i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @dallas
Dallas Rhodes
POSTED ON Jan 16, 2019 20:05:42 GMT
Dallas Rhodes Avatar


Dallas, as much as he wanted to help the League, was surprised to find himself standing on the boat. One of the many that also agreed to travel towards the island on this League mission. The current theme of these missions Dallas was called up to did not help to raise his spirits for this one. Either Rocket would make them fail miserably or a giant legendary rock Pokémon would come and fuck their shit up. Maybe both if they were lucky.[break][break]

The pessimistic thoughts came and went like the sea breeze as they docket at the island. Dallas was one of the last to depart from the boat. Never in the mood to go rushing in. Especially as he stood in the shadow of the massive tower before him. Surely this Rocket guy would be dead from exhaustion halfway up this tower already?[break][break]

Whatever the case, the blond continued to follow the group. Eyeing up the sides of the ancient looking building. Couldn’t they just fly up the side? Tempting, but he wasn’t the highest ranking one here. Perhaps for good reason.[break][break]

By the time he entered, the rest of the group had lined up their fire types in front of the braziers. At least Dallas hoped that was what they were aiming at. Burning the rogue Rocket out of the tower sounded like a terrible, although admittedly interesting idea.[break][break]

“I’ll take this one.” He announced, releasing his Fletchinder and heading to the brazier nearest the pillar marked for the Magmortar. “Might as well make it a bit easier. And make sure we don’t burn more than the braziers.” Dallas followed the lead of . Grabbing one of the pinned-up paper tags and pocketing it. Dallas couldn’t read it, but maybe he could find someone that could after this was all said and done. Another pocket was filled with some leftover shards. More for monetary reasons than any academic knowledge like the paper tags.[break][break]


Wonders why they can't fly up the side of the tower[break][break]
Takes a brazier of 's Magmortar's hands[break][break]
Yoinks a paper tag and some shards


this is beginning to feel like
blues of the never this is beginning to feel like it's curling up slowly and finding a throat to choke


@lesgo bois







created by rascal

[newclass=.radio] width: 500px; border: 1px solid #1f2226; background-color: #31363c; padding: 25px;[/newclass][newclass=.dlz] margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; color: #f9f2e6; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; text-transform: uppercase; border-bottom: 1px solid #01B59F;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood] font:11px Quattrocento Sans; text-transform:lowercase; line-height:15px; color: #f9f2e6; padding:30px; text-align: justify;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood b] font:12px 'Oswald', sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; color: #F8B500;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood i] border-bottom: 1px solid #01B59F;[/newclass][newclass=.thebad] width: 40px; height:40px; background-color: #1f2226; border-radius: 50px; margin-top: -22px; margin-left: 12px; float: left;[/newclass][newclass=.theugly] background-color: #424851; padding: 5px; margin-top: 10px; font:10px 'Oswald', sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; line-height: 12px; color: #1f2226;[/newclass][googlefont=Quattrocento Sans:400,700] [googlefont=Oswald:400,700]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2019 1:51:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Wow Victor couldn't believe he was engaging in such a wild event! The tower was crazy. He was blending in well with the crowd. He saw people like and others helping with this mission whatever it was. Victor was just in it for moral support. He didn't want to personally put himself in danger. Because he didn't want to die or something dumb like that. This way he could hide behind another person who was willing to die. Victor loved using dead wanting people as meat shields. It was so much safer than dying himself. But he wanted to give moral support. Because moral support was lifechanging.

So he kind of wandered back and forth, smiling at people doing actual things, waving and grinning and providing the moral support needed to those who needed it. He paid extra attention to give moral support to people he found particularly interesting. One such individual was a person he had seen once somewhere. He showed his support by yelling with his hands cupped together. "You can do it sir!" Then he turned his attention over to who clearly was a good guy because of his hair. This man was with the infamously rock kink Lucas Lane. Victor showed his support by yelling again and waving his hands.

