boo [c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
saffron city, kanto
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 0:14:04 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

The air feels different this time when she climbs Mt. Pyre. There is a sense of dread, or maybe anticipation, as her fingers brush the cold stone of the headstones scattered around the area. The higher she climbs, the more appear- a testament of those lost. It's grown exponentially in the past few years. The new ones nearly outnumber the old.[break][break]

When she makes her way through the hideaway passage toward the garden she'd been nurturing, her boots scuff through imprints in the ash. Something had made its way through here and recently, given the retreating path of footprints leading directly away from the soil. Stormy sucks in a breath, mortified by the thought that something else might have already gotten to her garden before she had, ravaged it before she had a chance to harvest.[break][break]

But as she kneels into the dirt to uncover what's been disturbed, she finds the carrots virtually unharmed. Whatever had been here hadn't gotten ahold of anything yet. [break][break]

"Dodged a bullet with that one, and this is why I skip breakfast."[break][break]

Stormy brushes hair out of her face before plucking one of the carrots. Her nose crinkles in disgust at the apprance of it. It's scraggly shape twists and its so thin that she wonders a moment if they aren't fully developed.[break][break]

"Is this.. what they're supposed to look like? Yeesh- I wouldn't eat it."[break][break]

With her thumb, the woman brushes away clinging dirt to get a better look at it. She rises to her feet, dusting her hands off on her pants before taking a look around. It feels like something is watching her, and it sends a chill down her spine.[break][break]

"This place is giving me the creeps."[break][break]


notes: ...



[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentbg"]background: #030303;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentborder"]border-color: #030303;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #272727; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 31px; text-align: justified; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 0:29:01 GMT
shiv Avatar



UPON RETURNING TO MT. PYRE, the same unnerving feeling of being watched returns. on this eerie mountain, your footsteps seemingly disappear in the mist that endlessly billows out from the earth. oddly enough, the time of day is obscured: it seems like you're in eternal night. this has never happened before and as you struggle to find a rational explanation for this phenomena, you instinctively hush yourself. a horse-like pokemon neighs in the distance. wreathed in spectral mists, a black equine pokemon hovers in midst the fog.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

however, the horse seems to notice you. it advances close. the clopping of hooves is muted— or rather, it sounds like an ominous breeze surging in like a tide. suddenly, it disappears in the dense haze before reappearing behind you like a phantom.



write a post that has your trainer offering the carrot to the glastrier and then post in MODERATION REQUESTS. after they have been given the carrot, the horse will promptly fade away.

should your trainer come the next day, they will find the spectrier on mt. pyre once more. will post a new prompt, detailing what the spectrier wants (hopefully, once per day). each request fulfilled by your trainer will steadily tame the spectrier.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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8,934 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 5:04:05 GMT

Fernando says nothing more as his steps quiet into an unknown silence. His own hum croaks within his throat, only resonating within his own mind rather than echoing through his ears. Whatever this phenomenon is, he’s yet to document as such.

Up ahead, Fernando spots both Stormy the Spectrier up ahead. He keeps his distance from the Pokemon as well as Stormy, content with observing. While he allows Stormy to handle the situation, his hand fidgets with the Silph Scope lens in his pocket, bringing it out to adorn over his right eye.

[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 5:06:28 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

When she stands up, a fog rolls in. It devours the footprints left behind, washing them away. It darkens the sky, blotting out the sun. It leaves her cold, uneasy, glancing over her shoulder to look for the eyes that seem to follow her. She glances up to the sky, carrot gripped tight in her hand. [break][break]

Words get lost in the swirl in her chest, and she shifts her weight from side to side in anticipation. Something is off, something she can't put her finger on. It swallows her pride, swallows her confidence and her fire. There is only unease, settling into her toes. She can feel herself tensing, toes curling to grip the ground firmly.[break][break]


She silences herself immediately when a shadow in the distance catches her attention. Its magnificent frame is swathed in fog, swirling despite standing still. The beast whinnies, a noise half-way between a greeting and a warning, perhaps. [break][break]

Stormy sucks in a sharp breath when the horse reappears behind her, snuffling her pockets. For now, it is unafraid. It lips at her palm, the one carrying the carrot. She stands stock still, opening her hand slowly. At the sudden movement, the Spectrier shies away for a moment, pulling away before returning to try again. [break][break]

This time, it finds the carrot she's holding. The crunch of teeth enjoying the treat is all she hears- and when she turns back, the Spectrier is gone. Only then does she let out a breath. The hairs on the back of her neck stand up on end. She ultimately stays only long enough to gather a few more carrots- for leverage. If these were what it was after, she would make sure she had extras to bribe it with.[break][break]

The weird phenomena of darkness seems to dissipate with the disappearance of the Pokemon, and Stormy glances over her shoulder to see the wink of a lense reflecting the sun. It blinds her for a moment and she lifts her hand to block out the shine. When she lowers her hand, she can see the figure of Fernando Silph. She approaches, rolling unease from her shoulders.[break][break]

"Did you see that? What was it?"[break][break]


notes: ...



