LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 4:35:58 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The trip to the Braviary's Nest was dangerous, yes. The trip to the Seviper's Remains was also dangerous. Were they worth the trouble? Absolutely! She had made some incredible discoveries, and even had a small blade crafted out of a giant Seviper fang she had found while in the wetlands! That and her memories of the trips...that was what kept her coming back. This time, though, she needed to be as prepared as possible. Her backpack was quite a bit heavier than normal, filled to capacity with food, medical supplies, and the like. This was a trip she could not take lightly.

As Shalin approached one of the spires surrounding Shoal Cave, she wasn't sure if her hair was standing on end more from Flit's vibration, the dropping temperature, or from her own nerves as she rode the Yanmega toward the entrance. Not only was this going to be her most dangerous trip yet, but she had brought along a new client, .

The wilderness savant landed her flying insect on a shoreline near the cave and withdrew him. She wished she had a different flying Pokémon for this trip, but she didn't have one. Queen Zing, her Beedrill, didn't have the range needed to fly from Mossdeep over that much ocean, and the waters surrounding the cave were far too cold to take Levy, her Milotic, into the surf. As necessary as Flit was for reaching the location, he would be all but useless inside the cave. Not only were there abundant ice-type Pokémon down there, but his vibration-based attacks would be completely unusable due to the reverberation causing a cave-in with near certainty. Queen Zing's buzzing was still loud, yes, but they didn't generate the shockwaves that Flit did when he flew.

Shalin released Kiara, her Pyroar, and immediately climbed aboard. Her warm mane felt so good against the cool air. The lioness wasn't her excited self, though; even though she was squeezing her mount's sides for speed, the Pyroar only walked toward the cave entrance with hesitation. "I thought you were ready and raring to go, Kiara! Let's ride!" Suddenly, she remembered why: the giant hole in the icy floor was still there from when Shalin came here last time. She got separated from Kiara back when she was just a Litleo. "...You go at your own pace, okay, Kiara?" The rider got a less-than-confident purr back, Shalin putting the lioness' reins down.

There was also a sign right in the center of the opening cave mouth. It read:

Access to the Crystal Trench is forbidden by statute of the Mossdeep Rangers. If you enter, you do so knowing that if something were to happen and you need help, there will be no one to rescue you.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 468}
{PC: 1}
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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 19:12:50 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

Usually, Cave Dwelling Pokémon didn’t migrate often. At least as far as she knew. While she was no encyclopedia, she was almost certain of this fact. However, what if the disasters in Hoenn changed that? Well, it was a valid question, one that warranted a bit of investigation. Nothing huge and official of course, but merely a side adventure for an off day.

Dressed and Equipped appropriately for the temperatures of the Shoal Cave, did she appear at the entrance with the help of her Elgyem. While she had expected to be waiting for the she didn’t get to wait for long as the girl appeared.

Altagracia had to control her surprise by the sudden appearance of the girl on the Yanmega. A truly unconventional choice of mount, though more so because of its physical qualities than its behavioral tendencies as far as she knew.

Anyhow, Altagracia gave her guide a small wave. Knowing the girl had more experience in traveling this particular area. She would be performing a more secondary role. And so she spoke naught a word as she watched the girl summon and interact with the Pyroar. Altagracia assumed she would lead the way when everything was said and done.

LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
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Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 22, 2022 23:49:25 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
It appeared Shalin's client was already waiting for her. "You must be Altagracia," she presumed aloud. "I'm Shalin Nariya, the wildest Pokémon rider this side of Hoenn! And this is Kiara," she gently pat her Pyroar mount before gently scratching her behind the ear. She let out an affectionate purr more akin to a small cat than an adult lioness. "I'm going to make this worth every dollar you spent! Your Elgyem have a name?"

Once introductions were over, Shalin saw how heavily dressed Altagracia was. "Oh, oops! Just a sec, Kiara!" She slid down from her perch atop the fire-type and rummaged through her tightly-packed backpack for her jacket. "I'd burn up if I flew here in my coat, but I almost forgot to change into it! Thanks for the reminder!" With that, she slipped a winter coat on over her green shirt, packed her other supplies back up, and took her position aboard Kiara again.

