i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON May 17, 2023 1:18:08 GMT
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[attr="class","omgentop"]THE WILDS: ULTRA DEEP SEA




Lusamine's Encounter Theme - Pokemon Sun & Moon

CONTRARY TO ITS NAME, THE MAJORITY OF THE ULTRA DEEP SEA IS A VAST CAVE-LIKE WORLD. Shafts of light from an unknown source barely penetrate the dark, causing colorful diamond-like rocks to glisten against humid walls. The dim lighting makes the place seem like you're thousands of leagues under the sea... Eerily, an unceasing pulse can be heard like a heart beat that rumbles throughout the realm.[break][break]

Oddly enough, one is able to "swim" through this realm like Water-type Pokemon floating in air.[break][break]

One may stumble upon deep, cold pools of dark water and alien seaweed as they scout out the realm. Segments of this place open up into an astral sea, where islands of mysterious stone are suspended mid-air.



  • 02 involve the venomous adhesive of a poipole or naganadel.
  • 03 use a pokemon to light your path.
  • 04 explore the unnerving wreckage of a megalopolan vessel, named The Quaestor Lucis.
  • 05 discover the skeletal remains of long dead megalopolans.
  • 🗺️ utilize a mega evolution in an advantageous way.
  • 🗺️ 's desires to "be something more" must be explored in some way.
  • 🗺️ must explore the contrast between his previous life and current life in some way.


AT THE END OF EACH EXPEDITION THREAD, all characters must ROLL for their final post. The HIGHEST FOUR ROLLS will be counted for what TREASURES are retrieved from the location. These treasures will be returned to each faction for future use...


[attr="class","boxName"]YOUR HAUL


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PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING GUIDELINES. A more comprehensive list of rules will be published in each event thread. These rules are also subject to change.[break][break][break]

  • Your character can only be in ONE EXPEDITION THREAD at a time.
  • You may participate with all of your characters; however, be aware of your ability to post.
  • If a thread partner has not posted in awhile, please skip them in this event. Momentum is important for engagement.
  • Since these threads may feature combat, please be reasonable with your battling. Discuss with your group if you'd like one move per post, how many Pokemon are allowed to be brought, etc.
  • Try to keep posts short for clarity and speed.
  • Please be trusting and open to communicating with all of your thread partners.
  • Please INCLUDE WHICH PROMPTS you are using in your expedition thread.
  • Please have at least FIVE POSTS PER CHARACTER in your expedition thread.


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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
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I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 2:17:05 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Ultra Deep Sea #1, with and .

Calling it a babysitting mission was a little too infantilizing for both of them.

He preferred the term 'escort', though given whom his charge was, he wasn't sure he should mention this out loud.

"Here we are, Mr. Choi." Gwyar said as they exited from the gate and into the cavernous, infinitely stretching depths of the Ultra Deep Sea.

One would've been hard pressed to believe a war had been fought on that soil, given the deathly quite peace that seemed to permeate the depths around them.

"I confess, I am not terribly experienced with these 'rifts'." The man said as he looked around. "I'm told they are all different kinds of awful to human beings who tarry too long within them, however."

Hint: Whatever it is you want to do, let's not delay and just do it... Respectfully.

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 3:14:07 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
Ultra Deep Sea. A place that - for all intents and purposes - El felt was someplace that no human belonged. Which then raised the question of, why were they here? What were they expecting of this place?

And well, that was what El wanted to know, too.

All they knew was that something about this place had called to them - that when an expedition to this place was forming, that they wanted in. They were still a rookie ranger - but their prior experience in the realm, from the fighting not long ago, proved them capable of protecting themself and others.

Hopefully, between their nerdy wits, their practical skills, and the pokemon they brought with them, nothing would go awry...

Thus, as Gwyar spoke - mentioning the danger in lingering too long - El nodded. "This place, it - uhm - messes with your head a little bit, mainly paranoia." They explained - adding "And some people start getting... Mutations, if they linger too long." There was a slight antsiness that was leaking into their voice, and that had them subtly fidgeting with their cane; brought on by a mix of the company they had, where they were, and the danger that they were sure lurked beyond...

... Hopefully, what El could bring to the table would be enough - they felt a little bit inadequate, next to what was obviously two far more experienced trainers. But they kinda had to be enough, right?

