i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Apr 12, 2023 5:55:28 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA PLANT




Power Showdown! | Pokemon Journeys (2019) VOL 2

THE ULTRA PLANT IS A DARK WORLD that is wracked by frequent thunderstorms. Lightning spears the desolate canyons and valleys of this world and massive cord-like structures bridge the gaps. Whenever lightning strikes, lights attached to these cords light up too. In the horizon, large Xurkitree can be seen, dwarfing the area you arrive in...[break][break]

Several abandoned power stations can be found throughout the area, but they seem to be deactivated...



  • 17 begin building a base camp/settlement of some kind.
  • 20 encounter and survive an electrical storm, a far more dangerous version of a lightning storm that involves even more electricity.
  • 23 encounter electrical phenomena (e.g. lightning, exposed wiring, etc.) that reactivates/resurrects deactivated ultra beasts or "dead" pokemon.
  • 24 encounter a crashed spacecraft that has been overwhelmed by xurkitree wiring; inside, thick black cords obscure rooms, stairs, and more.
  • 🗺️ utilize a terastallization in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ the CELL BATTERY can be used to siphon electric charge from a source (e.g. Pokemon or from the world); the battery can then be used to power up a device or structure.
  • 🗺️ @gaultier's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 1:23:06 GMT
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While he'd already ventured deep into the Ultra Plant, there were more opportunities that lingered. And perhaps the biggest for Gaultier was the attempt to catch the Stakataka that had managed to evade him not once, but twice. But this venture proved a bit more dangerous, as clouds had begun to take form in the sky above. Gaultier hummed in thought as he began to use some pieces of scrap to attempt and piece together a temporary base, something that would sheld them from the oncoming storm.

His own Xurkitree previously acquired assisted in scavenging parts to assemble. The creature was eerily silent, as though it recognized its home but felt a sense of homesickness. This was a visit, that much the Xurkitree knew, but perhaps it longed for the freedom of the Ultra Plant... Gaultier frowned and reached up and delicately touched the Xurkitree's prong-like hand.

"Nous en visiterons plus, promis (We'll visit more, promise,)" he insisted to the creature.

At least that much perked the Xurkitree up. However it was hard to determine if it were the words, or the hustle of two strangers -- well, one familiar face and one he hadn't been acquainted with but knew of. To some degree. The Kalosian pressed the palm of his hand to his chest and gave a polite bow to the two.

"Miss Sosa," he nodded to greet her, then turned to the man who accompanied her. "Oh? I wasn't aware we had a gym leader coming with us today -- pleased to make your acquaintance, Sir...?"

He paused to offer Josh an opportunity to introduce himself. But his words before the pleasantries came as a quip to Kara. He was under the understanding they would exchange any relevant information with one another in regards to the Ultra Plant visit. Working alongside a Gym Leader seemed rather necessary to know beforehand.

"My name is Gaultier. I'm a legal consultant, so if you find yourself in a bind, I'm happy to offer you my card," he offered halfheartedly.

- attempts to start building a base w/ the help of xurkitree
- reassures the xurkitree this won't be the last time they visit the ultra plant
- greets josh & kara

prompts completed
🗺️ GAULTIER FAVREAU's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2023 15:03:40 GMT
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Perhaps Raikiri was a bit too fast.

While Josh had the Zeraora with him on their return trip to the electric wastes, he had another way to handle the nasty lightning storms blanketing the otherworldly realm he was tasked with investigating. That was Alphamax, a saddle-wearing Garchomp that flew overhead. As for the Pokémon he would have for and @gaultier to be astride for traversing the bone-dry, storm-wracked land?

Flanking Josh and Aslan, his Shiny Pyroar mount, were two more geared-up Pyroar: Simba on his left, and Kovu on his right. Well-behaved and unflinching despite the loud blasts of thunder, the two crouched down next to the explorers the Gym Leader was tasked with protecting.

He wanted to take Gaultier up on his offer, but this was not the place to do that. "Elite Ranger Devlin or Gym Leader Devlin, but I go by Josh. Great to meet you, Gaultier," he offered the man a handshake, which he may have had to reach for given that the yellow-clad man was astride a Rapidash-sized Pyroar. All three of the royal lions weren't too much larger than their average species were, but the size difference was noticeable. "We'll talk about it once we're out of the rift, as I have a... sensitive matter."

As Alphamax circled the ground above the base, absorbing lightning bolts headed the explorers' way, Josh noticed the wiry Pokémon helping with the construction. "Wow, you caught one of them! That's impressive. I saw one of them mimicking my favorite Pokémon the last time I was here, and now I want one for myself. What's it called? I've never seen one before."

Once their base of operations had been set up, Josh introduced his trio of lions to his two compatriots. "These three are Aslan, Simba, and Kovu. Last time I was here, I found out that my electric Pokémon get a...substantial speed boost while here. This time I've brought something that should be a bit...more controllable for you." The saddled Pyroar crouched to let Kara and Gaultier on them, if they so desired. "They're still fleet of foot, but not as fast as the electric Pokémon from before. They're a little tougher, too." If either of the two touched Simba or Kovu, they would be able to feel a strong yet affectionate purr from the fire-types.

- Helping with base construction by deflecting lightning away from the campsite
- Introduces his trio of Pyroar to the group and offers them a ride down to the power facilities


{WC: 396}
{PC: 1}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Kovu            Pyroar            Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Alphamax        Garchomp          Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 4:48:46 GMT
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"ayo!" kara chirped happily, content with having some familiarity when it came to seeing gaultier's face. also waving frantically to josh, she was happy to have a coherent team although she didn't quite understand how a lawyer-type man and a wild rider of a gym leader came together. it sounded like the start of a joke, really.[break]
"oh, takin' it easy on us, eh?" the newbie trainer asked, her fuecoco out and about - bouncing around and excited to see some fellow fire-types other than the torchics that seemed to enjoy bullying it more than anything else. "kinda cute names," she remarked in a passing manner, unfocused but looking at the top of the pyroars - reliving the near-death moment that the previous team member had lived through. maybe it was a good thing he hadn't returned. poor kid seemed more lost than she was, and that took a lot of effort to achieve.[break]
trying to move on and help gaultier make the base, there was a bit of a low hum that started forming the soft popping of a heated pan of oil. "er ... guys?" kara asked tentatively, unsure on her next move. it was made for her when a sharp blast of lightning came down near the xurkitree gaultier had brought - maybe calling it back home. in a further attempt to reclaim what was once part of its lands, the ultra plant seemed to buzz into life - skeletons from underneath now electrified and bony appendages coming out from the dry ground.[break]
"WHAT IN THE EVIL DEAD?!" the undertaker asked - all too used to events like these, but still inconvenienced by them all the same. "good golly, i don't think lil' pepper will be able to take all those." the fuecoco shudder-roared an disapproving 'no' in its own language, already going to hide behind his trainer's legs.[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


20 encounter and survive an electrical storm, a far more dangerous version of a lightning storm that involves even more electricity.
23 encounter electrical phenomena (e.g. lightning, exposed wiring, etc.) that reactivates/resurrects deactivated ultra beasts or "dead" pokemon.[break]

- Admiring the new rides*tm but also thankful Flynt didn't come back, 2 soyboy
- Helps w/ the base building
- Cue night of the living dead pokemon
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 15, 2023 16:17:01 GMT
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Oh, this seemed like quite the problem. They hadn't gotten the base finished in time, and the storm had started. While he would have loved to continue the conversation with Josh, it seemed those topics would have to wait. With his Xurkitree already out, he figured it would be the best course of action to attack. The creature swung its limbs wildly towards the undead assailants. While it sent them flying, the animated corpses still managed to get back up and go in for an attack. The biggest thing Gaultier noted was that the animated pokemon were ultra beasts themselves. It further proved the note he'd found back during his travel into the ultra plant with Oscar and Gerald.

"Xurkitree, use power whip on the Stakataka, you've got an advantage here, use it," he hissed, displeased by the animated dead.

The ultra beast in his collection followed orders quickly and snapped its limbs and wrapped them tight around two of the oncoming Stakataka. The creature began to squeeze as hard as it could until the reanimated corpses of the Stakataka turned to nothing but dust. He continued this method until all the oncoming zombified Stakataka were wiped out. As if taking the role of taskmaster, Gaultier turned to Josh and nodded firm.

"Josh, you use your Garchomp there to go against some of these reanimated plants -- Xurkitree is the name I was given for them in my own search. Kara, use your Fuecoco and huddle Josh's Pyroars up so we can heat treat the steel and finish base preparations."

If Garchomp wasn't enough to take on the reanimated Xurkitree, Gaultier swapped out his own Xurkitree for his shiny Ditto. The Ditto was quick to use transform to mimic Josh's own Garchomp. He then turned to Josh once more and gave a firm nod.

"Use my Ditto as if it were your own for now. These creatures seem to have a primary electric typing as far as I've seen, so ground typing will do well against it."

- uses xurkitree's power whip to take out the oncoming horde of undead stakataka
- advises josh to use garchomp + brings out his own ditto to transform into garchomp, giving Josh twice the secondary ground-typing power
- advises Kara to use her Fuecoco + Josh's Pyroars to finish the base building

prompts completed
🗺️ GAULTIER FAVREAU's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2023 1:38:18 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Oh hey, Kara!" Josh waved back from aboard his shiny Pyroar, laughing as she seemed to be teasing him. "Raikiri's still around if you think a Pyroar would be too easy," he teased back. "Don't underestimate these three, though; they're plenty quick."

Before he could get any farther with his conversation, an enormous lightning strike seemed to bring the entire valley to life. Alphamax shielded the three trainers from the vicious bolt before descending to ground level at his trainer's request. "Xurkitree is what they're called? It's impressive you can control one. They look really fast. I'd like to catch one myself." The chatter didn't get too far before Gaultier gave Josh orders. While the Gym Leader wanted to take that role for himself, he wasn't going to squabble over details. "Got it!" He dismounted Aslan and got cocooned aboard the dragon. Kovu and Simba tensed up, loudly purring then roaring as they heard the Garchomp's deafening bio-thrusters spooling up. Dashing down the clifftop like it was a runway, the dragon and transformed Ditto took to the sky at high speeds.

Shockwaves from the many POWER WHIPS were indistinguishable from that of Alphamax breaching supersonic speed. Each one flung dragon and rider in a different direction. With no fear, the Garchomp descended almost to ground level, BULLDOZING through the many Xurkitree while his three Pyroar helped with welding for getting a more permanent hideout built.

Once a path had been cleared, the Gym Leader wheeled his dragon around. More Xurkitree would likely be coming, but for now they would be able to investigate the power plant. With three Pyroar and three of them, fast travel to the facility would be simple... provided Kara and Gaultier were brave enough to handle the royal lions.

- Josh and his Garchomp clean a path through the Xurkitree that had been resurrected
- Josh's three Pyroar assist with welding for the base
- Josh offers his three Pyroar as a means for traveling to the now-awakened power plant


{WC: 293}
{PC: 2}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Kovu            Pyroar            Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Alphamax        Garchomp          Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 21, 2023 2:18:45 GMT
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"go on, stinky!" kara called out to the fuecoco who she literally picked up and threw like a football in one hand. the little fire type's mouth gaped open fully - shocked at this treatment but still flying through the air in a compliant arc towards the lion pokemon. it wasn't part of the pride, but it did its best to huddle the lions together and used its own fire to help weld the base together. this was very important, given that the three trainers would be coming back to this to recoup whatever energy they had expended and could regain from their adventures.[break]
"alright!" kara cheered from the sidelines, pleased by having two strong individuals on her side. if she had been on her own, she might have finally met her maker. one could only hope, the 'one' in this case being kara herself. "good job guys!" she called out with a faint nod of her head towards both gaultier and josh, her own ditto spilling out of its pokeball on its own accord. the oddly colored ooze pokemon seemed lifeless as it laid there in a puddle but then quickly snapped into the form of a garchomp as well, seeming to copy the fellow copy pokemon without needing instructions to do so. "get back in the ball!" kara demanded but the dittofied garchomp simply stared dumbly at its owner, dragon arms out as it embraced her - seemingly content knowing she was well and safe while she tried to cram an open pokeball over its head to shove it back in.[break]
"gah, let's just go!" kara groaned as she wriggled in her ditto-garchomp's embrace, mounting one of the pyroars with a newfound sureness to her movements after having dealt with josh's provided mounts once already. it was still clunky, but she was getting the hang of at least pulling herself up on these pokemon with some ease. "rafiki's titties, what is that?!" [break]
sure enough, the path cleared led to another fucked up scene: a large spacecraft blocked their way, oversized xurkitree wires seemingly hooking it to the ground as if the earth was trying to consume it. there were broken windows and busted open doors to explore if they so dared. time was of the essence and it seemed to be the entrance to the main power plant so she figured it was fair to ride in.[break]
"ready or not guys, we gotta go!"[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


24 encounter a crashed spacecraft that has been overwhelmed by xurkitree wiring; inside, thick black cords obscure rooms, stairs, and more.[break]

- Obeys GAULTIER'S command, gets FUECOCO to help round up the pyroars
- Path cleared so ends up riding forward on a pyroar, leading to SPACECRAFT entrance to the ultra plant
- Rides in as a meat shield

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 22, 2023 20:27:50 GMT
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Once the Xurkitree were cleared, Gaultier took to one of the lions that Josh had so graciously provided. As the trio rode through the electrified field, Gaultier drew out his pokeball for his ditto and called it back. Soon thereafter, his ears pricked at the sound of Kara's voice as they approached the wrecked spacecraft. Gaultier hopped off of the Pyroar to approach on foot, then soon took in the sight of it all. Hands trailed over the wiring that blocked the entrance and pondered for a moment. It didn't look like flames would do much to it, so naturally his next option was to cut through.

With that, he threw out his trusted Aggron. Gaultier folded his arms and gave a firm nod to the creature.

"Metal Claw."

With the orders given, the Aggron shredded through the Xurkitree-like wiring that shielded the ship's entryway. Once the Aggron ripped through the wiring, Gaultier helped it to shove the exposed copper out of the way. Deeper within the ship, he could hear the sounds of what sounded like Xurkitree suffering an injury. (Were these their roots? Perhaps.) It seemed the creatures had made their home in the abandoned spacecraft. Maybe it was worthwhile to travel further in.

"Let's move further in. There will be more dangers inside so prepare yourselves accordingly."

Gaultier felt they'd find themselves with more of these wires to take down, so he left his Aggron out for the time being. He was the first to enter, and kept to the ground. Sadly he didn't get much use of Josh's offered mount -- perhaps another time. It was better for him to keep to the ground anyway.

- calls his ditto back & moves along with the trio to the spacecraft
- brings out his aggron to clear a path & hears Xurkitree deeper inside the spacecraft
- suggests they investigate a bit more

prompts completed
🗺️ GAULTIER FAVREAU's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 23, 2023 4:02:20 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
With a path cleared through the mess of Xurkitree surrounding the derelict power station, Josh and Aslan led the small pride of Pyroar and their riders toward it. With Alphamax soaring above them to absorb any stray lightning bolts headed the fire-types' way. His help was needed, too; with how frequent the flashes of lightning and deafening rumbles of thunder were, stray lightning bolts would have picked them off otherwise.

Once they were close enough to the spacecraft where lightning strikes were far less of a risk, Josh withdrew Kovu, the Pyroar that Gaultier was astride, once the man had slid off. The cargo door had slammed open during whatever impact caused it to crash. While it would be a steep slope, it was nothing the lions couldn't climb. The window near the control console had been broken, as well, giving those who wanted to go on foot a way to get in. Josh flicked his Pyroar's reins, coaxing the fire-type into as high of a jump as he could before running up the door the rest of the way.

Upon further investigation, the Xurkitree cries were not coming from within the spacecraft itself, but from beyond the vessel and inside the power plant. After some quick investigation, Josh discovered a CELL BATTERY much like the one he had brought with him, this one also devoid of charge. "I wonder if we can get these charged within the plant itself? There are so many electric-types around here that could do it for us... those wire-like Pokémon that have been everywhere around here, perhaps?" Josh suggested, heading out the passenger entrance to the spacecraft and into the abandoned power plant.

- Josh's Garchomp keep the trio safe from stray lightning while they ride his Pyroar to the spacecraft
- Josh begins searching the power plant for a way to recharge the CELL BATTERY


{WC: 280}
{PC: 3}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Kovu            Pyroar            Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Alphamax        Garchomp          Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 6:00:16 GMT
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with gaultier's aggron giving its display of strength and josh providing all the utility one could dream of, the power plant was no match for the trio. kara was the de facto cheerleader, clapping her hands gently to appreciate their efforts but try not to make so much noise that something may be alerted without them wanting it to be. "that's a good idea, i reckon," kara offered to josh, looking at the cell battery curiously. "kinda weird though. if there's circuit pokemon like this, do you think circuits in homes and stuff are made from them?" this was also questioning why the building was making noise as if just moving pieces of the area was harming some lifeform. [break]
"like do people live off of the power of these weird spindly noodle guys?" she was referring to the xurkitrees, pointing around the area with soft 'ooh's and 'ahh's. it was all a sight to see, but she figured it wasn't worth investigating more than they should. the region was full of creepy crawlers and they were in for a bad time if they poked their nose too hard into any one spot.[break]
"i know i got a lot of questions, but what the high hell is going on?" now that they had a moment to rest, she took it to ask the big question on her mind. "can electricity just revive the dead like that? like, this place ain't normal, guys." no shit, sherlock. rubbing at her forehead, she tried to make sense of some things but using up too much brain power drained her quickly so she just tried to make herself useful and stuck close to the two men to try not to be too much trouble, herself.[break]
"i really wish the doc was here. he'd know what to do." referring to @gwylim , she sighed as she said this more to herself - perhaps more perturbed by the region than she had first let on. something about their surroundings was really eerie and all this mess with life and death over a techno landscape sure wasn't getting any more easy to digest.[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- Following along DA BOIZ
- Wishes @gwylim was here, totally clueless as to why everything is happening the way it is - asks ye olde 'wtf is going AWN guys'

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 25, 2023 15:39:40 GMT
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Gaultier could only shake his head in response to what Kara had stated. Given his previous rounds through the ultra plant, suffice to say no one survived anything in this wayward place. He still remembered the sight of charred remnants of a Megaopolan as his previous group navigated the underground circuit boards. Who knew what surprises the spacecraft held though?

"Unfortunately this place was not meant for life outside of the ultra beasts. I've lacked any experience with them, but previous research showed that Megaopolans attempted to harvest this area for energy for their home planet, but naturally none of them who made it in had made it out alive. They were careless, I expect us to be a little more adaptable than they were."

If Josh could manage to get the cell battery charged, they could likely repower the power plant. But as a stray bolt of lightning struck down, Gaultier could hardly react. His Xurkitree had escaped from its ball and tangled itself around in a manner to protect Josh from the lightning. However, given its own electric typing, it simply acted as no more than a conduit for the battery. Gaultier felt a breath of relief escape from his lips. Had it been any second later, it's possible there could have been some heavy injury dealt to the unsuspecting gym leader.

"Josh, are you alright? If so, I trust you know what to do with that battery. If you've got one with you, bring out an electric type to help act as a conduit for any stray bolts. I'd rather bring you both back alive."

Although Kara probably didn't care for that idea all too much herself. Alas once she got out, she could gush to the doctor just how strange the world had been. With that in mind, he turned to Kara and helped offer an explanation of sorts so she could get a better grasp of what exactly was going on.

"In short, we really aren't supposed to be here, but for the sake of understanding these wormholes, we need to be. Inspect any dangers that lie within and use it to combat ahead of the line, whether it be for good or evil. I will not question what path you both choose to take yourselves, but the path I take is simply that of a curious mind. I'm still coming to terms with the fact that other worlds indeed exist, whether inhabited by pokemon or some other living creature."

- manages to use Xurkitree to protect Josh from an oncoming flash of lightning
- trusts he knows what to do with the cell battery & suggests he bring out an electric type to protect him from oncoming strikes of lightning
- explains to Kara what he surmises is going on

prompts completed
🗺️ GAULTIER FAVREAU's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2023 3:00:11 GMT
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's speculation about whatever civilization lived here using the wire Pokémon for power made sense to Josh. "Wouldn't surprise me," he agreed, advancing alongside his comrades with caution. "It wouldn't be much different than our world. My Gym's backup generator is fueled by a massive network of batteries that all my electric Pokémon charge after use." She did have a point, though; electricity wasn't supposed to be able to revive the dead. did warn Josh that beyond the rifts, anything was possible. Never did he expect anything this outlandish.

