i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 0:19:01 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA PLANT




Power Showdown! | Pokemon Journeys (2019) VOL 2

THE ULTRA PLANT IS A DARK WORLD that is wracked by frequent thunderstorms. Lightning spears the desolate canyons and valleys of this world and massive cord-like structures bridge the gaps. Whenever lightning strikes, lights attached to these cords light up too. In the horizon, large Xurkitree can be seen, dwarfing the area you arrive in...[break][break]

Several abandoned power stations can be found throughout the area, but they seem to be deactivated...



  • 02 redirect the lightning by some way, or by using the ability "lightning rod".
  • 05 investigate the depowered power stations and their destroyed cords, powerbanks, machinery, etc.
  • 15 "fucking magnets, how do they work?" (i.e. use magnetism in some way)
  • 16 search for suitable locations to set up camp/base.
  • 🗺️ utilize a sygna suit in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ 's expertise in the world of herbal medicine must be advantageous in some way.
  • 🗺️ @flynt's large well of compassion and/or his inner loneliness (or experience of) must be explored in some way.
  • 🗺️ expertise with high speeds and/or his developed reaction time must be pivotal in some way.
  • 🗺️ THE METAL COAT can be applied to one's self, an inanimate object, or creature to help it conduct electricity &/or become magnetized (can float/fly around).[break]


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Mar 24, 2023 15:49:24 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
From League reports, Josh had heard that the rift closest to his home in Mauville was best described as an electric wasteland. Astride Raikiri the Zeraora and wearing an unbeknownst-to-him inert SYGNA SUIT, he traveled through the rift alongside and @flynt , beholding a realm unlike anything he had ever seen. The rumble of thunder and flash of lightning was constant. It was paradise to the armada of saddle-wearing electric Pokémon at the Gym Leader's side. If there was a Raikou other than the one he knew that passed away in the Kanto War, Josh thought, this was surely a place that would attract it.

How naive he was.

There were other electric threats, both Pokémon and artificial, here. It appeared that at one point, the wsteland was a massive power farm serving a distant megalopolis, taking advantage of the perpetual dry thunderstorms. A powerful purr from Raikiri startled even Josh. The thundercat was fired up, as were the rest of the Mauville Leader's electric Pokémon.

"Great to meet you two!" Josh greeted the two, speaking up to make sure his voice could be heard over the latent, distant thunder. "Elite Ranger Devlin or Gym Leader Devlin, but you can call me Josh. Who might you two be?" he asked their names of them. "This is Raikiri," Josh gently gave his Zeraora mount a pat on the head, the mythical Pokémon moving on all fours rather than like many of its brethren did. "And these five are Saber, Blitz, Blinky, Crash, and Raiden," he gestured toward the Manectric, Luxray, Jolteon, Boltund, and Zebstrika, in that order. All of them were big enough for a human to sit on, and were used for that purpose routinely, as was evidenced by the well-crafted saddles they wore.

"We should start by looking for a place we can hunker down and retreat to if things get bad," the Master of Faster suggested. "Let's ride! I've got plenty of Pokémon to go around!" Bolts arced among Raiden's hooves and Blinky's paws. Those two in particular looked ready to run, and Kara or Flynt would find out why the Gym Leader had the title he did if they chose to hop on either the Jolteon or Zebstrika!


{WC: 376}
{PC: 1}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Blitz           Luxray**          Good
Blinky          Jolteon           Good
Crash           Boltund           Good
Raiden          Zebstrika         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 4:30:40 GMT
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"Pleased to meet you! Flynt's my name. I'm just a humble gardener, no special titles or anything. So to be in the presence of a gym leader and elite ranger is a bit... Well, nerveracking."

He couldn't help but offer an uneasy laugh. But the moment that Josh introduced his pokemon, it seemed Flynt had moved quickly to greet the various (mostly) quadrupedal team. Flynt had no qualms to reach out and greet each electric type individually as he offered his hand out for each of them to sniff. Once they welcomed it, Flynt stroked them each on the head, then looked over to Kara. For a moment, his body went stiff, as though he'd been reminded of the violence in her Rondez-View route. But to save face, he smiled politely.

"You're... Kara, right? Sorry, I know it's weird that I know your name even though we've never met. I just played your Rondez-View route is all. It was fun! Well at first..."

The smile turned nervous as he emphasized the 'at first' bit. But soon he turned his attention back to Josh and heaved out a breath. It seemed the gym leader himself was pretty excited to get this mission started, but they needed to gain their bearings at first. This was new territory for all of them, so they had to inspect before they dove right in. And it seemed Josh was the type to speed right in.

