i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2023 3:29:36 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DEEP SEA




Lusamine's Encounter Theme - Pokemon Sun & Moon

CONTRARY TO ITS NAME, THE MAJORITY OF THE ULTRA DEEP SEA IS A VAST CAVE-LIKE WORLD. Shafts of light from an unknown source barely penetrate the dark, causing colorful diamond-like rocks to glisten against humid walls. The dim lighting makes the place seem like you're thousands of leagues under the sea... Eerily, an unceasing pulse can be heard like a heart beat that rumbles throughout the realm.[break][break]

Oddly enough, one is able to "swim" through this realm like Water-type Pokemon floating in air.[break][break]

One may stumble upon deep, cold pools of dark water and alien seaweed as they scout out the realm. Segments of this place open up into an astral sea, where islands of mysterious stone are suspended mid-air.



  • 01 become poisoned by nihilego toxin temporarily.
  • 03 use a pokemon to light your path.
  • 07 escape corrupted sharpedo and veluza attempting to hunt you down.
  • 15 "blood in the water".
  • 🗺️ utilize terastallization in a pivotal way.
  • 🗺️ 's experience as a special investigations officer must be pivotal in some way.
  • 🗺️ 's experience being brought up by lycanrocs and/or her skills of stealth must be pivotal in some way.
  • 🗺️ 's experience as a gym leader and/or past Team Rocket member must be pivotal in some way.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


[attr="class","slot material"]

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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2023 6:45:19 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The Border had been strange then - but in a way, the Ultra Deep Sea was an even stranger place. To be able to swim through the air as if it were water, the dim and eerie lighting, a pulsing rumble like a beating heart...

Really, the primary reason why Ettie was here was cause of . When she heard that her friend had been preparing a trip into another one of these strange rifts, the wildchild was eager to follow after - ready to explore someplace new! The fact that another person she knew - namely - was present was a plus, too! But upon entering the Ultra Deep Sea, it became readily apparent that this was an opportunity for something a little different.

Namely, it was a chance for the seals to come out and play.

Pago, Penny, and Aurien all would be out and about - the trio happy to swim to their hearts content in this strange environment. Ettie would be seated atop Pago in particular - whilst the offer was open for Nikita or Johanna to ride atop the other two. Aurien was eager and daredevil in nature, enjoying flipping and twisting about through the 'sea'. Penny, on the other hand, was a bit more lax - but also a diva, who enjoyed nothing more than having her rider's attention on her.

Otherwise, there was also Anne, Duchess, Princess, and Haru - the others waiting in their pokeballs for the time being. With the awkwardness of 'swimming', only some of the pokemon were interested in dealing with the fuss. Anne stuck around because of her dislike for a pokeball, wanting to be near Ettie and able to assess their surroundings. Duchess, meanwhile, would use this as a chance to practice moving about with Magnet Rise - Princess following close behind.

And Haru took to lighting the way with her staff - a flame at the end providing visibility, much like a torch.

Finally though, there were two others. Scarlet was present, remaining sheathed at the small of Ettie's back - and a certain Marshadow hid within her shadow. For now, Scarlet was dormant - the doublade simply content to slumber until it was time for them to be drawn. The Marshadow, on the other hand - given the name Delle - would watch her surroundings from Ettie's shadow, full of awe and curiosity alike...

It had been some time since they initially entered this place, though - and thus far, there didn't appear to be any visible threats. At least, not yet. Ettie was relaxed, looking around with about as much awe as she did when they first entered - though Anne remained on the alert as always, keeping a close eye on the group's surroundings... Who knew what might dwell down here, after all...?
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
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I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 12:14:17 GMT
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While far past the age of adventuring, the detective found himself a pioneer of parts unknown. His psyche, however, was set on the case which had been brought before him. Or, to be more accurate, the cases The first was a simple missing persons investigation. The police chalked the incident up to a disloyal man looking for a way out. But to the experienced investigator, things did not smell right. A few questions indicated he’d been seen near the rift shortly before his disappearance.

