Jellicle (CATS)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 4:10:28 GMT
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The next order came in, and it would seem Oscar would have to pull up his bootstraps and help himself. First he would squirm to switch out pokemon, giving them orders on what to do next. Oscar's Forretress spun the pizza dough with Rapid Spin, and was surprisingly rather good at it. The trick, you see, was all in the timing. He looked ridiculous every time the dough slapped onto the top of his head, but hey whatever got the job done. 

Oscar's Noivern used Moonlight upon the iced coffee, which was rather ironic seeing as coffee was supposed to keep you awake. Also what the fuck was the moonlight supposed to do, make it taste like space? Who wrote these recipes, a wizard? While his pokemon worked on the orders, Oscar used his greatest effort to push apart the giant vegitables. His arms were small and his muscles were underdeveloped, but eventually he came pretty close to pushing them wide enough to free himself.

And then Tapu Bulu came back and fucked his life. The vegetables grew bigger, squeezing Oscar between their expanding masses. Oscar squealed as he realized what happened. "Wait wait wait NO FUCK!" Too late, he disappeared completely between the veggies. The only sign of him left were his muffled, angry cries.

"'od 'uckin' 'amn 'mphit!"
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Ji-Hoon Ki
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Chu-e Choi
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POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 7:05:04 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
'You're gunna fuck an armpit?" Was exclaimed to , as Chu-e brandished his knife like an explorer might a machete in a jungle. Too bad he didn't have a pith hat.

With a lot of effort, the next order was handed over, which Chu-e squinted at before handing it over to . Well, given the growth in the room, he less 'handed' and more 'balled it up and tossed it'.

A shiny Blissey, plain Lopunny (not Creams), and Togekiss were all called into the cramped space.

The Blissey Egg Bombed a bunch of egg into a basket, which was Hustled to 's station by the Togekiss. Sadly, the Lopunny was a Klutz and knocked the basket over, cracking all of them. Well... they were usable... but they would have some bite to them....

"This place is a madhouse. Is Oscar dead?"
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2021 2:49:31 GMT
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Oscar was not dead.

Unwilling to simply suffocate and die, Oscar fought to free himself the only way how. He opened his mouth wide and began chewing into the eggplant. He would swallow nothing, instead ripping into the flesh of the veggie and spitting it out. Soon like a worm he would dig his way into the vegetable proper, using his teeth to dig through its innards.

He tunneled slowly, covered in the juices of his overly plump enemy as he inched his way toward freedom. Soon enough a tiny hole could be seen on the outside of the eggplant. Bit by horrifying bit the hole would grow as Oscar clawed and gnawed his way through. Eventually Oscar would be able to shove his entire head through the hole, heaving as he switched between gasps for air and cries of triumph. 

Oscar grunted as he pushed himself through the hole, his volume of his visceral exclamations increasing as he made it further and further out of the self-made plant-gina. As Oscar's upper body was birthed, he would be able to fully wiggle himself out of the eggplant at a much faster right. He slid onto the floor, quickly rising to his feet and sighing dramatically. 

He was drenched in eggplant juices, breathing heavily as he took in what it took to save himself from that vitamin-filled hell. Oscar lifted his arms, whooping with triumph as he turned toward the Eggplant. He kicked it aside, clearing space for his work station so he could continue his shift.

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The Robust
October 30th
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2021 2:57:03 GMT
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"Still alive!" Zac confirmed, as Oscar was birthed through the wall of eggplants. "How's the prep going back there, mate?" Zac asked, checking through the chewed hole in the foliage. Everything looked complete, which meant that it was time to construct the Dugtrio Sandwich. 

Hitmontop launched a triplet of kicks, knocking out six perfect, foot-shaped chunks of a bread for the sandwiches. He piled the 'slices', and passed the plate to Priam along with a bowl of leaves from Oscar's afterbirth. Zac started as he saw the tomato-splattered Priam. "Whoa! Yeah that's the look mate! Just need some scars and to bring that Samurott out and you'll be the spitting image!"