"Hey you! Man beside Lucas Lane! Yeah you with the good hair! You can do it! You're doing great!" Wow Victor was so safe giving out moral support like this. He followed the general crowd of people as they did their stuff. Victor shuffled along casually and safely because he did not want to die at all.

tldr: victor exists, provides moral support

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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2019 6:41:18 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

he's here because he doesn't trust silas' judgment and nor does he trust the mission directive. rocket is a sinking ship and if anyone knows why it has the be the defector.

admirable to try to pull an escape like that, really. but if you want to be chased you just have to run. and as expected, there was a call to hunt, and they followed. but more than a head on a platter, dominic hungers for answers. even the jirachi is secondary. children's story or myth, the concept doesn't crystallise in his mind as anything of substance.

dominic's gaze slices through the gathering group like a knife, and he can pick out some of his subordinates with relative ease. others are more difficult but he's always had a knack for picking out his ilk - maybe it's something in the eyes.

his own disguise is almost half-hearted - a colour-faded senior ranger jacket he picked out in the league headquarters after they took slateport, the name badge reads c. ellery.

hanging back at the rear of the group, dominic surveys how they spread out to the braziers with little interest until he sees another rocket ghost attempting to marshal them into cohesiveness. oh, how disappointing it would be if this is all it took to solve gain entrance. he hopes the ground opens up and swallows them all whole.

rather than remain alone and thus vulnerable to attention, dominic levels alongside a man and his charizard. he remembers the face from somewhere but can't quite place it, hazarding a ghost of a sharp smile; their identities a shared secret.

"i wouldn't stand too close to those. it might be explosive if one of ours set it up," he says quietly, narrowing his eyes at the braziers. at the least that's what he would have done if he were running.

≫ disguised as a league senior ranger named caspian ellery
≫ side-eyes everyone
≫ stands with and says hi

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 6:38:54 GMT
shiv Avatar




WHAT HAPPENS[break][break]

, , and will be able to recognize the form of these tags. these are tags used for new year wishes: tags they have written on before.[break][break]

the braziers are lit. the shards do not char. thin tails of purple smoke mix in with the fires. in spite of that, this is not the most intriguing thing. more significantly, the absurd manner in which the paper tags burst into dramatic roof-reaching flames inspire the most surprise. the paper tags are too little to cause fires as big as these.[break][break]

THE BRAZIERS[break][break]

in one of and his charizard's braziers, the ensuing flames dance into images of bountiful harvests and good health.[break][break]

in and his magmortar's brazier, the paper's smoke and flames twist into an animated image of coins, money, wealth.[break][break]

above 's brazier, an image of a family burns within the rising fire. his fletchinder flies or steps back, noticing its intense heat.[break][break]

before and his charizard, the brazier burns a brilliant blue before metamorphosing into scarlet. his burning paper was a curious turquoise in colour: the only tag different in hue compared to the others. the image that is conjured by this flame is odd. instead, it shows a shaky scene of a scarred man dressed in an unovan metropolitan suit.[break][break]

boris raskolnikov


all rockets will be able to recognize this man as their target: boris raskolnikov.[break][break]

league characters with 30 infamy will be able to recognize that this is a rocket underboss named boris raskolnikov.[break][break]


THE RESULT[break][break]

the man is seemingly writing something down in a hurried fashion while cradling an object in his arms. the raging vision shifts to that of the tower from an outside view before a symbolic turn conjures a shield before the structure. a crackling voice, in broken torrid tones, can be parsed through the dancing flame: "i wish—krkrk—defended—krkrk—intruders—krkrk—while——krkrk."[break][break]

as the voice dies, the flames from all the braziers surge to life. they stick to the wooden floors and structure like webbing, flaring in intensity. the whole room is now on fire. those who retreat for the entrance will find that the stone doors are gone, yet those who run for the second floor will find that there is now a sliding door where there used to be a wall.[break][break]

smoke floods the room, strangling the lungs and marring visibility. the flames burn at a lethal degree and spread rapidly as if the whole room had been doused in invisible gasoline.[break][break]

THE OPTIONS[break][break]

what do you do? do you attempt to escape for the second floor? do you attempt to douse the flames? will you deal with the smoke? anything else? in this next round of posting, everyone must roll in an attempt to succeed on their action. failures will warrant harm or consequences.[break][break]

try to post by 1/20's afternoon, pst!

those who have not posted in the previous round but would like to join will need to have their characters enter the tower before the flames are lit or as they are lit. if you would like to join the raid, you must join during this round and sign up in this thread with all the appropriate information. those who attempt to join after this round may be declined or face a severe deduction in rewards! just dm shiv. ♥

