i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dragon king
august 5th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2019 11:00:22 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]"is that a request!? do you wanna get smacked up twice?!" mateo shouted at the drunkard. "learn to hold your liquor, rent-a-cop or i'll have you written up--dragonite, go in!" wings outspread, dragonite just went for it. soaring through the sand performing a DRAGON DANCE all the while. had kyle attempted to launch a long range ability, dragonite would merely dance around it.

the dragon, with its flight speed, flew high and fast. only to, then, race downward toward the ninetails in attempt to grab the fire-type. "SAFEGUARD!" the dragonite began to emit a radiant glow. an aura protecting the dragon's body from any harmful attack that would attempt to do damage upon it, all while nullifying the addition of a ailment. dragonite's body was safely guarded. any attempt to 'cause some form of harm was prepped for counter.

"if i were your ninetails i'd start running dipshit!" mateo hollered. dragonite would attempt to grab the ninetails by the tail. if he were successful, he'd fling the ninetails not at , but at @delphi by an accdient. that's only if he were successful in capturing the ninetails, had he missed dragonite would soar back into the sky in order to try again once more.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
- dragon rage is disabled for: 1/5 turns
- dragonite used dragon dance
- safeguard is on for: 1/5 turns
- dragonite attempts to grab ninetails by the tail as he soars down from above. if he grabs ninetails successfully, he'd attempt to fling it (accidentally) at @delphi .

[newclass=.starrybase]width:450px;background-color:#111111;border:1px solid #212121;padding:10px 10px 20px 10px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2019 11:36:55 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"the fuck are ya talkin' 'bout, dragon boy? d'ya wanna go?!"

his legs started lumbering towards mateo, though given his general stance and messy footing, he does not appear intimidating at all. he'd eventually reach the old friend, an arm reaching over his shoulders to support his weight.

once he reaches him, he turns back to his ninetales, raising the bottle he held at hand along with his voice.

"eirika, remember. be a man and ATTACK!"

the ninetales, still unable to fully transition well from a relaxing atmosphere to a battle, was unable to act until the dragonite had come over and grabbed her. a fire blast was prepared in her mouth, taking in the words of her trainer, and singed the dragon up close.

before long, the dragonite throws her body over to @delphi but not after she manages to scramble the dragonite's psyche with extrasensory. the dragonite would feel a sharp sensation on its head. it would not help the ninetales on her fall though.

  • approaches and uses him for balance
  • yells at his ninetales
  • ninetales uses fire blast at close range and extrasensory as she falls
  • falls on @delphi
  • the ninetales is probs hot to touch atm btw

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2019 17:36:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar
the outburst startled delphi. not upon the fact it had been sudden, but, more—so that it was unexpected of somebody like kyle. the mutt aside the glimmering ninetales passed a content smile, her muzzle still covered by the recent treat she had snatched. 

they watched the pair eventually wander off to the side, her bright eyes following kyle with a hint of concern. of course, the concern shifted once a distant and boisterous voice caught both of their attention. 

it unraveled into absolute disaster. first off, how did the two know each—other? wondering this left delphi unable to react as quickly as she would've liked. the ninetales collided into the girl like a sack of potatoes, the heat which resonated from the canine eating away the upper half of her bathing suit. 

slowly the girl leaned upwards, quickly recognizing the exposure through the ache of being throttled backwards. her expression was concealed by the disorder of golden strands, arms covering her chest. 

"ava..." delphi said quietly, the bitterness a chilling glimmer of the doom that was to come, "take down! on them both!" the concerned mightyena nodded her head, facing mateo and kyle in the distance. the thrill of charging into them was clear on her features. she bounded forward quickly and suddenly with as much force as possible.

