i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Celeste Abbiati
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 6:07:00 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

Someone was here. It was all needed to say to cause Celeste immediate concern and caution. Someone else was here. There was no reason to be down here unless they wanted what they were after. How long had they been down here? Had they entered through another cave entrance? It wasn't unlikely, there were many people who were in direct opposition to Team Rocket. The only question truly was whom? But in the end, did it matter? Their lives would be fleeting if it meant Rocket got what it desired. [break][break]

Motioning for her Rotom to continue piloting the submarine through the tight underwater cavern, Celeste spoke up through the radio once more. "Be on your guard. If there are strangers down here, it's not the kind our superiors would appreciate. I don't know about you individuals, but I do not believe our failure would be tolerated."[break][break]

"Our mission remains the same. Investigate, and retrieve anything of value. These interlopers should not be tolerated." It wasn't quite her intention to attempt to boss the others around, but someone needed to be serious about this. Rocket wanted results, everything else was secondary. [break][break]

Voltergeist made a soft beeping noise, alerting her to something strange. Wishiwashi had swum back into view from up ahead, only for its tears to shine brightly in the headlights of the sub, and gather her attention. Only for it to immediately begin to swim away, leading her to a small crack in the wall. Did it find something inside? She certainly couldn't fit inside, that crack was minuscule, truly only big enough for the tiny fish pokemon. It was time to start debating on decisions.

notes Responded to Rocket, investigating cracks that Wishiwashi found! 


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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 21, 2021 1:52:19 GMT
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    Boreas waved a flipper at Robbin with enthusiasm, restraining himself from letting out a bark of greeting because of the nature of their assignment. “You too.” Rowan responded in kind to her compliment, eyeing the Empoleon with a small longing to have his own Piplup at his side right now. “We’re going to keep checking the area out, need to make sure there are no surprises.” A quick glance confirmed what he assumed, she was new to all of this and practically as green as he was when he’d been on his last mission.

    “How long have you been in Rocket?” Small talk wasn’t ideal for their circumstances, but curiosity was overtaking rational thought. Recently he’d been unsure of his decision to join the organization and hearing the perspective of another young recruit might help. “Wait…” Forward progress was halted by an alert on his device, Rowan stopping to look at the message on his watch. I’m picking up some strange readings on the sensor, we might have trouble soon.

Notes: Rowan talks to Robbin some, receives a notification from the seismic sensor of strange readings, relays over comms.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 21, 2021 3:21:54 GMT
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- Chatting with Rowan and searching.

- Starts cave exploration.

- Words; 2145

“Like a month now,” Robbin answered Rowan, a bit timidly as that was still quite a fresh fish grunt. Then something seemed to be happening with his watch and he relayed to everyone that was some kind of activity.

“The cave hasn’t collapsed yet, I doubt today will be the day,” Robbin was letting fear slip to the realm of cautious excitement. Her empoleon was looking around skeptically, peering at the walls where her trainer was too short to see, but he stayed close to her protectively.

“How long have you been with rocket?” She asked, sweeping the floor. “Do you do missions like this often?” She asked another question too soon after the last. “It’s exciting if you look past the maybe dying part y’know?” She giggled behind a raised hand.

While talking she deep down was waiting to feel rumbling and see stones fall and crush her to death. That wasn't happening though, yet. 
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 21, 2021 15:57:01 GMT
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Natu studied 's finger with one large eye and then the other before fluffing her wings and hiding in Michi's hair, too shy to try and play with the gym leader. Michi was oblivious. "Ooh, yes! I... like to catch Pokemon!" she assured the blue-haired young woman, flattered as always when talking to Melody. She'd only started collecting Pokemon characters recently, so she was always pleased when someone took notice of them.

 joined them at the surface, bringing a much-needed light source with him. Relicanth's crystals glowed in the false light, strange and ethereal. It is like many diamonds, Michi thought, enchanted.

With bated breath, she waited for Melody to catch it.

The earthquake began without sound or shape-- only a tremendous sense of wrongness, as if something imperceptible had shifted in the world. The cave swayed like a drunken sailor, the ground itself seizing roughly as if the stone was being tugged out like a rug beneath their feet. Michi staggered, barely catching herself from falling.

Then the dissonance hit.