The other case, meanwhile, was less of a case and more of a round in a game of ongoing tag. A Rocket fugitive he’d finally tracked down had fled into this rift earlier this week. And, so close to putting a bullet in the woman’s brain, it was hard to shake Nikita off the scent. The same could be said of the Houndstone forever at his heel. As they walked through the cavern toward a designated meeting point. Unlike Ettie, he seemed to be grounded. This came courtesy of weights he carried in a bag on his back. Nikita may not care about life most days—more of a revenant than a man—but he refused to look ridiculous in front of strangers.

Which is why he took time to admire the beauty of this place prior to reaching his destination. Though the land of the dead was a different realm entirely, he could not help but be reminded of the Ballad of Orpheus in his deadly deal with Yveltal.

When he arrived at the rendezvous point, a brief moment of confusion flashed. Why had the League allowed a child—one he’d met previously—to enter a deadly alternate dimension? Quickly shaking off the shroud of protective instinct, he would offer the young lady a nod. “Miss Ettie.” He sighed, aware of the torture his inner grammarian was about to face. “Lovely to see you again.” His accent as always is crisp and cool, like cucumber water on a winter day. His baby blues swept over the Dewgong in front of him, a feeling of loss twisting his heart.

Robin's bosom companion had been one of these graceful denizens of the sea. “I will find my own way.” The mask slipped back into place as the Houndstone gently rubbed its head against its trainer’s nicotine-stained fingers. “Thank you for the offer.” Turning to their last companion, the man offered a curt nod.

“I am Nikita. This is Detective Winters.” A dark rumble emerged from the Houndstone’s chest. While intimidating, it is simply the dead dog’s way of saying hello. “My pleasure, I am sure.”

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July 07
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2023 17:34:02 GMT
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Johanna had cursed the day she accidentally mentioned to Ettie that she was going into another rift. Endangering a kid like that, no matter how skilled, didn’t seem right. But she knew that Ettie would follow with or without her supervision.

And so she allowed the Young girl with her on this expedition. As for the other person. She didn’t know him, but he seemed polite enough.

Introductions were in order, though it seemed Ettie and Nikita already knew each other. Still, Johanna beamed both man and Pokémon with a wide friendly smile as she said. “Oh no no, surely it is My pleasure to meet you. I am Johanna Joy.”

Anyhow, she would join Nikita in refusing Etties offer. She preferred Solid ground or the comforting arms of a Drifblim. And the latter was woefully lacking right now. Instead a Gengar walked by her side, wide grinned, while a Marshadow hid within her Shadows, still a bit unsure about its situation for now.

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POSTED ON Mar 18, 2023 3:53:03 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As Johanna and Nikita introduced themselves to one another, Ettie smiled brightly. "Nikita-friend! Johanna-friend! Both good!" She chirped, as Pago passed overhead - upside-down, though the wildchild appeared completely unbothered hanging from his saddle like this. Before long though, the dewgong flipped back upright - and Ettie giggled all the whilst. "Friends good!"

It was hard for Ettie to find the eerie surroundings all that troubling, when she had companions at her side. There were strength in numbers, after all - and it went both ways! She hoped that by having the pack around, that Johanna and Nikita both would feel safer, too. Even if something scary came along, they'd all be able to face it together!

Which, speaking of... Ettie blinked, as something ahead caught her eye - pale shapes like jellyfish, drifting through a crossroads beyond in the winding tunnels that made up a good portion of this otherwordly dimension. The pack came to a stop as they observed from afar - Haru carefully dimming the torch, so as to avoid drawing undue notice. Though Ettie's gaze did not pull away from the distant nihilego, she'd still speak - softly, to not draw the wild ultra beasts' attentions. "What-is?" She asked, seemingly directed to Johanna and Nikita both.

What were those pokemon? Were they pokemon? They certainly weren't any that Ettie had seen before...