[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 7:35:44 GMT
Deleted Avatar
[attr="class","mercypost"]had she collected herself faster rather than sitting back to analyze the consequences of her actions, she may have been able to help avoid the events that unfold before her. 

she'd had her misgivings about lighting the braziers, but she'd opted to follow ms. wolfe's lead and keep a low profile. she half-regrets it now--turning on her bubblegum charm, sweet smile and candy personality would have made her a less unknown presence in this room. 

so when smoke starts to pour and flames roar, she doesn't count on having many allies. 

we're going to have to change that.

she throws her arm over her mouth and breathes into the fabric. with her other hand, she snaps a couple of pokeballs from her necklace and stoops low to the ground. 

one quick glance at the door behind them and she rules backing out as an option. she'd anticipated this, and the rest of them will have been fools if they didn't as well. fingers twitch and the two pokeballs spring outward. a clefable flanks her right, a wimpod on her left. 

we'll need allies. or at the very least, we'll need to look like allies.

if she can spot , she'll try to give her a knowing look. 

her eyes water. it's only been a few moments, but the room has already broken into chaos. she coughs into her arm and crouches lower, ordering a command to her left. "scald. target the hottest points. put out any fires on anyone. make people your priority."

the wimpod makes a few screeching noises in response and reaches one antenna up in an attempt to push the button back on its back. mercy hisses under her breath, as quietly as she can, "so help me, i will leave you here if you don't follow orders. prove me right about you."

then she flashes a hand out to her clefable. the pokemon grips it; its eyes close and mercy coughs again, grimacing as her stomach feels like it disappears out from under her. for a moment, everything is clear; there is no burning, no sweltering heat, no danger. and then there's a ringing in her ears and everything crashes back and she's stumbling towards the door that had just appeared.

"everyone, move. this is the only way through!"

> mercy sends out her wimpod and leaves him to use scald, targeting larger flames and focusing on areas with people (sry if u get burned)
> mercy teleports w/ clefable to the sliding door and attempts to usher people towards it


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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TAG WITH @isra
Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 7:44:54 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Isra turns to the flames with fascination, it is quite the feet even if she has little time to digest what has happened in the image of the flames before things start to go astray. The moment she comes to realize the flames are getting out of hand she is slipping out of her heels to abandon them in the fire.

She does not seek refuge outside, they have not finished their mission and if the tower holds such conjuring as this the fire in front of them could easily be one and the same. She'll risk it to see this through. If the all will not let them through after the fire then she will make a hole if she must.

Only one thing deters her from making a beeline, the room is filling with smoke far too fast and the one familiar face in the room she saw was one she liked too much to leave behind. "Cait!" Isra seeks her out to hopefully grab her by the wrist and make sure she makes it to the second floor. She wants to be certain the closest thing she's had to a friend for awhile now isn't lost so soon.

As she heads for the upper floor she releases her gardevoir, a whistle low through the smoke tells the pokemon to begin using her heal pulse as they make it to the door, hoping to mitigate damages done by the flames and smoke.

>>Good bye heels
>>Heads for the upper floor
>>Tries ot make sure makes it to the upper floor as well
>>Gardevoir out using Heal pulse to minimize damages done by the fire and smoke.

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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he & they
twenty seven
january 12th
johto, ogi isle
why don't
you give up?
41 height
41 height
the restless is the mind, hollow human.
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jayde cross DOLLARS
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jayde cross
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 11:27:40 GMT
jayde cross Avatar

[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



before the descent of their actions, he considers the voice with a still—bound apathy in his eyes. there is something hazily familiar about the man however, jayde doesn't take the slight moment of figuring it out. distance is made from the measly fragment of a tag as a precaution. in spite of being far to lacking for a great fire, anything was to be expected in a place such as this. [break][break]

in the spark of every ignition, he stared into the flames which shifted and changed. it painted an image within the menace of its heat, the target that resounded like a broken radio. wish— he repeats within his mind, echoing the warning with a distinct furrow. hell swarmed around them in the faded message. what was meant to be harmless became opposite of their predictions. [break][break]

this was nothing— jayde thought, clenching his teeth against the horrid rise. charizard stands against the wave of every flicker, shielding him from the impact of what could've proved deadly. unfortunately it is the smoke that gets to him. the collar of the shirt is hastily yanked over his face. everything burns and it leaves his eyes watery and blurred by the dilemma. [break][break]