"This is my second time in here, but I didn't go all the way to the bottom the first time," Shalin explained to Altagracia. "So what makes the Crystal Trench so special is it's the lowest point in Hoenn that isn't under water. It's quite the natural wonder! It's like a natural ice tower, and I can't wait to see the rest of it with you!" She directed her client's attention to the sign in the center of the cave entrance. "It's really important that we stick together. Remember, the Rangers won't send rescue teams here. We probably wouldn't get reception down there, anyway. But that's what why you hired me, right?"

Once the ground rules were established, Shalin led the way into the misty cave, pointing out an alcove toward the east of the entrance. Cold water was dripping out of it. "This is where we'll come out at when we leave. There are a lot of places in here that are easy to travel way, but almost impossible the other way." She carefully guided Kiara to the edge of a shattered ice sheet, able to feel her ride's heartbeat accelerate.

"This is how I found this place the first time," Shalin gestured toward the gaping hole beyond. Her last backpack was still hanging from a sharp piece of ice quite a ways down; it had to be at least twenty meters beneath the surface level she and Altagracia were at. "You can see the bottom of it, but it's a long ways down. Oh, and rule of thumb about ice. Don't step on any ice you can see what's on the other side of. It probably won't hold your weight. And there's nothing to me. If it won't hold my weight, it definitely won't hold yours." That last comment could be taken as a bit abrasive by the wrong person, but it was the first way she thought of to get the point across.

Once Kiara could not bear to look down the chasm any more, she started walking, and eventually trotting, up a natural ramp to the back of the entrance chamber. As she got further back, the cave's walls became studded with ice crystals instead of purely being rock, and there was a noticeable temperature drop.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 538}
{PC: 2}

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2022 18:43:16 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

Altagracia gave the girl an acknowledging nod when she asked for confirmation of identity, and then another when she introduced herself and her Pokémon. “Oh, I sure hope so.” She smiled. She wouldn’t be too bothered if they didn’t find anything exciting. The trip itself was sure to be entertaining enough on its own. “Indeed, he does. His name is Listo.”

And with that, the conversation moved on to their trip. Shalin spoke and Altagracia listened. While Altagracia hadn’t asked for her age, she got the impression that Shalin was fairly young. And that had worried her at first. But the more the girl spoke, the less Altagracia felt nervous.

“I will keep that in mind.” She gave the girl one last singular nod. Before readying herself for their descent into Crystal Trench. Shalin lead the way and Altagracia and the Elgyem followed along floating right behind them as the third wheel.

LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2022 3:43:07 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Listo is a good name!" Shalin replied, keeping in good spirits despite her nerves rising. She had already had one close call down here an Alolan Ninetales, the only reason for her survival being her resourcefulness, primarily fueled by her uncanny ability to just grab some fur and hold on tight. She took a deep breath. "Let's go."

The rider guided Kiara into a trot through the northern tunnel, a thin layer of water appearing around where the lioness' paws were with every footstep. She gazed around the room, stopping at its predominant feature: a frozen waterfall that overlooked the lower levels of the trench. While it was hard to see through the ice, there appeared to be an ovaloid observation ring overlooking an icy arena quite a ways below.

"That's it," she pointed. "That's where I got to last time. If that Alolan Ninetales is down there, that could spell serious trouble." She shared the story of how the only reason she was able to survive the encounter without her Pokémon was because she was the wildest rider this side of Hoenn. To someone inexperienced, riding a well-trained Pokémon was difficult. But to hop on a wild Pokémon against its will? With how strong Alolan Ninetales were, she had to have at least pulled a muscle or something!

Having caught enough of the view, Kiara and her trainer moved on to the west room, the undersides of her paws wet from her warm mane melting the top layer of ice. It was cold enough that the water would refreeze, but it made it difficult for Kiara to keep her footing. That was very quickly evidenced by the lioness sliding down an ice staircase, resulting in an extremely bumpy ride for Shalin! She let out a yelp and leaned low on her Pyroar like she was riding at full speed, but there was no way she could slow her down before sliding into the north wall on the lower level!