But even as the group observed the drifting nihilego, they were not alone. Something brushed oh-so-gently against the sides of Ettie's neck, and her upper arms - as if something were attempting to embrace her. At the same time, she could hear a snarl from Delle as the Marshadow rose up from her shadow, swinging a Shadow Punch at something..!

... And yet - when the pack whirled around to look at whatever it was that was behind Ettie, they'd see nothing.

No matter where the wildchild's gaze scanned - her teeth bared in a half-snarl, and the hairs on the back her neck raised - there was nothing that they could see, in the inky dimness beyond the reach of Haru's light. Anne inhaled deeply as she 'swam' around - but... Though there seemed to be an unfamiliar scent, the lycanroc couldn't make heads or tails of it, letting out a confused-yet-agitated growl.

Neck feeling itchy, Ettie would bring up a hand to scratch a little at one of the spots that she had been touched. "Wh-what was...?" She asked - a sense of unease in the air, her heart refusing to settle quite yet. But even though whatever it had been had been able to get close to her, it didn't seem like any harm was done..? Glancing back to Johanna and Nikita, Ettie made a soft and puzzled whine - asking "Ettie-okay - friends-okay...?"

... ... This place was strange...
Basically the start of completing 01?

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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
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I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 12:18:31 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

Nikita quickly looked the stranger up and down. He took note of everything from the almost perfect mess of braids to her posture and intonation. Similar treatment was given to the Pokemon at her side. The smile seemed genuine. Though the detective did not return it. His brother often jested that his face had forgotten how to smile. The niceties were met with a nod and a cool correction. “I believe we will have to agree to disagree.” Meeting him did not qualify as pleasurable. It was not as if they were at a tea party. They were traipsing through the wild belly of an alternate universe. It was no place for games. "I am quite frightening, you know?"

A thought not shared by the teenager currently swimming around their heads like a little cartoon Wattrel. It seemed an accurate reflection of his brain as it listened to Ettie’s attempts to string an intelligent sentence together. “Quite.” Nikita responded to the inverted girl after a moment. Even if such simple thinking better fit the screen of a children’s television show than this wasteland, the sentiment held true well enough.

The appearance of the Nihilego made him pause. Blue eyes carefully scrutinized the jellyfish from afar. It would not be his first time interacting with an Ultra Beast, though not this particular one. Still, he’d carefully examined his exploration guide, even going so far as to bring along a vial of antidote. Ettie’s question was met with a frown. “Nihilego.” A simple answer for a simple child. “I would advise studying up before diving blindly into a hell mouth in the future.” He lifted a cigarette to his mouth and lit it—this gremlin’s grammar would do him in.

When the Nihilego neared, brushing its tendrils against Ettie’s neck, the Houndstone lunged. Its teeth locked briefly around a tentacle before it was violently pulled away. Now severed, the writhing mass dropped to the ground, reaching out to the travelers as if for help. “Grawr!” Winters snapped at the now empty air, his red eyes glowing like twin embers.

With a sigh, Nikita moved to examine the child’s neck. “It appears you were grazed. Let us know if you feel off.” With Ettie, it would be quite difficult to tell the difference between her typical behavior and illness, but he would manage. As he pulled back, a burst of bright green and pink caught his eyes. When he turned, he spotted a mass of color amongst the desaturation parade.

A horde of angry Sharpedo and Veluza had appeared. Blue eyes dropped to the opalescent puddle beneath the now-still tentacle. Literal blood in the water, perhaps? “I suggest we move.”

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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 13:08:27 GMT
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It didn’t take long before introductions were exchanged with the appearance of problems.

First Nihilego. One in the distance and another that somehow managed to sneak up on Ettie and graze her.

Worry quickly appeared on her face as she watched Nikita check up on Ettie. She knew even a graze, no matter how light, was enough for Nihilego to inject its venom. Now she wasn’t about to mention how she knew that.

