i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 4:17:27 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white

Emma does her best to lift Nikolai out of the ashes. She's too late to pull him to safety from the falling beams, the fire engulfs him. But she's there in the aftermath, she suffers through the smell of his burning flesh, his likely screams of pain. At this point, she isn't sure why she's helping him anymore. He's not likely to make it after a blow like this.

Despite this, the Rocket beast puts his good arm around her shoulders. She heaves him to his feet should he haved stumbled, and she drags him up the stairs. The flames lick at her heels as they ascend, but she is otherwise unscathed. Her breath comes hard and heavy as they reach safety, and not too far behind, Lycanroc joins them.

There are singes in his fur, but the fire is in his eyes. He's unhurt, and wild with adrenaline.

But at this point, it's time to reassess the situation and figure out what to do from here. She sees Mercy come towards her, and as Emma leans Nikolai against the nearest doorway or wall so she can move on, Mercy pulls her away.

The two speak in hushed tones, Mercy apparently convinced that Nikolai won't survive. She's probably right.

Emma doesn't respond to her verbally, simply stares at her with indifference. Nikolai's fate doesn't matter to them. The only thing that matters is making sure Raskolnikov is dead.

Lycanroc returns to Emma's side, and the woman rests her hand on the beast's shoulder. Its eyes are dark, it's breathing slow and steady as it stares into the eyes of its master. Emma straightens her back, eyes watchful and calm as she surveys the room. Mercy has already moved on to help tend to anyone injured. Emma has never been as kind, but seeing senseless injury and pain makes her stomach clench.

She's a murderer, but she only chooses to hunt criminals. She isn't a monster like Team Rocket's made her out to be.

The woman releases two other Pokemon and returns Lycanroc. Joltik and Ariados appear in a shimmer of light. The pair stand close to their master, eyes darting around the room. They take in the smell of smoke, of charred skin, of burned clothes, of death.

"Help me treat wounds. Your webs will be helpful in closing gashes and soothing burns."

Emma takes another quick look around the room, and her Pokemon do the same.

"If anyone is in need of stitches, me and my Pokemon will help you."



[googlefont=Montserrat:300,400,800][googlefont=Inconsolata:300,400,700,800][googlefont=Roboto:300,400,700][newclass=.runrun]width:350px;padding:14px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 1px #e3e3e3;color:#777777;[/newclass][newclass=.runrun2]background-color:#f0f0f0;position:relative;padding-top:50px;overflow:hidden;[/newclass][newclass=.runruncirc]height:300px;width:400px;background-color:#e3e3e3;border-radius:100%;position:absolute;margin:-210px -25px 0px -25px;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg]height:100px;width:100px;padding:13px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 2px #cccccc;border-radius:100%;margin:0px auto 20px auto;position:relative;z-index:1;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg img]height:100px;width:100px;border-radius:100%;[/newclass]
[newclass=.runrunlyric]font:40px Montserrat;font-weight:300!important;text-transform:lowercase;line-height:25px;color:#bf91b5;letter-spacing:-2px;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunpost]padding:30px 40px 50px 40px;font:11px Roboto;text-align:justify;letter-spacing:0px;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunpost font]font:bold 13px Montserrat;line-height:11px;color:#bf91b5;[/newclass][newclass=.runruntag]color:#ffffff;font:bold 7px Montserrat;line-height:7px;letter-spacing:1px;text-align:center;width:350px;position:absolute;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass][newclass=.runruntag a]color:#bf91b5!important;padding-left:3px;[/newclass][newclass=.runruncirc2]height:200px;width:200px;background-color:#e3e3e3;border-radius:100%;margin:-25px 75px -150px 75px;[/newclass]wM|vRpoG
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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 7:35:01 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
everything was hectic, those present frantic in their rise- just as quickly as the smoke. he couldn’t help but feel a little bothered.

but self preservation is key, and with what little time they had to escape this situation, it was obvious they would hurriedly make an escape further up the tower. they weren’t going back after all.

throughout the situation, kim kept calm, even after seeing the various events that unfolded before him. the pokemon dying their horrific deaths, peoples flesh simmered by the scorching heat, and groans of pain that escaped each of the victims that had fallen prey to these unfortunate flames. kim witnessed and heard them all.

he cringed, clenched his teeth, and kept himself calm, ignoring them all to continue his work; falling back and forcing his help onto the fallen rider while returning his released lumineon.

