kay's plotter

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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kosuke sato
february 20
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head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda
kay's plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 9:43:35 GMT
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this is marcel, sometimes goes by mars, an investigator for team rocket. it's his job to gather whatever information it is the higher-ups want to know. while he'd prefer most of his work to stay behind a screen he can't avoid the fact that sometimes he has to be a little more...hands on. it's inevitable that he runs into a few dead ends sometimes, or what he's looking for is simply impossible to get at this current time, but he's still under a lot of pressure to perform well.
a one-off mistake led to the death of his wife at the hands of team rocket, which marcel still hasn't gotten entirely over. though jaded, he still works his hardest, because now he knows what lengths his bosses will go to to let him know when he's fucked up.



thanks to his line of work, marcel has a wide circle of acquaintances. if there's information you need that's relavent to your mission, he probably knows; if you need some hacking done, he's your man. that along with the many years he's spent with team rocket mean it's likely he's interacted with most of their members at least once. though there seems to be a melancholy air about him if you look closely, marcel is surprisingly friendly. used to making connections for the sake of contacts he knows how to navigate his way around people. he definitely has some friends within the league too, but they won't know of his affiliation with team rocket. watch out and don't take it to heart if he's nice to you, chances are he's faking it.
sincere friends are far more scarce, but not impossible. other team rocket veterans who have been there for as long as he has, probably make up the bulk of these people. they are the only ones who would know about what happened with his wife, the majority of people don't even know he was married since marcel generally doesn't talk about his private life.



while marcel's not the type to often make enemies, if someone dislikes him for reasons beyond his control he won't make any efforts to get on their good side. yeah, he's a little snarky at times, and probably asks too many questions for his own good, but he's a pretty easy-going guy overall. his one pet peeve is people who rush him at his job. he's often in-demand with an ever-growing backlog; no, he can't go any quicker, and anyone who tries to tell him otherwise is getting pushed straight back to the queue.



marcel met a girl at 18, married her at 21, and lost her at 24. after a job went wrong, team rocket decided it was appropriate to show him the consequences of his actions, and just like that the love of his life was gone. though it's been a few years since, the memory of her is still heavy in marcel's mind. while he's had a few flings on particularly lonely nights, he tends to stay away from relationships out of guilt and fear that those people too will be taken from him. this is pretty open but yeah, there's a lot of baggage to get through.



– dyes his hair. it's naturally black.[break]
– not much is known about his past before joining team rocket.[break]
– don't think you're going to find much by digging round either, he's been extremely good at hiding his tracks[break]
– looking for his wife's gardevoir, her most prized pokemon, whose whereabouts are unknown following her death.







who knows how long i've been awake now? the shadows on my wall don't sleep. they keep calling me, beckoning. who knows what's right? the lines keep getting thinner. my age has never made me wise, but i keep pushing on and on and on and one. there's nothing left to say, now.



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one day landon turned up on the shores of hoenn with nothing but the clothes on his back and the pokemon he'd managed to take with him. he didn't offer so much as a word to indicate where he had travelled from or why he was there, giving his name and not much more, but when officials finally got his papers over the place of residence listed was explanation enough.
born and raised in vermilion city, kanto, landon's hometown, as a port city, was one of the first to face the brunt of the rocket invasion. he escaped by the skin of his teeth and, after some sea-bound wandering, ended up on hoenn. didn't intend to wind up as the designated errand boy, but after offering to help out a bit the job's kind of stuck.
no one's exactly sure about what happened to him back in kanto, but one thing is certain: he won't talk about it. is coping with the events with far less grace than he'd like to admit. sorely misses his family, panics in battle, and still has nightmares. extremely fearful of what the future holds, but still holds onto an optimistic faith in the league no matter how much it may fluctuate.



painfully quiet since his arrival in hoenn, landon's markedly improved mostly due to the fact his job forces him to interact with other people. often travels between regions, so chances are if you've ordered a particular item from overseas he's the one who picked it up. has a lot to say, but doesn't often say it. doesn't know how to deal with those his age, mostly because he had to grow up very quickly after the takeover. always ready to make new friends, but can be easily indimidated by stronger characters. someone pls take care of him.



rockets, mostly. while he doesn't enjoy the company of particularly loud or aggressive people, he's more scared of them than anything.





[attr="class","ion-lightbulb"]LOOKING FOR...

people who scare him, people who look out for him, regular customers, love interests. maybe a rocket who took part in the kanto takeover who had a hand in the events that left him in the state he's in.







bones shatter, fall apart, and hit the floor. if it doesn't kill you, it doesn't matter any more. bones shatter. baby, don't go out this time. no matter where you've been or who you are: if it doesn't kill you, it's sure to leave a horrible scare. bones shatter. baby, don't go out this time.



