LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
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Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 2:42:07 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
After being singed by the first Flamethrower, the Froslass started to become far more aggressive, even mixing in a charge directly at Kiara and Shalin. The rider's teeth clattered, the girl shivering as she and her mount found themselves caught in the phantom's FROST BREATH. Her reaction time, and now Kiara's, were far too slow to toast the rapidly materializing and vanishing Pokémon. Two more blue fires were blown out, leaving only the two closest to Altagracia.

Luckily, she was prepared; she had a Manectric that was very quick at firing explosions of SHOCK WAVE that were too fast for the slippery ghost-type to dodge. The second one was even more cunningly timed than the first, catching the Froslass just as it had phased from the ether. "Y-y-y-you got this!" Shalin shivered as she saw her partner's Poké Ball fly.

Once the Froslass was drawn into the Poké Ball, three gates receded, loosing a wild Dewgong that found itself free from the Froslass' imprisonment. The arctic swimmer slid toward Shalin with a look of joy on its face for being freed, clapping its front fins toward her as though it was applauding her. Flattered, she smiled and held an empty Poké Ball with its release mechanism facing the Dewgong. "You wanna c-c-c-come with me?" She asked the water-type, who at the very least seemed grateful to have been freed from the clutches of that awful Froslass.

The now-open right gate, which led to a tunnel that had long since frozen over, had a lone pedestal with a COMPASS-like object resting on it. This, like the one from the Braviary's Nest, did not point toward magnetic north; it pointed north-north-east, and she noticed its heading needle was tilted downward. After heading through the open gate and out of the arena where it was significantly warmer, she pulled out her phone and looked at the map photo she took. Comparing the compass' needle direction with her map, Shalin was able to pinpoint where the needle was pointing to, and marked that position on her map.

You got the COMPASS! Use it to track your position, locate treasures, and find keys.

While marking her map, Shalin could have sworn she felt a draft coming from the east wall behind a spiral staircase leading up to what she could only assume was the arena's observation level she noticed during the battle both with the Froslass and the Ninetales. She examined the east wall, and behold, she could see a faint light on the other side. "Hey Altagracia, you have a Pokémon that can blast away walls? I have my Yanmega if you can't, but it won't be pretty." She was still quite cold, but she wasn't shivering like she was while fighting that Froslass.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Poor
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 462}
{PC: 7}

ooc note: Befriending Dewgong after freeing it from the Froslass' trap!
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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 6:41:40 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD VANILLITE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] WEAK ARMOR
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ACID ARMOR
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MIRROR COAT
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD WOOPER APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] UNAWARE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MUD BOMB
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]TAIL WHIP
[attr="class","wildtabox"]AQUA TAIL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 9:25:25 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

It seemed the combined assault between Shalin’s Pokémon and her own proved enough to weaken the Frosslas enough for the Pokéball to do its work. Altagracia nodded reassuringly towards Shalin as she spoke. The wide confident smile on her lips, as the Pokéball announced the finished capture.

After putting Manectric back into its Pokéball, she would walk with careful steps through the icy arena to retrieve the Pokéball. While doing so, it seemed Shalin befriended an imprisoned Dewgong.

Altagracia gave Shalin some space to converse with the Dewgong, while doing so, she would take a good long look at the Arena. It seemed to be a rather peculiar creation given its location. She could not help but wonder what ancient society would have created it, for surely this was not the work of a Pokémon.

Anyhow, she rejoined with Shalin just in time to hear the question. Altagracia took a good long look at the wall. It seemed thick. “It might take a bit if we want it done pretty.” Altagracia retrieved a Pokéball from her trainer’s belt.

With the ball in hand, she summoned a large Tyrantrum. It growled in a menacing greeting as it shot an intimidating gaze toward Shalin. Asserting his dominance. Unfortunately what intimidation he tried to exude was quickly swiped away as Altagracia’s hand quickly began to scratch that perfect spot hidden beneath its feathery beard. Its tail began to wag, and a sound that could best be described as a purr escaped the dinosaur while Altagracia mused to it. “Be nice. Soberano”

The Tyrantrum sighed in defeat, knowing it would not win a clash of wills between him and Altagracia.