Now as a Gym Leader and former Team Rocket, the moment she had heard there might have been a chance of Nihilego here, she had brought antidotes as well.

But alas administering that would have to wait. Predators had caught a whiff of their presence and they were hungry.

Johanna took a deep breath, while she might’ve seemed a bit on the timid side of things. Now, as she faced a horde of predators. She had taken upon herself the Gym Leader mask and stood defiantly against them. “Run, I’ll see if I can buy us some time.”

She hoped they would trust her enough to just do as she would say.

“Retnauh, keep them occupied for a moment.”

The Gengar went to work sending waves of hypnotic power against the horde. And for a moment it seemed to lessen their speed. But then the Veluza began to counteract it using their own Psychic powers.

But Johanna hadn’t placed all her Togepi’s in one basket. During all of this she had retrieved the Pokéball containing her Claydol, releasing it into the fray.

“Terastelize, then Earth Power followed by Ancient Power!”

Claydol was consumed by what seemed like Ghostly energy for a moment, before emerging now a ghost. Just in the knick of time as Psychic attacks began to grace the pottery-doll.

Weakened though the attacks were, they still stung. But not enough to prevent it from collapsing the tunnel in front of the approaching horde halting their progress and then using Ancient power to dig rocks that might help prevent them from digging through.

“That should be enough, let’s go!” And so she and all her Pokémon turned to run. Hoping by now that Nikita and Ettie had done the same and therefore had a headstart.

- 07
- Terastelize
- Johanna Personal prompt

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POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 21:52:16 GMT
Ettie Avatar
As Nikita came close, Anne would watch him like a hawk - the wolf's gaze sharp, her agitation clear to see from her half-curled lips, stiff tail, and ears tilted back. One wrong move would more likely than not set the lycanroc off, when she was on-edge like this - her protective instincts demanding her to be prepared to ward off any threat.

Ettie, however, just appeared a little quizzical at the detective's examination - the young girl allowing him to look more closely, and even tilting her head to the side to make it easier. Even in the dim lighting, it was easy to see where Ettie's pale skin was reddened - but it was hard to tell whether this was because she had been stung, or if it was because she had been scratching herself but moments ago. "Ettie... Feel okay," She spoke - briefly pausing to gauge how she felt - before casting a gaze over her shoulder once more. "Just... Surprise." Which, could one blame her? One second, she had been watching some distant nihilego - and then the next, everyone is up in arms due to something having snuck up on them.

Which, the surprises were about to continue. As if drawn by the lights and commotion, a swarm of sharpedo and veluza approached - corrupt beasts, twisted just enough to appear off to the naked eye. The pack began to bristle and growl, prepared to protect themselves against the approaching predators...

... Johanna, however, was keen on protecting them so they could run. Ettie's expression shifted into one of worry - to leave allies behind didn't exactly feel right to her. And yet, it was clear that the swarm of corrupt predators was more trouble than it was worth to fight. To stand their ground would just mean people getting needlessly hurt.

Thus, while Ettie was visibly reluctant to leave Johanna, she nonetheless followed the gym leader's instructions - the pack turning around to make their retreat. However, the wildchild glanced to Aurien, and with a gesture in Johanna's direction, she stated "Help friend."

Aurien, being the dutiful and brave primarina that he was, saluted without a second thought. He'd charge into the fray with an Aqua Jet, that was quickly followed up with a Play Rough to smack away a nearby sharpedo as he helped Retnuah cover Clay. All the while though, he let loose a valiant cry - as if to say 'Have no fear, Aurien is here!' ...

... It would likely become easy to see that this primarina had a taste for superhero antics.

But before long, Clay would form a blockade in the tunnel to hold back the swarm; and Aurien took this as a sign that they were to skeedaddle! As Johanna turned to run, Aurien would swoop down to attempt to scoop her up in his arms - as if she were a damsel in distress - before he was off, swimming as fast as he could to catch up with everyone else...!