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second heir to the alvares family, who own the hano grand resort in alola, julius has been spoiled from birth and it's probably done him far more harm than good. with parents who didn't know how to say no, and an older sister who would be bearing all the responsibility once the time came, he grew lazier and lazier. rocket just so happened to pique his interest above anything else, and so he moved to hoenn anad joined under the name julius. his family are none the wiser.
arrogant is often your first impression of him. with a fortune tied to his family name julius has always, and still does, think himself to be that bit better than everyone else. he's in rocket partly for the fun, and partly because he thinks this is going to be the winning side. while he likes to avoid any responsbility given the chance, he's smart enough to recognise his worth depends on the standing of his family's company and doesn't intend on letting them get swallowed up once rocket reaches alola.



while he's not a big fan of the term, julius probably has quite a few of these in a more obscure sense. he doesn't like working alone — that's boring — and will happily welcome anyone who wants to tag along on missions or trouble-making. surprisingly tolerant of most (on the surface, at least); the problem is dealing with him. doesn't enjoy the subtle approach to things, he wants people to know he's been there. the flashier, the better.



julius has likely gotten on countless people's nerves. he doesn't like people who undermine him in the slightest, and will retaliate fiercly to such behaviour. though easily forgiving, he will be blantantly malicious to those who have crossed the line. in all honestly, he enjoys his interactions with enemies quite a bit.



sleeps around, but doesn't let things move into a relationship. he doesn't do that. won't hesitate to show interest in anyone who takes his fancy, irrespective of what side they're on.


[attr="class","ion-lightbulb"]LOOKING FOR...

fellow trouble-makers, people whose pokemon he'll try and steal, enemies, reluctant alliances, flings and ex-flings







upon my side where it is felt, i pack a little pistol on my pistol belt. i think it might be fear of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid. under the skin, against the skull, they put a little chip so that they know it all. oh, i think it might be fear of the world and the way it makes you feel afraid.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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kay's plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 15:35:53 GMT
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omg he's so tragic and i cry bc i love him. he's such a great character, and i'd really love to plot with you. I think sorrel would dislike him at first-their personalities clash a little-but like. if he ever found out?? or they somehow became friends? I think that would be really cool-if they could be unlikely friends. maybe they've met before or even know each other from earlier on in their lives?


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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
kay's plotter
POSTED ON Feb 16, 2019 20:12:53 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar
tag: @sorrel

sorrel and mars would definitely clash a bit at first, but i can see their relationship smoothing out, mostly because mars will make the effort, for want of a contact within the rangers and hoping sorrel will be an easy target. i think he'd bring him down to earth a bit, a good mellowing force. he keeps the story of his wife very close to his chest, so i don't see him letting it slip easily, but still over time he'd probably grow kind of fond of sorrel, and not just see him as "that annoying kid i have to talk to for information"
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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Thomas Benoit
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 0:08:11 GMT
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@fuji &

These two are in a similar boat, despite being different levels of law enforcement. Thomas is an agent of the International Police who got transferred to Hoenn a few months ago, in order to help stave off the Rocket menace. I could see the two of them teaming up on a mission or two involving criminals. Otherwise, if he was from Saffron, perhaps they could've met in the past?
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
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if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 7:06:31 GMT
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so stormy and him both escaped kanto it sounds like. she might actually enjoy having someone to talk to and remininsce. she misses her home dearly and is angry at the world for allowing kanto to fall. she's also angry with herself for being unable to protect her family that were killed when they took silph co. thoughts?? i'd love to toss these two together.
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
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Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 7:16:41 GMT
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honestly i see marcel and emma working together quite a bit. she's a hitman for team rocket, but she prefers to do her research and make sure that the hits she's taking are for actual criminals. she only accepts assignments in which she's eliminating an actual bad guy, not someone that pissed off silas. yes, she's walking dangerous territory lmao.

