselia, the moment passed. It was like the tension had been let out of him like a balloon, face relaxing as he listened with almost rapt attention even if she provided him no answers. He picked at his muffin again.

"Well...." Chu-e glanced away, embarrassed now, the softest of pink rising high on his pale cheeks. But he figured this was tit for tat. Lulu had opened up to him, even if he didn't realize it was unintentional. He could do the same for her.

"The... The Shadow's Prince and the Moonlight's Princess are... well. They're the only gods I ever still really pray to anymore." A small breath for pause and he glances back up. "A lot of legends say they battle, but my family always treated them like they worked together.... So we placed begonia petals under our pillows for Darkrai and fennel springs in the windows for Cresselia."
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 4:02:40 GMT
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His fidgeting wasn’t lost on her. She was observant, perhaps more than others, because these were habits of her own. Noticing his tension, the familiar fingerdrumming… it caused her foot to consciously stop bouncing under the table, suddenly too self-aware. The voice of her mother scolding her at dinner permeated.

‘Saoirse, you’re shaking the table. If you can’t be proper, by all means, excuse yourself.’

She took another sip of her coffee, lips gone flat and almost melancholy. They said nothing in regards to what was obvious. Clearly, the Underboss was uneasy. Lulu wasn’t the type to ask why.

The Shadow’s Prince and the Moonlight’s Princess.

Woo. Lulu’s brows raised a bit under her bangs, surprised by what seemed to her like a strange confession. Even in avatarship, she was not religious. Sure, she believed in their power. It was always the placing on pedestals, and the belief that some Legendaries were immaculate, infallible, one-of-a-kind beings which turned her off.

What if, in another dimension or somewhere even in their solar system, there was another Arceus, only different. Another Creator entirely. What then?

And, of course, as it typically boiled down: she just hadn’t been raised into faith. Little did she know how much Darkrai would change her.

Begonia petals, eh?” She reached up and scratched a brow, lagging on a response.

“Darkrai doesn’t… feel aggressive. If Cresselia is real, I just couldn’t see them clashing… unless Darkrai had some real qualm. Which,” she shrugged, “I suppose it would be possible. No telling how long they’ve been around.”

“Again, if it even exists.”

Darkrai watched from her heart, always listening—on the cusp of making itself known.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 4:54:42 GMT
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A small laugh left Chu-e, hand lifted to cover his mouth from the flustered grin.

"Sorry if that was odd. I'm not... a blind zealot whose going to suddenly... I don't know...." He made a face. "try and steal your toenails, I guess?" It was the best example of what Chu-e expected someone like that might do. was looked upon by a god, by a prince in the teaching's Chu-e had been taught, but it would be insulting to her character to suddenly treat her like a faith-healer or something.

"A lot of stories always told made it seem evil. It always... rubbed me the wrong way. In the stories I was told, Darkrai caused nightmares to those who deserved them to teach them a moral lesson. Or, ah..." Another small laugh. "In one story, a little girl had been cursed by an evil witch to stay asleep in endless nightmares... Darkrai, in the story, traveled into the girl's dreams and protected her from the inside until they could find Cresselia to break the curse."

There was another small pause, one where Chu-e would pick up his tea, stare deeply into it as if considering.

"I know this all probably seems very.... strange to bring up. I didn't really ask you all the way out here just to gush about religion and stories I was told when I was a kid. I've been... very scattered the last few days." But then again, almost getting your head sliced off tends to do things to the mind.
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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POSTED ON Apr 14, 2021 4:30:51 GMT
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Crickets. Lulu’s eyes went wide at stolen toenails, not sharing in the humor. Was that something worshippers of Darkrai would do? Was this something she needed to worry about, now, on top of everything else? … Trust no one.

She sipped her coffee, letting him excuse himself without any assurance she wasn’t being judgy. One beat. Two. “Darkrai’s not evil.” It was about as matter-of-fact as it could be. Perhaps, just as someone possessed by Darkrai might want you to think?? Who could know for sure?

Lulu could much better believe the story about the little girl with the nightmares. She liked that one.