once everyone had made it up, the councilman huffed and hacked, spitting out the soot and ash that entered his lungs.

mentally, he was ready to abandon this whole thing- maybe try to break down and wall and leave as quickly as he could- but his body, as sore and fatigued as it was, refused.

calling forth an aromatisse, he’d cough out, “m-histy pulse.” the pink pokemon releasing a calming mist throughout the confined room, healing properties of a heal pulse as well as the calming effect of misty terrain enveloping those present.

he walked forward, leaning against a wall and dropping down to whatever space wasn’t occupied.

there was no point in asking if everyone was okay nor if they were safe; neither were true nor would they be as long as they were here. the best he could do in this situation was make sure no one else was killed, discounting the obvious casualty already present.

ღ  went back to pick up the fallen , helping him back up
ღ   used heal pulse + misty terrain to calm/heal everyone
ღ   leaned against a wall and just sits there

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 14:36:29 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

@ raid


long notes down there

It was like his mind had sunk into a trance—just as he was about to approach and knock on one of the two larger-than-life Darmanitan statues to see if there was some sort of trap rigged in them, a voice from afar shook him out of his reverie.

“Whu—“ he began, looking up at the sound of Lucas’ familiar voice; the other’s face swimming in his field of vision as Lucas’ face appeared before him. He’d almost knocked on the Darmanitan statues; lucky the other had pulled him back and managed to stop him.

“Shit, sorry, I didn’t know what came over me. I was looking for some way around the giant hands, without having to possibly set everything on fire again…” he said in the other man’s direction, scratching the back of his head sheepishly with his left hand. “But…yeah, thanks for stopping me,” he mumbled quietly—so that only the other could hear him.

Letting out a hacking cough for a few moments, he then took another deep breath—and found the air smelled quite pleasant; had someone released another healing Pokémon to help calm the entire mood down? Whoever it was, Alexei secretly thanked them—before turning his attention back to the opposite door; the very same one everyone had come through.

He couldn’t help but wonder—were the flames alive, were they capable of chasing the party down; forcing them to keep climbing higher and higher?

- doesn't know what the hell he's doing, is about to knock on the gigantic Darmanitan statues when snaps him out of it
- apologizes for very nearly spacing out, explains what he was about to do
- takes a few steps back to recollect his thoughts
- secretly wondering if he has to take charge if in case the worst happens
- turns his attention quietly toward the staircase they'd climbed up on: silently ponders if the flames from below are potentially chasing them up the area

[newclass=".alex"] [/newclass]
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63 height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @dallas
Dallas Rhodes
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 19:02:47 GMT
Dallas Rhodes Avatar


It was happening again. Just like Slateport and the desert ruins, everything was turning upside down and going wrong. In comparison, this mission made the desert ruin exploration look great. And they had barely gotten onto this damn island.[break][break]

It all happened too fast for Dallas. One second, he was trying to rescue the injured Rapidash before it plummeted. The next he tried to put out the fire that was about to engulf Nikolai. Again, too slow. His words to Bom were barely audible amongst the chaos before Dallas resigned to a silent escape. His Fletchinder leading the way and Slowbro guarding the rear against any rogue flames.[break][break]

Breathe. It was all he repeated to himself as the group ascended the tower. His legs growing more tired with each step but his mind pushed them on. Stay calm. He had no other choice. The fire blocked the entrance and drove them higher up. They might as well do the job they came here to do then.[break][break]

Once they reached the next room, Dallas took a seat if only for a few minutes. Time to catch his breath with fresh air rather than smoke and soot. Survey the room and not rush like they so foolishly had to begin with. If they had time to that was. While the central pillar seemed to still hold strong, it was hard to tell if or when the fire would catch up with them here.[break][break]

Dallas would eventually head over to the Darmanitan statues. Looking but not touching the massive stone figures.[break][break]

“Hawks, anything up top?” The Fletchinder would follow the command, taking to the air and investigating the two statues from above. Looking for anything out of the ordinary besides the Darmanitan’s themselves. As much as Dallas did not want to. If they didn’t find a way to move these soon, they might just have to resort to knocking them out of the way.[break][break]