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
senior ranger
333 height
333 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2019 1:38:58 GMT
mateo martinez Avatar
seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]safeguarded acted as a second skin for dragonite. so the singeing heat of fire blast had been but all voided and for naught; aiding the dragonite in handling the heightened flames of fire blast. but where safeguard protected one from the harm of a physical injury, it could not protect one from mental intrusion. this would 'cause the dragonite to hold its head once the ninetails was flung.

the pain felt as if it were under the effects of a brain freeze. dragonite would fall to the ground rolling in agony. all while that was happening, kyle took it upon himself to come closer to mateo. he'd hold his nose, screaming, "you smell like booze, gross!" he sharply yelled. trying to shake him off.

distracted by kyle's ardent alcoholic venture. he would come to be hit with by something heavy--and hard. he was hit so hard that mateo was sent flying into @jennifer. a loud and unpleasant crash. "oof!" mateo would land atop of the girl. unaware of what had just happened or who he was laying on.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
mateo got sent flying into @jennifer.
dragonite is rolling on the ground in pain atm. .

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[newclass=.ooc b]color:#aaa;font-family:ubuntu;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:2px;[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2019 5:47:37 GMT
Deleted Avatar

but why tho

Jennifer was having the time of her life, dancing along to the music with her Feebas. Aimee was having fun flopping around in the sand, waving her fins in the air like she just don't care. Personally, she found the attempt at dancing to be endearing - even if the tattered fins was the first thing most people saw on the dance floor. Music continued to play and everyone around her seemed to be enjoying themselves. The only thing that could possibly make this day bad was the heat - which, currently, was manageable - but the worst case would be her having to take a break, go off to the side, and grab herself a drink. Unfortunately, just as she thinks as such, she feels the sun aggressively smacking her down, hard enough to feel something akin to a burn. No, it wasn't just her feeling it. [break][break]

Why the hell was it so hot?[break][break]

Sure, it was bearable earlier. Sure, she could actually stand being beaten down by the sun earlier-- But wasn't this a bit too much? Any hotter, and she'd probably keel over with a heatstroke. She glances down at Aimee who, too, seemed to be suffering from the heat as her flops had become progressively weaker. With a soft groan, she quickly scoops up the fish pokemon to gently brush her fingers over the tattered scales. "... Christ. Who turned up the heat?" She groans, a toxic hiss to her tone as she begins walking to the shoreline of the beach. [break][break]

What she didn't expect was someone literally flying over her way, literally crashing into her side hard enough for her to fall over. [break][break]

"FU--" She starts to curse, but the air's knocked out of her lungs before she can finish. Knocked to the ground, ungracefully, with a god damned Feebas in her arms. She looks up and, guess who she sees? Dragon anime protagonist. Her brows furrow a fair amount, before raising her voice a bit into a slightly panicked outburst."What the hell?! Watch where you're going!" she growls, admittedly a bit more hostile than she'd have liked to come off as. It was the heat getting to her head, and the fact that she could have crushed her feebas in her arms. [break][break]

Much as she would like to get up, it was kind of hard when you have a fully grown adult on top of you.



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2019 6:40:17 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"you smell like... you smell like lizard breath!" he'd retort.

nonetheless, he still clung onto him as his support. his eyes would idly watch the mightyena charge at them, though his mind blanked out on a proper response to it until the last second. by then, he'd detach himself from and yell at the dog.

"hotel, you fucker!"

he tries to tackle the mightyena back, but clumsy movements brought him to stumble. he ended up being blown away, not unlike mateo, though he fortunately did not land on top of another person. he loses the bottle he has on hand somewhere along the flight.

kyle lands nearby mateo and @jennifer , skidding through the sands. his back collided with the burning sands, friction scraping onto his bare back. regardless, he doesn't have the energy to continue anymore.

"ricky, we still continuing the fight?!" he'd yell, all while he laid on the ground, unmoving.

the ninetales followed after delphi, having been acquainted to her, and limps her way as she walks.