Hitmontop used Triple Kick 

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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2021 4:32:36 GMT
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"how about a sceptile?" he releases the grass-type from it's pokeball. "it's kinda edgy and cool too? plus it fits the background!"

he turns around just in time to see the eggs try to reach priam and his sceptile, who promptly slams the ones that survived the egg-pocalypse back to the floor.

he turns to look at the mess. "what the fuck?" he turns to see oscar's mess, only realizing what has happened behind his back. "oscar?!"

he gasps in disbelief.

leaning down, he takes the eggplant that was already bitten on and hands it over to the sceptile while picking up the eggs that he can salvage from the carnage.

"we can still use these, right? not using them's wasteful and i'm sure the customers wouldn't like that!"

the sceptile uses leaf blade to further cut down the eggplant. it's now in regular pieces, but the bites are still evident on most of them.

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The Robust
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Bevaridge Town
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2021 15:31:39 GMT
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"That's just extra flavor," Zac said, picking up some of the leaves himself and shredding them for garnish. "Plus there's some extra crunch in there."

Zac's Fraxure swing its bladed jaws back and forth, False Swiping onion and tomato for the pasta, only half-cutting the vegetables so that their calories were halved but their flavor remained whole.

At the stove, Passimian and Pumpkaboo were working on the gratin, with the pumpkin burping out little 'treats' and the monkey tossing them into the pot of bubbling cheese. "Pokemon eat off the floor all the time, and look how strong they are!" Zac mused, "Maybe we're just missing out."

Fraxure used False Swipe
Weavile used  Fling
Pumpkaboo used Trick-Or-Treat

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2021 19:19:45 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"I don't know. Some of the stuff my pokemon eat off the floor is pretty gross." Speaking of, one of his trusty Meowth was Picking Up leftover crumbs and dropping into the pot. Meanwhile, Sprinkles the Skitty, known Tapu Bulu menace and wanted criminal, was using her Double Slap to be beat the shit out of the decorative bread Yamper's ass. So what if it was a little mushed up?

Actually, this place would probably be closed by the health inspectors by tomorrow.

order 6
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March 18
Heahea City
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2021 2:17:04 GMT
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Oscar raised his hand as Priam approached. "I'm alright Priam, I just need to--" Oscar cut himself off as Priam fussed over the eggplant, far more concerned about its condition than Oscar's. Oscar bit his tongue as he turned away, making a low "Mrrrrrrrrmmmmmm..." noise as he pushed his rage into his work. 

Zule the chandelure was summoned, and she would use Will-o-wisp to heat up the soup. Meanwhile Oscar's wandering eyes caught the Meowth walking in from the back fridge with a box of supplies. The box looked--off. Oscar narrowed his eyes, rushing up to the Meowth before it could place the ingredients down.

He grabbed the box, prompting a annoyed huff from their head chef. Oscar peeked into the box and nearly gagged from the smell. "What the fuck happened here!?" He plopped the box down and rushed to the fridge, throwing it open to find that the chill was gone. Oscar groaned, "The fucking fridge is broke! Son ofa--whatever I'll fix it. Time me!" Oscar threw a bunch of pokeballs off of his pocket, summoning a variety of pokemon. Oscar waved them away, "Go be helpful!" Before diving into the fridge to beat fury of life back into it.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 7:43:02 GMT
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there's a hopeful smile when zac backs him up on the idea of being against wastefulness. he nods at every word, scooping everything up in a bowl afterwards.

"see?" he tries to convince chu-e. "we just need to kill all the germs through blanching!"

he takes out his weapon (aka pokeball) and releases another weapon from it. a handgun in the form of a remoraid comes out, fitting nicely on priam's hand. water comes out as it cooks the vegetables with nice scalding water.

"there! freshly cooked with liquid from a pokemon's mouth!"

he tries to do the thing where u spin the pistol with a finger, but since it's a fish, it slips from his hold and falls to the floor. priam recalls it back afterwards.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
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Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 7:49:34 GMT
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he takes out two pokemon to replace the remoraid.