Rock, reverberating. Stone, shuddering. Shells rattling on the cave floor like castanets, foreshadowing a deep, low roar from somewhere deep in the earth. A swelling, thundering, monstrous sound.

They should have never left the submarine. had the right idea by not surfacing with them-- it was safer below the waves. When the earth rose against you, the water was your closest friend.

No one knew this better than the blue, wide-eyed Pokemon who darted from a fissure, seeking the safety of the open sea.

Instead, it found Team Rocket.

    [li]The earthquake hits. Manaphy is scared out by the quake and almost immediately encounters Rocket (probably and , since they're the ones in the submarines). [/li]
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    kyle lopez
    POSTED ON May 21, 2021 18:37:43 GMT
    kyle lopez Avatar
    as soon as the pokeball goes to 's person, kyle checks the data that had sent them through his somehow water-insulant phone. the map directly connects to the submarine's systems and updates live, prompting kyle to notice a disparity.

    "wait, something's moving," he states as an observation to the sonar's readings.

    the earthquake hits afterwards. kyle steadies his footing as he looks after both and . the chinchou falls from his hold as he readies his hands his pokeballs attached to a belt. it's impulse to go for his weapons whenever something awry happens at this point.

    "sky, get the getaway vehicle ready," he tells via their communicator. "let's get out as soon as we can," he says to the other two he was with. "i think the relicanth's enough for now."

    he doesn't want to risk the safety of the group with the threat of earthquakes while they're in an underground cavern after all.

    • sees other moving objects on the sonar sky sent them
    • prompts that they should probably get going soon


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    Melody Miro
    POSTED ON May 21, 2021 20:02:17 GMT
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    Melody's theme

    Melody nods as kyle hands her a pokeball and throws it at the little shiny rock fish thing. The capture went through pretty easily despite the fish being agitated at first, maybe because it knew it couldn't get away? whatever! She latched the ball onto her belt and looked around the cavern as Kyle's chinchou illuminated the cave. However the viewing of the cave was cut short as she quickly switched to the xatu. [break][break]

    Wowow! How adorable, the little bugger was shy and took refuge in it's trainer's hair. She visibly opened her eyes as it was super cute, then her eyes went even wider when she realized an earthquake was happening. She nods her head after the shaking stops and agrees with Kyle as she makes her way over to the water "I agree, let's get the hell out of here before something else happens." She places her helmet back on and jumps into the water.  [break][break]

    However things look a bit different this time around, for example there was a blue pokemon that looked a lot like a phione right in front of a new submarine? Did the league send two groups of people? Melody's empoleon's stared at the device as wishiwashi immediately began to cry and melody put a hand on it's head, watching the submarine with a suspicious gaze "Hey did the league send anyone else here?" she asked over comms as she was not the type to attack first.



    Relicanth caught [break][break]
    Rock sub spotted.

    [attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

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    may 15
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    elijah gardner
    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 7:39:53 GMT
    elijah gardner Avatar
     the apothecary stares at the odd water creature. tightly, his brows knit together like butting kayaks. he thinks it's ugly.

    "you see what i'm seeing?" elijah speaks into his piece, but it is directed more to than anybody else. "wha- shit." the vessel begins to rock as the waters churn.

    an aftershock rumbles forth. the cleft cracks wider. a beard of bubbles surges from the fissure as a large, sizable piece of underwater rock breaks away.

    inside, there are eggs.

    "quiggle, SMOKESCREEN." his frogadier leaps out in front of his sub to spew an ink-based cloud to obscure his vessel— even if it may be too late.

    notes: sees manaphy / aftershock exposes egg chamber / frogadier smokescreens to hide his sub
    [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon frogadier"]

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    dross, captain
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    POSTED ON May 22, 2021 11:53:33 GMT
    skyler dross Avatar
    Kyle's proposal has some merit; if not for the invisible line tugging at her chest with inequivocal persistence, she would be one of the first to agree with his reasoning. As it is, Captain Dross disregards the words and dives instead into the kelp forest with no signs of turning back.

    "The sub is ready to go," she speaks into the helmet, arm reaching out to part the swaying kelp in her way. "Wait, I think I see something." Not quite the truth, not quite a lie.

    The earthquake nearly escapes her notice, focused as she is on her current task. Only when a cloud of dust obscures her vision does she become aware of the shaking rock around her, and a deep rumbling that reminds her of a temple back in the desert... But this is familiar. This, Skyler thinks, she knows how to deal with.