  • gets thrown by the mightyena
  • lands nearby mateo and jenny
  • yells and then continues to die

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2019 22:35:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
her stroll through the nearly searing sands, was menacing and hovering with undoubted anger. although delphi had her expression well concealed beneath the disorderly strands, even the pair of pokemon at her side would've felt uncomfortable. 

one hand passed by a spare towel, thankful there had been something of use to cover the dwindling bathing suit. reaching kyle and mateo, who had unfortunately landed on someone, she took in a breath. readying for the boisterous call.

"hey!" she shouted, unexpectedly loud and breaking of cheer, "you can't just be throwing pokemon at people like that! someone could end up hurt! or—" pale features suddenly grew red. delphi might've been carefree and adventurous, but, never enough she had wanted to be momentarily exposed.

"j-just! be careful okay!?" one hand clenched visibly to her front, containing the need for another outburst. it was all quite humorous and unlikely. "enjoy the beach yeah? don't bother fighting, i'm sure you'll have plenty of time for that. especially with kyle." she said towards the glimmering ninetales.

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2019 1:53:36 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar







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[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]

some notes can go heeeeeeeere. it'll scroll if you write enough, which - future me - you will inevitably do because you have no idea how to shut up. ouo

[/PTab={background-color:transparent;width:400px;height:120px;padding:0px!important;margin:-23px -3px -3px -3px;position:absolute;z-index:0;}]




For a moment, Cait's voice is a crashing wave of relief. For a moment, she forgets all about Elias entirely. The man melts into the background of her thoughts as the green-haired woman embraces her in a joyous hug. Stormy breathes a deep sigh of relief, visibly relieved to see her again.[break][break]

Unfortunately, the feeling doesn't last long. Just as Cait breathes the last syllable of her words, a horrible snarl distracts her. Eyebrows furrow in concern before she places her eyes back on Elias. Apparently someone had bumped into him with drinks. His shirt was soaked, exposing ribs and spine. He's thin.[break][break]

Stormy doesn't address him though, not until he forces his way back into their pairing. All of a sudden it's a dance trio, not a dance duo.[break][break]

His catty voice is like a slap in the face, but Stormy laughs overdramatically, waving him off.[break][break]

"Oh, you know, just enjoying the afternoon with my League colleagues. It's so nice to hear you talking so proudly of the League, Elias! Wasn't it just the other day you were shit talking us all and making it seem like we're useless and you're so kind as to pick up our broken pieces and display them?"[break][break]

Of course, she was being catty. There was a grin across her face, but her eyes were like daggers, begging Elias to defend himself. Because, after all, wasn't she at least a little bit right? The specific details of what he had actually said to her last time they'd spoken were foggy, clouded in her blind rage.[break][break]

"Or is this all a show? Some new publicity stunt to paint us as the good guys because 'we need all the help we can get', right? Isn't that what you said?"[break][break]

Her grip on Cait's hand has tightened, and she promptly realises this and let's go, a cloud of guilt and regret crossing her mind. In a way, Elias had been right. After the rescue mission to retrieve Dahlia, the news had been hard-hitting, painting the League as the 'not-so-good guys' due to their violence in the process. [break][break]

"You're a fake, Elias. You hide behind TV screens and cameras, you pretend like you know how to help people. But you don't. All you know how to dp is trash talk and hurt people."[break][break]

Stormy's hand clenches into a fist, and she takes a threatening step closer to him. One word out of his mouth and she's probably gonna sock him. Stormy Silph is about to get into a fight.





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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2019 3:21:42 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
The sun beamed down, his lightly oiled body glinting a beam off the curvature of his muscled figure. The councilman walked towards the group with a toothy smile, his arms wide open as he approached, a calm and serene atmosphere following him as he neared.

If it isn’t my favorite people, Kat and Storms! Did you guys know that the bar over there is giving out free booze? I haven’t drunk this stuff since Valentines, but I think it’s watered down or something.

His words were slurred and his stance was wobbly, the councilman clearly inebriated, his breath wafting the strong scent of liquor to any that caught wind of its stench.

