i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 12, 2021 0:49:34 GMT
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The smell of fresh-baked apple pie wafted through the submarine as a rosy-cheeked older woman appeared, carrying a single crosshatched tart on a tray. "One is done!" she announced, offering it to and "Please help yourselves! Ah, though it is hot..." 

She faltered as she saw it was just the three of them. "Aah! Did I miss Melody leaving?" she asked, spotting a figure in scuba gear outside the sub on one of the nearby monitors. "That's too bad..." 

Appletun would bake a new one in about half an hour, so probably wouldn't get one until then. The apple-sized dragon was currently galloping around the submarine, filling the marine vessel with the nostalgic smell of home. Michi was not so skilled at cooking, so she was happy Appletun was here to provide snacks. 

"Oh! A name?" Michi beamed, still holding her tray. "Perhaps the Friends☆Ship is good!" She laughed, aware this wasn't a viable option, and set down the tart to cool while she took up a place back at one of the monitors. "It is a joke, of course. Hmm..."

She could see Melody swimming around outside the submarine. "The model number is HSW03... there are maybe words to go with these letters? Oh!" The submarine had just progressed far enough to pick up a new reading on the digital map. "Ah! This, perhaps it is... a cave entrance?" She hoped it was big enough for the submarine!

    [li]Michi offers an apple tart and sub name suggestions[/li][li]Michi spots a possible cave entrance on the display[/li]
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    POSTED ON May 12, 2021 10:23:53 GMT
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    Melody's theme

    "Good eye's michiko! that is a cave entrance! ALSO YOU GUYS BETTER SAVE ME SOME SNACKS." melody said on the communications channel as she began to swim towards the cave entrance, as she swam in Melody spotted something quite unusual. [break][break]
    Her suit then alerted her to the presence of something 'Primal energy detected primal energy detected' As she looked in the direction of the suit's notification. It was then that a relicanth was swimming around at the entrance and upon spotting Melody immediately swam away. [break][break]

    "AH! I SAW IT! A relicanth with some weird crystals on it!! My suit picked up a primal energy reading on it! Cmon guys cmon!" she said as she swam ahead with chinchou and wishiwashi in tow.



    notes notes notes notes

    [attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

    [googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

    [newclass=.Mellytempy]background-image: url(https://images2.imgbox.com/7f/f1/7ZPC1dNa_o.png); background-color: #333333; padding: 18px; width: 450px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=.Mellytempyhead]border-top: solid 10px #72b4ff; background-color: #0d0d0d; color: #72b4ff; font: 62px Abril Fatface; height: 85px; width: 450px; letter-spacing: -3px; padding: 0px; line-height: 22px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=.Mellytempyheadimg]float: left; line-height: 0px; z-index: 2;[/newclass]

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    [newclass=.Mellytempybot]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #701919; font: 12px Abril Fatface; padding: 11px; line-height: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-transform: uppercase; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-right: 5px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=.Mellytempybot2]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #5e5e5e; font: 9px Raleway; padding: 11px; line-height: 8px; text-align: justify; width: 105px; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px;[/newclass]

    [newclass=.clearcredit]line-height: 5px; color: #c592cb; float: right; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass]
    [newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

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    dross, captain
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    POSTED ON May 12, 2021 11:11:21 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar
    Her finger hovers over the comms button for half a second before it presses down, effectively muting the microphone.
    Click. Raised eyebrows meet 's statement then. "Glad you've volunteered yourself for the task, Ky." Amusement is poorly concealed in her voice. "I'm sure Melody will be safe in your competent hands."

    Click. And the comms are working again. Further commentary is interrupted by the appearance of one bearing snacks. The woman's warning goes unheeded as Captain Dross takes a piece of the tart for herself (most of it, really) and shoves the whole thing in her mouth. Like a barbarian. "Thanksh, Michi."

    The captain is cleaning the remaining crumbs from her lap when Michiko draws her attention to the faint silhouette of what appears to be a cave entrance. This is confirmed by Melody, who then decides to go ahead and hurtle into the cave without as much as a by your leave.