But even as Aurien aided in the escape, he could hear the sounds of thuds, and crumbling earth, as the corrupted swarm was striking at the blockade. The primarina spared a glance behind him - though it was too dim to make out much, beyond the way the rocks occasionally shifted under what must have been quite the assault....

Meanwhile though, Ettie's pack was moving with purpose - Haru having dimmed the light of her torch, to help avoid drawing any more attention to themselves. Anne's eyes scanned their surroundings warily, unsure of what to expect around any corner. They were tense, on high alert, and it was safe to say Ettie was pretty concerned for Johanna, as well. Was she doing ok? Was Aurien able to help?

The wildchild made a soft whine as she gazed over her shoulder - bringing a hand up to her chest, as if hoping to soothe the quickened beats of her heart. It had yet to calm down - though these hectic situations were sure to blame for it... That, and the sense of building unease that seemed to be sinking its grip into her... It was like her instincts were screaming at her that something was wrong - and yet, she wasn't sure what exactly... There was just something, about this whole place, that she didn't like...

Anne, picking up on Ettie's unsettled demeanor, would sidle all the closer to her - 'swimming' alongside Pago, and nuzzling against her smaller sister's side. The wolf couldn't help but share in the sentiments, even if she did not feel the same persistent heartbeat and building unease - this place was very different from the Border, in a way that she didn't like.
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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
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I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 14:31:19 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

Blue eyes lifted to the approaching crowd. The older man’s fingers tapped gently on a Pokeball at his side as his lips pursed into a thin line. He calculated a number of strategies. A moment of pause followed as he tried to settle on the correct one.

But it appeared the gym leader wished to take the lead in this battle. His lips pressed into a thin line of dissatisfaction as she told him to run. Nikita did not like the idea. Using a young woman as a shield struck him as distasteful. Then, of course, came the injury to his pride. Why was he grouped with a feral child in terms of strength and fortitude? Still, Ettie seemed unlikely to proceed with the caution a place like this required. “Very well!” He shouted over the deafening silence. “Stay safe.”

With that declaration, Nikita followed Ettie and her pack. “Winters.” A shared glance between the two instructed the ghoulish hound dogging his partner’s heels. Standing in the Claydol’s vicinity, the hound unleashed a Roar. The powerful vocalization sent the leading fish flying backward, disrupting the school. An unlucky bite left one Sharpedo dripping blood from his gills and belly. The blood drew the nearest creatures into a maddened frenzy. When a Veluza dove for him, the dog vanished, only to reappear and deliver a devastating Phantom Force. Still, the dog knew these attacks wouldn’t be enough. This place was too open.

With his work done for the moment, the hound phased through the rocks, reappearing at his trainer’s side. In the darkness, the glow of his ember eyes flickered like a candle in a power plant. A rare show of affection passed between the pair, Nikita’s gloved hand gently stroke the undead canine’s muzzle as they walked deeper into the Ultra Deep.

Dust fell from above as their pursuers tried to chew through solid rock. “You seem nervous,” Nikita observed before turning around to face the other member of their party. “Thank you.” Allowing her to go in front of him, he pulled out a Pokeball containing his Intelleon and Alakazam. These he tossed at their rear. As he did so, a small Velluza burst through the barrier. A snipe shot from the Intelleon left it lying on the ground, gasping in pain—a diversion of a few seconds perhaps.

As they continued, Nikita frowned as the path forked in front of them. “Hm.” Then, he saw it. On one of the stalagmites was a piece of fabric—likely from a hoody or sweater. “I recommend the left path. It is narrower—ambushing us will be more difficult.”

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July 07
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 17:34:54 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

The plan worked about as well as any improvised plan could.

Johanna made her escape, helped along by a Primarina with ideas of superheroism.

And so they all ran, and ran until they reached a forked path. Johanna knew they had to make a choice quickly, she had an inclination that their new ‘friends’ wouldn’t be far behind.