Dallas fails to save anyone from their trash rolls.[break][break]
Takes a minute to catch his breath and think.[break][break]
Investigates the statues with Fletchinder investigating them from above.[break][break]


this is beginning to feel like
blues of the never this is beginning to feel like it's curling up slowly and finding a throat to choke









created by rascal

[newclass=.radio] width: 500px; border: 1px solid #1f2226; background-color: #31363c; padding: 25px;[/newclass][newclass=.dlz] margin-top: 5px; padding: 5px; color: #f9f2e6; font-family: 'Oswald', sans-serif; font-size: 10px; text-align: justify; text-transform: uppercase; border-bottom: 1px solid #01B59F;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood] font:11px Quattrocento Sans; text-transform:lowercase; line-height:15px; color: #f9f2e6; padding:30px; text-align: justify;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood b] font:12px 'Oswald', sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; color: #F8B500;[/newclass][newclass=.thegood i] border-bottom: 1px solid #01B59F;[/newclass][newclass=.thebad] width: 40px; height:40px; background-color: #1f2226; border-radius: 50px; margin-top: -22px; margin-left: 12px; float: left;[/newclass][newclass=.theugly] background-color: #424851; padding: 5px; margin-top: 10px; font:10px 'Oswald', sans-serif; text-transform:uppercase; line-height: 12px; color: #1f2226;[/newclass][googlefont=Quattrocento Sans:400,700] [googlefont=Oswald:400,700]
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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 22, 2019 19:57:56 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

cait's grimaced tightly as she felt a terrible surge of agony swell within her. her chest ached and her breath escaped her in short bursts of air as she struggled to calm the frantic pacing of her own heart. 

"he was okay! he was talking to me, isra. he was okay a few minutes ago. he was right beside me. that can't be -

she swallowed thickly, tears flowing down her cheeks as she leaned against the green-haired woman who had sought to comfort her. the young woman followed 's coolly given advice, and kept her gaze averted. 

" - it can't be," she gasped, eyes squeezing shut as she shook her head. "it can't be him.

a sob wrenched itself out of her mouth.

'i don't understand.'

cait slapped her hands over her face, struggling to both conceal her pitiful expression from view whilst muffling her own cries. she felt so weak and so pathetically useless - because she hadn't done anything to save him. 

'i have to stop,' she thought. 

she forced her hands away from her face, hiccuping sobs continuing to slip free as she trembled. but the young officer tried her best to smother that desire to grieve and effectively suppress her own wretched emotions. a soothing wave washed over her then, which served as an impromptu balm that managed to successfully calm her. 

'no one else is breaking down like this. i can't be - '

"i'm sorry," she managed. "crying won't change anything. it won't change anything at all."

her shaking hands curled into tight fists. 


- basically just cait being upset. 
- is speaking to  , mostly.
- 's healing pulse | misty terrain manages to calm her down. 

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 1:32:28 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
His eyes go to as he called him, though with the commotion earlier, he had already forgotten that he had already seen him a few moments back. Priam was unable to find the words to speak for a moment as he looked down the floor boards for a second to collect the remaining of his thoughts, before going back to Victor.

"Yeah. I'm not hurt or anything."
The tone belied his intention of making himself sound fine. Turning his attention back to the stairs that led to an inferno, he continued. "Just that I lost something in that fire. Should I go back and-"

Stopping himself from continuing the sentence, he allowed himself to get ushered by Victor away from the first floor. "Yeah! I should probably stop getting too attached to my things." He returned the smile back, trying to act normally once again. Moping around did not help anyone's situation, especially his. "We should head to the next floor, then," he suggested, before turning around to see the Darmanitan statues for the first time.

"Why haven't they blown that thing up yet?" he'd ask Victor, attention still on the pair of statues. "I wanna blow it up."

His statement was partly from impatience. The sooner they get things done, the better. On the other hand, he also was interested in seeing things explode before his eyes. The sea of flames that happened on the first floor did not count.

  • recovers from shock

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 4:16:29 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

"You're right. Crying won't change a thing. Never does." she sounded numb and she was vaguely aware of how unfitting it was given the circumstances. "crying is nothing more than an emotional response, an overwhelming of emotions. The brain has to work itself through things, crying is a part of that." Isra found logic easier to follow than emotion, things were just things and you couldn't change that. Somehow this led her to repeating something her brother had told her years before.

"Strength does not come in whether or not you cry, but whether or not you push through it. Cry, stand, move forward." Isra went quiet for a moment. The comment felt incomplete, especially knowing they were borrowed words. it did not help she had no clue what to do in that moment either. Most would seek to sooth her more than the pokemon already were she was certain but Isra didn't know how. All she could do is pet her pean against her and cry and say what she needed to say.

"I believe you are strong enough to do that. You have yet to show me otherwise."