Once Altagracia figured she had given the dinosaur enough scratching, she walked to the icy barrier. “We need you to cut a hole this size.” She gave a rough estimate using her fingers to show the size and shape they wanted the entrance. “But do be careful, we do not want the whole place to fall upon us.”

The Tyrantrum nodded and walked with powerful steps towards the soon-to-be entrance. Its claws dug deep into the ice floor to keep it in place. And so it began to work, DRAGON CLAW empowered claws slicing bits and pieces off of the ice until at last a passage was available for them.

“After you.” Altagracia would gesture once the entrance was ready for the two of them.

OOC: Skipping
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2022 14:50:57 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The Tyrantum Altagracia called out was huge, taking up quite a bit of the room. Shalin's mount reacted much more slowly than normal to the fierce dinosaur's presence. She didn't have quite as much of a reaction as Kiara, though; as it turned out, she had been around the species semi-regularly and knew what to expect. Seeing the apex predator wag its giant tail like a small canine warmed her heart; not even Regal had that soft of a heart.

"Nice Pokémon! I have one stuck in customs, too," Shalin complimented. "Hopefully Regal will be able to make it across the border soon!" Seeing the vicious Pokémon be so docile made her giggle quietly as Soberano got to work. It had to be hard for the ancient Pokémon; after all, dragon-types were known for their aversion to cold. That showed just how well-trained he was. The passage was clean too. "Usually Tyrantum are brutal even when trained. Soberano is so sweet! I hope you get to see Regal sometime soon!"

Back to work, though. Beyond the ice wall the dragon-type opened up was a spiral staircase leading downward, and what appeared to be a long one, at that. Blue fire similar to the one illuminating the arena kept the staircase well-lit but eerily so. Before proceeding down the stairs, Shalin procured her last vial of Super Potion and sprayed Kiara's wounds from the Froslass' FROST BREATH. "That's my last one; whatever strength she has left, I gotta make it last." She withdrew her Pyroar long enough to descend the long staircase.

According to her map, this was the Crystal Trench's very bottom level, and it had a very different décor from the rest of the place. While the observation chamber and arena looked very regal and castle-like, this floor looked like an ice prison; not a single ice window in sight, only illuminated by blue fire. While it didn't quite get to the temperature the ice arena was at, it was quite a bit colder than the rest of the dungeon. She surmised many of this dungeon's prisoners of aeons past died of hypothermia before carrying their sentences out. It was a grim prospect to think about.

An entire horde of Vanillish raced past Shalin as she heard a bone-chilling avian screech come from the north, drowning out a distant Alolan Ninetales cry that Altagracia might have been able to hear. "Did you hear that?!" she asked her companion, her heart racing. She could feel Kiara's heart beating faster, too. Curiosity got the better of her, though; she pressed onward, into a large tunnel leading deeper into the dungeon...

...when the avian cry repeated itself, a divine-strength ICY WIND howled through the tunnel, blowing Shalin clean off her Pyroar mount and back to the prison level's antechamber. When she managed to stand up, squinting in pain from nerves flaring up around the edges of her cheeks. She could not feel her face from how cold it was. The entire tunnel she tried to go through was covered in a sheet of ice so thick she could not clearly see through it, and in front of that was a Kiarasickie. "Kiara, no!" Shalin dizzily recalled her Pokémon, still not noticing the faint Alolan Ninetales cries over her rather heavy breathing.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Freeze
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 553}
{PC: 8}

ooc note: Passing this encounter. Also, Critical Annoyance has been invoked.
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 28, 2022 3:18:57 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD CRABOMINABLE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] IRON FIST
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DYNAMIC PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWER UP PUNCH
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HIPPOPOTAS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SAND STREAM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]DOUBLE EDGE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Sept 11, 2022 8:21:35 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

Shalin and her Pokémon’s reaction to the apex predator Pokémon pleased Altagracia. She was so used to people assuming the worst that she could count on one hand the people who had reacted differently. As Shalin spoke, explaining that she had one of her own caught in Customs, it all made sense.

“So do I!” Altagracia replied as Shalin informed her of her hopes. She always enjoyed seeing how the trainer/Pokémon relationship differed between groups.