also, he lost his wife in the same way she almost lost her life and her brothers. she made a mistake on a hit she took to take out someone from rocket (before she joined rocket) and was blackmailed into working for rocket in order to not be killed. so they actually have a lot in common.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 8:39:42 GMT
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mikito's from celadon, which is right next to saffron! his grandfather lives in lavender town, which is on the opposite side, so he definitely would have found himself in saffron quite frequently. mikito would both admire and be slightly scared of thomas tbh lol but yes i'm totally down for them to team up on a mission or two!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 8:47:04 GMT
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mikito would def be intimidated by stormy at first but once he hears she's from kanto he'll go on for days. his home region's very close to his heart so anyone he can talk to it about is an immediate friend. may be a bit starstruck at first, like, "wow ur from the silph family???" but yes friends pls.
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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
kay's plotter
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2019 10:29:03 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

i think these two have a quiet sort of respect for each other, emma's been with team rocket for a while and marcel tends to play favourites with the longer-running members (save the ones who've made bad impressions on him). she might be cold, but he just calls it professionalism. may have tried to make friends with her when she first joined, since he was the friendlier type before, but i'm not sure (and probably doubt) she'd be looking for friends back then, especially given the circumstances under which she joined, so maybe they started off on the wrong foot and eventually came to a sort of truce through respect for the other's work.

don't think emma would have outright told mars about the situation with her brother, but maybe he finds out somehow? he hears it being mentioned by a higher-up, maybe he stumbles across it while looking through rocket's data (maybe testing their cyber security and finding some info he shouldn't have). but yeah if that happens he'd definitely sympathise with her situation, even if he doesn't think he can do anythingt to help.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 4:43:25 GMT
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TAGGED: @fuji

omg omg so desdemona and mikito are really similar?? like both of their lives were destroyed by rocket and both of them are from kanto. Des lost her mother and sister to team rocket, so she's not quite right anymore, but i would really love for them to meet and like. share their life problems tbh.

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she / her
november 23
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my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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persephone amavi
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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 13:06:28 GMT
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hey kay!! i've been meaning to hit you up bc marcel looks like a really interesting / sad guy and honestly i love him?? i'm gonna toss dominic at you who is a rocket underboss. uhhh..... he's gotten his hands pretty dirty for rocket previously but he's starting to have a bit of a crisis of conscious so idk how things will really pan out with him.

i feel like it could go either way with marcel! either a kinda tense relationship that may or may not lead to them breaking some barriers, or a purely professional relationship with dominic trying to bully marcel is.... equally likely? i'm super flexible so lmk if you have any particular direction you'd like to take marcel and i'll see what i can do <3

@mikito +

i'm also going to throw perse here at your league character. she's technically employed by the science branch atm, but she used to be a ranger and has been in the field for a while.... maybe these guys could be mission partners or something??

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 14:01:04 GMT
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checked out des' app and !! she's from lavender town !! miki spent a lot of his childhood there so maybe they've previously met? either way, with her current state he probably has 0 idea how to deal with her but tries to anyway bc kanto buds and rocket haters gotta stick together. definitely think these two would be interesting!
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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
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marcel maeda DOLLARS
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marcel maeda
kay's plotter
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2019 14:17:56 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

ok so i'm def excited to see how mars plays out w someone so high up on the rocket chain. earlier in his rocket days he was a pretty chill guy. anyone good at their job had his respect, and he was naive in the sense he didn't really process what they'd done to get to that point. he knows exactly what these guys get up to but he doesn't really see them for what they are until after his wife's murder.

i think these two would probably a dynamic akin to friends, but neither of them would use that term? i want mars to realise at some point he's as bad as the rest on them. he's aware of partly, but there's still a sort of 'me vs them' mentality he has with the rest of rocket. their current situation depends a lot on the relationship they had before his wife's deathtbh. bc i have way too many feelings bout mars i'm gonna stop before i ramble lol but feel free to hmu on discord to discuss more.
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
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1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2019 1:17:50 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar
that sounds perfect!! there's a lot of stigma around stormy being a silph - it actually might be known to a few people associated directly with the league. if mikito doesn't know though then it'll just be cause for her to squirm a little bit. she's been essentially exiled from the family name and not to associate herself with silph co.... not that it stops her.

otherwise, i'm excited for them to meet! i really do think these two could become good friends.

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
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It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Feb 22, 2019 23:30:35 GMT
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these two seem like polar opposites and i would really enjoy something akin to him becoming someone she actually tolerates within rocket.

marie is the kind of girl that only talks to rockets when she needs to. if she could avoid talking to anyone not of importance she would avoid it.

she's someone that establishes connections with other citizens in a way that those that know her would only speak good of her, effectively able to dissuade anyone from believing her to be rocket. i see her going to marcel in order to mooch info off of him.

she could come to him so he can point her towards the direction of those to make nice with, whether they be someone of great influence or just another person to add to her collection of 'friends.'

from this i could see their relationship slowly turning to friendship, her just coming around to chat when she has the time to; meanwhile they both second guess one another, her wondering if he's actually just investigating or genuinely being nice to her, and him questioning whether she's just trying to get on his good side only to betray him eventually.