There was no reason for her words to hold weight, not really. But she hoped that they might help in some way even if only a little.

>>isra is awkward about emotions
>>tries to talk through it a bit
>> she has no idea what else to do.

[newclass=.isratalk b]color: #9ed480;[/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 5:51:04 GMT
fernando feels his sense of balance distort as he lurches from his rapidash and lands with a thud on the wooden floor. he reaches for a pokeball but the tower collapses, swallowing the pokemon whole. unfortunate. he doesn't panic nor grieve, holding little attachment to the pokemon when faced with a life threatening situation. the first priority is his own safety, a sentiment silently shared by kim, the very man who offers him assistance as the two scramble up the staircase.

disdain comes second to danger. grievances are left forgotten. the same sentiment @yiannis had in regards to during the invasion of slateport is one that fernando will come to understand in the climb upwards. bonds are built on hardships. this is no different.

a muffled, "thanks" is given once they're both out of immediate danger. once fernando settles, he can assess the situation at large, recalling the quagsire that waddled up in time to match him. "reminds you of the ruins, huh?" a caustic remark but one that resonates well with the veterans. this isn't the first league excursion into the unknown and hopefully it won't be the last.

except for one man. the others condemn him to his eventual ruination. they know defeat and show no hope in the matter. fernando doesn't. it isn't optimism that forces him to comment but a sheer force of will. eyes on the objective, always. and for nikolai? his primary objective is the same as the others: survival.

"it's a race against time." it's as evident as the flesh that wanes from his body. "jirachi is your best bet to reverse the burning." whether the gym leader takes those words mean little to him. it's simple observation, nothing more. while nikolai's plight earns fernando's sympathy, it means nothing when compared to his own self preservation.

the sight of the statues beg a more pressing question. they'll have to get pass to continue their climb. with a moment to take a breather, fernando scans both of them with his pokedex, trying to re-familiarize himself with the pokemon they depict. the description of darmanitan it brings up paints an expression of apprehension on his face.

"have your dark types at the ready," he announces, precautionary, on edge.

the vision from earlier mentioned defending from intruders. it doesn't take much to piece one and one together. fernando expects the worst and prepares accordingly.

  • arrives with everyone else
  • relatively unfazed if not a little winded  
  • thanks
  • mentions jirachi may solve 's situation
  • scans the statue with his pokedex to read up on his pokemon
  • tells everyone to prepare their dark types

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rocket grunt
1 height
1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @johnnyboy
jacob berwick
POSTED ON Jan 23, 2019 6:21:55 GMT
jacob berwick Avatar

Tupac's attempts to suppress the raging fires with Sand Attack were, in all honesty, quite laughable. While such a gesture did show he intended to help, all it was good for was choking out smaller fire, fire that would end up coming back, and engulfing the Scraggy. Jacob could feel his heart sink as he heard the Scraggy's cries of pain, before a Scalding blast of water doused the flames. Jacob saw how bad the little guy looked, and recalled him immediately, before joining the others in fleeing up the steps.

Jacob would do his best to avoid the others, to avoid stumbling along the steps as he and the others raced against the flames. The sound of a Rapidash falling through the floorboards only spooked the Rocket further. Looking back, he would see the smoke slowly advancing up the stairwell. The three flights of stairs felt like an endless loop of stairs to the scared young man, who just wanted to get out, and get this over with.

Finally, the group would all make it up to the second level. Jacob slumped against the wall, desperately attempting to catch his breath. He would see Nikolai from a distance, seeing how bad he looked. Despite the fact that he too was a traitor to Rocket, Jacob couldn't help but feel bad for the man.

As soon as Silph prompted the others to bring out their Dark-types for battle, Jacob shot back up to his feet. He would take out three Pokeballs, releasing a Zorua, a Purrloin, and a Sandile from their containers. While they were 'young', he was hoping they'd make some sort of contribution to the battle.

tags: @raid
notes: -Jacob recalls his Scraggy in horror
-Jacob sends out Zorua, Sandile, and Purrloin on Fernando's prompting

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37 height
37 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nikolai
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 3:31:34 GMT
nothing prepares him for the pain.

he hears the brazier colliding against the splintering wood; he feels the searing heat from the mystical flames; but he doesn’t turn because there’s no need to, not when all he sees is red. it burns at an abnormal rate, scorching away at the fabrics of his clothing before piercing into his skin. his cries are lost in the thick of the flames, of the smoke, and the next thing he feels is his back, or what’s left of if, against the wall.

everything is a blur and yet he doesn’t dare to look. his breaths are shallow, weak, much like the rest of him. nothing stops his skin from glowing an eerie red; not the SPIDER WEBS from ’s ariados, not the HEAL PULSE from ’s aromarisse, nothing.

adrenaline doesn’t soothe the pain; it helps, but not nearly enough. ’s words are barely audible but her reaction is registered. he blinks once, twice, and slowly opens his eyes to . ”thank you,” he says, voice soft. he would not have made it to the second floor without her help.

he then turns to , registering his words before replying with a nod. he's not a pessimist but it’s hard to feel optimistic given the circumstances. he tries to shift on the ground but the pain persists; it feels as if a thousand needles are being pressed into his skin simultaneously.

hand to his pocket, he finds gardevoir’s pokeball. she understands the situation immediately, but like everyone else, is unable to help. ”please help me up.” the group will move on without him, that much he understands, so he’ll try his best to keep up.

her PSYCHIC aids him to his feet. he leans an arm against the wall as he breathes out the pain. he looks to and says, ”i’m fine, don’t worry.”

his body might be broken but his spirit persists. he’ll follow the group for as long as he can.

≫ collusion at the highest?
≫ follows the group with help from gardevoir
≫ tags in post!

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 3:49:54 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


dreaming of[break]black & white

Ariados does her best to cover up the worst of 's injuries. It probably won't help, but it'll keep his skin from withering away even more. It'll encourage the rest of the group to avert their eyes, to stop staring. There's some sort of hidden anguish in the woman's eyes as she watches Nikolai climb to his feet with the aid of his Gardevoir.

He didn't deserve this.

However, unlike the rest of the group, Emma hasn't given up on him. Where the others are prepared to move on without him, she won't.

The woman stands next to him, if at a distance. He is his own being, and wouldn't want to be coddled. Her hands remain close by to steady him, but now that his Gardevoir is out to help, Emma keeps her distance.

Emma's mission remains in the back of her mind, but Nikolai's condition makes her question what she's doing here.

Her eyes shift to the two Darmanitan statues further ahead. She isn't sure what to make of them. They remain motionless, as statues would, but something tells her that they aren't to be messed with. Given her origin in Kalos, she knew of these beasts all too well.

"Those could be real Darmanitan, using their hidden ability Zen Mode. They'll revert to that statue-like state when they become severely weakened. If they're living, breathing Pokemon, we should be worried about what caused such beasts to protect themselves so desperately."

Emma glances back to Nikolai, unwilling to move on without him. She closes the gap a little bit to speak with him a little more privately.

"I'm not leaving you behind."



[googlefont=Montserrat:300,400,800][googlefont=Inconsolata:300,400,700,800][googlefont=Roboto:300,400,700][newclass=.runrun]width:350px;padding:14px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 1px #e3e3e3;color:#777777;[/newclass][newclass=.runrun2]background-color:#f0f0f0;position:relative;padding-top:50px;overflow:hidden;[/newclass][newclass=.runruncirc]height:300px;width:400px;background-color:#e3e3e3;border-radius:100%;position:absolute;margin:-210px -25px 0px -25px;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg]height:100px;width:100px;padding:13px;background-color:#ffffff;border:solid 2px #cccccc;border-radius:100%;margin:0px auto 20px auto;position:relative;z-index:1;[/newclass][newclass=.runrunimg img]height:100px;width:100px;border-radius:100%;[/newclass]
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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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TAG WITH @dominic
dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 4:17:13 GMT
dominic sinclair Avatar

external and internal fires drive dominic up the stairs with reckless abandon, adrenaline thumping in his veins. this is it, maybe, the reason he does shit like this.

only when the group reaches the second floor is he able to heave a breath, glad for the scarf covering the elated grin on his face. the chase is what he is made for, anything for the temporary spark that makes him feel alive.

stilling, dominic eyes the group for a long moment, his gaze resting on . he can tell that the flames had unusual properties - first because he's familiar with the ever-burning fire houndoom produces, and secondly, because he saw the way the fire turned the traitor's skin to ash.

he always thought it would be satisfying but it feels as empty as seizing slateport did. dominic regards and for a long moment, unsure of what to make of it or what conclusion to draw. the man would most likely die, and perhaps he deserves empathy, but dominic knows nikolai wouldn't extend him the same courtesy.

dominic watches him struggle with something akin to satisfaction before turning at 's words. "we're ready," he says calmly, gesturing to his houndoom. the pokemon raises his shackles and lowers his maw to the ground, waiting to spring into action like a coiled spring.

the man wants to lead? then let him. they all know what happened to the last man who tried to marshal the group.

