i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the nightingale
December 4th
Wedgehurst, Galar
in the low lamp light i was free / heaven and hell were words to me
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TAG WITH @nightingale
thomas nightingale
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 21:07:47 GMT
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Streaming Live On Scene from the Streets of RUSTBORO City

This is Erin Carpenter reporting live, and tonight we're following reports on a local sighting of Yveltal, the legendary pokemon of My. Pyre. I'm here with Mr. Thomas,, an eye witness who says they've seen Yveltal as it took off from the mountain's summit. Mr. Thomas, what can you tell our viewers?[break][break]
It was quite surreal. I’ve taken to a bit of sky watching, what with the impending end of the world, and all. *Dry chuckle.* I was out for a nighttime stroll when I just so happened to look up and see it.
Was it doing anything particular or did it just seem to be flying by?
Well, I can’t quite say, Ms. Carpenter. It certainly wasn’t unleashing a death beam down on us, but nor did it seem to be in any real hurry.
How did you feel, seeing a Legendary that is so often considered a dark omen? Especially now, with the meteor’s presence, as you stated before?
If I’m being honest, it was… it had a sort of strange beauty to it. I wouldn’t mind seeing it again. And I don’t put stock in it being a dark omen, or any such nonsense. We used to think Rattata were born of rotting straw. Things that were once unknown and frightening don’t have to be, anymore.
Thank you for your time, Mr. Thomas. Now back to you in the studio!
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Sept 24, 2022 21:38:32 GMT
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[attr=class,charname accenttext]
Bound to their destiny...

[attr=class,bulk][break][player][/player][break]As the night wears on, many have come to accept what the undertakers of Mount Pyre have already espoused; the dead walk the earth as lost spectres marooned on their doomed orbit. Yveltal has rallied those willing new souls to Mount Pyre, granting safe harbor until the mysterious phenomenon can be understood.[break][break]

...And with a bit of luck and perseverance, ultimately corrected.[break][break]

But not every soul is so willing to depart from their reality... Entrenched in places of power, unwilling to let go of their place in the material world, they lash out with fiendish claws and dig in to Hoenn's sacred grounds. The unbound energies coursing through Hoenn are now responsible for this unprecedented grip that these souls have managed to manifest on the physical plane. They prove unruly to even seasoned rangers and League personnel, but you have become the exception...[break][break]

Even still, you require the necessary tools to combat these preternatural entities. As news of these developments spread, the channelers and caretakers of Mount Pyre are invited to the League HQ for a televized convention to discuss routes to approach and ultimately quell the rising threat before it can overwhelm the civilian population.


During the assembly, Channeler Emilia leads the discussion by merit of her extended service. As always, many look to her for spiritual strength; a motherly figure that provides a sense of safety with a measured calm. She is accompanied by and her own granddaughter as part of her entourage.[break][break]

As we have seen for ourselves last night, our worst fears have been realized. Dead souls wander Hoenn, unable to find the release they yearn for. Our order has always seen to the performance of our ancient rites of passage, but never on this scale. We cannot approach this situation in the same way, and we lack the tools necessary to excise these maligned spirits from where they've entrenched themselves. The threat we face, though grim, is not to be thought hopeless...[break][break]

Yveltal has provided us with the gift of sight. We now know what we face, and there are trainers out there that can find these spirits and, with Yveltal's blessings, draw them out from their haunts and lay their spirits to rest. The ancient art of exorcism must be revived if we are to free ourselves of this growing menace, and liberate the tortured souls from the shadow of the lives they once led...[break][break]

Pokemon will be our greatest allies in this fight as ever, and so we urge accomplished trainers who witnessed Yveltal's flight last night to visit us at Mount Pyre for special instruction.

With or without the knowledge provided, you begin to notice strange spirits when visiting areas once rife with conflict, phantasms with strange auras that seem to suggest they are not really all there. You realize you are seeing spirits set adrift, left to languish in their destitute state. Whether out of pity for these misbegotten wisps, or in knowledge of what nefarious acts they will work themselves up to left unchecked, you commit yourself to their eradication and seek out the channelers of Mount Pyre.

YOU ARE MARKED BY DEATH and are able to discern the languishing spirits across Hoenn. They appear d̸̼͗͌ͅi̷̖̬̔ḟ̴̺f̶͎͎̒̌e̴̤̥̝͛r̶̬͇̉͛̊ę̵̗̙̿͒n̷͓͔̂ṫ̵͓̗̯ from typical ghost pokemon due to the displacement of their soul, and are much more feral by nature. They crave the comfort of the living world that has disposed of them, holding us in contempt.[break][break]

In the past, what are today known as Channelers were commonly known as Exorcists, or trainers who specialized in purging the spirits of pokemon that refused to pass on. Such instances were more widespread while colonizing humans were displacing pokemon from their natural habitat, all while fewer of their practice existed to handle such cases before they developed into haunts. But as the centuries passed and humans and pokemon learned to coexist, this harsh exercise was deemed unnecessary and cruel, and the art was lost to antiquity.[break][break]

But desperate times call for desperate measures as you are now seeing the revival of this lost art. And though it had seen many refinements in the form of specialized tools and symbols, you must rely on your Pokemon in order to see the job done, relying on their mystical properties and your own insightful instruction.[break][break]

If you are prepared to face the nightmare, please follow-up HERE


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