    "Shit, we aren't alone." Alarm jolts through her veins like electricity. As if in response, the fragment close to her chest pounds in time with her heartbeat, cold despite its proximity to her skin. Captain Dross catches herself reaching for it, suddenly realizing that the wetsuit is in the way. "You see anyone up there?"

    While Rocket's submarine remains hidden from Skyler's view, the glint of a smaller vessel ( 's) catches her attention. Hidden among the forest of kelp, the captain narrows her eyes at the glint of blue under the small sub. She would not, could not let anyone else get their hands on what was hers.

    Around her, poisonous tendrils move in time with the ocean currents, poised to attack.

    Something small and blue swims through the water ahead, but Skyler scarcely pays it any attention.

    - skyler continues going forward despite 's proposal
    - warns the rest of the crew that they are not alone
    - finds 's sub
    - the blue orb fragment is under 's vessel
    - krakentoa is ready to attack
    - manaphy swims ahead, but skyler doesn't care

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    Rowan Wrynn
    POSTED ON May 23, 2021 7:47:58 GMT
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        “I’ve been with Rocket for a couple months now.” Rowan wanted to oblige the new recruit with the innocent conversation, admittedly enjoying her fresh-eyed enthusiasm. “I’ve been on a few missions, though only one other as important as this one.” Conversation came to an end with the unmistakable rumbling of the cavern around them, the pools of water nearby shaking violently from the seismic disturbance. “We need to go, now.” Rowan reached out and grabbed the younger girl by the arm, firm but not enough to harm her, before pulling them both towards one of the nearby pools.

        Tossing her into the water first, Rowan quickly dove in behind, both of their Pokemon following afterwards. “Seismic activity in the area is spiking hard, keep away from loose rock formations.” He spoke over the communicators, but was mostly directing these words towards Robbin. Gripping onto the Dewgong, Rowan was quickly carried through the underwater tunnel, leading them both on a path that would lead them right into the egg cavern. “What the hell?” He muttered to himself, keeping the communicators clear for the time being. A hand gestured towards the eggs then to Robbin, hoping to convey that they should investigate and possibly retrieve them.

    Notes: Earthquake? Fuuuuck. Rowan grabs onto Robbin and directs her to an underwater tunnel that inevitably leads to the newly revealed egg chamber.
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    i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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    POSTED ON May 23, 2021 9:13:44 GMT
    Deleted Avatar


    - Yeeted into water by Rowan, sees the exposed egg cavern and relays it to rocket.

    - Words; 283

    “Go where?” Robbin let the dumb question come out before she could stop it. Rowan had grabbed her arm, which she appreciated, and dragged her towards the water open. She let out a little yelp as she was pushed unevenly into the water and landed in an awkward crash.

    Penni didn’t lag when Rowan had dragged his trainer away. He dove in like a bullet and moved so he was under his suspended trainer. Robbin felt something smooth and familiar under her. Opening her eyes she saw her companion as well as Rowan and his pokemon. Good, everything was fine.

    Rowan started moving and Robbin stayed close behind. Robbin and even Penni flinched at the sight of the exposed eggs.

    Wait… eggs! She felt her chest swell at the sight of them.

    “Where did those come from?” Robbin asked Penni, who had been found by Robbin via egg many years ago when she was a child. Her curiosity was starting to peak as they got closer to the cavern.

    “This is Robbin, Rowan and I are out of the cave fine,” she paused, but clearly she didn't pause to filter her words with professionalism.

    “Oh! We also found some eggs in a sick hiding spot!” Her voice was suddenly full of pep, a sudden spike of noise to fill everyone’s ear. “They seem unharmed and unprotected so far,” Robbin found the unprotected part making her uneasy.

    “Be careful of a guardian pokemon,” Robbin warned Rowan outside of the comms. That pokemon had probably been spooked away by the activity before they had dived in anyways. Her mind was telling her to grab one and go, but she kept her fidgety hands drumming patterns on Penni with her fingertips.

    [attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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    kyle lopez
    POSTED ON May 23, 2021 16:36:17 GMT
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    "no?" he answers , confused as to what prompted the question.

    the reading on the sonar makes more sense once bits of information make the picture complete. they weren't alone, as has attested, and kyle is uncertain on how to approach the situation.

    nevertheless, he picks up his chinchou and follows after the gym leader. he makes up his mind in the last moment.