Watching him disappear into his tea, she cleared her throat and straightened more. “Understandable.”“What did you ask me all the way out here for, then?” There was humor in her tone, more poking at his far-off vibe than griping about the travel.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2021 6:28:03 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
It seems their humor would keep missing the mark for the other. Where had asked in jest, Chu-e took seriously, his cup being sat down with a sharp clink on the table.

"I think somethings wrong with me." A pause. "... more-so than the usual."

Sighing, Chu-e glanced around at the various papers and scattered debris in his home from his own notes and bits of research. He wasn't like Lulu or . Chu-e wasn't as intelligent as either of them. That didn't mean he didn't have the capacity to learn and reach his own conclusions about things. Ever since Genesect, something had felt wrong. At this point he wasn't sure if it was his own paranoia or something concrete was the only problem.

"If something.... happens to me. Something unprecedented. I need people I can trust to put me down." His fingers would circle his throat again, squeezing lightly, as if testing his own skin. "It might be nothing, Miss Flint. This could all be in my head but... it's better to be safe than sorry."
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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POSTED ON Apr 16, 2021 7:51:43 GMT
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“… The hell are you talking about, Choi? You’re fine.” She said it as though if she breathed it into the room with enough force, it would be so.

The turn her mood had taken was difficult to hide. It was a full swing. She didn’t like the idea of murdering one of her own, especially not one who had just invited her to tea and was showing her a nice time. The connection they might have been building moments prior was suddenly broken. She had withdrawn. This was a business meeting, as it was meant to be.

She didn’t answer him yet, staring hard and cold before it shifted to the books strewn all about. “What is all of this?” Because surely it was related. The Underboss was going neurotic.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
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POSTED ON Apr 17, 2021 1:33:20 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
This would be a thing with them wouldn't it? A back and forth, each missing the other's intentions and not even realizing it. Different in so many ways except where it mattered, reading signals wrong. It was a shame. Chu-e didn't even know he had effectively closed off from him once again. He didn't know what trap in his own speech he had tripped for the sudden cold reception but it... irritated him. He wanted to know her better, to be closer with her, count her as a friend and not just a coworker yet every time it seemed like he would reach out, he would find thorns in his hands in return. He didn't know what to do.

"Lulu, I'm dying." It comes out quick and maybe a little sharper than intended. A soft sigh, he takes a mental step back and reels in all the sharp and pointy things that want to break into his speech, that want to barb and hurt and cause damage. Chu-e has made those mistakes before. Knows from experience that no matter how much he hurts someone else it won't make his own hurt any less. He softens his tone lightly. Tries to meet her eyes with a steadfast look to show he's telling the truth. To show he trusts her with this information.

"You saw what they did to me." In those videos of his torture.

He glances around at the books, at the mess, at the physical proof of his current mental downfall.

"And I'm sure you've read the reports on the Slateport Blackout. That massive pokemon that killed so many.... I....." He swallows. Lulu will only be the second person to know what he's about to say. "There was an... incident." He refused to say 'accident' since it was a lie. "I consumed some material from the pokemon in the reports. I fear... whatever that thing was... and with the crystals from Genesect...." He takes a shaky breath. Something in his resolve snaps.

"These dreams... these... I've been having these nightmares.... and...."

If Darkrai cared to search, cared to look, the corpses of dozens of Begonia were stuffed under his pillows, surrounded his bed like a casket at a funeral, trailing dying and drying petals on the floor.
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played by


saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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POSTED ON Apr 18, 2021 8:00:58 GMT
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Lulu’s face didn’t change when he snapped reality like a sudden whip. She didn’t startle, but rather it would seem as though she somehow hadn’t even heard him. No shit, he was dying.

“I did.” she responded plainly, and burrowed a little behind one crossed arm. Despite the deaths she’d witnessed and inflicted, the weight in the room made her uncomfortable.

“I have.”

She watched him devolve, drawing a little tighter in on herself and averting her eyes to the pool in her mug. Beneath the table, her legs switched, uncrossing and recrossing on the other side. “What kind of nightmares?”

Darkrai watched, as it had the whole time, unseen from a shadow across the room.

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