"How about we establish a base first? It wouldn't hurt for us to build shelter because this place seems pretty... Violent? I suppose? We wouldn't want to be taken out by a stray lightning strike."

Flynt looked around carefully. There wasn't much that stood out given the wasteland the place stood out as. The only suitable material seemed to use the scrap metal that lied around. It wasn't long until Flynt let out his Ditto, that seemed to immediately make itself comfortable on Flynt's head. He couldn't help but laugh and reach up to stroke the creature.

"Hey, little buddy. Let's get to work, huh?"

The Ditto cried out a happy little 'diii!' as if to agree. However, the issue that posed was keeping the scrap metal welded together. In that moment, he looked to Kara and spoke up. He could only hope that she could be their saving grace in that moment as he slowly gathered scrap metal to work with.

"Erm, any chance you might have a fire type? It seems Josh here is primarily electric, I've got mostly grass and ice types..."

- greets both josh and kara
- suggests building a base
- brings out his ditto to help
- asks if kara has a fire type to weld together scrap metal

⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 25, 2023 23:22:19 GMT
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after introductions, kara nodded at flynt's request for fire types. unleashing her two torchics, they seemed more than happy to be put to use by means of becoming chicken welders. the more devilish twin sported a pair of goggles it spawned from seemingly nowhere while the other simply sighed, ready to go to work despite not even wanting to be out here in the first place.[break]
wordlessly, kara simply started putting her pokemon to work - her ditto being used as a hammer while the torchics went about helping scratch away, break away, then meld back together pieces of metal nearby. "will this do, mr. devlin, mr. ziegler?" she asked as she had managed to form some kind of makeshift hut out of pieces of metal. interestingly enough, she had the foresight to even evade building too close to magnetically strong pulls so the small building wouldn't heave and be pulled away at some unforeseen point.[break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- made a small hut-like base using pieces of metal and debris around[break]
- ditto + 2 torchics out ready to be used[break][break]

- build a base[break]
- basic laws of magnetism kept in mind to avoid having the base torn up
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2023 18:04:35 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It seemed Josh's partners preferred to build their base camp around the rift's entrance rather than deeper into the stormy wasteland, which was sensible. While the three worked on the base, Josh was able to make small talk with his adventuring partners. "It's okay, Flynt!" he answered, offering a handshake, though it may have been awkward from the back of his Zeraora.

The lightning was concerning, yes, but Josh didn't seem to be worried about it. As to prove his point, a giant lightning bolt that was headed for the camp curved in Saber's presence, the Manectric letting out a loud, prideful bark. The natural LIGHTNING ROD had saved all their hard work from being made for naught. "That's why I brought so many electric Pokémon!"

Kara asked Josh whether her Pokémon's welding job was sufficient, which it was. Exceedingly so. "Great job, Kara! And you can just call me Josh! You don't have to be so formal with me. I'm a friendly Gym Leader, I promise!"

With their base set, they had to get investigating. From their gathered supplies was a leftover METAL COAT. Josh dismounted Raikiri long enough for the electric-type to slip into it, the racer putting it between the Zeraora's saddle blanket and saddle as to irritate his fur as ilttle as possible. Once it was in place, the thundercat began to levitate as though he had used MAGNET RISE.

"Several of my Pokémon know how to use Magnet Rise," Josh explained as he occupied the Zeraora's back once more. "How about we ride and start our survey? We've got a lot of work to do, and this storm isn't passing anytime soon. Both of you are welcome to use any of my five other Pokémon while you're here!" The Manectric approached Kara and would nuzzle her if she allowed it.

> 🗺️ THE METAL COAT can be applied to one's self, an inanimate object, or creature to help it conduct electricity &/or become magnetized (can float/fly around).


{WC: 301}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Blitz           Luxray**          Good
Blinky          Jolteon           Good
Crash           Boltund           Good
Raiden          Zebstrika         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 2:10:29 GMT
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Maybe it was best to take Josh's advice and use one of his pokemon. But before they could wander too far, Flynt couldn't help but eye Kara, almost concerned. Perhaps his venture in getting to know her at first was clouded with the recent Rondez-View game, but he found himself on high alert with the farmer. (Safe to say he was scarred from her particular route.) Sweat trickled down the back of his neck as he parted his lips to speak, but felt his voice die in his throat. Perhaps now wasn't the best time to ask about it. Instead, he turned his attention back to the Boltund in Josh's team.