"the— stairs—" his voice strains against the thick build. they are furthest from the possibility of retreat, yet the amber beast outstretches its wings against their enemy. he can feel his shoulders searing, the feeling extending itself to the very center of his back. still, the motion persists in his blindness. [break][break]

when jayde finally reaches the staircase, he stops part way to lean against the surprisingly cool wall. he hears the low growl of the beast close at his side— a rumble of concern. "stick with me." he says after awhile, not willing to let the charizard out of his sight. especially not in a place such as this. traps were scattered everywhere in the figure ushering up foolish desires. [break][break]

instead, they move towards the door.

took 's advice and stepped away from the brazier,,, charizard blocked him from the flames and guides him towards the second floor,,, 🔥


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37 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
241 posts
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TAG WITH @nikolai
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 13:39:46 GMT
an appreciative nod is sent towards a good friend and an even better partner, of sootopolis.

all in sync, the paper tags burst into flames unnaturally big that forces him to immediately drop it into the brazier. he narrowly avoids being scorched by it. shifting his attention to the rest of the room, he sees the other tags doing the exact same.

"careful," he says to , perhaps a bit too late. he watches as the flames in his brazier morph and dance into images of bountiful harvests and good health. too lost in the images, he doesn't notice what the other flames produce except for 's.

and just like that, he has an added agenda.

when the voice dies, it's far too late to stop surging of flames from engulfing the room. "gaea–" it only takes the fire-type a few seconds before she's by his side, wings spread to shield him and from the harshness of the flames. though the heat still travels and it's searing.

"the stairs!" attention must be given to the group because their safety, though not his number one priority, still matters. his worries about the wall vanish the moment he hears @mercy's voice calling out from the top.

he starts moving with a hand on 's shoulder to guide her forward. soon steals her away from him but he doesn't mind, not when there might be others that need his help.

"this way!" his voice travels through the smoke, slicing as he waves and gestures with his arms towards the stairs. only when he's sure the majority have made their way up does he start his escape.

turning to charizard, nikolai offers her a soft smile and a nod before gesturing behind her. "air slash and i'll recall you." his voice is muffled out by the smoke as he coughs. and coughs. but he holds her pokeball in his hand and readies himself.

gaea's strong wing lifts, fanning away smoke for mere seconds before swinging forward to send an AIR SLASH rippling across the room. its intensity is lessened but it's enough to disperse the smoke and flames even if only temporarily. a beam of red hits charizard's back to recall her.

nikolai is among the last few to run up the stairs.


≫ please don't kill me, tae :pepehandsup:
≫ guides towards the stairs before cait is stolen away by .
≫ as party leader, he guides the rest of the group up the stairs.
≫ he is among the last few to head up.
here's how i picture the room and the plan after shiv's mod post.
≫ tags in post!
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,377 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 16:33:31 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
He heard his name get called. It had been some time since he heard it, but Priam could recognize the voice among the other chatter amid the crowd. "Lucas!" he calls back, turning around after he felt the weight on his shoulder.

Although his last encounter with was short lived, happening in a cavern's underground levels as well, he felt like he already got a good judgement of his character. "I want the Jirachi," he answered earnestly, before smirking teasingly at the adult before him. "You want it too, right?" Legends surrounding Jirachi were as unreal as stories from a fairy tale, and the only way to confirm it was to acquire it should the intel be right.

"I'm not a kid for you to tell me that. I'm a man! I can do what I wa-," he protests soon afterwards, his tone shifting quickly to a defensive, more prideful, tone before getting interrupted. 's voice raising from the crowd caught his attention, its description certainly fitting the boy. A finger pointed at himself to clarify if he was the one being pertained to, yelling a "Thanks!" at him, before smiling and turning back to Lucas. "See! He called me a man! Basically an adult. And he said I'm doing great so, yeah."

Others seemed to have solved the puzzle of the tower rather quickly. Priam was surprisingly fine with being a spectator, though it wasn't like he could help in the first place with his lack of Fire-type Pokemon.

For the most part, he wasn't paying attention to anything that happened around him. He was ready to simply move on to the top, rush every floor of the tower, and search for the man with the Jirachi had he not caught a glimpse of the target in one of the flames. Restlessness came over him, evident by the twitches his fingers made. Before he could express his excitement into words, the whole place burst into flames.