Kiara was quick to recover from the impact, but Shalin was still shaken up. She wouldn't be allowed to recover her senses, either. Some upset-looking wild Pokémon peered into the snow-covered chamber from around two dark corners, and they looked ready to fight her!

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 378}
{PC: 3}

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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 1:27:24 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD WALREIN APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] OBLIVIOUS
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]AURORA BEAM
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DEFENSE CURL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox"] BELLY DRUM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD BEARTIC APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SWIFT SWIM
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHEER COLD
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]PLAY NICE
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2022 7:42:36 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

Their journey began. Shalin seemed to prefer the back of her mount. Altagracia preferred the security of her own two feet. Wouldn’t be the first time she had traversed dangerous terrain. However, as the group entered the icy cavern. The Elgyem floated behind her, gently latching onto her back as a sort of make-shift backpack, ready in case things got slippery.

And that it did. While Altagracia did her best to keep her footing secure. She didn’t have claws nor paws that could dig into the icy floor beneath them. And so, Listo’s levitating powers came in clutch on more than one occasion.

While Shalin and her mount found themselves sliding down the Staircase of ice, Altagracia hurried after, though not sliding like their companion, but rather floating down. “Are you alright?” Altagracia hurried over to the crashed pair. She quickly noticed the Pokémon seemed alright, but Shalin seemed shaken perhaps wounded, she wasn’t sure.

Alas, it seemed whatever medical attention Altagracia could provide would be disturbed by the presence of Wild Pokémon. A Walrein and a Beartic, nothing out of the ordinary there. “I presume you can handle the Walrein?” Altagracia asked looking first at Shalin and then the Pokémon.

Whether they replied or not didn’t matter for she turned her attention to the Beartic. It glowed an ominous white as the already very low temperature began to drop further. No time to play nice or fair, eh? She thought. If that was the case. She grabbed a Pokéball from her trainer belt and released the Pokémon inside. The Magneton looked fighting ready. “Magne, Listo take care of that Beartic.” She pointed at the Pokémon who was just about to fire off what she presumed was a SHEER COLD.

Listo was the first to jump into action. While the Magneton gathered a ball of bright steel-type energy in front of it, The Elgyem teleported behind the Beartic. And then, with a shining bright head did the Elgyem ZEN HEADBUTT the Beartic, flinching it mid-move, before the Elgyem teleported away once more. And rightfully so, as the Magneton fired off its MIRROR SHOT right at the Beartic, sending it to its knees.

Altagracia threw a Pokéball at the Beartic, beginning the process of its capture. Worried that leaving a Pokémon wounded like that, might cause more trouble in the long run.

OOC: Trying to capture Beartic
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave


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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
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5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 6:31:27 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
When Altagracia had finished descending the stairs, Shalin waved to her. "I should be okay...just a little shaken up. Kiara's okay, too." She wasn't given the time to say much else; those wilds were closing in fast! She slid off her Pyroar's back and tried to keep her Pokémon between herself and the wild at all times. "Can do!" she quipped as Kiara took the initiative, at first trying to goad the Walrein toward a wall that wouldn't melt when she used her Flamethrower.

Her gambit worked, singing the Walrein! It didn't have as much of an effect as she would like, its thick blubber keeping it insulated against the fire-type attack. The wild curled up and rolled into her, trying to bowl her over with Rollout! Shalin sprinted out of the way and immediately recalled her for a new Pokémon. "Treble! You're on!" The Hakamo-o, just barely too small to bear Shalin in his current form, let out a cry and hurled himself toward the Walrein. A gong-like sound rumbled through the tall cavern from the loudly-vibrating scales above his claws powering his Close Combat. The reverberation made Shalin squint and upset her concentration as she let her Poké Ball fly. She hoped it didn't cause her to miss.

Furthermore, the shock wave from the vibration caused a large icicle to fall in the center of the room, shattering as soon as it hit the ground and sending pieces of ice flying everywhere. Shalin instinctively ducked and buried her face in her hands around the time of impact. Capture successful or not, once the two wilds had been dispatched, two slabs of ice receded into the ground on the north and west sides of the staircase. Two new paths were opened to them now. Before she took either one of them, she switched her Kommo-o back out for her Pyroar and applied a vial of Super Potion to the bruise the Walrein's Rollout had created.