For a moment he would ponder the scene, looking between Stormy and Elias quietly, assessing the situation before the goofy smile turned upside down, a frown cementing itself on his face as he put a hand on Stomys shoulder.

Are you guys fighting? Das no good. This is supposed to be a party, you guys are supposed to be having fun, and smiling, like me!

He’d point to his own face, the smile once more forming on his lips, continuing his speech right after the brief pause.

So let’s just, be friends - make nice -” His hands would clap together in a sort of peaceful way. “- and hold hands, like a family.” After seperating, his hands would go to grab both Stormy and Elias’, still standing in the middle of them with a content smile.

Until he spotted Cait, his eyes shifting between both hands before kicking up sand with a foot as he stretched it forward.

You can hold my foot if you’re feelin’ left out.

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
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596 height
slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2019 4:15:21 GMT
cait alfric Avatar

the young woman was left gobsmacked as she bore witness to the conversation's utter disintegration.


her friends had transitioned from bright-eyed and high energy to an unsavory combination of irritable and overly aggressive; their words specifically tailored to sting and do an excessive amount of harm. and cait couldn't help but grimace as they indulged in a verbal quarrel before her very eyes, though she feared that stormy would soon leap upon the petite elias at a moment's notice. 

'so they've already met,' she concluded.

and apparently their previous interactions had made for less than pleasant ones. cait opened her mouth to speak so that she could play the part of the mediator, hoping to perhaps ease the tension. 
i - 

- but of course kim made the decision to insert himself into the situation, likely wielding his talents as a charismatic politician to mend the rapidly deteriorating scenario. 


cait's gaze shifted to take in the man's exposed chest and chiseled features, an appreciative hum soon slipping past her painted lips. 

i'll be fine," she replied, smoothly. "but thanks for the offer.

she moved to give kim a swift spank to the rear, her lips curling to reveal teeth as she grinned widely at the male. 

i appreciate the assist.

she was hopeful his facade would crumble for a moment - just a moment - so that she could perhaps see a flash of embarrassment. 

'the month's not over. not yet,' she thought. 

[ caught staring ]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2019 13:40:25 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

[attr="class","coveredhills-icon"][attr="class","lnr lnr-cloud"]


snow-covered hills

can i sail through the changing ocean tides?



#@ one

#@ two

#@ three



[attr="class","ch-p-2"]kyouya braviary


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]gabriel salamence


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]vincent riolu


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]carina cutiefly


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]agni magmortar


[attr="class","ch-p-2"]marius lapras


It didn’t take too long for him to strip down and out of his shirt, and kick off his jeans as well as his sneakers. Ugh, what the hell was with this oppressive heat?[break][break]

Not only did it feel horrendous, it was absolutely fucking sticky as well—and he hadn’t even gone into the water yet! He thought he heard the sounds of arguing, and squinted in the distance—okay, whose smart idea was it to have a drunken brawl out here on the sands anyway? He could only guess that there was alcohol involved.[break][break]

With an entire bar not too far away, it was certainly possible.[break][break]

Looking down at the shorts he had on, he tsked a bit, before quickly grabbing his backpack and making his way over to one of the shower stalls not too far away from the changing areas and did his business there—never mind if it took a damned while because he had to apply rather copious amounts of sunscreen as well.[break][break]

Once he was done, though…[break][break]

He had a thought. He wondered if there was someone who was willing to have a reunion meeting with him, despite the heat. He thought he’d spotted a certain individual in the crowd—but he wasn’t too sure.[break][break]

So out came the phone and he quickly composed a text, fingers flying over the screen as quickly as he could type down what he wanted to say. After that was done, he sent the message, and added a second one not too long after—that they should meet somewhere a little more private.[break][break]

He did owe it to the other man after all.