≫ side-eyes emma and nikolai
≫ follows fernando's directions

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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 24, 2019 4:30:52 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

Though she will not say it, Isra admires the man for doing what he must to stand. Unlike the others she has no probably looking in his direction, regarding him with a favorable gaze. She will not comment or otherwise smother him with further attention, he's received enough as it is and she doubts anything else can be done for now.

She sees the look on her gardevoir however and quickly returns her to her pokeball, forcing her to rest in case her particular role on the team is needed again. Her Banette will continue to sit back, watching Cait just in case. It takes the weight off of Isra's mind and leaves her free to address whatever will be in front of them next.

The ball for her Zweilous is in her hand, but until she is forced to release him that is where he will stay. His tantrums would not be convenient in a room full of people.

>> gains admiration from Isra
>>leaves banette out to keep an eye on
>>readies her zweilous, though avoids releasing him for now

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POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 5:38:08 GMT
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WHAT HAPPENS:[break][break]
our resident rock lover, , examines the crystal. with the clarity of thought, it's purplish tint is unmistakeable. this crystal is a millennial cocoon. one that houses the mythical pokemon jirachi during its lengthy slumber. his higher roll reveals that the shell has been roughly torn apart, perhaps, by unnatural means...[break][break]

the fortree gym leadaer, , knocks on the central pillar. it feels like wood, but a strange resonance can be felt upon striking it. a faint purple tint. a low, droning sound just barely audible. something's keeping it strong— for now.[break][break]

as he turns his attention the staircase, he can see the smoke traveling into their floor. the smoke casts the room in a slight haze.[break][break]

the smoke touches the statues... and ' fletchinder would immediately cry in alarm. after its cry, would know danger would ensue ( receives advantage on their incoming roll; roll two times and take the higher).[break][break]

the darmanitan statues spring to life, their greyish blue hue suddenly flashing into brilliant reds. however, only one of their eyes feature a menacing black pupil. their right eyes are completely blank. white.[break][break]

those near the entrance to this room will feel the heat of the flames intensify at an alarming rate. black clouds begin to sift into the room like calligraphy ink. as the darmanitan shiver alive, their fists seem to charge with a flame. a flame similar to the ones coming closer and closer from the bottom floor. a violent attack is imminent. can you stop them before they wreak massive damage?[break][break]

what do you do?

a mod post will be posted on 1/28's evening, pst!
everyone has a chance to attack the unpetrifying darmanitans. if you choose to attack/do an action of any kind, make a roll![break][break]

remember, the images used in the header of this post/occasionally within the body of this post are not necessarily accurate 1 to 1 representations of what is actually happening.[break][break]

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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jan 25, 2019 8:49:47 GMT
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she stared at her superior for a good while, her eyes wet and her expression having twisted into one of disbelief. 

"no, you're not fine.

cait managed to stand upon a pair of shaky legs as smoke began to seep onto the second floor. 

"you're not fine at all," she continued. 

there was a light warble present in her voice, her grief and worry threatening to consume all else. but she refused to avert her gaze from petrov's wounds and from him, the girl unwilling to deny the reality of his critical state of being. 

'he's trying his best,' she thought, wiping at her face. 'i should, too.' 

cait remained close to the gym leader, unwilling to remove herself from his side as she took stock of the haze. the air had become filthy with it, the scent of charred wood filling her nose and mouth. the taste of it was disgusting - almost unbearably so; and the situation only worsened as the formerly lifeless statues began to move. 

"this place is forsaken," she declared. "it's cursed.

the girl promptly recalled her florges, the fairy soon replaced by her decidueye who assessed his immediate surroundings and their situation as a whole with the sweep of his sharp-eyed gaze. 

"decidueye, use spirit shackle!

decidueye obeyed, aiming for one of the statues after plucking a quill and wielding it as an arrow. with enough luck, they could potentially limit its range of movement.

- cait basically tells that he ain't fine. as in like - him being injured - the man still fine fine, despite bein' all kinds of burnt. 

- cait recalls her florges and brings out her decidueye. 

- cait has decidueye use 'spirit shackle' on one of the living statues in hopes of both injuring it and stitching its shadow to the ground. 