When Shalin walked away from Kiara, the Pyroar purred at her attentively. "What's up?" Kiara sat down and rolled her eyes to one side. "Oh, if you're okay, then sure, let's ride! I just wanted to make sure you weren't hurt!" The moment the fire-type felt pressure from Shalin grabbing the reins, she stood up and took a peek through the gaps where the ice slabs once were. Both rooms were almost as well-lit as the entrance chamber. She guided the Pyroar into a cautious walk into the next room, and found out why: from the west wall, there were thick walls of ice serving as windows from which they could view the sea.

On the room's east wall was an ancient tapestry that looked like it hadn't been disturbed for centuries. The tapestry depicted a white equine with giant chunks of ice cascading from its legs and ending with huge, flat, frozen hooves. In the center of the room was a deep footprint of the same shape. "Altagracia, come take a look at these," Shalin directed her attention to both the curious exhibits, taking photos of them for her gallery she would have to show a historian when she was done. "Have you ever heard of this Pokémon? I'm assuming it's a Pokémon anyway. I've never heard of it."

Shalin pressed on into the next room, which had an entire underwater balcony on the outside, access to it sealed by a wall of ice several feet thick. A small, metal chest on the room's north side immediately grabbed her attention. She whistled for Altagracia to follow her in. If she was willing to do so, she would wait until they were both in the same room until she examined the contents.

There were two pairs of Ice Gems inside, beautifully preserved. These were valuable resources that Ice-type Pokémon loved, and could use them to intensity their cold attacks. Perhaps more valuable was a small scroll, that when unfurled, contained a DUNGEON MAP.

You found the DUNGEON MAP! The darkened rooms are the ones you haven't been to yet.

While the information on the raggedy map was incomplete, it still gave her full knowledge of the Crystal Trench's layout, assuming it was still accurate. Given there were warning signs for people not to come here, it made sense. She used four vials of Ice Heal as paperweights to hold the corners of the map down before taking a photograph of it with her phone, giving Altagracia the chance to do so, as well. "These gemstones would make great souvenirs, especially if we find a good Ice Pokémon in here. We can split these evenly, but I think we should leave the map in here for the next person who comes."

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Fair
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 793}
{PC: 4}

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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2022 9:01:03 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SWINUB APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] THICK FAT
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox"]MUD SLAP
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]MUD BOMB
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD HIPPOPOTAS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SAND STREAM
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]TAKE DOWN
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?


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June 02
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2022 16:51:01 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

The Beartic was caught. A quick victory, one she had quickly acknowledged and rewarded her two Pokémon for with some treats she fished up from one of the many pockets in her attire. And then she retrieved the Magneton back into its Pokéball and returned her attention to Shalin who seemed to have done her part.

In the midst of battle, the crashing of the large icicle had gone unnoticed by the professor. But now, that Elgyem had reclaimed its spot on her back, she could focus on the two new paths given to the group. She allowed Shalin to go first. Atop the Pyroar, she would be safer and react quicker in case of danger.

Altagracia’s eyes went wide as they went into the room. She hurried over to the west side first, seeing the view below was magnificent. She grabbed her phone and tried to take a picture of the view. Were it not for Shalin’s words, she might’ve been caught up in the view. But then she saw it. The tapestry, the footprint. She hurried over there, as much as she could while still walking carefully.

She began to take pictures from every possible angle of the two subjects as Shalin asked a few questions. “Yes and no. I have never met nor seen a specimen if it even is the Pokémon that I am thinking of. But from appearance alone, it seems to be a Glastrier. A Legendary Pokémon of Galarian myth it is said to rule and torment a particular area of Galar in days gone by. But I am afraid I know little on that subject. But why would it be here?”

For a moment Altagracia got caught in her thoughts, barely noticing that Shalin was leaving her behind. But she quickly followed along, they entered the next room. Where they both found a small metal chest. Another curious find. She couldn’t help but wonder what this place was. They found Ice Gems and a Map. Both women quickly snatched a picture of it and laid the map back.