[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentbg"]background: #030303;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentborder"]border-color: #030303;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #272727; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 31px; text-align: justified; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2021 20:44:34 GMT
shiv Avatar



THE NEXT NIGHT, the you don't spot the horse; however, it does find you. reappearing some distance away, it remains still: an eerie image in the mist. like spectral scarves, the mountain's ominous fog passes through where the horse's pasterns should be.

♥ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

upon closer, quiet inspection, the horse seems hesitant. without the shaderoot carrots— you do not possess the same gravity you once did; however, the horse approaches still, sensing your benevolent motives.



write a post that has your trainer offering any two week berry to the glastrier and then post in MODERATION REQUESTS. after they have been given the berry, the horse will promptly flash away.

you do not need to have the berry grow in your garden. you can simply purchase it from the SITE SHOP.

should your trainer come the next day, they will find the spectrier on mt. pyre once more. will post a new prompt, detailing what the spectrier wants (hopefully, once per day). each request fulfilled by your trainer will steadily tame the spectrier.

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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2021 13:19:23 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Stormy lingers on the mountain well past what would be reasonable, but the Spectrier does not return. She ultimately leaves with Fernando with the intention and the excitement to come back tomorrow.[break][break]

But when she does, her feet remain rooted to the same spot she'd first spotted the wild Pokemon. Her eyes scan the horizon in search of the horse-- but there is simply nothing. Nothing but more fog and..[break][break]

Surprise steals her breath from her chest and she exhales sharply. Awe settles on her features as she stares with bated breath as the Spectrier approaches slowly. She doesn't dare move except to retrieve the berry from her pocket. Her thumb brushes over the velvet texture of the treat and she extends it slowly with a flat palm.[break][break]

The Spectrier would take it and disappear in the same breath. She can feel its velvet muzzle against her skin only briefly. Stormy exhales slowly, fingers curling back to nestle in her palm. [break][break]


notes: ...



[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentbg"]background: #030303;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentborder"]border-color: #030303;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .tagline a, .punkianger-st .bulk b, .punkianger-stcredit a"]color: #dea02c;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .wordcount"]position: absolute; background: rgba(222,160,44,0.8); bottom: 100px; left: 40px; color: #fff; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 9px; line-height: 9px; padding: 6px 8px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .lyric1"]position: absolute; bottom: 80px; left: 43px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)); color: #fff; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 11px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 2px; font-weight: bold;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .lyric2"]position: absolute; bottom: 40px; left: 40px; filter: drop-shadow(0 0 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)); font-family: 'Oswald'; color: #fff; font-size: 40px; line-height: 40px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: 300; word-spacing: -8px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .tagline a"]font: inherit; text-decoration: none; filter: brightness(120%); font-weight: bold; transition: all 0.3s ease;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .tagline a:hover"]color: #fff;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .bulk"]padding: 30px 40px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 16px; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9); text-align: justify;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #272727; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 31px; text-align: justified; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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October 13
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POSTED ON Apr 7, 2021 1:07:17 GMT
shiv Avatar



UPON RETURNING TO MT. PYRE, the spectral horse awaits. its wavy mane seems quite tangled, knotted at its mauve ends. still, the sight of the pokemon is breathtaking. around you, the mist eddies and swirls like spirits escaping the consecrated ground.

♥ ♥ ♡ ♡ ♡

upon closer, quiet inspection, the horse seems hesitant. without the shaderoot carrots— you do not possess the same gravity you once did; however, the horse approaches still, sensing your benevolent motives.



write a post that has your trainer's pokemon using the move, SHADOW CLAW, to "comb" through the spectrier's mane. after, post in MODERATION REQUESTS. after they have been groomed, the horse will promptly fade away.

should your trainer come the next day, they will find the spectrier on mt. pyre once more. will post a new prompt, detailing what the spectrier wants (hopefully, once per day). each request fulfilled by your trainer will steadily tame the spectrier.