Quick reactions grabbed a Pokeball from his belt, releasing his Gabite with a quick instruction. "Sandstorm!" The dragon's form appeared from the capsule, quickly whipping up a flurry of sands that encircled them, fending off embers that dared come at them.

"Where to, Lucas?" he asked instinctively for instructions from the man he partnered himself with at the moment.


  • attempts to get approval from the senpai
  • doesn't care much about everything until everything got on fire
  • calls out gabite
  • gabite uses sandstorm to fend off flames
  • sticks to lucas cause he's his boy

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 17:01:06 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white

Emma had been skeptical that setting fire to all six braziers at the same time would work. It seemed.. almost too easy and straightforward. It had been a no-brainer, and everyone had fallen for it. She hadn't stepped up to the plate to aid, but mostly because she didn't have any Pokemon who knew fire-type attacks other than Salandit. And in order for her to have been useful, she'd have to be held.

She wasn't interested in getting burned.

But wasn't that ironic? Because now the whole room was engulfed in flame and smoke.

The braziers lit up easily, and as she scoped out the room, several of the flames seemed to dance with images. Her eyes grew wider, however, when the paper tags lit up like a gusher of fire, streaming towards the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, everything was smoke and flame, and she was ducking.

Emma looked to Mercy, feeling a sense of urgency to make sure the woman got out alive.

There's a distinct noise behind her, and as she squints through the smoke, she sees that the stone doors are closing. There's no time to run back to the outside, not that that would be beneficial to them.

Through the fire and flame, Emma caught the knowing look from @mercy. At the pink-haired woman's side are two Pokemon, one of which seems reluctant to help. She can hear, faintly, Mercy order her Wimpod to protect the other people.

Her eyes narrow, as if angry that she has decided to go against Team Rocket customs to only help yourself.

But, she has a point. They'll die in here sooner rather than later if they don't make friends and allies. The woman turns her head to see Mercy disappear. She's screaming, begging everyone to follow her to the stairs above. Her Clefable knows teleport, apparently.

Emma coughs into her arm, and she makes her way to the door. She has released Lycanroc to help shield her from the flames. However, despite his attempts to stick close to her and let her breath into his fur to muffle the smoke, Emma pushes him away.

"I need you to use rock slide on the braziers. Try to choke the flames out at the source," she gasps, before turning and seeing .

She's running towards him when he asks his Charizard to slash away the flames. The air currents are powerful and intense, breaking the smoke into fragments. He's made an opening for people to make it to the stairs.

Lycanroc has already begun his assigned task. He's begun to smash rocks, throwing and pushing and heaving them into heavy rock slides. They hopefully crash into the braziers as he goes around to the two closest to the stairs. If he can squash some of the flames, they may be able to escape.

Emma stops short next to Nikolai as he returns the giant flaming lizard. She watches him, her eyes owlish as she attempts to see through the smoke.

"We better get moving. I'll cover your back, just get moving. We don't have time to wait."

If there is anyone else heading towards Nikolai to help, she does her best to encourage them to head up ahead of her. Lycanroc, after doing all he can, will begin heading back to his trainer. He's breathing hard, but his eyes are wild with exhilaration.

"Lycanroc, if there are any stragglers, rescue them, but stay close to the stairs. Don't be reckless."

She's hoarse, but firm. The Pokemon seemed surprised to hear this sort of compassion come from his trainer, but he complies. Emma considers releasing another of her Pokemon to aid the werewolf, but she feels the prickle of unease. Her Pokemon are weak to fire, and she doesn't want to risk losing them.

The Lycanroc is already gone, and Emma follows Nikolai up the stairs.

For the briefest moment, she feels fear. What if Lycanroc doesn't come back to her?

"Come back to me, Lycanroc."

She whispers, the tightness in her chest squeezing as she thinks about losing him to the flames.

> emma releases lycanroc
> orders lycanroc to try and rock slide/choke the flames on the two braziers closest to the stairs
> runs to nikolai, encourages him to get to safety and that she has his back
> orders lycanroc to help rescue anyone straggling near the stairs.
> for once feels an ounce of worry for her pokemon



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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 18:27:08 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar



long notes down there

It takes a few moments for Alexei to do a double-take the moment he spots some of the paper tags—he knew he wrote on one of them a few days prior to coming out here.