word count: 275; setting up for a potential reunion



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 10, 2019 11:09:16 GMT
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[attr="class","vitaltop"] I will move forward and never stop

she's scared.
standing at the edge, watching as everyone dances and has fun, and just gets up to a lot of shenanigans. the blonde finds herself just there, gaze blankly staring at the party before her. everything seems so lively, and it's almost scary. do they not remember? do they not feel? perhaps it is her that is broken. broken under the weight of her sins, broken under the weight of her guilt - the weight of failure. and yet she finds herself drawn to the light. she remembers still, a time where she would be in the middle of it all, laughing happily and dancing. she in fact, dressed with those times in mind.
her long hair felt a bit weird, and the area was burning hot from the sun and bodies. but there was.. no.
she couldn't.
drawing the wispy thin veil closer to her, she finds herself staring longingly at the party. just once, maybe? she should go in. pretend to be like she used to be, and see if maybe that helps soothe her just a little. take a bit of that bright happiness, and feel life. unconsciously, her foot wedged forward. and with a spark, her green eyes narrowed in determination. she could do this. she would do this. she would not accept failure! and so, taking in a deep breath, cordelia let her shoulders relax. a smile slipped on her lips, and she stepped forward. the red and white stripped bathing suit stood out against her surprisingly pale skin - the veil thin protection against the eyes of the curious. but that's ok, because cordelia was not going to think on it. stare if they must - or if they didn't, that's ok too.
and of course, mere moments after stepping into the crowd, she immediately trips and falls on someone. great.
"s-sorry!" she squeaks out, panic bubbling at the back of mind like a sudden flare.




[attr="class","vitalooc"]open[break] if you want a cute girl to fall on you call me up. also this is what she's wearing more or less! for the curious, no it doesn't cover the front fully, so you see under boob ;3 lmk if link doesn't work

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dragon king
august 5th
blackthorn city
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @mateo
mateo martinez
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2019 1:38:53 GMT
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seasons die one after another

[attr="class","starrytext"]standing up quickly, he'd respond to , "hell yeah!" with a roaring shout. he was determined to keep the battle going. as he was just about to whistle for dragonite, some random girl started yelling at him. staring at her with furrowed brows, a vein would twitch. "you were in the way, if anything you should watch where you're going, pillow tits!" a tightened fist shook toward the hissing female. there were many things mateo couldn't stand in this world--one of them? loud women.

turning toward @delphi , he'd respond to her scolding, "hey, don't go blaming me for that idiot! he challenged me, i just gracefully accepted. and now my poor dragonite's over there--" he'd point toward dragonite, who was casually rolling on the ground in pain but had merely been pretending. the pain dealt by kyle's pokemon had subsided, he just didn't feel up to the task of doing something so bothersome today. it was, after all, suppose to be a free day. "--my poor buddy, don't worry i--gah!" and then came karma.

@cordelia had fallen atop of mateo's back. causing him to dive first into the sand. muffled screams and flailing arms were enough to indicate that he was, by far, fuming. sticking his head up, he'd turn around, shouting, "oi, oi, oi! what's the big idea--" his face turned as red as a tomato. from not the busty bosoms touching his back, but the fact the stranger, @cordelia , was pretty cute. as she apologized he'd turn his face forward and looked down, "m-mm..." he nodded vertically, "j-just please get off." he murmured.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-heartbeat"]
[attr="class","ooc"] , @cordelia , @delphi , and @jennifer
what the hell is happening, lmao...

