july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
watch the moon [m]
POSTED ON Jul 30, 2022 7:36:51 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] "yeah, well, you only seem to let loose when i'm not around!" annalise is just playing around, but there's an edge of real frustration lying beneath her exaggerated pout. why can't she see this side of him more often? "i get business greyson while everyone else gets party greyson!"[break][break] "thanks, i was hoping you'd like it!" she ditches the pout to beam at him, pink coloring her cheeks as she notices how slowly his eyes seem to return to her face. [break][break] "a tape?!" she gasps, scandalized by the thought for a heartbeat. then she thinks about who she's talking to. hand holding might feel like third base to him, for all she knows. "you're joking."[break][break] annalise takes another sip of her drink as she considers his question.[break][break] "it's pretty boring, to be honest. just ranger stuff. i'm not an exhibitionist like you," she points at him accusingly, unable to stifle her giggle. "i was trying to get a snorlax out of the road with one of my, like, coworkers and, like, it was super pissed when it woke up. i didn't want him to get squished by this snorlax so me and cotton candy flew in to distract it and we almost kinda, um, died."[break][break] "who knew snorlax could, like, throw so well!" annalise ends her near-death experience on a bright note. [break][break] "okay, like, what's on the tape, thooough? a mistletoe kiss or something?" she narrows her eyes at him. maybe if she looks at him hard enough, he'll fold. he always folds to her eventually. "'cause there's no way you did some crazy shit in public on video."[break][break] [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
[attr="class","annalswarmbottom"] [attr="class","annalpkmnbar"]
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