Maybe they could ride ahead and he could get his mind off the topic that plagued it so heavily. But he couldn't help the way the words left his mouth. He didn't want to make it blatantly obvious, but maybe he was just overthinking it all.

"Um, this is probably a bold statement considering I don't have any flashy titles but... I don't want to let any of us die out here, ok? So please don't die," he insists.

Flynt sucked in a breath and patted the top of Crash's head before he carefully shifted on top of the electric canine. Flynt carefully wrapped his arms around the dog's neck in a way to hold on.

- wants to ask Kara about her rvl route but relents for now
- tells the group to be safe/not die
- takes Josh's Boltund Crash as his mount of choice for the time being

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 2:19:29 GMT
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"hello there, lil' buddy," kara marveled at the manectric - the ai route she had played with josh suddenly coming to life before her very eyes. she would also marvel up at josh, eyes watery with tears to show how moved she was at the offer to get to ride one of his pokemon. "is it really alright?" she asked cautiously, giving the manectric the best pat she could muster - unsure if it preferred horse-like patting or something more dog-like. the pokemon was large enough to be a mix of both and she was amazed by how robust it was.[break]
unfocusing from the manectric just momentarily, she nodded at josh - ready to go about the task assigned to them. she hopped on the manectric and smiled happily, her attention then placed on flynt who seemed to say something a bit alarming. [break]
"don't think any of us are gonna die out here buckaroo, i'd hold my horses on that one. we're just out patrolling, right?" she was aloof - perhaps too much so given they were in a new and dangerous area. regardless, she seemed excited enough to explore to the point of not really caring about the looming danger. "on yer mark," she said to the two as she signaled them with a two-fingered salute to say she'll follow them closely.[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- taking josh's manectric as mount of choice
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Mar 27, 2023 6:37:02 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Once the three were all aboard their Pokémon, Josh would give Flynt and Kara a quick crash course on riding. "Controlling them is simple. Pull on their reins to the left and right to get them to turn. Squeeze their sides with your legs if you want them to go faster, or ease up with them if you want them to slow down. If you pull back on the reins with both hands, they'll also slow down for you. Flick them with both your hands if you want them to jump. That's all there is to it. Now, let's go!"

As much as the Boltund and Manectric wanted to let loose with great speed enhanced by the vicious storm, they had to keep in mind the lack of experience their guest riders had. Even if the electric-types' gallop was slow compared to what they were used to, it may have been far faster than and @flynt were used to. The competitive Zebstrike, Raiden, ran a wide circle around Crash and Saber before matching the pace of the rest of the Gym Leader's Pokémon.

Josh's Zebstrika, Jolteon, and Luxray ran ahead of the three that carried trainers, deflecting lightning strikes away from the riders. Sighting a large, derelict power station at the bottom of the desolate plains. There was no electricity sparking from where nearby wires were snapped, but with this vicious lightning storm, Josh had to assume the wires were live. Two of the outer walls had been blown to bits some time ago, as well, making it easy for the trio to explore while staying on his electric Pokémon for protection. "Now this has me curious. I wonder how much different they are from regular power stations back in Hoenn," he asked, not expecting to get an answer.

> 02 redirect the lightning by some way, or by using the ability "lightning rod".

> 05 investigate the depowered power stations and their destroyed cords, powerbanks, machinery, etc.


{WC: 303}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Blitz           Luxray**          Good
Blinky          Jolteon           Good
Crash           Boltund           Good
Raiden          Zebstrika         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 29, 2023 2:01:32 GMT
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It wasn't long until the trio sped off. Flynt held onto the Boltund for dear life as the dog took off at a breakneck pace. For a moment, he was panicked, scared he might fall off. But next, he felt... Dare he say, excited? He'd never experienced speed quite like this before. For a moment, Flynt loosened his grip on the Boltund and simply allowed the crackling air to breeze through his hair. It felt liberating, it felt like he didn't have a single care in the world... Perhaps that's what made Josh so passionate about riding pokemon. The feeling of freedom that came with it.

But before he could truly relish the feeling, they came to a halt so Josh could properly investigate the power station. Flynt moved a bit closer to see if perhaps they could pry off something to properly investigate the power station. Flynt tried to find a proper place to grip onto part of the metal, but no luck. Thankfully he had a second idea.

"Go, Galahad!"

Flynt threw a pokeball to allow his Escavalier out. It wasn't long until the pokemon fired an acid spray at the power station. As it ate away at the metal, some of the inner machinations became visible. Maybe if they were able to piece some things back together, they could do something about it. Though they weren't left to their devices for long as a few Stakataka surrounded the trio. They were guardians of the realm, and it seemed they didn't want the trio to bother with the power station any further. Flynt withdrew his Escavalier and replaced it with his Leafeon.

"Seems they don't want us near this thing!"

- rides on to the power station
- uses escavalier to fire acid spray and get a better look at the power station's inner machinations
- surrounded by guard stakatakas, swapping out his escavalier for his leafeon

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 30, 2023 4:56:17 GMT
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"oh, we'll be --"[break]
kara wasn't even given a chance to finish her thought as the manectric under her took off, knocking the breath out of her. well - it wasn't so violent as knocking the breath out of her but moreso the idea that if she didn't close her mouth, she'd be catching many a fly in it with the way it just bolted across the land. josh wasn't specialized in fast pokemon for nothing and kara soon came to realize this. as for flynt, he seemed much more terrified. it made kara ease up on the rideable pokemon she was using, almost cackling if the wind rushing over her face would have allowed.[break]
all became still in front of a strange electric pillar. [break]
-- and soonafter, a group of pissed off xurkitrees that seemed to flail their spindly arms in anger.[break]
quickly applying metal coat to her ditto, she ordered a panicked 'transform, damn you!'. the poor metamon tried its best, but it wasn't capable of forming the full xurkitree. instead, it formed the large candy rock structure of the head and lay there in its owners arms - covered in metal coat and useless. the familiar ditto face smiled up at kara. she glared back down at it.[break]
fortunately enough, the ditto formed a lightning rod in this form - absorbing a lightning move from one of the xurkitrees. the other attacks were diverted just enough by the ditto's pull that they missed the trainers as well. "i don't think they're out here to beat up our pokemon, guys. seems they're aiming for us instead."

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- rode up to the power station[break]
- applied METAL COAT on DITTO[break]
- ditto TRANSFORMED into a xurkitree - could only transform into the head of a xurkitree[break]
- this ditto form pulls lightning to iself, becoming a lightning rod of sorts[break][break]
PROMPT COMPLETED: redirect the lightning by some way, or by using the ability "lightning rod".
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Mar 31, 2023 13:49:06 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With every time Raikiri and Josh circled their two compatriots, it seemed that they were getting better at adapting to the (relatively) low speeds the Boltund and Manectric got to. While @flynt looked scared at first, the two looked like they were having fun. The swift run didn't last for too long before they arrived at the power station, an Escavalier using a potent acid to break into an abandoned power station. "Nice one, Flynt!" he gave a thumbs up. Josh briefly hopped off Raikiri to investigate the cramped power station.

The technology was nothing short of miraculous. Was that a perpetual reactor? Weren't those not supposed to be physically possible? It looked completely different than any image of a reactor Josh had ever seen. Before he could get too far in, several Stakataka began crowding around them, their dozens of square eyeballs were unsettling to look at, to stay the least. Shrapnel from a ROCK BLAST sliced at Josh; he was fortunate none of it pierced his skin, but it still stung.

"Raikiri, PLASMA FISTS!" Josh cried, the thundercat bounding toward one of the Stakataka guarding the makeshift entrance. With the Ultra Beast motionless and stunned after being socked by one of the mythical electric-type's front paws, there was an opening for the three to escape. "We've got to get out of here!" the Gym Leader cried, vaulting aboard the yellow feline again. "Get back on my Pokémon and--"

Wiring surrounding the station's interior began to move, taking the form of a Xurkitree that flung its whip-like power cords not at the explorers' Pokémon, but them. "Crash, come here!" Josh shouted, the Boltund bringing Flynt with him if he was still seated on the speedy dog. "You too, Saber!" The Stakataka that Raikiri had stunned was beginning to wake back up too. "We've got to get out of here, NOW!"


{WC: 313}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Blitz           Luxray**          Good
Blinky          Jolteon           Good
Crash           Boltund           Good
Raiden          Zebstrika         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 1, 2023 2:18:25 GMT
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It seemed that the Xurkitree and Stakataka were ready to strike them down where they stood. As Crash took off, an attack from the Xurkitree wildly swinging its limbs caused the dog to veer just a bit too much to the side. Because of this, Flynt went flying off. After a rough bounce and roll offward, he lay there for a moment and clutched his side. It seemed his ribs had taken quite a harsh hit. His breath came out labored as he pushed himself up. The Boltund, even if it tried, would likely be unable to make it through the sudden influx of Stakataka that surrounded Flynt.