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 11, 2019 3:56:08 GMT
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who's getting ice punched

Everyone was hot, weren't they? [break][break]

Well that's why Elora came prepared. With all of the heat going on - and the apparent, sudden drought that seemed to have caught many people off - it was bound to make people feel.. Too hot, right? Even though she was walking around in a bathing suit, she didn't feel.. Too hot or too cold, really. Not with the sun beating on her from above, but also while walking side by side on the beach with her ice fox here. The ice shards, though momentarily, seemed to melt shortly after they formed around her. Elora on the other hand never seemed to mind - in fact, she put her hands over the ice pokemon to collect that nice frost on her hands before rubbing the cold water against her face. [break][break]

Ah.. But it wasn't fair for her to be the only one actually.. Enjoying this pleasant temperature, right? After all, everyone else seemed to be enjoying the hot weather, but the drought from another person's ninetales seemed to be killing the mood with a coming heatwave. She lowers her head downwards, slightly, as she gently rests her hands against her stomach. "... Mmn." She grimaces softly. But what if she ruined someone's day? What if she did something that people didn't want, and she'd feel like.. A bother? What if she ruined the dance? What if she bumped into someone, and made them spill a drink? What if they didn't like the ice pokemon's cold? What if people just liked the sun? What if this sun was put up because a rain storm was approaching? [break][break]

Numerous scenarios rushed through her mind and, ultimately? She was nervous. She was anxious, afraid and paranoid. What were the actual odds of her ruining anything for anyone? Slim. Very low, but she continues to delude herself in her own little world. Meanwhile, her ninetales seemed to have picked up on his nervous behaviour. The same, vulpine pokemon seemed to huff softly before making her own way over to the punch bowl. The trainer herself? She was too caught up in her own hypotheticals to notice the ninetales gradually beginning to charge up an ice beam, only to shoot it at the punch bowl. It freezes up the beverage bowl up pretty nicely-- ... But now what? Well... The pokemon had the great idea of turning that into shaved ice. Or even like, little ice pops or shards that people could have melt in their mouth during the heat! So what'd she do? [break][break]

She tackled the table and punch bowl. [break][break]

"W-Wha--" Elora suddenly starts, as she finally pays attention to her pokemon actually beginning to kick up sand to charge head first into the table with the punch like she were a damn taurus. "W-Wait, stop..!" She cries out, but it was too late. The pokemon had her head literally butt into the punch - and the rest of the table. Elora attempts to rush over to her ninetales, nearly tripping over the sand. It was only when the bowl was flying in the air, did she realize that it was too late to stop anything. "Look out!"--[break][break]

Was her poor attempt at warning a person about a flying bowl of frozen punch.



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 11, 2019 16:53:28 GMT
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[attr="class","eliaspost"]oh so she is going to wave her dirty laundry right in front of everyone's noses. elias puffs out his chest just a tiny bit and no doubt stormy can see the smugness in his eyes, the exhilaration he feels at this catty back and forth. this is his battleground. not violence and bloody beatings, but clever wordplay. 

people can be destroyed with words just as easily as they can a blow to the head. 

"not all of us. after all, i am part of the league." he laughs coyly, implication obvious. 

he waves a hand at her accusations with a roll of his eyes. "darling, don't pretend you know the first thing about my life. bit of an oxymoron there, don't you think? hiding behind tv screens and cameras? i am perfection because i must be perfection."

his life is constantly on a spotlight, and although stormy's accusations ring true, he certainly doesn't have to--nor will he--admit to it. at this point, ambrosia has grown tired of being jostled by the crowd and he's taken to the air. he circles lazily and his shadow casts down on elias, providing him some comfort from the harsh heat that beats down on them. 

he juts his chin to the edge of the crowd, where a few inconspicuous looking people wearing sunglasses are half-turned away from the group. "take them for example. i'm sure those photographers got a nice couple of photos of you angrily yelling at me, and considering my news reports about the league and the recent press release from some of your colleagues, i can only imagine the article isn't going to be posted in your favor."

he laughs churlishly and then stumbles as a drunken someone leans into their group. he can smell the alcohol on the man's breath and turns his head, nose crinkling, though his eyes wander over the soft curves of his cheeks, the strong build to his body. elias raises a brow as the man takes his hand, but he allows him to. 

"well, look at you, peacemaker. i'll certainly play nice as long as you stick around," he purrs. 

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing