
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 27, 2021 22:38:46 GMT
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THE BEHEEYEM RAISE THEIR ARMS. Oblong heads aim themselves toward the suspended rock, their alien cries sharp and chilling like digitized icicles. Their hands face the fragment, tri-colored digits flickering sporadically as if scouring every nook or cranny for something, someone.

Suddenly, all the Beheeyem seize. Their lights dim black as if they were shut down. However, this dormancy is brief. As if they were rewired and jumpstarted with celestial cables, their finger-digits begin to blink and flicker.

Previously, each individual Beheeyem’s lights all moved in separate rhythms and patterns. Now, they all move in sync.

----. ----. ----. ....- ...--[break]

...-- .---- ..... ...-- -.... ----- ----- ----- -----

This pattern repeats several times— until the Beheyeem’s lights become more frantic. They cry in staccato.

----. ----. ----. ....- ...--[break]

..--- ..... ..--- ..--- ---.. ---.. ----- ----- -----

This again, repeats several times. The intensity of their lit up fingers and voices becomes a panicked storm.

----. ----. ----. ....- ...--[break]

.---- ..... --... -.... ---.. ----- ----- ----- -----

Another pattern. Their lights flicker faster and faster...

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 3, 2021 11:52:24 GMT
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Tense excitement shivers his spine as the seven aliens encircle the meteorite. Killian's briefly reminded of his collection of rats. How they acted better as a pack than they ever did on their own. Hopefully, the same is true when it comes to the Beheeyem.

"Whether it works or not. The fact you offered to help at all - "

He's cut off, the Beheeyem's sudden trance derailing his train of thought. Once bright lights dim, only to go haywire and flash like strobe lights. Their polyphonic orchestra of beeps forms a pattern that Killian's quick to recognize.

"That's...Morso Code."

Why are they signaling in Morso Code of all things? Focused, his ears twitch as he puts together the beeps and pauses. It goes by so fast that Killian might not have been able to piece it together if they hadn't repeated the code

"It's mostly numbers."

None of them meant anything to him, but the fact they kept repeating one, in particular, caught his attention.

"99943." he muttered.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 10, 2021 21:19:23 GMT
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”You know, I really think you’ve got me all wrong, Decker.”

but before that could be corrected, the beheeyem raised their arms in unison. lulu took a small step back, as such a sight would have been intimidating to anyone, surely—especially one who’d already had their memory wiped before.

their synchronized message began slow and then increased in tempo, and the scientist, too, was able to catch the pattern.

she looked over at killian, her face both spooked and thrilled.

”What the hell’s 99943 mean?”

it was almost rhetorical. she didn’t figure he’d know, but the question still breathed from her lips while caught in the awe at the brink of discovery.

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2021 1:59:31 GMT
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The wrong idea?

If that's the case, then she has no one but herself to blame. The only thing that existed between Lulu and Killian since he woke from his coma was tension. Sure, there's always a chance it's one-sided, but the phantom pain around his neck said otherwise.

Yes, he played rolled in earning it, but that didn't excuse the action.

"No idea." he says, putting other, unimportant thoughts aside. "But I'll find out." A Growlithe with a bone, Killian wouldn't stop until he deciphered the messages in their entirety. One piece of the puzzle at a time, however.

"It might take me a few days but I'll get back to you." he sighed and returned his Beheeyem. Stepping over to the meteorite, he caught it before it could drop to the ground.

"I'd like a copy of the recordings you took."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2021 1:18:45 GMT
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Lulu was also good with patterns, and decoding. had moved into the old position of , her former boss in intel. If anyone could help crack the code now, she figured it’d be him—differences set aside. They were the right team for the mission.

“I’ll be looking as well. Let’s keep each other updated, eh?” Her gaze flicked towards him. “Don’t text me unless it’s important, though.”

At the mention of the recordings, she nodded.

“Of course. I’ll make a hard copy for you.”

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2021 1:18:50 GMT
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Hard copies and meteorite in hand, Killian left to do what he did best - find answers. The sun raised and fell thrice before he reached out to Lulu again.

"I've figured it out. Meet me at your lighthouse tonight. I'll explain."

Killian waited for her at the foot of the tower, briefcase in hand and Espeon on his shoulder. "I'm getting closer, Loveless." he whispered to the feline.

"So close."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2021 1:41:19 GMT
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Lulu had not figured it out.

Well... she’d figured out about the meteoroid, from a quick search on the internet, and it was pretty ominous. However, she’d become distracted by calmer weather in the following evenings—which hadn’t been common—and finally being able to adjust some of the outermost mechanics of her cosmic communication devices.

Days truly blended together for Lulu, but it had been easier to slip away given the assumption that if anyone could solve the mystery, Decker was a solid bet.

By the time he had contacted her, it felt like no time had passed at all. She stumbled out of her mental box at a ding, and grabbed her phone. Staring a moment, she then tossed it back down and descended stairs, to a level where she could lean over the railing at him.


She remained there only briefly before turning, still blinking out of her internal focus. She called over her shoulder before returning inside: 

“Door’s unlocked. No neighbors, you know.”

She retrieved her coffee from the floor and went down more stairs to meet him.

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 22, 2021 2:49:06 GMT
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Killian's eyes darted up at the sound of his name. "Killian." he called back, "Or are we back to surnames already?" and after all the progress they'd made in the name of science. He shrugged. Oh well, at this point, he was getting used to constantly being called Decker.