    "take them in for questioning!" he speaks up in his communicator. "there had been reports mentioning other parties meddling on league business. let's see if they're one of them."

    already lost her pulse once. there's a chance she'll lose it a second time.

    underwater, kyle points his chinchou to the direction of the unregistered subs. it shoots a thunder wave through the smokescreen as a warning shot. it's not strong enough to show intent to kill, but it's direct enough to let them know that they're aware of them.

    • follows melody in the water
    • chinchou uses thunder wave at the general location of rocket subs

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    December 4th
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    Celeste Abbiati
    POSTED ON May 23, 2021 17:42:00 GMT
    Celeste Abbiati Avatar

    Strange readings on the sensor. Earthquakes. Everyone was in for a bumpy ride as the cave itself cracked and shuddered as Mother Earth itself let out a terrifying groan. Celeste gripped the console of her submarine as it shook, reluctantly trusting in her Rotom piloting the ship to keep herself. It certainly seemed to be doing its best, beeping from the console and the ship quickly shifting back and forth, almost as if it was actually alive. [break][break]

    Somewhere during the quake, the cave cracks she had been examining had broken apart. The walls quite literally crumbling away as the plates shifted somewhere deep below. And yet, despite her life being threatened so dangerously, the sight before her demanded her attention. A blur of a blue pokemon began to swim out through the cave and she immediately recognized the pokemon. The mother of the ocean's angels, the blessed being of bonding. "Manaphy..." Celeste practically whispered to herself, her comms still turned on.[break][break]

    As soon as her diety swam out of sight, Celeste's eyes turned to the cave once more that she could finally enter. Her eyes couldn't possibly get any wider. Beautiful vein-like carvings covered the inside of the cave, from head to toe. Almost as if the world itself was alive and breathing. Paired with the sight of Manaphy alone Celeste would have been lost in utter reverence and devotion, but the addition of eggs sitting in the chamber was almost too much. The baby angels, Phione, she had to protect them. If she allowed harm to befall these eggs, she would never forgive herself. Forced into action, Celeste gripped the controls herself of the submarine. [break][break]

    Before she could pilot into the egg chamber, her Wishiwashi suddenly let out a quiet cry. Relatively safe from the dangers of the quake, it had kept watched and become quite aware of intruders. Commanded to summon the school when in danger, his eyes began to quickly shine brightly, and a sudden intense swarm of Wishiwashi pokemon began to funnel into the cave, pushing past and attempting to slam past the tentacled jellyfish and its trainer, using Beat Up as it formed its massive school-form.[break][break]

    Voltergeist turned the sub around for Celeste to properly witness a sight, and her immediate reaction was to grip the controls so tight her knuckles would be turning white underneath the wetsuit. The League was after Manaphy's eggs, of this she was sure. She could not allow that to happen. Her face grew grim as she whispered into the microphone once again. [break][break]

    "Let none escape. No witnesses." There was no glory for Team Rocket in this, this was a personal vendetta. Even if she hadn't been whispering, the sheer fury in her voice was easily heard. Passion unrivaled, bordering on total worship. She'd refuse to allow anyone to harm this sacred sanctuary, even if she perished in its defense.[break][break]

    The thought that Rocket would exploit these poor Phione more than the League would, unfortunately, did not cross her mind in her blind anger.[break][break]

    Releasing her Dhelmise from the submarine, she didn't even bother to say a word to command them. Draining the life force of Wailords was second nature to the ghost, and Celeste found herself watching in anticipation as Kelporeal suddenly reached out with a terrifying Power Whip. Not aiming for the Tentacruel, they were intent on a more vulnerable target, the diver amongst its tentacles.


    notes Whispered Manaphy, and implied to murder the intruders. Wishiwashi formed its school with Beat Up, and Dhelmise used Power Whip on .


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    michiko maeda
    POSTED ON May 24, 2021 0:36:15 GMT
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    Earthquakes had never been a common occurrence in Petalburg City. Michiko was not prepared for the aftershock which came as soon as the first quake seemed to have subsided, carving the ground with a jagged crack that immediately filled with swirling sediment. She did fall this time, landing on her side with a faint cry of pain.