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played by


stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 5:15:14 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Once again, Stormy lingers on the mountain, feet lingering at the edge of what remains of the garden. She waits, anticipation making her skin crawl. There is excitement as she waits with bated breath for the Pokemon to reappear. It was an aloof creature, always lingering at the edge of her peripheral, never quite getting too close.[break][break]

It reminded her of Apollo. The stallion had been untrusting, but he had been unkind. She could feel that this time, the Spectrier was more curious than it was aggressive - quicker to run than to put up a fight. She wouldn't be suffering any nearly broken bones and devastating bruises.[break][break]

She was relieved, she thought.[break][break]

And the woman sucks in a sharp breath as the Pokemon reappears for the third time. This time, it steps closer. Though she doesn't have a berry in hand today, she does have eyes, and she can see that the beast is in dire need of a grooming. It's mane is tangled and messy, it's beautiful purple waves knotted and unkept.[break][break]

"Shhh.. I'll help you, okay? Just stand still, we won't hurt you."[break][break]

Stormy releases Wadjet, who she immediately urges to stay still a moment while the Spectrier grows accustomed to the sudden appearance. It snorts, stamping a foot, but it continues to swap its attention from the dragon to the woman, and eventually chooses to stay where it is. Stormy takes this as an invitation and steps forward.[break][break]

With slow, baby steps that ultimately lead to her standing in front of Wadjet in order to make the Spectrier more at ease, she manages to allow Wadjet the room to use shadow claw to detangle the horse's mane.[break][break]

But as soon as the last tangle is freed, the Spectrier disappears and they are left alone once again. It was time to go home and return in the morning.[break][break]


notes: ...



[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentbg"]background: #030303;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentborder"]border-color: #030303;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .line2"]position: absolute; width: 600px; height: 1px; background: #999999; transform: rotate(-75deg); top: 50px; left: -150px; mix-blend-mode: overlay;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-st .ooc-notes"]padding: 6px 40px; background: #272727; min-height: 31px; font-family: 'Open Sans'; font-size: 8px; line-height: 31px; text-align: justified; color: rgba(9,9,9,9,9,9);[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit"]width: 500px; margin: auto; text-align: right; font-family: 'Oswald'; font-size: 11px; line-height: 20px; text-transform: uppercase; letter-spacing: 1px;[/newclass]

[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 20:59:41 GMT
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THE NEXT NIGHT, you see the horse— but it seems different in appearance from afar. getting close, you see that the spectrier's own wisps has become entangled with what appears to be a renegade soul.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♡ ♡

when the spectrier sees you again, they seem hesitant. without the iceroot carrots— you do not possess the same gravity you once did; however, the horse approaches still, sensing your benevolent motives. the spectrier must be freed of this spirit, for it seems to bother the horse like a clinging burr. perhaps, there is a pokemon that is an expert at sucking souls...



write a post that uses ONE SHEDINJA and a Pokemon using the move, VACUUM WAVE, to suck the soul away! after, post in MODERATION REQUESTS. after they have been cleaned, the horse will promptly fade away.

should your trainer come the next day, they will find the spectrier on mt. pyre once more. will post a new prompt, detailing what the spectrier wants (hopefully, once per day). each request fulfilled by your trainer will steadily tame the spectrier.

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stormy, bronwen
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july 25
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2021 21:49:52 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

This time, Stormy stands there in bewildered silence as the Spectrier approaches. Something new is stuck in its mane, tugging relentlessly as if caught. Whatever it is appears to be alive in some capacity, and is a sight she's never seen before. It's unnerving, really.[break][break]

And it takes her a long time of brainstorming and merely observing to come up with the means to lend a hand. [break][break]

It just so happens that a lunch date with had resulted in a mix-up of pokeballs. She'd woken up to a Shedinja hovering over her bedside, it's empty husk of a body foreboding in nature. It didn't recognize her and had no idea what to do with itself otherwise. As a result, the Pokemon had followed Stormy up the mountain, absolutely silent.[break][break]

"Maybe.. we can put a little bit of life back into you? Will that work?"[break][break]

Stormy shrugs, hopelesly at a loss. But she finds Lucario's pokeball and releases the Pokemon. This time, the Spectrier is a little less skittish given the woman's eagerness and effectiveness at helping it before. [break][break]

"Are you able to suck that.. whatever the hell that thing it, out of the Pokemon's mane and into this lifeless corpse, here? Maybe Angelo won't be so mad that I killed it."[break][break]

She had killed it after all, right? People didn't just carry around dead bugs for the hell of it.. right?[break][break]

Lucario steps up to the plate, palms spread. It wastes no time in performing the move 'vacuum wave' to violently suck the renegage soul out of the Spectrier's mane. With some finesse and a shift in focus, the Lucario blasts the soul into the Shedinja. [break][break]

Nothing happens.[break][break]

"Well, can't say we didn't try!"[break][break]

And with that, the Spectrier disappears a second time.[break][break]


notes: ...



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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2021 22:35:24 GMT
shiv Avatar



THE NEXT NIGHT, you see the horse. the spectrier does not seem hesitant at all this time. instead, the horse appears to have been waiting for you, as if they were in tune with your rhythms. your schedule.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♡

when you approach, the spectrier kicks you. hard. you fall to the cold, hard ground; however, when you lift yourself up, you find yourself peering down at your own limp body. you're not dead— however, your soul seems to have been separated from your physical form nevertheless. in this odd, spectral realm, the horse grants you a test. in its mouth, a narrow wisp of spirit acts as reins.

asking you to mount its black back, the spectrier intends on testing your mettle. this ghostly world is disorienting. nauseating. however, it intends on galloping through the steep mountain's rugged terrain to see if you can hang on for dear "life."



WITH EVERY POST, make a ROLL. you must hit or surpass a total of 100 to successfully hang on to the spectrier; furthermore, the horse is examining your ability to ride it!

will post the conclusion to this encounter after you have posted in MODERATION REQUESTS,

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 2:36:23 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

"... woah."[break][break]

Today is different, she could feel it. Today, the Spectrier is waiting for her, eyes set upon her figure with an unsettling sense of purpose. She could feel it penetrate right through her skin, and she waits as the beast approaches.[break][break]

She should have seen it coming, but she doesn't. The horse, while not as ill-tempered and hot-headed as Apollo had been, alerts her to its intention with the same flick of the ears, the same flare of its nostrils. She should have stepped back, side-stepped, something, but she doesn't.[break][break]

And then her soul is kicked out of her body.[break][break]

Stormy hits the ground, hard, air forced out of her lungs as two hooves slam into her chest. It's a miracle nothing breaks, and she pats herself down as she gets to her feet, wheezing and heaving. The urge to vomit rises painfully in her throat but she curbs it out of sheer shock.[break][break]

While she is standing, her body still lay flat on the ground. Eyes closed, unmoving. Was she dead?[break][break]

Stormy glances between herself and the Spectrier, horrified. But the horse approaches despite this, seemingly unphased. She sees the reins, sees the anticipation, the expectation.[break][break]


They charge the moment her fingers lay claim to black hide. Her fingers barely have a chance to find purchase for they are already on the move. Despite the speed and the unevenness of the terrain, however, she finds that the Spectrier's gait is unbelievably smooth. Ot is the speed that takes her off guard, and the undeniable realization that this is a test.[break][break]

Even still, the avatar is no stranger to horseback riding. Apollo was a challenge, the Spectrier would hardly be any worse.[break][break]



notes: ...



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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
boo [c]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 2:47:29 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




meteor falls

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

She is, however, a stranger to a Pokemon capable of phasing through objects. It is fearless, racing straight through parts of the mountain that she didn't think was possible. Phasing through physical barriers leaves her breathless and tingly, and she glances back over her shoulder in awe rather than fear.[break][break]

"Where are we going?"[break][break]

She tightened her fingers around the reins, lowering herself down to keep closer to the horses neck. For the duration of the ride she hasn't faltered, not since mounting anyway.[break][break]

Nausea bubbles in her belly as they violently spur themselves around corners, as they make leaps of faith that seem impossible to make.[break][break]

And out here, she finds it difficult to feel the tug of her Moltres. Out here, she is completely alone, bareback on a wild Pokemon she has no idea the name or origin of. If this wasn't a leap of faith similar to the one in the volcano, she didn't know what was.[break][break]



notes: ...



[newclass=".punkianger-st .accentbg"]background: #030303;[/newclass]

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[newclass=".punkianger-stcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2021 5:37:34 GMT
shiv Avatar



AS YOU RIDE AROUND THE MOUNTAIN, you feel your spirit becoming one with the spectrier despite the discombobulation of being forced out of your physical form. the odd phantom pains—ones that are associated with novice riders—begin to fade too. there is no discomfort now. only unity.

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

the spectrier finally stops. satisfied with its rider, the horse gallops back to your body. with a quiet whinny, the horse allows you to slide off its back. as soon as your feet hit the floor, you feel yourself being pulled back to your body. one blink and you're back. before you, the spectrier remains, awaiting to be caught.



THE SPECTRIER is now able to be caught with one of your pokeballs. you may decide their moveset like a gachapon pokemon (e.g. 6 learnset moves) and add them to your PCs.

feel free to post once more or post in MODERATION REQUESTS for archival.