“Sounds like a kind choice, I would personally have taken it with me. But I will let you decide on that matter, as for a split. That sounds good.” Altagracia grabbed her part of the Gems and placed them securely in a bag.

OOC: Skipping
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
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Rustboro Captain
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 6, 2022 5:44:03 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin listened closely when Altagracia mentioned the myth of Glastrier. "Is this the reason the Rangers don't want people coming down here? Legendary Pokémon sightings, perhaps?" Noticing Kiara was starting to limp a bit, Shalin tugged at her reins to get her to stop. After she obliged, the rider gracefully dismounted and looked at her two front paws. "These are swollen, badly! Clapper's Rollout must have done that to you!" After applying a vial of Super Potion to the Pyroar's paws, she stepped into the other room to retrieve her captured Walrein, which she had named Clapper. She was starting to run out of restoratives, but it was more important to keep her most valuable Pokémon here healthy.

She gave the medicine some time to take effect before waving for Altagracia. "Let's keep going." The room to the east was similar to the one on the west side, giving them a beautiful view of the ocean from beneath. She slowed Kiara to a walk when she noticed a sleeping Hippopotas near the icy room's corner. The passage looped around to where they had entered the first basement level. "Only one way down now, and that's this way," she gestured toward an ice slide.

It was impossible for her to see around the corner of the ice slide, but it looked long and slick; she could probably pull some real speed on it. "This feels like the remnants of a castle of some kind. I don't think we'll get trapped down here if we go down," Shalin reasoned to Altagracia. "Oh, I remember this! When I fell through the ice, I landed on a slide of some kind, and at the bottom of it is where I found that giant Alolan Ninetales. If she's still down there and we run into it, it probably won't be too thrilled to see me. But I want to see more of this place, and there's only one way down. Let's go!"

With that, she sat on the edge of the icy ledge and lowered herself onto the slide. It was just as slick--and fast--as she expected. She felt her stomach lurch as the slide made a sharp curve to her left, flinging her down the half-pipe at high speed. The slide threw her into a familiar sight: an ice arena she would never forget. This was where she did battle with the Alolan Ninetales she had told Altagracia about. If it were back, that could spell bad news for them both.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 419}
{PC: 5}

Note: Skipping this Hippopotas.
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TAG WITH @shiv
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 8, 2022 1:27:18 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD DEWGONG APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ICE BODY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]AQUA RING
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]AQUA JET
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HORN DRILL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]ICE SHARD
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ICICLE SPEAR
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD FROSLASS APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] SNOW CLOAK
[attr="class","wildtabox"]FROST BREATH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]POWDER SNOW
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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June 02
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 18:52:07 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

“It could be,” Altagracia responded thoughtfully. Though she doubted it. If there was one constant in this world, then it would be the heedlessness with which trainers would pursue the promise of Legendary Pokémon for capture. Given how this place didn’t seem to get many visitors, such rumors must have been dispelled a long time ago.

She kept studying the sight, as Shalin took care of her Pokémon. The Elgyem on her back began to voice some worries. Felt a weird eerie presence as it tried to extend its telepathy to the surrounding area.

But before Altagracia could ask for Elgyem to prod further, Shalin required her presence. And so the pair walked over to what seemed to be an ice slide of some sort. Long and slick, definitely a real back-breaker if something went wrong.

“You might be onto something.” She replied as Shalin spoke about the area feeling like remnants of a long forgotten castle. Now that it had been pointed out, she saw the similarities. “Worry not, I am sure the two of us can handle it,” Altagracia assured Shalin. Alas, she did not have time for further words as Shalin descended upon the icy slide.

Altagracia quickly followed, the two of them slid down and high speed, Shalin keeping herself in front all the way to Icy Arena. Elgyem made sure the landing would be a pleasant one with its psychic power.

A curious gaze watched the arena. But then she felt the trembling of Elgyem. “What’s wrong?” She asked. The Elgyem pointed towards a Leering Froslass that stood between them and two cages. Altagracia’s attention was caught by their soon-to-be opponent, enough in fact that she did not see what was in the cages.