    "Melody!" The hiss breaks through the static, alarm jolting through Skyler's body as the gym leader disappears into the cave entrance in search of a Relicanth. Away from sight. A foul curse slips from her mouth without her meaning to. "Remain close to the sub!" 

    Despite her words, the submarine soon follows in Melody's path. A massive entrance of jagged rock and undulating seaweed greets them - and for the first time, Skyler can see the rubble on the ground, fissures spreading along the cave's walls in an intricate web. Her eyes shift to Kyle's, seeking some form of confirmation.

    Signs of recent seismic activity.


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    POSTED ON May 12, 2021 17:14:21 GMT
    kyle lopez Avatar
    "ooh, pie. thanks!"

    kyle busies himself with 's pie as he watches swim around before them. she gets distracted easily, though at least it's not from the kind of distraction she shouldn't be getting baited to.

    their sensors confirms the gym leader's findings. crystal growths on the relicanth wasn't natural to begin with, only to be likened with the shadow pokemon he has obtained during slateport's blackout. the only difference was that it was primal energy that's detected on it instead of whatever was on his strange pokemon.

    kylee stares at melody, and then to , blinking.

    "well, it's why we're here for anyways." investigation was the main purpose of the trip. going after anything that connects to their main objective was expected of them. "let's go for the relicanth, and dip away at the first signs of earthquake. i'll go get ready to follow after her, i guess."

    he leaves the front row seats and readies for his exit.

    • a lot of talking idk

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    April 14th
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    POSTED ON May 12, 2021 18:30:59 GMT
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        I’m approaching the entrance, I’ll scout the area out. Only a few meters away was their ingress into the Seafloor Cavern, unknowingly opposite that of the League operatives. Rowan surfaced through the water, releasing his grip on the Dewgong only to pull himself upwards onto the rocky cave floor. “Come on up.” Boreas leapt from the water with athletic grace, landing beside their trainer and shaking the excess moisture from their hide. Entrance is clear, I’ll create a perimeter.

        Seafloor Cavern was shrouded in darkness, but this wasn’t a problem for Rowan, having designed the mask of his scuba suit with night vision in mind. Sounds were seldom in the cave, only able to discern those of his own movement and the soft breathing of his Dewgong. Rowan removed the flippers from his gear and tossed them aside onto the rocks, allowing him to make a stealthier approach through the nearby tunnel. No signs of any native Pokémon thus far, almost like something spooked them off. Concerning, but not exactly unexpected considering the seismic activity in the area.

    Notes: Italicized text is spoken over comms.

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    michiko maeda
    POSTED ON May 13, 2021 1:50:47 GMT
    michiko maeda Avatar

    Ooh, a Relicanth!

    Michi had nice memories of seeing Relicanth on school field trips to the Slateport Oceanic Museum. They were such ancient Pokemon-- some people said the patterns on their scales resembled treasure maps. 

    "I think it is difficult to catch Relicanth from inside," the older woman piped up. There were two robotic arms on the front of the submarine (probably intended for taking rock, plant, or water samples) but she doubted they could throw a Pokeball at a swimming Pokemon. "Chasing it deeper in... the submarine is very big, so..."

    Having a difficult time expressing her thoughts, Michi turned the submarine searchlight forwards towards Melody as they pursued the girl and the primal energy source farther into the underwater cave entrance. With the submarine's bulk and light behind it, the Relicanth probably wouldn't try to double back and escape behind them. Or, if it did, they would be ready!

    "Earthquake?" Michi seemed startled, swiveling away from the monitor. She tipped her head to the side, thinking. "Underwater-- Is it possible? I think if we are floating, it is not so dangerous." The biggest concern would be rocks falling or the cave ceiling crumbling on them. In that case, it would be safer in the submarine... wouldn't it?

    I will read the safety manual, Michi thought, insecure about her knowledge, and went to go find the emergency escape procedures.