But yes, back to work. Once the passage was clear, she recalled the Tyrantrum knowing very well that it would much prefer the warmth of the Pokéball to the icy cold of the floor. And cold it was. Even warmly dressed as she was, Altagracia felt the bone-freezing cold of as they descended the staircase. Eerie blue flames illuminate their path.

A horde of Vanillish hurries past them at the sound of an avian screech. Altagracia gave a nod. ”I did.” And she was not too pleased to have heard it. She grabbed the Pokéball belonging to her Magneton and held it ready in her hand. The Screech had been avian, so most likely a Flying-type of some sort, but she couldn’t quite place it.

She reluctantly followed her companion as curiosity got the better of both of them.

And then the cry repeated, followed by a powerful ICY WIND, one whose strength she had never felt before, where she, not a person of science, she would’ve been quick to proclaim divine interference. But not yet.

Still, like her companion, she was sent back to the Antechamber. But the Pyroar had gotten the brunt of the deal. She was about to offer a warming tincture of ICE HEAL when the Pokémon was recalled, perhaps for the best given it would surely wish to attack the creature who did this.

“How bad is it?” Altagracia asked, looking towards Shalin. But moving on, “You wouldn’t happen to recognize the cry we heard before entering that tunnel, did you?” Altagracia decided to ask.

The Elgyem on her back had protected her from most of the cold. Still, it needed a moment to RECOVER. And so any Pokémon in their area went unnoticed.

OOC: Skipping
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Sept 13, 2022 8:00:15 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
In an effort to warm back up, Shalin sent out several of her Pokémon: Levy, her Milotic; Prance, her Wyrdeer; and finally, Treble, her Hakamo-o. The three cuddled around their trainer in an effort to warm her up, Treble going to a greater extent by vibrating his scales gently enough to feel like a message and not fast enough for contact to feel abrasive like it would in battle. Letting out a sad-sounding cry, the water-type splashed drops of LIFE DEW over Shalin and her team, including Altagracia and her squad inside the mist if she so desired.

The explorer's face was still numb, but she at least was feeling a lot better. She was out of Super Potion, and Levy's LIFE DEW was fully depleted. While the healing energy was renewable, it took hours for it to renew. She was running at close to full strength but with no reserves. "I imagine it had to have come from a Pokémon that's both Ice-type and Flying-type. The only one I know of is Delibird, and there was no way that was a Delibird's cry. Can you think of a Pokémon that's Ice-type and Flying-type and is that powerful?" Shalin asked. She hated to reverse the question, but she could not think of a Pokémon that fit.

Once she was feeling better, Shalin withdrew her team and pressed eastward, hearing a loud Alolan Ninetales cry that got louder the farther eastward they walked across the lonely-looking prison corridor. The voice the Ninetales was making was deep for its kind. A chill shot down her spine, and not from cold temperature. "Altagracia, that's it. That's the Ninetales I told you about. Can you hear her?" They could hear the sounds of Ice-type and Fairy-type attacks going off, too. They weren't getting in there easily, though; the door was chained shut, its lock bearing quite a large keyhole. "Well we can't do anything here. Let's go back upstairs. See if we can get to the arena's observation level. It's the only place in here we haven't been yet. Well, except past this lock."

Provided her partner would agree to the backtrack, Shalin would lead the way back upstairs. Getting out of the prison and back to the lower levels of the Crystal Trench felt like stepping next to a space heater by comparison. As they backtracked, the two heard the Alolan Ninetales cry again, the sound at its loudest when she went up the spiraling stairs she had passed up before. It led to the arena's observation area. Well, that was easy enough to find!

{WC: 436}
{PC: 9}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Freeze
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

Note: Passing on this encounter.

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 21:43:17 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SNOM APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SHIELD DUST
[attr="class","wildtabox"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]STRUGGLE BUG
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SPHEAL APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] OBLIVIOUS
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DEFENSE CURL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ICE BALL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2022 5:48:57 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

While her clothing provided lots of warmth, she was still feeling the cold as it tried to dig its way through each layer that she wore. Luckily the Warmth of the Elgyem on her back helped somewhat, and the LIFE DEW granted to her reinvigorated her body as well.