    Perhaps it was the cry, matching the heart of another in distress, which resonated to the bubbly blue Pokemon who threaded its way through mini-subs and sinking rocks. 

    "Aah, did I hit my head?" Michi asked, struggling to sit up. Natu flapped her stubby wings, trying to burrow through her owner's hair to prevent from being squished. "I hear a cute voice..."

    Belatedly, she realized she was alone-- and had dived back into the pool, and the growing fissure still shuddered beneath her feet. "Eek! Dangerous! Let's go back, Kohina!"

    Michi reappeared in the League sub, currently unmanned except for one Appletun still making laps around the cabin. "There is no time to talk, Appuri," she said to the dragon, who lifted a floppy eyeball to study her. Michi made two determined fists. "It is time for action!"

    The older woman hurried forward to press the microphone button, projecting her voice over the comms. "I think there is a special egg here!" she ventured, excitement warring out over caution. "It is, um... over by the... in the..." She faltered, unsure how to communicate the innate sense of direction she'd received from her vision. 

    ...Her vision.

    What was she doing?

    This was no Strange Dungeon manga chapter, in which the main character's estranged former Pokemon reappeared to warn him at night while he slept! It was only a silly dream from hitting her head. Skyler, Kyle, and Melody were very busy, and they had no time for her ideas.

    But the voice she'd heard had seemed cute, and important. It hadn't spoken words, but she had still understood. 

    She wanted to follow it.

    "I am moving the sub," she announced timidly, settling into the Captain's seat in the absence of . She released ballast and felt the underwater vessel begin to sink, closer and closer towards the source she'd sensed below. "I want to get the egg, if this is OK..."

      [li]Michi falls down and has a vision from Manaphy. She teleports back to the League Sub and tentatively starts to lower it deeper, pursuing the special egg location she saw in the dream.

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      July 9
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      TAG WITH @melody
      Melody Miro
      POSTED ON May 24, 2021 7:53:16 GMT
      Melody Miro Avatar









      Melody's theme

      Melody heard kyle on the comms and understood what it had meant. "You got it!"[break][break]

      she respond enthusiastically. Her first priority was to make sure that they didn't take the relicanth away, it was top priority right now "Wishiwashi! Plug the exit! Dont let them get away!" as Wishiwashi cried out and let it's tears do their magic as schooling activated however instead of the Pokémon swarming around wishi, they actually sealed the exit to the cave instead preventing them from attempting to exit.[break][break]

      She flung her arm outward's towards the sub but out of the corner of her eye, she saw a Pokémon heading towards and melody shouted for empoleon to use it's speed. "Steel wing!" As it turned around towards Dhelmise and rammed into it's body to make the power whip miss "Skyler watch out!" she said on the comms trying to get skyler to notice.



      Relicanth caught [break][break]
      Rock sub spotted.

      [attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

      [googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

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      [newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

      use wishiwashi in a creative way! Melody used schooling to block the exit of the cave! In order for it to fall down it needs to be knocked to less than half health.[break][break]

      Empoleon used steel wing on dhelmise to try and cause the power whip to miss!
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      may 15
      5'10" height
      5'10" height
      Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
      622 posts
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      TAG WITH @elijah
      elijah gardner
      POSTED ON May 24, 2021 8:17:58 GMT
      elijah gardner Avatar
       elijah wishes he could return to the main submarine. follow bubbles like bread crumbs to a space less claustrophobic. just a little less, though.

      a THUNDER WAVE scatters across the smoke and against elijah's windshield. briefly, the vessel shakes as the current surges across its metal frame before seeking other conducts.

      "ah shit, here-we-fucking-go." elijah says. "i was just hit by an electric-type attack." he reports as he swerves his submarine toward the exposed chamber. "i'm covering you all."

      in retaliation, his frogadier opens its maw to force a HYDRO PUMP from its lithe body. a pillar of water rushes toward the general location of where may be.

      out of the smoke, his vessel attempts to join with @robbin and @rowan in the chamber. beams of light activate, careful of the loose rock formations he is warned of.

      in the meantime, his frogadier swims toward 's vessel.

      notes: THUNDER WAVE hits sub ; frogadier HYDRO PUMPS toward KYLE'S general location in retaliation ; attempts to join ROBBIN & ROW as FROGADIER swims toward CELESTE
      [attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon frogadier"]