      [li]Michi turns a spotlight on Relicanth to scare it deeper into the cave so it doesn't try to sneak back past them.
      [/li][li]Michi starts to read about how to emergency evac a submarine in case of falling rocks[/li]
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      Celeste Abbiati
      POSTED ON May 13, 2021 4:40:40 GMT
      Celeste Abbiati Avatar

      [attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]The sarcasm certainly wasn't appreciated, but Celeste simply bit her lip and held her tongue for now. Rocket was full of interesting personalities, no need to be snarky in response, as much as she desired to. Her eyes simply continued to focus on examining their surroundings as she listened in more. A seismic sensor certainly would be useful. Earthquakes underwater were certainly bound to be a different beast than they were on land. After all, they were powerful enough to cause tsunamis on the surface, water currents were just as deadly. [break][break]

      "Roger that. I'll be entering the cave entrance shortly, remaining within the sub to further investigate the underwater sections." Sure enough, as she spoke aloud her Rotom piloted the small sub towards the simple cave opening and pushed inside. The cave certainly had pockets filled with air, but she knew where she operated best. Getting out and walking on her own would only prove to be a poor decision. Still, it was time to send out a pokemon and get to work investigating.[break][break]

      Knowing fully well there were bound to be segments of the cave that were too narrow for her sub to pass through, Celeste opened up the simple hatch in the floor to send out her Wishiwashi. As it remained near her sub, Celeste simply spoke. "Investigate, and return when you find something of use. Only summon the schools when you're in danger." [break][break]

      Of course, the little fish didn't really have any way of communicating other than blinking and crying out its name, before slipping away through the underwater cave. Even if there was anything dangerous or unknown here, hopefully it wouldn't view a single lone Wishiwashi as a threat.

      notes Sent out Wishiwashi, to investigate the smaller cracks in the cave!


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      [newclass=.celeste .rolling-divide]margin-top:5px;width:auto;height:1px;border-bottom:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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      may 15
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      elijah gardner
      POSTED ON May 14, 2021 6:14:12 GMT
      elijah gardner Avatar
       "copy that." elijah coughs. readjusting his earphone, he pops his ears as he continues to acclimate to the depths. "robbin, watch his back."

      his frogadier swims deeper. limbs cut through cold water as it parts from celeste's wishiwashi, searching deep drepssions tickled by sea plant and bubble.

      elijah follows in too. it's true. even with submarine lights scouring crannies and crevasses, the underwater portion of this cavern is void of pokemon. at least, here.

      portions of the cave are traversable by foot— but elijah remains in his vessel. he shivers at the thought of being trapped under multiple layers of ocean and earth; his small ship provides some false sense of security, he prays.

      elijah moves on through a separate passage underwater. his frogadier returns, blowing bubbles as its scarf billows in the invisible currents.

      squinting ahead, elijah sees what the frog as found. in the distance, a relicanth swimming in the seas.

      "relicanth ahead."

      notes: continues comms/asks robbin to watch rowan's back/spots a relicanth far away
      [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon frogadier"]
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      Melody Miro
      POSTED ON May 16, 2021 9:27:53 GMT
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      Melody's theme

      Damn the rest of her team was so slow! Cmon slowpokes! Get a move on! She swam after the relicanth as she had released a pokemon who was surely faster than that creature! She unlatched one of her pokeballs and sent it out. releasing her empoleon. This guy was a total speedster who could chase after that relicanth with ease! She chased after it, not noticing had clear sight on her. The relicanth's smaller size was a huge advantage since it was easier for the pokemon to navigate, but eventually the empoleon latched onto it an managed to grab hold. [break][break]

      "I got it! There's a pool above where im gonna surface as my empoleon's pretty wiped from that chase." she told them as she swam upwards and surface on that little pool. The relicanth flopped around a bit before melody saw a shallow pool where she pointed for empoleon to put it in so it wouldn't suffocate. It swam in circles trying to find an exit where it wouldn't find any. "Heck yeah! simple! Everyone come look at it! it's weird looking!" she communicated again.



      notes notes notes notes

      [attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

      [googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

      [newclass=.Mellytempy]background-image: url(https://images2.imgbox.com/7f/f1/7ZPC1dNa_o.png); background-color: #333333; padding: 18px; width: 450px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]

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      [newclass=.Mellytempybot2]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #5e5e5e; font: 9px Raleway; padding: 11px; line-height: 8px; text-align: justify; width: 105px; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px;[/newclass]

      [newclass=.clearcredit]line-height: 5px; color: #c592cb; float: right; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass]
      [newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

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      michiko maeda
      POSTED ON May 16, 2021 14:14:27 GMT
      michiko maeda Avatar

      Michi didn't have time to go looking for the "Submarine Escape and Immersion Equipment" the manual was recommending in case of earthquake-- the magic words they'd been waiting for were echoing over the communication channel from Melody.

      "I got it!"

      Immediately abandoning the emergency procedures book, Michi leaned forwards over the monitor, beaming. "Ahh! Congratulations!" She applauded quietly in her lap. "This is wonderful news! I was so worried it would escape, and we would have nothing then..."

      She was eager to see the fish with the beautiful crystalline growths-- the view from inside the submarine had been too dark to actually see the Relicanth before. I wonder if the primal energy will spoil the fish... she thought as she got to work at the controls, eager to see it for herself.

      A periscope appeared in the pool Melody had swum up from. It turned, looking around the dry sea cave, at the gym leader, and at the Empoleon. One of Michi's eyes could be seen magnified in it, blinking owlishly. "Ooh!" came the muffled exclamation.

      A second later, there was a hum of teleportation energy and Michi appeared standing on the rocky ground, a Natu no larger than a tennis ball sitting on her head. "Ah, sorry! I am not so strong swimmer," the older woman said, squatting by the side of the pool with her hands around her knees. The Relicanth swam back and forth, agitated. "Mm! It is interesting..." The crystals did not look edible, or delicious.

      The large sub itself stayed below, too large to traverse the narrow passage Melody had found. 

        [li]Michi parks the sub below the pool Melody found and pokes a periscope up to check out the cave. She decides it's safe!
        [/li][li] Michi sends out Natu and uses its Teleport to appear near Melody to check out their new Deluxe Relicanth.[/li]
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        Melody Miro
        POSTED ON May 16, 2021 19:09:33 GMT
        Melody Miro Avatar









        Melody's theme

        Melody just adored Michiko, she really was a brave soul huh? To be a strong swimmer and still sign up for a very water heavy mission? Props to her! Melody spoke "Yeah, it really is strange. I wonder if would have liked to have seen it, he loves ancient pokemon stuff like this." she comments as she places both hands on her hips. [break][break] 

        'Gah this cavern was so creepy, so quite and devoid of life..' she thought to herself as she looked around the cavern to make sure there wasn't any pokemon that would jump the two, wherever primal energy was there was usually something looking to cause trouble. She however decided to make some small talk with michiko  [break][break]

        "Michiko you always have such cute and well kept Pokémon. I should go catch some with you sometime! They'd fit right in at my gym! You're a sweet heart to them, I can tell." she says cheerily as she lowers herself to natu's height and extends a her finger to see if natu would shake hands with her or jump up on her finger.



        notes notes notes notes

        [attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

        [googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

        [newclass=.Mellytempy]background-image: url(https://images2.imgbox.com/7f/f1/7ZPC1dNa_o.png); background-color: #333333; padding: 18px; width: 450px; border-radius: 5px;[/newclass]

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        [newclass=.Mellytempybot]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #701919; font: 12px Abril Fatface; padding: 11px; line-height: 10px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-transform: uppercase; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-right: 5px;[/newclass]

        [newclass=.Mellytempybot2]background-color: #1a1a1a; max-width: 262px; color: #5e5e5e; font: 9px Raleway; padding: 11px; line-height: 8px; text-align: justify; width: 105px; display: flex; align-items: center; height: 50px;[/newclass]

        [newclass=.clearcredit]line-height: 5px; color: #c592cb; float: right; text-transform: uppercase;[/newclass]
        [newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

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        may 15
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        elijah gardner
        POSTED ON May 17, 2021 2:11:32 GMT
        elijah gardner Avatar
         elijah steadies his vessel and dims its lights. all limbs stiffen as if to anchor his ship to his body, the cold water of this underground a cage to push against.