And so she decided to trust Nikita’s judgment. “Alright, left it is then.”

She would glance to Ettie and Nikita, letting them go first unless the primarina had other ideas.


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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 13:55:20 GMT
Ettie Avatar
Nikita's observation would make Ettie's shoulders jump a bit - and for the briefest moment, there's a hue of fight or flight in her gaze as she glances back to him. As if she weren't sure whether she had heard a friend or foe. But as soon as she sees it's just him, her gaze returns to that of the friendly young girl, even if she was still unsettled. "Kinda," She confirms with a nod. "Johanna-friend alone... Ettie worry."

She didn't like the idea of leaving others behind - a pack stuck together. There was safety and strength in numbers - and Johanna being on her own meant that she didn't have that, at least not to the same degree as if they all stuck together.

But thankfully, Johanna soon returns - and as soon as Aurien caught up with the group, the primarina would carefully set her down on her feet. Ettie - atop Pago - as well as a few of the other canines are quick to move to Johanna's side - Duchess sniffing, Princess looking up and down, and Haru briefly conversing with Aurien and Johanna's pokemon - all to make sure that she and the others were okay.

With things seeming fine though, the group continues moving - and when they come across a crossroads, Nikita chooses that they take the left path. Ettie is happy to be one of the first atop Pago and alongside Anne - though the rest of the pack ends up a bit interspersed throughout the rest of the group, to help keep eyes out for danger.

But even as things were quiet whilst everyone moved, Ettie couldn't help but find herself lost in her own head - the back of her mind itching, pacing like a caged beast. Something was wrong. Something wasn't right. But she couldn't exactly figure out what. It wasn't even as if she lacked any words, but more that she couldn't figure out what she was applying words to in the first place.

And not only that, but her head has begun to throb - low, pulsing, but present. But rather than express it in words, she can't help but whine softly - a hand brought up to massage her temple.

Anne glances to her - and with a concerned gaze, drifts closer to nuzzle Ettie.

The wildchild glances over, and makes a soft chuff in response, rather than reassuring her in words - trying to think of words is tough right now - and leaned down to nuzzle Anne back.

Though, it wasn't long before things began to go awry once more. It would be Duchess's resounding Howl from the back of the group that signifies something is wrong - and immediately, the pack is on alert.

The swarm - fewer in numbers and bottlenecked by the path, but still present - has returned, Sharpedo and Veluza charging forth to try and continue pursuit. The pokemon are immediately ready to go on the offensive to fight them off - though it would likely come as a surprise, when they aren't the only ones fighting. Because as a Sharpedo manages to squeeze through to swim overhead, fangs glinting in the dim light, and scratches on its body dripping with darkened blood...

... It was almost as if Ettie were a shark herself, with the sudden ferocity she displays. Something in her head snaps - and it's with a howl of her own that she leaps at the Sharpedo. It thrashes, but she digs her nails in like claws as she grapples it - and without any hestiation, she sinks her teeth into it with a wild snarl! Prey. Prey. PREY. A voice like-unlike her own has scented blood, and her instincts know injured prey when she sees it.

Anne is alarmed, unsure of what has come over her human sister - and even Pago is bewildered by this sudden act! But nonetheless, they join in the fray in hopes of getting Ettie and the Sharpedo away from one another..!
- Ettie confirms she's nervous - particularly out of concern for Johanna.
- When Aurien brings Johanna back to the group, he carefully sets her down on her feet. What a gentleman! c:
- Ettie + the pack come to check up on Johanna to make sure she + her pokemon are okay
- When Nikita chooses the left path, Ettie and co are happy to head on in - the pack being somewhat spread out throughout the group, to better keep an eye out for everyone.
- While everyone's walking though, Ettie's symptoms are getting worse - including a throbbing headache, and a difficulty with words.
- The swarm - fewer in number + bottlenecked in the narrow path - eventually return, Duchess giving a Howl both in warning and to buff everyone.
- While the pack is prepared to fight back, a Sharpedo slips towards the front of the group... Only for Ettie to snap - as she pounces on and begins attempting to maul it, her addled mind regarding it as prey.
- An alarmed Anne and Pago engage the Sharpedo to try and get it + Ettie away from each other.