Moving on to the question. Shalin tried to answer as truthfully as she could. But This had definitely not been a Delibird, though her assumption was sound. The combined strength of Ice and Flying types would grant an affinity to create such winds. Alas, the only other known Ice/Flying-type Pokémon was.

“Sure, I can think of one…” But she shook her head. “But the likelihood of it is near impossible. Why would a Kanto native Legendary Pokémon stay here? Oh, I am of course talking about Articuno.” She pondered for a moment. Before her face grew thoughtful and mumbled words escaped her. “First Glastrier, and now Articuno. What sort of place is this cave…”

Only when she noticed that Shalin was moving on, did her ponderings end. Luckily just in time for her to hear the loud howl of a Ninetales. “I can.” She replied when Shalin asked her. Though they moved towards the sound, they found their path blocked. Shalin suggested backtracking, and Altagracia nodded. “Lead the way.” She spoke, an enthused smile on her lips. For some reason, she was actually starting to look forward to meeting with these Ninetales.

However, to get to the observation floor, they had to walk the stairs once more. And it was upon these stairs that Altagracia found her next wild Pokémon. An oblivious Spheal was rolling down the stairs lazily. It made no motion to stop as the humans came into view, it quickly rolled past Shalin, but alas it miscalculated its roll either through dizziness or laziness and managed to slam into the sturdy legs of Altagracia.

It was halted in its tracks, it sighed. It was about to start rolling once more when it felt a hand on each of its sides. Then suddenly one of two things happened, either gravity stopped working or the gentle hands of this peculiar human carried it into the air, before hugging it.

“That’s Dangerous little one. You could get hurt.” Altagracia spoke. "Want me to carry you up the stairs again?"

The Spheal did not reply. I guess this is my fate now… The Spheal thought as it nestled against the human.

And with the Spheal in hand, Altagracia followed Shalin to the observation deck. Deciding that no answer was acceptance of her question.

OOC: Trying to catch Spheal
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 7:07:18 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin's heart sank when she heard Altagracia's namedrop. A Glastrier was wandering the Crystal Trench, and now the Titan of Ice, Articuno? "Now it makes sense why even Ice Heal wouldn't defrost Kiara," she added, her heart rate rising. Perhaps the presence of ice-type Legendary Pokémon was the real reason this was a place Rangers were not authorized to go into.

Fully aware of the danger she was in, Shalin's level of urgency rose unnaturally high. It was as though that in the split second of understanding she was in the presence of possibly a hostile Legendary Pokémon, she had become a totally different person. "We need to move. We need to get what we came here for and go."

After a long climb and quite a bit of backtracking, Shalin had led the way to the arena's observation chamber. She was not used to doing this much walking, though her second wind from trying to complete her objective before she ran into either of those diving Pokémon again overcame her shortness of breath.

On the observation chamber's west side was a familiar sight. "Hey look, it's that's slide. That's how we got down to the arena level," Shalin pointed out. "Could be handy." As she rounded the circular deck, she caught sight of a yellow-and-blue treasure chest encased in thick ice formed from repeated use of ICICLE CRASH. What horrible battle had taken place here? She didn't want to think of it; in her current mental state, every wasted moment was one where Articuno could catch up to her.

"Treble, gonna need a hand here," Shalin said as she sent out her Hakamo-o with far less emotion and excitement than was normally in her voice. "Altagracia, cover your ears." Once she was sure her partner had done as she asked, she covered her own and addressed the dragon-type. "I want you to use your CLANGING SCALES to shatter that ice, okay?" Nodding, Shalin's Pokémon rest his claws against the pillar, then the loud rattling came. While the scales themselves weren't as loud as Shalin expected, what they heard was akin to a car stereo bass boosted well beyond legal limits as Treble's claws struck the ice more rapidly than one of his trainer's bug Pokémon's wings buzzed.

When the cacophony stopped, Shalin slowly uncovered her ears. The ice pillar was completely destroyed, though its frozen contents were unharmed. "We need to take this back downstairs, and fast."

You got the BOSS KEY! This is the master key of the dungeon. It can open many locks that small keys cannot.

