Crystals of Mirage [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2022 18:01:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It came as little surprise to Josh that Ettie could not use his Tera Orb. He gestured toward his new friend in a manner that would be obvious he was asking for his Tera Orb to be returned to him. "That much I figured out already!" It was evident from how easy it was for Saber to Terastallize during the battle with Deoxys. While he was only able to "fly" because of the incredibly low gravity on the meteor's surface, the tremendous PRIMAL ENERGY radiating from the crystal was what allowed the Terastal phenomenon to manifest itself so readily.

"That's one thing I actually have the answer to!" Josh smiled, having picked up on that from seeing how many Pokémon Terastallized during the Meteno operation. "If you're familiar with Mega Evolution and Z-Power, it's very similar in practice. See that tiny gem near Resheph's neck?" He pointed to the water drop-shaped, blue jewel near the Dragonair's weather orb. "Your Pokémon has to have one of those to be able to Terastallize. Think of it like a special kind of Mega Stone. You have to have a Tera Orb, and your Pokémon has to have a gem like that. Not just one, both. It won't work without both."

{WC: 210}
{PC: 8}

NAME         SPECIES        STATUS
Saber        Manectric      Good
Blitz        Luxray         Good
Resheph      Dragonair      Good
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15 (Estimated)
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Route 119/Fortree
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Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 8:23:32 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Ettie couldn't help but pout, visibly disappointed over having not been able to use the Tera Orb like Josh could. Nonetheless, as he gestured for it back, she'd hand it right back to him - it wasn't like she had any intentions of keeping it in the first place, anyhow. She just wanted to try and do it like how he did it!

But, Josh had the answer as to why the orb didn't work for her - namely, because of the lack of some strange type of gem, much like the one that Resheph was wearing! Ettie blinked curiously as she stepped closer to the Dragonair, to get a better look at the Tera Shard she bore. "Ohhhh... Is pretty..." She murmured softly, nodding as she admired the little jewel on Resheph's neck. "Ettie understand!" Okay! That meant that she'd just have to find something like that for one of her packmates - then they could actually do the shiny-pretty-glowy thing!

... But, then that raised a new question. Glancing back to Josh, Ettie would point at Resheph's jewel, asking "How? Where is?" Where - or how - could she get one of her own? Given that it was the first time she'd seen something like this, it seemed as though it'd be pretty rare! "Josh-friend help find?" Maybe he knew where to find more, given that he already had one?
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2022 18:13:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Ettie had helped Josh out a lot with learning how to use his TERA ORB. Now it was Josh's turn to pass on his findings to her. "They still aren't exactly common, but you'll have the best luck looking for them in rural southwest Hoenn, around Littleroot and Oldale. The area around Oldale Town is a little... unsettling, though. You'll see what I mean if you go there. I have no interest in heading back there myself." The road from Oldale to Slateport, even the rivers, were covered in Kyurem-empowered NEVER MELT ICE. Fragments of Twilight's ABSOLITE were encased in ice, as well as dozens of Pokémon that died, perfectly preserved in glacial ice. It was an eerie, above-ground graveyard where Janus, Bladestorm, and even Twilight herself could have found themselves frozen for all eternity.

He had also read a report on a third source of Terastal energy: Mount Pyre. That would be a far less traumatic place to go. He wanted nothing more to do with that glacial wasteland despite not losing a Pokémon out there. "How about we take a trip to Mount Pyre, then? There should still be some there, unless they've all been scooped up already. I doubt it; the original Terastal crystal that impacted Hoenn was enormous."

Regardless of the offer, Josh wanted to test one more thing. "Resheph, use your AQUA TAIL!" At the trainer's command, the Dragonair flicked her water-covered, crystalline tail outward much like a whip, her TERA JEWEL glowing with a brilliant, blue light that followed the tail and the blast of water that flew outward with it. "I figured that might be the case," the smart Gym Leader mused aloud. "I think I have a good understanding of at least how to take advantage of Terastallization in battle now." Obviously its finer applications would take time to be researched, but at least he could battle effectively with them. Once others figured it out, though, professional battles would be changed forever.

{WC: 332}
{PC: 9}

NAME         SPECIES        STATUS
Saber        Manectric      Good
Blitz        Luxray         Good
Resheph      Dragonair      Good
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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
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Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 4:52:46 GMT
Ettie Avatar
It seemed that there were a number of different places they could go to, to find the shards that she'd need to properly use a Tera Orb on one of her pokemon. Littleroot, Oldale Town, both in the southwestern parts of Hoenn... Ettie nodded, noting these down in her head - "Little-root! Old-ale! Ettie understand!" - even if she wasn't wholly sure what made the area surrounding the latter so unsettling. It seemed that Josh didn't want to head out that direction, either - which was a source of uncertainty for them. Maybe she'd be better off, steering clear of the area, too? But it still sounded like Littleroot was fair game!

... But, all of that aside, there was one other place that they could go - namely, Mount Pyre! Ettie was aware of that area - even if not necessarily in name, and even if she never actually went that way. It was hard to miss the great mountain, whenever Ettie wandered in the areas surrounding Fortree - particularly the closer-by routes like 120. Even if she didn't pair the name to the place though, Ettie nodded eagerly. "Yes! Mount Pyre! With Josh-pack and Shawn-pack! Find many shiny!" She'd declare - wrapping her arms around Josh in a warm embrace.

(It seemed that by now, the terastallized wild pokemon that Ettie had spotted from the beginning might be going forgotten.)

As Josh had Resheph use Aqua Tail, Ettie was already climbing up onto Anne's back in preparation to get moving. Everyone moving together, as one big pack - the idea of such felt amazing, to little Ettie. Even though Mount Pyre was likely a ways away, she was already raring to go. "We go?" She asked, wiggling in place as she looked to Josh with all the excitement of a Yamper waiting for walksies. "Find lots!"

Haru, however, would watch with distinct interest as Resheph's jewel seemed to react to the usage of Aqua Tail - blazing alight in response. Certainly, it seemed that Primal Energy was the source of the increase in strength - flowing from orb to jewel, and from jewel to pokemon... But how did it work, exactly? Why did it flow in that way..?
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2022 18:35:08 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Shawn turned toward Josh, clearing his throat. "I was planning on going out there also," he let the Leader know.

"We can coordinate this when we get back to Mauville," Josh answered. "Given our important roles at the Gym, there's no way we can take the same days off. Not until I see an improvement with some of our other Gym Trainers. Shawn, there's a reason why you're the only one I trust to assume the role of Gym Leader in my absence."

"We'll figure it out."

Administrative nonsense pending, Josh would be able to accompany Ettie to the island grave. He turned toward Ettie. "Unfortunately we can't both be there. The reason both Shawn and I can be out here is it's just a short ride from the Gym. Mount Pyre is on the other side of Hoenn, and a trip we'd need several days away from the Gym for. Shawn has to be there to take my challengers in my stead. I will go with you though, Ettie. Mark my words."

Ettie seemed quite enthusiastic about their agreement to search the mountain for Tera Shards. Who knew? Maybe Josh would find another one for another of his Pokémon. Finding the right kind, such as a Grass-type Tera Shard for Aslan, could completely change his approach to battle. "We'll figure out a day to go. If you can't get ahold of me directly, call Mauville Gym. That's the best way to get me a message if I'm not answering."

{WC: 251}
{PC: 10}

NAME         SPECIES        STATUS
Saber        Manectric      Good
Blitz        Luxray         Good
Resheph      Dragonair      Good
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Crystals of Mirage [M]
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2022 0:38:25 GMT
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