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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
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I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 18, 2023 3:16:14 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

With the Veluza bursting through mere moments after the Sharpedo, Nikita’s assessment of the situation becomes direr. While collapsing the tunnel will undoubtedly buy them time, it is just as likely to leave them in a sticky situation. Only so long could one survive in a place like this, after all. Especially, if he was forced to spend weeks beholden to the whims of this canine Tarzan.

Fortunately, Miss Joy seemed more than capable of covering their flank. Watching the little shadow creature, he could not help but quirk a salt-and-pepper brow. “Is that a Marshadow? I have never seen one up close before.” He offered a nod of thanks to it as the Veluza was brought to its figurative knees. “Quite a handy fellow.” If they were not a few minutes away from being chum, the detective would have pushed the issue.

Curiosity had not killed him. Not yet. But today it could. Not that he would be against it.

Barbara did her best to hold the child in place—surprised by her outburst. Fortunately, whether it was time or a recognition of futility, the tantrum subsided to feral suspicion. Nikita’s eyes drifted to Ettie’s neck. The earlier graze point was now inflamed, showing signs of purple at its edges. Nikita’s lips pressed into a line of displeasure. “Ah.” He pulled out a small case from his pocket—the same one he used for cigarettes. “I see.”

With a click, the box opened to reveal a few wrapped syrings.

He hoped the syringe explained his findings. Blue eyes shifted meaningfully to Johanna, before dropping to the concerned hounds. Unfortunately, he did not think a sticker or lollipop was enough to quell this particular child. A deep breath centered him—his mind reminding the detective that simply knocking her unconscious wasn’t an option. “I will have Barbara. release her on three. Try not to let her scamper off.”

On the count of two, the telekinetic bubble dropped to the ground. Three. It exploded—just in time for another group of Sharpedo to crash into the tunnel’s gap.

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July 07
Ever Grande City
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 13:20:13 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

All hell broke loose. A mild statement for sure. Johanna watched with worry as Ettie jumped into the fray upon one of the Sharpedo that had found passage past her barrier.

But before Johanna could even formulate a plan, their companion Nikita had joined in to help with an Alakazam.

But Sharpedo hadn’t been alone, Veluza had followed along. It was time for the creature that had been hiding in Johanna’s shadow to make an appearance. A tiny figure jumped up, fist crackling with lightning quickly meeting with the fishy predator, knocking it out.

“Thanks.” Johanna would quickly acknowledge the Marshadow’s efforts before turning to Ettie and Nikita with a worried look, her gaze asking the question ‘is Ettie okay’ even if she did not want to give voice and weight to her concerns. Because she already knew the answer.


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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 2, 2023 11:35:23 GMT
Ettie Avatar
(Putting a CW for violence here just incase?)

The sharpedo thrashed, it slammed into one of the walls - but even as a sharp rock bit into Ettie's arm and drew blood, that seemed to only further encourage the feral behavior she displayed. When a particularly vicious buck tore her teeth away from the shark's flesh, she simply found a new place to sink her fangs into once more - snarling wildly, her sharpened nails clawing against its skin and digging in for hold.

With how violently the sharpedo is moving, none of Ettie's pack can get close enough to put a stop to the mayhem - even as Anne tries to tackle into the beast to subdue it, it bites down on her and throws her into Pago. Duchess' fur sparks with electricity, and yet she's afraid that she'll shock Ettie as well, if she attempts to attack!

In the end, it's Nikita's alakazam who is able to separate Ettie from the shark - pulling her away, and bringing her into a bubble of telekinetic energy. Initially, her eyes dart about - and upon noticing a nearby Veluza, she slams into the bubble in an attempt to pounce at it. But when she briefly scrabbles at it with her nails and finds it impassable, she lets out a low growl, before stilling.