The girl seemed in all too much of a hurry to get back to the deepest depths of the castle's prison, even encouraging Altagracia to take the slippery slide back to arena level. Regardless of how the two got there, Shalin stopped in front of the locked vault door where she had heard the Alolan Ninetales cries and inserted the large key, but did not turn it until her partner showed up.

{WC: 507}
{PC: 10}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Freeze
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

ooc: Skipping snom. Shalin has one in another thread that makes more narrative sense for her to catch.

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2022 11:40:49 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

It seemed Altagracia’s words had induced in Shalin some measure of fear. She certainly decided to move quicker through this place. Understandably so, though as a Scientist Altagracia didn’t feel the same fear wanting instead to actually go greet their mysterious hosts, her logical side kept her on a safer path.

After the long climb, they all found themselves at the Arena’s observation chamber. By now the Spheal had been put into a Pokéball and her attention was fully on looking for any clues of dangers and the like. While she did that it seemed Shalin was busy finding treasure.

At the request of Shalin, Altagracia covered her ears. The Elgyem on her back did the same. Even with her ears covered she could still hear the loud rattling of the Hakamo-o scales. But the Pokémon served its purpose and freed the treasure from its icy prison. With the new objective in hand, they would descend.

Altagracia took the slide back down. If speed was of the essence then she would waste none of it.

Before long they stood before the locked vault. With the insertion of the key Altagracia readied herself, if there was a fight to be had then she would do her best.

LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
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Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2022 4:41:49 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin took a deep breath as Altagracia opened the vault door, the loud, deep cry of a giant Alolan Ninetales. "If you have a Fire-type or a Poison-type Pokémon, get it ready." From the explorer's tense tone, that was not a suggestion. She had forgotten that Altagracia was technically her client, and had the authority to decide when they left. Plus, she still had the freedom to use her Pokémon how she wanted! She headed in with Queen Zing's Poké Ball in hand; with Kiara still stuck as a Kiarasickle, it was her best weapon against an Alolan Ninetales.

Shalin stepped through into the darkness ahead. Provided Altagracia followed her in, the first thing she would notice were wisps of blue fire, similar to the ones in the arena where the two fought the Froslass, floating slowly from the ceiling toward fixed points on the walls. The girl sent out her Beedrill and was about to mount the insect, when the blue flames lit torches close to the ceiling, well out of reach of the ground. The entire room was bathed in a cold, familiar blue light that may have been chilling to the bone to both Shalin and Altagracia. Moments later, it... it sounded another terrifying, otherworldly cry.

An Alolan Ninetales, its red gaze fixated on Queen Zing, lunged toward her with blinding AGILITY. Shalin was able to sprint out of harm's way, but the startled Beedrill was not. Finding herself pinned beneath the hulking fairy fox, the bug-type furiously buzzed her wings, flailing her three stings toward her mist-laden foe. Her trainer didn't even have time to issue a command before the Alpha stopped the poison-type cold, twisting reality around her with EXTRASENSORY power.

The buzzing stopped in an instant, her Beedrill wiped out in a single attack. Shalin was an opportunist; with the Ninetales having its back exposed to her, she reached for its shoulder, just like she did the last time. The Ninetales wasn't going to fall for that trick again! Catching movement out of its peripheral, the red-eyed Ice-type hopped back and gave Shalin a death stare, the mist of an ICE BEAM foaming from its mouth. Furthermore, walls of sparkling NEVER MELT ICE had materialized around the two doors, their glow clearly indicating the Alolan Ninetales was maintaining the icy prison the two found themselves in.

{WC: 394}
{PC: 11}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Freeze
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       KO
Levy          Milotic        Good

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 19:44:22 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

They entered the Arena. Shalin urged her to summon a fire or Poison type. Alas, she owned neither. That didn’t stop Altagracia from summoning something though. If it was powerful, perhaps even big and agile then she had only one option.

From one of her Pokéballs, she summoned forth a Magneton. The very same she had used earlier.

But little did either know that they had to contend with an Alolan Ninetales of a peculiar size. The Alolan Ninetales quickly seized an opportune attack against Shalin’s Pokémon. But in doing so Shalin found herself capable of getting onto the Ninetale’s back or so she planned, but the Pokémon jumped back.