There he was. Alone. Likely to die that way, too. The air fell thick as the gardener attempted to catch his breath. Panic settled in as he tried to get up. His leg buckled due to the sprain his ankle had taken from the fall. Here he'd hoped that they'd all make it out alive. But loneliness flooded back into Flynt. Maybe he'd have to accept that he'd be the sacrifice so Josh and Kara could at least make it back. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked at the gathering before him, unable to move, utterly galvanized by the mixture of fear and overwhelming loneliness mixed in one.

- flies off of crash due to a sudden veer to the side
- cracked ribs + sprained ankle from impact

prompts completed
🗺️ FLYNT ZIEGLER's large well of compassion and/or his inner loneliness (or experience of) must be explored in some way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2023 1:24:13 GMT
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well, that ain't good.[break]
while josh was heroically and single-handedly frontlining for the entire party, kara took up the mantel as the momentary healer - rushing to flynt's side as he seemed to succumb to himself. he seemed pathetic lying there, but she wouldn't tell him that. no use kicking a downed horse, after all. "come on flynty boy, let's get you up on your feet." he was likely in a bunch of pain, but magical leaf mixed with some overripe energy root made a sedative capable of numbing his pain at least fractionally for now. with this out, she force fed flynt in order to start pulling him onto her back - dead weight against her muscles that strained to help him up but did so with relative ease after the initial 'hup' and push upward.[break]
"let's get the hell out of here!" she echoed josh as she went to rush flynt onto a mount while getting on behind him, shrinking against flynt's frame in order to compact him against the mount's front end and her own body to make sure he wouldn't flail and fall off during the ride.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- applies herbal medicine to FLYNT[break]
- mounts with flynt[break]
- ready to gtfo[break]
PROMPT COMPLETED: herbal medicine applied to FLYNT ZIEGLER to NUMB PAIN momentarily.
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 7:23:55 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With Josh on Raikiri's back and Flynt and Kara astride Josh's Manectric, the electric feline and canine fled the power station. The Stakataka surrounding the entrance the duo had blown open were far too slow, as were the Xurkitree. Though they needed to put on bursts of speed to do so, the two electric Pokémon outran even the Ultra Beasts' POWER WHIPS. When it seemed like they were in the clear, the strange creature dropped its upper limbs to the ground, its enormous cords assuming the shape of a tiger. Rocketing forward, it cracked its tail toward them in a second POWER WHIP, striking Josh from behind. A hole burst in his SYGNA SUIT from where the whip cracked near the back of his shoulder. He would have been in serious trouble, and still was! With a hole in his suit, it instantly went inert, no longer bestowing protection against the harsh elements.

"They're really fast!" Josh called out as the Xurkitree were gaining on them. "I'm sorry to have to ask this of you, but I'm going to ask Saber to use Quick Attack. Just hold on as tight as you can! Close your eyes if you have to. On a count of three, okay Saber? Okay Raikiri?" The two swift Pokémon nodded. "One... two... three!" On three, both lunged toward the rift's entrance in simultaneous QUICK ATTACKS. Josh let out a scream from the sheer speed the Zeraora displayed, quickly leaving even the rapid gallop of the Manectric in the dust. Without the protection of his suit and the oppressive atmosphere weighing on him, he was having a very hard time handling speed that could outrun even some legendary Pokémon that were known for their speed.

If he wanted to reliably use the thundercat, he needed to do a lot of training.



{WC: 307}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Saber           Manectric         Good
Blitz           Luxray**          Good
Blinky          Jolteon           Good
Crash           Boltund           Good
Raiden          Zebstrika         Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 4, 2023 14:31:19 GMT
Deleted Avatar
His face scrunched up at the taste of the herbal medicine, but he wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth. Although it didn't go down easy, Flynt still stomached the concoction and attempted to assist Kara as she helped him onto her own mount. Breath hitched as he held on. Although he seemed pathetic in that moment, he couldn't help the way he pressed his face into Kara's back and allowed tears of relief to stain the back of her shirt. His breath fell shaky at first, but he managed to choke out a proper sign of gratitude.

"Thank you, I--" he choked out as his body racked with sobs of relief.

There were no need for more words, given Josh had ordered both of them ot prepare themselves for his electric types at mach speed. The moment Saber took off, Flynt held on tight and kept his eyes closed. If anything, the gym leader definitely knew how to make a flashy, speedy escape. And that's what they needed.



prompts completed
🗺️ FLYNT ZIEGLER's large well of compassion and/or his inner loneliness (or experience of) must be explored in some way.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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