But shaking the thoughts out of their head, El continued "If we need to leave in a hurry, Bibidi - my alakazam - knows Teleport." They gestured to indicate the Alakazam, floating next to them. Her teleport wouldn't be able to bring them directly out of Deep Sea - it didn't seem to work cross-worlds - but it would being them to the rift they just entered through. "And I, uhm, am trained in first aid; I have a couple of pokemon who can heal, too."

There was also the question of lighting - though there was an ever-present glow in this place, it was dim, and often difficult to make out details with. But, El already had a solution to that - taking out a ball to let out their Iron Valiant, Baron. "Help light the way?" They'd ask - to which the valiant would glance back at them, before quietly dipping their head, bringing out their spear. Though it was a weapon, the strange energy it was formed of - like hardened light - still cast a glow that helped to illuminate the surrounding area.

Safe to say, El had been mindful to be as prepared as possible - which would likely show, if they ever had to bring out their other pokemon. And well, in a place like Ultra Space, you could never be too prepared...
Fulfilled Prompt 3
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 5:46:18 GMT
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Chu-e, politely, ignored . Their eyes were instead taking in the sights and sounds of this... terrible and smelly place.

"I don't like this."

Why did I want to come here again?

Chu-e thought there must be some reason. But they couldn't really remember why. Maybe it was some tug or lingering desire from the Thing inside them.

"Teleporting messes with my medicine." Glancing over at , sharp blue eyes flicked up and down the other. Then a glance forward. Chu-e grumbles and holds their head, a sudden and splitting headache forming.

A Love Ball is flicked out. Sparklefur is a terrible thing. The Shadow Delcatty seems to 'smile' at the two unfamiliar humans and their pokemon, radiating pure malice. But Chu-e just collapses onto the giant feline's back, riding her 'side saddle' like one might a horse. Already exhausted.

They push her forwards, Chu-e assigning themself the de-facto leader of the little expedition without any input from anyone on the matter.

Why couldn't they remember... why they had asked to come here? Grumbling, they rub their head and close their eyes, allowing the other two to act as guardians.

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 19, 2023 14:58:12 GMT
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Ultra Deep Sea #1, with and .

Didn't that make this a complete waste of their time?

Well. Not complete, he told himself as he produced the notepad containing notes of his sessions with . Cobalion was interested in certain ingredients within the rifts... maybe he could acquire some while doing... whatever it was that desired.

They would be going deeper inside as it turned out, despite the apparent danger of mermaification had warned them of.

Not just that, but their charge' absolutely gargantuan, bizarre delcatty was smiling them, and not in a good way.

Jolly. He fell in line behind the charge-turned-leader, before turning his attention to the other unusual pokemon in the group.

"... My, how peculiar." Gwyar said as he observed El's... mechanical aproximation of a Gallade? Gardevoir? "I take it this is one of those... Paradox pokemon making the rounds?"

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON May 21, 2023 10:52:56 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
So teleportation wouldn't be an option for Chu-e - or at least, they'd only use it in the event of a last resort. Though, even if El nodded in understanding... They couldn't help but wonder if the rift wouldn't cause similar issues - maybe they should keep an eye out for that? Not that they knew what Chu-e's exact condition was, but...

At the very least, Sparklefur coming out was sure to grab El's attention. They blinked, looking to the strange feline with clear curiosity - although... There was something very, terribly, off about the delcatty - something that had their lips quirking a bit. Perhaps... Maybe they should be careful, about how close they stood to her.

Asking to pet her was probably off the table, too.

But in the meantime, as the trio got moving, Gwyar would ask about Baron - to which the valiant and ranger both would glance to him. "Ah - Yeah, Baron is a paradox pokemon. I think he and others like him have been classified as, uh, Iron Valiants." They confirmed - those were the terms that they'd been hearing, at least.

"I met him deep in - well - here, Ultra Deep Sea, during the fighting. He had appeared from the dream mist that had been popping up everywhere, and protected me from another paradox 'mon that had shown up." It was likely worth not mentioning that he had appeared to protect as well, though. They weren't sure how the two would react at the mention of having helped a Rocket member, during all of that fighting.

Glancing ahead though, El noticed Chu-e's grumbling, and how she was rubbing her head. Was she having a headache, they wondered; sympathy and concern crossed the ranger's expression in response. "Are you - uhm - feeling alright?" They asked, briefly pondering bringing out Akero for his Life Dew.
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
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5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON May 29, 2023 3:06:13 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
and have a conversation behind them. Chu-e is still trying to focus on whatever is ahead. Vision blurs slightly and they lean further against Sparklefur; a headache was throbbing behind their eyes.

