july 4
mauville city
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
general store
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2022 7:53:53 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","annal"] [attr="class","annalluck"] [attr="class","annalpostbody"] "oh, yeah?" she doesn't know much about boruta maher, admittedly. she isn't sure if he's just saying that to make conversation, either. still, it doesn't hurt to try and get to know her fellow ranger captain. "did you grow up in rustboro or, likeee?"[break][break] another pile of swept-up debris is dumped into the trash can. the floor is starting to look better, but she doesn't think it'll look good until a mop gets involved. bo's contributions — the counter, the cash register, the shelf — build up a skeleton of what the room should look like. [break][break] "if you guys ever need, like, any help, i can send over some rangers to fill the gaps." with a hand broom, she brushes broken glass and damaged merchandise off a shattered display. "but i'm glad team rocket isn't bothering you too much, at least."[break][break] and in mauville? [break][break] "i've seen reports of petty stuff but otherwise no, nothing crazy, thankfully. mauville is kind of a weird city so maybe it puts team rocket off or something."[break][break] [attr="class","annalooc"] + valor mission: heal bell [attr="class","annalaccent"] [attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]
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