What if… he thought, before nodding at Agni, who then proceeded to launch a fireball from its arm-cannon towards the brazier that he was to set aflame. Secretly thankful for a fellow colleague taking one of them to ignite themselves, at least his Magmortar could focus on just the one…

As all six lit up, he blinked a few moments—money? Wealth? He didn’t need that. His wish was something completely different entirely, so he couldn’t fathom or understand why that was the vision he saw in the flames as he watched his own light up. That was, at least until one of the other braziers sparked blue, before burning a deeper shade of red—and then he had to do a double-take.

Whoa, wait a second, what the fuck? He thought, witnessing something. It was like watching out of a shaky television, the reception looked pretty bad. What he did notice was the fact that this individual was writing something down, and it didn’t take more than a few seconds for the person to look up and speak, did it sound like a warning?

Wait a second… wait, wait, wait, where the hell have I seen him before… he thought, mind going a mile a minute before it dawned on him just who the person was.

Realizing that the information he suddenly remembered was useful, he watched the rest of the scene unfold before… before everything literally went up in flames. The braziers, the flames within—how the fuck did it spread so fast? What the hell was going on?!

He knew that fires took water to put out, but at the rate the inferno was raging, it was a bit too much to handle. Sending out his Lapras at this point was dangerous, before everything broke out into insanity. Mad insanity. Looking over where he knew doors stood, there was just a blank stretch of wall. At the same time the smoke started to build up, he threw his left hand over the lower half of his face, secretly glad that for once he didn’t wear a scarf, because what the actual fuck?!

He heard someone shouting over the roaring of the flames, and looking to where his Magmortar stood, he wasted no time—quickly recalling the Magmortar back into its Pokéball, he then made a mad dash—well, as best as he could anyway—towards the entrance that had appeared, seemingly leading to the upper floor. He knew he was going to collide with other people on the way up but what else could he do?!

Don’t breathe, don’t breathe, don’t breathe too much, ugh, fuck, maybe setting them all alight at the same time was a bad idea! He thought frantically as he continued running past everyone, hoping to reach the stairs that led up to the floor above.


- lit up the brazier assigned to him, watches as all six go alight and sees a weird vision in his
- notices the brazier that spat out blue flames turned red revealed a picture
- suddenly realizes who the individual is, but doesn't voice his thoughts. Decides to save that for later!
- everything gone to batshit hell, covers lower half of his face with his left arm
- quickly recalls Magmortar
- hears someone shouting up ahead, before making a break for the sliding door that led to the second floor

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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may 15
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 19:21:40 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait and lurantis stared at the flames - the pair notably memorized as it began to spread and devour. 


they recoiled from the blaze after several beats, the look of fear straining their facial features as a terrible and potent heat sought to engulf them entirely. the smoke that rose and filled the air in abundance had stuffed itself into their mouths and had slipped into their lungs, their voices hoarse as they released a shrill noise lined with panic. 


"luran - lurantis!" 

the young woman loathed fire - the frightening force considered to be both destructive and cleansing to her family. but she had been taught as a child to fear it and to be wary of its potential. it was only due to the timely intervention of and that prevented both she and lurantis from suffering needlessly. their touch cleared her mind somewhat and their guidance allowed for her to reach the entrance to the second floor.

"oh, gods," she breathed.

an abundance of sweat had formed upon her brow and had begun to trickle down her face, the girl visibly shaken by what had just occurred. additionally, it pained her to know that their primary exit had been completely cut off due to the first floor having been set ablaze. 

"l-lurantis - return!

the pokemon was promptly returned to the safety of her capsule, the pokeball pressed protectively against her own chest as she rushed to follow everyone's lead. 

'i can't be the weak link now,' she thought, desperate. 'but i can't do fire. i just can't.'

she coughed and retched a little before reaching to desperately clasp onto 's hand, heavily reliant upon the young woman for guidance as she peered through a set of wet and bleary eyes.  she'd peer over her shoulder, trying to seek out the reassuring presence of her superior.