Just as Josh was setting the CELL BATTERY down in an attempt to draw electricity from one of the Xurkitree into it, the rider and his mount flinched as @gaultier 's Xurkitree attempted to deflect the lightning away from Josh. It was a partial success; instead of being hit with the main strike, only an offshoot hit him. A small trail of smoke floated upward from his SYGNA SUIT, its INFINITY CELL heating up in the process of harnessing a large burst of INFINITY ENERGY to keep its wearer from being electrocuted. "Good save, Gaultier," Josh thanked his fellow explorer. "As for why I'm here..." He thought about 's words again. "I think there is a chance the Great Raikou could have fled here."

"Got it! Alright, Raikiri!" Josh hurled the thundercat's Poké Ball behind him, the swiftest land Pokémon on his team having overheard the conversation. Working with Gaultier's Pokémon, it did not take too long for the cell to reach full charge, though his back was starting to visibly bother him from the heat his suit was emitting. "How about we see if this can power the fallen spacecraft? We probably couldn't leave this place with it, but it would make traveling across this place a lot safer. Not faster, but safer," he idly suggested, forgetting how much Xurkitree wiring had been severed inside. If they were to insert the cell battery, how much of that wiring would be live? "If it's fast you're after, there's a spot behind me in Raikiri's saddle," he half-joked.

- Josh takes a hit from an offshoot of the lightning bolt the Xurkitree tries to deflect, his Sygna Suit keeping him safe but starting to overheat
- Josh speculates Raikou could have fled here
- While charging the CELL BATTERY, Josh sends out his Zeraora to attempt to deflect the lightning storm away
- With the cell charged, Josh suggests they return to the spacecraft to power it up and see if they can get it into working condition


{WC: 350}
{PC: 4}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Kovu            Pyroar            Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Alphamax        Garchomp          Good
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 27, 2023 4:27:32 GMT
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"raikou ..." kara said dreamily, slowly as if trying to digest the reality that this legendary pokemon could very well exist in real life. in the otome route she had briefly explored, josh really did have a penchant for finding the large electrical beast. maybe it really could be dwelling in this area, although it would be really difficult to deal with it given their small team. a small army would be much better to take down such a creature, right? not like she was worried, though. any resolution was better than none.[break]
"woah, like ride on the ship?!" she asked curiously at josh, eyes sparkling with excitement. both her fists were under her chin to display her almost childlike amazement. of course, they wouldn't know heads or tails about this spaceship so they would be shit out of luck trying to navigate it but ... maybe? powering it up was certainly a good first step, at least. "can we provide enough electricity for all that?" looking up at gaultier's xurkitree, she imagined it'd be somewhat possible ... but fully realized?[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


- wonders out loud if they can ride in an alien spaceship, looks at GAULTIER'S XURKITREE as if to say 'maybe we can use that'

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2023 1:31:57 GMT
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Gaultier paused as he pondered Josh's statement. Perhaps they could use the battery to start up the spacecraft. It wouldn't be enough to power up the spacecraft in full, much to poor Kara's chagrin, he was certain. For now, he took it upon himself to retrieve the battery. He feared that perhaps any excessive movement would be detrimental to the overheated sygna suit the man wore. It seemed that he still took a hit, but at least no physical damage to the gym leader had been done.

He had a feeling that once they powered up the spacecraft, even if it were just a small portion, it would be dangerous. Gaultier rolled the charged battery between his fingers as he thought over everything.

"Try not to overheat your suit any further. I imagine it would be detrimental to you, and quite a troublesome thing to fix, and I imagine you want to be at full battling potential if and when you are to come across a legendary beast such as Raikou," he reasoned. "But be ready to flee. This thing will probably be a beacon to some of the beasts that lurk in this realm."

Perhaps it was better he say nothing. Talks that Raikou had been killed by the hands of Rocket itself had been tossed back and forth, but Gaultier was both too low in rank to know the specifics, and too jaded to really care. Rocket wasn't an allegiance to him, it was merely a convenience for the moment. (Perhaps he'd defect one day with no care as to the ramifications. He was just a grunt, after all. What sort of threat did he pose to leave?) Although Josh had simply jested, Gaultier followed along and hopped onto the back of the Zeraora along with the gym leader.

"It would be rude of me to deny your offer twice now. Let's get moving so we can set this up."

