july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
watch the moon [m]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2022 20:54:27 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] annalise raises her eyebrows as he takes both shots without so much of a wrinkle of his nose, her lips forming her surprise in the shape of a small o. her voice betrays how impressed she is, thick with how much alcohol is already in her system, "wow! what a maaan!"[break][break] she's nursing her drink when another round of shots appear on the counter. her eyebrows raise again, but the reaction isn't so positive as it was before. [break][break] "ugh, i really shouldn't," annalise says, having a moment of clarity through the fog. staring down at the colorless liquor, she just knows she's going to get fucked up, but — [break][break] " — but for you?" she gives him a sly smile, all teeth and bad decisions, before taking the first shot, then the second. as much as she tries to seem as unaffected as he had been, her face scrunches, mouth twisting into a grimace as the aftertaste curdles in the back of her throat. [break][break] she takes a too-big sip of her drink to wash it away, punctuating it with a quiet, "yuck."[break][break] [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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