Vaguely they register that is talking to them. Cracking open an eye, they glance vaguely in their direction.

"Huh? Oh, uh..." They trail off, brow furrowing. "Hey uh... um... Gav, can you..." This is directed at . But can you blame them? They just saw someone taller than them and blond. Usually whenever they went on dangerous trips like this it had been with by their side.

That doesn't feel right this time, though. Was it an episode? No, this was... something else.

Chu-e blanches, black crystal rising on their skin in rippling waves. This was set just before the de-avatarship, after all.

"Suh-something wro-nnnnnn" Chu-e slumps forward. Sparklefur yelps and bolts off like a rocket, taking Chu-e wish her and leaving and in the dust.

She dips inside of a crack in the wall. A crack which... is metal. And connected to a large breached 'ship'.
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 17:55:25 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Ultra Deep Sea #1, with and .

"Paradox pokemon? Most perplexing." Gwyar said, tapping at his chin thoughtfully.

The interdream-zone was materializing fake pokemon now. He wondered if the League was as alarmed by these news as he pretended he wasn't.

He didn't have much time to think about it. His charge was showing worrying signs of... malady...?

"... Those are not like any scales I've ever seen." He pointed out in the brief moment before his charge collapsed and his weird ass cat broke into a mad dash.

Oh Bollocks.

"After it!" Boomed the man, bounding after the cat immediately, following them into the iron cracks.

He idly, worryingly noted the fact that his surroundings had changed, abruptly and dramatically, but he did not pause to consider what danger his new surroundings might represent, parkouring through the new set of obstacles the improvised iron trap brought with it.

He had a mission, and no intention of failing it.

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 0:08:16 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The sudden ripple of crystals across Chu-e's form came as a bit of a surprise to El - the young ranger's eyes blinking owlishly. That - that certainly wasn't something they were qualified for. Glancing to Gwyar, they were about to suggest stepping back out through the rift, and maybe getting him to a doctor...

... But before they knew it, Sparklefur was suddenly off, down the tunnel! And not only that, but Gwyar was running straight on ahead after the hellish delcatty!

"Wh-hey-!" They stammered initially, visibly caught off guard by this whole situation. But, they weren't exactly keen on leaving Chu-e be to whatever situation he was in - nor were they keen on being left behind.

Thus, Bibidi would scoop them up in her arms and begin floating after the group - using Teleport to close the distance where necessary. Baron, meanwhile, would chase after on foot - the valiant propelling himself forward in leaping-long jumps.

But as the trio moved, the light Baron cast would illuminate some of the outer part of the ship that they were approaching - and El couldn't help but stare up at the name emblazoned on the side.

The Quaestor Lucis...

... What was a ship doing, in the middle of Ultra Deep Sea? How long has it been here for? Unsure of what to make of this - yet having no other choice - the trio would follow after Gwyar and Chu-e inside, through a deep crack in its hull...
Prompt 04 Complete

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2023 16:39:30 GMT
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Down twisting corridors and into darkness the three would find themselves. and would eventually find Chu-e in some sort of... control room? It was busted and broken, yet the other was laying on the ground by one of the chairs. They must have slipped off of Sparklefur's back at some point. The feline was nowhere to be seen, yet the two people and their pokemon would feel the ominous presence of being watched.

For their part, Chu-e was breathing easily. As if they had just laid down in bed and were taking a nap. While the occasional flicker of crystal would still dart over the skin, it might be easy enough to rouse them.

Chu-e was not alone, though.

A Poipole, white and gold, hovered above them. It hummed and chattered in a strange cadence, circling and staring before poking the human in the face. It giggled when crystal rose to meet the touches.

From above, something dripped. A wet plopping noise that promised trouble.
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 12, 2023 19:34:23 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Ultra Deep Sea #1, with and .

They caught up to their charge— eventually.

"Oh bugger." The knight muttered under his breath as he caught sight of Chu-E splayed out on the floor before a bizarre console, his weird, rabid looking Delcatty nowhere to be seen.

His hand drifted towards the sword on his side as he slowed down from a full sprint to a cautious saunter. His charge was breathing still, so everything was fine on that front.

What wasn't fine was the dangerous pokemon missing...

Oh, and the Ultra Beast poking at .

Gwyar froze at the sight of it.