"Unlocked?" Killian questioned as he opened the door and made his way up. No one knew where he and Lex lived, not really, but even he didn't leave their door unlocked. "I know you don't have neighbors but isn't that risky?" Lulu had to have enemies. The resourceful kind who'd be able to find out where she lived.

"Actually, never mind - I don't really care." he added, meeting Lulu at the top step. Espeon meowed in greeting when they reached her. Odd, considering all that transpired between them, but Killian thought little of it. Too excited about deciphering the message to care about much else.

Deep blues eyed the coffee in Lulu's hands. "Do you have another cup? I've been up for awhile trying to figure this all out."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 23, 2021 15:30:47 GMT
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A hand waved over her shoulder dismissively at his correction, not answering. Don’t care.

Lulu most certainly did have enemies, which was why she usually kept it locked—but she also usually didn’t invite company over (try never), and she was busy. Too busy to answer doors.

She had guards, though, of course. As she made her way down the stairs that wrapped the stone walls, their voices reverberated. She was about to inform him of this before he’d abandoned his curiosity, so she merely shrugged at him when she’d reached the base of her descent.

Another cup…


She’d left the other one on the sub, hadn’t she?

“We could teleport to get one?”

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 14:44:07 GMT
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"Uh, no - it's fine."

As quick as it be, he didn't need coffee that badly.

"Let's just get to work." Killian's anticipation showed in how tightly he held the briefcase's handle. White-knuckled with an eager but tired smile plastered across his face.

"I'm assuming you know 99943 refers to the meteor heading toward Hoenn, yeah?"

Lulu's brilliant, so of course she'd know, but he needed to be sure.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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the shadows breathe
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 21:19:02 GMT
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Lulu shrugged. “Suit yourself.”

She began to lead the way down the hatch and into the bunker, where they’d performed the experiment with the Beheeyem before.

The meteoroid was familiar. “Yes, right. Figured that out.”

A hand waved in a circle to encourage him to continue with his explanation.

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 21:46:08 GMT
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"Then you know that it's supposed to be here in roughly ten years."

A decade and Hoenn, maybe the world, would be gone, erased from existence in a cataclysmic crash. Eerie to know that your life was on a clock, slowly ticking down to your dome.

Actually, given what he'd learned, slowly wasn't the right word.

"Expect it's not going to take ten years. It'll be here in five. That's what the Beheeyem were screeching. The second set half of their messages translated into more numbers - seconds in a year."

Killian would be lying if he didn't say that it felt good to share. And with someone who'd be able to understand what he was saying. Bless her heart, but Lex struggled to keep at times.

"They were counting down. It's not just this meteor either. The Litleonid Meteor Shower is getting here faster too. Two whole months ahead of schedule."

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2021 23:21:30 GMT
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Things began to click together even more.

One thing at a time.

“I’m not sure what you read, but so far no one knows if 99943 is any more likely to hit than the thousands of other things just like it around us in outer space, right now.”

Conspiracies, maybe. Or… maybe not, with what they’d seen, and what Killian had figured out. A sigh, and then she ultimately agreed, “Still, yeah, I’d say it’s worth looking into…”

“But look, regardless, if things are moving quicker in space… maybe that has to do with what happened in Sootopolis. That means gravity’s being messed with everywhere. It’s not just here—it’s in outer space, too. Something really big must be causing it.”

She paused, feeling her heartbeat quicken. It was thrilling.

“I think whoever made the Unown Report might know what’s going on.”

Eyes found Killian.

“What if it’s someone at Mossdeep? Remember that Unown that showed up there? And if anyone would know about the orbital changes, it’d be them. I’m sure they’ve already put all this together...”

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Ian, Dicker
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Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 27, 2021 4:45:14 GMT
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"Conspiracy theories mostly but they're not really conspiracies at this point."

The thing that attacked Sootopolis - Killian's face ruffled in remembrance. "A Pokemon with that kind of power? That's terrifying." No, that's not the word he'd use. The way his heart paced and skin tingled at the thought of it? Excitement, not fear.

"Am I hunting the wrong Pokemon?"

He knew nothing of Deoxys's power, but that wasn't true for this new Pokemon. It eagerly showcased its might for the world to see. And what an impression it made.

No. Killian's already too far down this path to deviate from it now. The only option was to move forward.

"When I stole the meteorite, the scientist at Mosedeep were running some tests on it. So I'm sure they are involved. If not them, then definitely Doctor Holo. It's strange for her to arrive right in the middle of all this."

Killian met Lulu's eye.

"What do you know about her?"

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2021 6:34:31 GMT
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She nodded, supposing he might be right about the conspiracies.

As far as power went, her eye was on the same prize—but she didn’t want to tame it. She wanted to provoke it. Ultimate chaos. One that dragged on and on, until a bomb went off, and time and everything else ceased to exist.

99943 could destroy it all. At least let her have her fun, though, first. The end of the world ought to be interesting. People deserved nothing less.


The mention of Dr. Holo jogged her memory of that night of the Litleonids shower.

“Not much. But did you hear her talk at the Soiree? Some of those things, like dreams, and wishing… it’s all relevant to the report. It’s almost like she was dropping hints, you know?”

She shook her head.

“It’s gotta be her.”