        "someone's here." elijah mutters to all rockets. "blue haired girl. looks real familiar. she's with the relicanth." he squints his eyes. deep under the waves, he can not see michiko and her natu above ground.

        the cavern groans. bubbles spring out from invisible cracks: scars of brined earth. his frogadier blows scattered bubbles too...

        notes: relays info about seeing someone (melody) by relicanth;
        can't see natu + michiko
        [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon frogadier"]

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        kyle lopez
        POSTED ON May 17, 2021 7:55:38 GMT
        kyle lopez Avatar
        kyle follows after with the more traditional way and without the aid of teleport like . he makes a rendezvous with his chinchou a little ways behind the sootopolis gym leader before tailing her again.

        he doesn't make a work of it though, since kyle figures if one person can do the relicanth chase, he might as well let them do it for the action economy.

        "what's weird looking?" kyle asks as he emerges out of the water a bit later than .

        unlike them, kyle gets to business quick and isn't as excited about the relicanth as he is in getting out of the underwater caverns. he carries the chinchou out of the water as he steps out. "brighten things up for us, yeah?" he asks his pokemon before it starts to illuminate the entire cavern.

        "hm, yeah. that fish is weird looking," he casually agrees before producing a pokeball and handing it over to melody. "let's just get it in the ball and get back. i wanna go home already."

        • follows melody from the water to get his chinchou
        • chinchou illuminates the area
        • kyle agrees that the relicanth is weird looking
        • kyle gives melody a pokeball so she can capture the relicanth

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        i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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        Deleted DOLLARS
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        POSTED ON May 17, 2021 12:19:01 GMT
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        - Follows Rowan.

        - Starts cave exploration.

        - Words; 212

        Robbin closed her eyes. “On it,” she replied to Elijah as she tightened her grip on the slick empoleon. She enjoyed the chilled water tickling her sides and the way Penni moved effortlessly through the water. Then she came bursting out like a mini torpedo. She would have landed on her side if Penni didn’t have a more graceful recovery and caught his trainer.

        She got onto her feet and Penni flicked away a bead from his beak. Robbin hadn’t been as smart as the other rocket member who had night vision goggles as she held a flashlight she had been using the whole time to look for cracks. She was cautious not to blind Rowan with it.

        Curiously she beamed the light at his pokemon. She smiled at it and offered a little wave before pointing the light at the rocky walls. “Lovely pokemon,” she commented after, feeling weird talking outside of the coms.

        “We will keep a lookout for people in here, but it seems abandoned by both people and pokemon so far…” She kicked a rock, letting the sound echo through the cave. There was no movement or scuttling of frightened pokemon feet.

        “How far are we going?” Robbin asked, a bit of an excited tremble in her voice.

        [attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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        dross, captain
        she, her
        august 17
        Lilycove, Hoenn
        sailor / treasure hunter
        nautica owner
        how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
        2,345 posts
        skyler dross DOLLARS
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        skyler dross
        POSTED ON May 17, 2021 19:04:17 GMT
        skyler dross Avatar
        One by one the rest of her colleagues leave the submarine. Captain Dross looks down at the displays with a furrowed brow, relenting her grip on the controls to let Michiko peek at the Relicanth and sliding back into place when the woman leaves. 


        A moment of hesitation precedes Skyler's sudden focus, calloused fingers griping the fragment hidden beneath her wetsuit to feel its strange thrum growing more insistent by the second. Betraying the existence of another in the vicinity - and drastically shifting Skyler's priorities.

        As befits her title, Captain Dross is the last one to leave the ship submarine.

        "I've sent you the sonar's map of the area." Unlike , or , she doesn't reach for the surface. Krakentoa follows her into a nearby tunnel, made to look ghostly through the night vision software installed in her helmet.

        Her voice crackles to life once more. "I'm keeping to the underwater sections, doing a small sweep of the area." Just not for what they ought to be looking for exactly...

        A forest of kelp sways ominously in the next underwater chamber, obscuring Skyler's view of what might've been ahead. Any misgivings are swiftly pushed aside, however. In that moment, Captain Dross is but a puppet to some inexplicable sense of purpose that calls her forward. Or perhaps it's just greed.