In doing so Magneton took action. Shiny metallic energies swirled in front of the Magneton as it triangulated the trajectory of its MIRROR SHOT for a brief moment, before it fired it toward the Ninetale’s mouth, hoping to halt the Ice Beam about to be fired.

Meanwhile, Altagracia dodged the sudden icing of their exit. Well nothing to do now but battle, I suppose? She thought slightly amused.

LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2022 7:00:11 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The Magneton's MIRROR SHOT came just in time, able to stop the Ninetales' chilling attack from turning Shalin into a giant ice cube! Furthermore, the metallic projectile caused their foe to lurch backward. She palmed two Poké Balls, one containing Prance, and an empty one. She wasn't leaving without the Medallion, but she also wanted to make this Ninetales hers. It had worked on the Pidgeot. What made this different?

Taking advantage of the Ninetales briefly being stunned, Shalin ran toward the ice-type, grabbed its shoulder, and flung herself aboard. The red-eyed Pokémon bellowed a primal cry when she felt the girl's hands buried in her fur again. She dropped the Poké Ball containing Prance, the Wyrdeer trying to ram the wild with PSYSHIELD BASH from either ahead or behind. She could not broadside the foe with her trainer having the time of her life trying to exhaust the Ninetales by being the annoying flea she was. Learning from her last encounter with the girl, bucking the girl off was going to be exhausting. The Crystal Trench's Ice Queen had to employ quite the NASTY PLOT if she wanted to send the girl flying.

The Alpha kept as much distance from Magneton and Prance as possible. If they weren't in the middle of combat, watching the twirling displays of AGILITY. Shalin, following her instincts to hold on, squeezed the fairy fox's sides hard. That was also the universal command for a mount to go faster. And faster she went, looking like a comet streaking across the night sky as she circled the room at speeds that made even the so-called Wildest Rider in Hoenn scream.

Unlike many of Shalin's fast Pokémon, the Ninetales was also extremely nimble. The Ice Queen's AGILITY reaching peak form, she swerved sharply to cart across the center of the large chamber, her rider screaming from being so white-knuckled that she felt they were going to pierce her skin at any moment. She had a lot of experience riding wild Pokémon, but this rough of a ride was even beyond her talent. She prepared for the next swerve by flipping the capture button on her palmed Poké Ball to face the Ninetales.

The angry Alpha was ready, though. She built up speed again, then dug her sharp claws into the ice in the center of the arena. Braking as hard as she could before rearing, she caught her rider off guard. She thrust her back upward sharply, bucking Shalin with not a tremendous show of force, but plenty powerful and with such finesse that the peak of the motion was right underneath where Shalin sat. She looked like she was in a great deal of pain as she went sailing across the arena into one of the slabs of Never Melt Ice at high speed.

Her empty Poké Ball dropped onto the Ninetales, drawing the Ice Queen in. The injured rider took a breather to stand up and catch her breath as she watched, from a distance, the fairy-type struggle to break free. And break free she did, shattering the Poké Ball and sending projectiles flying at roughly the speed of firearm bullets. The instant she broke out, she lunged at Altagracia's Magneton with every bit of STORED POWER she had.

{WC: 548}
{PC: 12}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Freeze
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       KO
Levy          Milotic        Good

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 8:00:57 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

The struggle continued. Though its Mirror Shot hit square it was not yet enough to subdue the wild Alpha. But from there Shalin and her Pokémon seemed to do the majority of the fighting and even attempts at taming the creature.

Meanwhile, Altagracia and Elgyem were keeping themselves moving to avoid being struck by stray attacks. Luckily Altagracia was in rather a good shape and so while she could do that the Elgyem focused on CALM MINDing itself into peak mental fortitude.

The Elgyem deflected the pieces of Pokéball that flew directly at Altagracia, saving her from a rather unfortunate fate. Magneton tried to fire off another MIRROR SHOT but was definitely too slow as it felt the stored power was over it, though it was saved only by its own STURDY body.

But perhaps that was an opportunity for the shifting of the battle. Elgyem left Altagracia’s back and joined the fray as it sent a powerful wave of PSYCHIC energy towards the Ninetales intent on subduing the wild beast.

LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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