Unnaturally dark - yet still vivid red - blood drips from Ettie's teeth and nails, and her eyes are wild, less child and more wolf. She is perched in a seated position as her gaze darts between those around her, her breathing heavy as though she is catching her breath from the prior exertion. For a moment, something flickers in her gaze - she moves her lips as if trying to form words, and sounds do escape her mouth...

... But whatever she's trying to say trails off in a soft snarl as she holds her head with one hand, unable to form anything coherent. In such a small body such as her's, even a small dose of nihilego toxin would likely be fast-acting.

The pack's concern is apparent, as Ettie's pokemon begin to gather around the bubble. Anne is pacing, Duchess lets out a soft whine of concern, Haru watches Ettie with worry, and Princess - normally sedate and lazy - is visibly agitated and growling softly. Anne, however, casts a gaze towards Johanna - as if the normally distrustful wolf were hoping that the gym leader would have an answer, in all of this.
- Ettie gets a cut on her arm from being slammed into the wall by the sharpedo, but continues mauling it.
- With how violently the sharpedo is acting, none of the pack can get close enough to safely separate Ettie from the shark.
- When Ettie is separated and bubble'd, she initially attempts to pounce at a nearby Veluza - but upon failing, seems to settle down (even if a little growly about it.)
- Ettie's teeth/nails are visibly bloody, the blood itself being unnaturally dark (partly doing this cause they're described as corrupted,) but still noticably red
- Ettie attempts speaking, but instead makes unintelligible noises, trails off in a snarl + holds her head with one hand, unable to put together words. With how small she is, even a small dose of nihilego toxin is likely going to be fast-acting.
- The pack is concerned/agitated over Ettie's current state. Anne looks to Johanna for help.

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October 21
Ecruteak City
Ace Detective (HBIC Agent)
Healing Hands
42 height
42 height
I may be on the side of the angels, but do not think for a SECOND that I am one of them.
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TAG WITH @nikitasokolov
Nikita Sokolov
POSTED ON May 4, 2023 1:43:10 GMT
Nikita Sokolov Avatar

With the Veluza bursting through mere moments after the Sharpedo, Nikita’s assessment of the situation becomes direr. While collapsing the tunnel will undoubtedly buy them time, it is just as likely to leave them in a sticky situation. Only so long could one survive in a place like this, after all. Especially, if he was forced to spend weeks beholden to the whims of this canine Tarzan.

Fortunately, Miss Joy seemed more than capable of covering their flank. Watching the little shadow creature, he could not help but quirk a salt-and-pepper brow. “Is that a Marshadow? I have never seen one up close before.” He offered a nod of thanks to it as the Veluza was brought to its figurative knees. “Quite a handy fellow.” If they were not a few minutes away from being chum, the detective would have pushed the issue.

Curiosity had not killed him. Not yet. But today it could. Not that he would be against it.

Barbara did her best to hold the child in place—surprised by her outburst. Fortunately, whether it was time or a recognition of futility, the tantrum subsided to feral suspicion. Nikita’s eyes drifted to Ettie’s neck. The earlier graze point was now inflamed, showing signs of purple at its edges. Nikita’s lips pressed into a line of displeasure. “Ah.” He pulled out a small case from his pocket—the same one he used for cigarettes. “I see.”

With a click, the box opened to reveal a few wrapped syrings.

He hoped the syringe explained his findings. Blue eyes shifted meaningfully to Johanna, before dropping to the concerned hounds. Unfortunately, he did not think a sticker or lollipop was enough to quell this particular child. A deep breath centered him—his mind reminding the detective that simply knocking her unconscious wasn’t an option. “I will have Barbara. release her on three. Try not to let her scamper off.”

On the count of two, the telekinetic bubble dropped to the ground. Three. It exploded—just in time for another group of Sharpedo to crash into the tunnel’s gap.

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