"... Hello there." He greeted with a measure of stoicity, feeling his skin crawl as his eyes met with the little tadpole.

Was this literal infant putting him on edge...?

Such thoughts ceased the moment something dripped down from the ceiling above.

Against his better judgement, Gwyar carefully let his gaze drift up, his other hand slipping towards a pokeball.

"... Be. Ready." He muttered to with wide eyes.

The first thing his gaze found while drifting up?

A humanoid body.

Stuck to the ceiling.


One of many.

-PROMPT: 05 discover the skeletal remains of long dead megalopolans.

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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2023 1:18:58 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
The sight of a collapsed Chu-e, an absent Sparklefur, and the Poipole were of no comfort to El, either - even if the poison-type's strange coloration was curious. Could Ultra Beasts be shiny like pokemon, too?

But more importantly... "Poipoles... Don't usually wander alone, from what I've seen..?" They spoke with uncertainty - not necessarily at their own words, but instead at the implied question: if this Poipole truly wasn't alone... Where was its buddies, or its parents?

Sensing the group's collective unease, Bibidi and Baron both seemed to ready themselves, glancing around not only visually, but also mentally - attempting to sense the minds of other nearby beings. Where was Chu-e's companion? Surely, the Delcatty wouldn't have up and abandoned them, right?

Then came a drip from above - a drop of something wet splatting against El's shoulder that made them jolt in surprise. Slowly, their gaze drifted upwards - unsure of what to expect...

... Only to yelp with fear at the sight of the dead body glued above - a reflexive scramble back sending them stumbling into Bibidi's arms! "Wh-whuh-" They stammered, their gaze snapping away to instead scan at their surroundings for any sign of danger - a hue of fight or flight apparent in their demeanor.

Between this, El's reaction, and Gwyar's warning, the ranger's two pokemon began to grow increasingly tense, as well. Baron's eyes took on a vivid glow as the knight prepared a preemptive Future Sight - and Bibidi held her trainer close, protective, readied to use a Psychic or the like at the first sign of danger.
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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 2:21:22 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Another drip. It slides down Chu-e's cheek like a tear.

Their eyes flicker open, a long and drawn out sigh.

The Poipole, meanwhile, buzzes towards . It spins in the air, chattering constantly in it's strange buzzing language, reaching out a small paw to touch his sword and admire it's own reflection.

They all look above. Death comes from below.

Tentacles, many of them, burst through rusted metal to try and grab at 's ankles and pull them down. One snaps around Chu-e's middle, making them cry out as they're held in place. They claw at the tentacle, confused.

Just like old damn times indeed.
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 19:58:15 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Ultra Deep Sea #1, with and .

Oh, he was not getting paid enough for this shit.

Forced to choose between helping or , he decides to go for the one without a pokemon out. He hoped the ranger would understand.

His arm flashed forward, trying to cleave the tentacle holding his charge at its very base, blade swiping over the torn steel floors before he grips onto the small man's shoulder and tries to haul him back.

"We should not be here!" The blonde decided then and there, ready to reach for his luxury ball. He didn't think a sword alone would be enough for this mess.
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April 12th
Lavaridge Town
5'9" / 175 cm height
5'9" / 175 cm height
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El Sunderland
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 18:54:43 GMT
El Sunderland Avatar
El yelps (almost a scream, but not quite-) in alarm when tentacles are suddenly bursting from seemingly every direction - already having been on edge, only for the other shoe to suddenly drop. Almost instinctively, they swing their cane at one of the tentacles to try to fend it off...

... But Baron is already prepared - the blade of his spear flashing through the air as Future Sight allows him to cut each one down as soon as it emerges. He even steps in to aid in protecting once the brunt of the swarm threatening his own charge (which is to say El,) is thinned out.

Bibidi scoops El up in her arms protectively, meanwhile - and when a tentacle strays too close to the duo, she twists it apart with Psychic. But otherwise, her focus is more on telepathically soothing her trainer - this series of scares and high tension, perhaps, was a little bit much for them.

Yet despite it, El's fingers are settling over Behemoth's ball on their belt - just in case. Just to be safe. If more danger arose, they knew the Nidoking would be able to help...

At Gwyar's suggestion that it was time to get moving though, the trio were more than ready to leave. Reaching out, Bibidi would assist Gwyar in hauling Chu-e through use of Telekinesis - and if the knight allowed, she would scoop Chu-e up to carry her in the opposite arm to El.
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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