"s-sir? sir?"

cait called with as much volume as she could possibly muster, hoping to garner a response from

- both cait and lurantis freeze as the fire begins to spread.
- the pair begin to panic. 
- cait and lurantis are guided toward the second floor by and  
- cait returns lurantis and grasps onto 's hand. 
- cait calls for


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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 20:34:58 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

Lucas' eyes widen for a split second when asked if he too was here for Jirachi. Here to capture it. "Not quite" he says, putting on a fake smile and a light laugh. He does this to keep the mood light, to mask his mixed intentions. As he hears his expression turns sour for a moment, looking daggers towards the man. "I wouldn't put much thought into what he says, trust me." He thought Victor's words insincere, an attempt to get under his skin knowing their last encounter.

Upon entering the tower with Conrad by his side Lucas is taken aback. He wasn't sure what he expected to find, but it certainly wasn't what he saw. As others set out to lighting the braziers he found his attention elsewhere. Shattered pieces of crystal cover the floorboards, leading in the direction of the staircase. Bending over he picks up a shard no bigger than his thumb. He turns it over in his hand, mystified by it. Why was it here, and what was it? As if in a trance Lucas pours all his attention towards the crystal, only breaking free as the braziers are lit. He slides the crystal into his right pocket, glancing around quickly as he does so.

As the flames engulf the room unnaturally Lucas' hand flies to his belt, within seconds a claydol materializing at the center of the sandstorm. "Hopefully up" he says to Conrad. "Geb, teleport us over there!" With his left arm he points towards the top of the staircase and towards the sliding door. Covering his mouth with his right hand Lucas proceeds to cough violently from the smoke. The pair and their pokemon begin to flicker as the artificial pokemon attempts to teleport them away.


  • Picks up a thumb sized piece of what appears to be crystal off the ground
  • Entranced by the crystal
  • Attempts to teleport himself and the scooby gang (priam and their pokemon) to the top of the staircase / into the second floor

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 18, 2019 21:22:12 GMT
Deleted Avatar

"Whaaaaa!!!" Victor wailed about. There was fire! What was it with him and dangerous situations? He had survived through a haunted mansion, a shrine fire, a train explosion and now he was being assaulted by burning flames?? Why world! Why cruel world! What had Victor done that was so bad?? Curse the evil gods that controlled fate.

Crying Victor made his way forward, shoving aside in his way. A sudden burst of strength erupted from him as he shoved and ran towards the stairs, his arms flailing about. It wasn't a great way to run to be honest and he decided he was way too slow like this. At this rate he was going to be served on someone's tasty Korean BBQ grill. Screw the four crystals and magical Pokemon. He had to live!

It had to change up his plan. When it was obvious flailing about wouldn't work Victor switched to the only way of running he knew. His arms went on either side of him and then backwards. His head was forwards and his back in a strange forwards bent. Screaming Victor channeled his inner ninja and fled towards the second floor, pushing, scrambling and knocking people aside. He had to get out of here!

tldr: victor channels ninja and flees upwards


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rocket grunt
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @johnnyboy
jacob berwick
POSTED ON Jan 19, 2019 6:25:07 GMT
jacob berwick Avatar

As the 'puzzle' was solved, Jacob would watch in disbelief as the scenes played out through the flames. Before they knew it, they would spot the traitor among one of the fires. Jacob had to maintain the image of ignorance, given that he was supposed to be some random trainer, therefore not being in a position to know who the man in the flames was.

As the building went up in flames, Jacob looked around in a panic. The first thought that came to mind was going for the exit, but there were two problems with that. The first being that if he ran out of the building, then Emma would kill him as soon as she found him, in a way that was far worse than burning alive. The second, and most relevant problem, was that the doors to the temple had seemingly disappeared.

As smoke filled the room, Jacob desperately covered his mouth and nose by pulling his shirt over them, before making a mad dash towards the stairs, seeing the others going for them. As he made his way towards the stairs, he'd notice Emma was trying to help quash the flames with Rock Slide. Jacob shakily reached for a Pokeball, letting out a Scraggy.

"Tupac, Sand Attack the flames!", Jacob called out to the reptilian fighter desperately.

The Scraggy nodded, kicking up what dirt and sand he could over the flames in some attempt to help suppress them. After a moment, Jacob and Tupac would make their retreat up the stairs, hoping to get out of dodge before the smoke could get to them.

tags: @raid
notes: -Jacob tries to help suppress the flames with Scraggy's Sand Attack (lol)
-Jacob runs for dear life with Scraggy up the stairs