A chuckle shook his shoulders as Gaultier moved to grip the saddle so he could balance himself. Once Josh was ready, he had no choice but to follow. The speed that the creature offered was almost too fast to comprehend. The breath had been ripped from his chest at the rush towards the spacecraft, but he had to admit that he enjoyed it. It helped offer a sense of adrenaline that most could only hope to find. So this was the speed of a mythical pokemon...

Once they reached their destination, Gaultier steadied himself before he hopped off and carefully fixed both his hair and outfit. The speed had been enough to disorient the Kalosian for a moment. But once he had his bearings, he carefully approached the spacecraft in search of a port to insert the battery to, and once such was done, the hull of the spacecraft seemed to power up. Though even with that near insignificant gathering, a Xurkitree gripped the opening of the ship as it began to pull itself out.

Electrified tendrils reached forward, which were fended off by Gaultier's own beast. The wild one that had opted to attack seemed to be missing a limb or two for now, likely from the joint attack meant to rip the wiring open so they could try to explore the ship. (It seemed they'd shredded through a live Xurkitree itself.) Gaultier allowed his own Xurkitree to serve as a distraction as he hustled back to Josh's mount and hopped back on before he withdrew his pokemon to switch out with his Falinks. Upon switching out the creature, terastal energy gathering around the troupe before it implodes to the sound of a roaring dragon.

"Soldapetit, dragon hammer."

The Falinks complied as it pressed the attack forward and sent the Xurkitree flying back into some other that had begun to swarm. With the power of terastal energy, Gaultier was able to press the advantage a bit, clearing a way for them to escape.

"Kara, do you think that Josh's Pyroar will be fast enough for you? I imagine the doctor would never forgive me if you were left behind."

A teasing jest, but one that fell serious. Some light humor to balance the severity at the moment.


- takes the cell battery from josh, fearful too much exertion may burn out his sygna suit/cause him harm
- hops on the back of zeraora with josh for full speed ahead
- places the battery in and draws out a vengeful xurkitree with more following suit
- brings out his falinks and terastallizes so it can clear a path
- let's skeet skeet outta here bois

prompts completed
🗺️ GAULTIER FAVREAU's transferable skills as a legal consultant and/or his pursuit of righting wrongs must be used or explored in some way.
🗺️ the CELL BATTERY can be used to siphon electric charge from a source (e.g. Pokemon or from the world); the battery can then be used to power up a device or structure.
🗺️ utilize a terastallization in an advantageous way.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,953 posts
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Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2023 3:56:52 GMT
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"Yep!" Josh chirped back to . "There's only one way to find out!" She did have a point, though; one CELL BATTERY probably would have only been enough to power basic instruments, if it was anything like human machinery. Machinery was also not the racer's expertise. That expertise was ultrafast Pokémon, such as the Legendary Pokémon he sought.

With reluctance, Josh let @gaultier take the battery from him. "Right, it could. I need to figure out how to properly harness my suit. It seems to be fueled by powerful emotions -- emotions I have a history of having difficulty controlling." He also had a little difficulty controlling his mount's tremendous speed, rivaling legendary Pokémon, at that. His experience with 's Suicune-familiar gave him confirmation that in a contest of speed where Pokémon moves weren't allowed, Raikiri would be the faster of the two. While it wasn't as fast as a Raikou would be, the thundercat possessed speed that would give him a chance at chasing down the Beast of his dreams.

When it became evident that piloting the ship to the rift would not be an option, especially with how many Xurkitree were live now inside it, they would have to book it back to Hoenn before the Ultra Beasts gave chase. With the ability to take the shape of the Johto Beast, they would outrun Josh's slower Pokémon if given room to run. "Hey, maybe Kara wants a turn on Raikiri!" he half-joked. After all, it wouldn't be fair to her to not get a chance to experience the speed of the mythical Pokémon Josh believed to be a reincarnation of Johto's Raikou.


- Josh hands the battery to @gaultier , then realizes that the Xurkitree in the ship would be too much of a problem to handle
- Josh suggests Kara ride Raikiri to the rift and leave Gaultier with the Pyroar. She needed her turn, after all!


{WC: 322}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS
Josh            Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Raikiri         Zeraora           Good
Aslan           Pyroar**          Good
Simba           Pyroar            Good
Kovu            Pyroar            Good
Resheph         Dragonair         Good
Alphamax        Garchomp          Good
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