"here's round two!" both the samurott and the scyther help with swords dance and air slash. priam turns to zac afterwards. "oh yeah, you should meet my samurott! he's very friendly!"

busy with work, the water-type snorts and grunts, completely ignoring everything else besides work.

turning to his boy oscar, he notices that he's busy with something. bad smell doesn't distract him easy since he's preoccupied with something else, so he fridge was news to him.

"oh, shit! it's broken!" was priam's way of pointing out the obvious. "should we report this? are we going to get blamed?"

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The Robust
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Zac Ramsay
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2021 22:45:15 GMT
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"That's the way mate! Clean as anything!" Zac quickly inspecting the steaming bowl of scalded greens. He looked over to where Farfetch'd was helping Samurott and Scyther with the salad.  "He does look friendly," Zac conceded, watching the massive marine monster slash up the cheese and tomato with his arm blades. "Maybe just a quick pat after we're finished here. I don't want to bother him while he's working."

Meanwhile, a rough chugging was coming from the fridge, and green smoke was starting to creep into their prep area. "Howzit goin in there Oscar? Need a hand?" Zac offered. "I'm not the most tech-savvy guy but I can hold a wrench or something." He headed towards the broken fridge, almost slipping on milk from the the overflowing bucket. 

Farfetch'd used Cut
Miltank used Milk Drink

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 29, 2021 7:41:41 GMT
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Chu-e had kind of lost the plot. We will say this is because he is so focused on cooking, in a nice little happy place, and not because the writer is just chugging a post out to not hold the whole team back.

Since he doesn't know what has, Chu-e has his pokemon use literally every other move not used. His Gardevoir, Prince, uses Life Dew. His Litten uses Heat Wave. Lilligant uses Quiver Dance. His Alolan Meowth is very Rattled. It's al wonderful and beautiful and we won't think too hard about it.

Anyway, that was order seven.

order 7
chu-e uses all the other moves not used
sorry ksjdgfsd
most of my posts will be short like this and it's nothing personal friends
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March 18
Heahea City
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oscar clayton
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2021 3:23:35 GMT
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"Mother FUCKER--"


"Piece of shit--"


"Breathe you sonova--"


Oscar was hard at work in the fridge, unable to hear Zac's worried calls as he wrestled with the machine for dominance. One of the pokemon Oscar sent out, Dayman the Volcarona, stared forward as he performed his duties. He always felt very uncomfortable when master got angry, perhaps he could help in some--

"I command you to LIVE damn you!"


Nope, best stay right here. He Quiver Danced with a bit more quiver than usual to help speed up the cooking, and used a Heat Wave to provide an adequate heating temperature. Hopefully master would be finished soon, he couldn't imagine continuing without his guidance. 


"Oh shut the fuck up you pussy you're lovin' it!"


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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
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Chu-e Choi
Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2021 3:35:13 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e paused from his work since it was very hard to ignore as he worked.

"Did you just call the fridge a pussy?"

It was said idly, as like a fuck ton of his pokemon were out in the already crowded kitchen. His Meganium was using an Aromatherapy to try and calm everyone down. His Comfey was Petal Dancing to try and both cut the foot and provide garnish. His Litten was using both a Heat Wave and his Flash Fire to heat the food. His Mr. Mime was pretending to work, Baton Passing the food out where it went.

Megainum used Aromatherapy
Comfey used Petal Dance
Litten used Heat Wave
Mr. Mime used Baton Pass
Litten has Flash Fire

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Heahea City
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Jellicle (CATS)
POSTED ON Aug 30, 2021 3:50:10 GMT
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By this point, Oscar's expletives had gone nonsensical. His epic battle with the fridge would make an already hectic kitchen more chaotic, and there weren't any signs of it concluding any time soon.

"You rasin frasin hummana cush cush barnoby fuck!"


"Tim tam tom bom fappity wack!"


Oscar's most unlikely couple, Writhe the Frosmoth and Nostra the Crobat, ignored their master's hollering and worked on orders. They prepared a Swablu Shaved Ice together, Writhe chilling the dish with her Aurora Veil and Nostra vomiting Haze into the cup to make it looks spooky and shit. Trust me, it was gonna taste great--maybe.


"Jiminy FUCKIN' Christmas!"

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