OOC: Intent on catching Froslass
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,890 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 12, 2022 21:46:42 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
The two found themselves on opposite ends of the arena as Altagracia's landing was graceful, thanks to Listo's psychic power. Shalin and Kiara weren't so lucky, both of them sliding into the east wall on the opposite side of the slick arena. The two were able to brace themselves for impact, at worst a little shaken up but still okay. "This is as deep as I went last time," Shalin called out to her partner from across the room. She slowly stood up. "Hey Kiara, mind sitting down for me? I don't want to slip and fall down here." The obedient lioness did as asked, letting her trainer aboard. Her powerful claws let her grip the icy surface with ease.

As memories of the Ninetales came flooding back in, a series of blue flames ignited in the arena's eight torches, one in each compass direction. A translucent-looking Froslass materialized in their head, a spooky-sounding voice echoing in the minds of both the humans in her presence.

"bE gOnE bEfOrE thE flAmEs Of dEspAIr ExtIngUIsh, Or ElsE frEEzE In UnEndIng dArknEss..."

The Froslass materialized in front of one of the torches in the center of the room, inhaling for about two seconds before expelling FROST BREATH and disappearing into the ether. Shalin felt a noticeable temperature drop when the flame extinguished. Her eyes shifted rapidly among the seven remaining lit torches, looking for where the Froslass would appear next. It was the one directly across from the one it had just taken out. "Kiara, FLAMETHROWER!" The lioness turned toward the Froslass and spewed a line of hot flames toward the tricky phantom. Unfortunately for her, Shalin's reaction time combined with Kiara's allowed the Froslass to phase into the ether moments before she would have been roasted.

It wasn't until the fourth flame that Shalin and Kiara lucked out, happening to face the correct direction as the ice ghost warped into material existence. "FLAMETHROWER again!" The Pyroar reared high to be able to angle her stream of fire high enough to torch the wild before it could vanish again. Shalin held on for dear life as the found herself almost parallel to the ground with how powerful the rearing motion was. At least she was able to grab onto warm fur; she wondered how Altagracia was faring with the further-reduced temperature of the arena...

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Kiara         Pyroar-F       Good
Treble        Hakamo-o       Good
Prance        Wyrdeer        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Levy          Milotic        Good

{WC: 392}
{PC: 6}

ooc note: Planning on befriending the Dewgong, who will be imprisoned in one of the cages, next post.
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June 02
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
66 posts
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TAG WITH @altagracia
Altagracia Contreras
LEVEL-3 | Crystal Trench
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 20:27:35 GMT
Altagracia Contreras Avatar

It seemed they had reached the known limits of Shalin’s prior traveling, now they were in unknown territory.

A pleased smile spread upon her lips. Excitement spread through her. So much so that she met the gaze of the Frosslas with brave defiance as it proclaimed that they should leave. However, it gave them little time to do so as it spread FROST BREATH into the arena before disappearing.

Elgyem kept Altagracia safe with a barrier of PSYCHIC energies.

And then the battle began. Shalin was quick to respond, thankfully so.

It allowed Altagracia a moment to consider her options, and at last, she found what she believed to be the right Pokémon for the job in the Arena. A Manectric was summoned.

It growled in aggression towards the enemy as it felt the presence.

“Shockwave!” Altagracia commanded.

Manectric jumped into action, sending a wave of electricity towards the Ghost, who was already preoccupied with the Pyroar. Electricity struck true, causing a great deal of discomfort to the wailing ghost, though not as much as the flames caused.

Waves of POWDER SNOW were sent in Altagracia’s and Manectric’s direction. Though the woman and Pokémon were quick to dodge as the sheer cold of the attack tried to freeze them in the already cold could-be tomb.

Manectric sent another burst of SHOCK WAVE towards the Frosslas, which once again struck true.

Thinking this might have been just enough Altagracia threw a Pokéball toward the ghostly creature. Hoping to capture it or at least provide enough of a distraction to allow Shalin a chance to deal the finishing damage.

OOC: Intent on catching Froslass
LOCATION: Mossdeep - Shoal Cave

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