Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2023 22:24:21 GMT
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"Sorry about earlier."

Did June mean the back and forth insults, how deep she had dug her short nails into his skin, or how she had cursed and half-domed a pokemon right in front of him? Whichever one Howard decided on, it left a lot to be desired in terms of an explanation. In her defense, it was Howard's idea to bring them to this specific coffee shop. The awful walk had done wonders to cool her head and calm her down, as they sat across from each other. Each one nursed a small plastic cup of a brown concotion in their hands

Which, in June's opinion, had nothing going for it. The low price lessened the pain, but it did little to soothe her now upset stomach as she pushed the plastic cup a few inches away. Could the place really not afford something better than the shitty cheap stuff you find at the store for pennies a portion? Whatever. At least it was a latte, and it was cold. 

"Just... I had a few bad experiences with Excadrill when I was younger," she finally explained. "I'll let you guess what happened. Never got it out of my head, or whatever."

The delivery girl reached back over and took the cool cup back in her hands. Even with the A/C on full blast, the unbearable heat still managed to sneak in and remind everyone inside that they couldn't escape it for long. "
You were right, about not throwing it into a lake or something like that. Probably smarter to keep it so it can't cause anymore problems."

Looked like the apology had been for none of the above. Wonderful. "
And, uh, thanks for helping me find a pokemon. I guess I'll just have to settle for what I got. Again."

And the coffee."

Better not have been a flirting 'I'll pay for it' move. 

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howard slayte
Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 26, 2023 23:59:42 GMT
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It was not a flirting coffee. It was an anti-blackmail coffee.

June was angry. She was upset. She was just a teensy bit mad. There was always the scenario that she directed that anger towards the most punch-able thing in the area, who also happened to be the indirect source of her misery: Howard Slayte, archaeologist extraordinaire.

Frankly, the coffee was a formality so that he didn't get murdered.

"Frankly, the coffee is just a formality so you don't kill me." Howard said as he leaned back in his chair. Then he blinked. Damn. He really needed to stop saying what he was thinking. "So, erm, please don't kill me. I can't afford another bill, and death is expensive."

Howard chuckled quietly as he drank his coffee. His eyes were slightly shot. The Koffeeing's selection of coffee was an acquired taste, but it was cheap. The staff knew Howard. He knew them. That loyalty kept him coming back. It wasn't like he could afford anything better anyways.

Awkward silence. Howard wanted to smash his head into the table. His mouth tightened into a straight line as he looked at June. She looked terrible. Bad sign. Looks were good at hiding what you felt internally. Her current expression was a glimpse into her current thoughts, and they weren't looking too good for Howard.

From his perspective, anyway.

"I'm sorry. I try to be lighthearted to avoid negativity. I'll stop now. Howard stopped leaning back in his chair. "You didn't lose a house. You lost something more." Howard blinked. "Something inside a building? Someone inside the building is more likely."

"I don't know your situation. You probably hate it when people say sorry for something they don't understand." Howard said quietly. "Like, 'what do they know?' It'd drive me nuts..."

Awkward silence.

"Still, I'm sorry. You didn't get to catch something useful. Sorry for that, and for the coffee quality. Don't tell them I said that. They might cry."

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June Bug
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2023 0:53:08 GMT
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Man, Howard sucked at guessing. "I didn't lose anyone--thankfully. Very terrifying to wake up, as a child, in the middle of the night to very violent shaking and have your father carry you outside moments before the building collapses, is all. Twice.

The Excadrill thing was a childhood, irrational fear, nothing more. No sob story, no thriller. Just a thing that June really wished she didn't have but also came up so infrequently that it felt pointless to try and 'fix' or 'help' it. Did mean this little excursion to Slateport might be the last one in a long while. 

And don't apologize for anything. I'm not mad at you."


Did the delivery girl really look that pissed off? She tried to imagine her own facial expression, but failed miserably. Very hard to translate what you felt in your stress lines into an actual, mental picture. One that made any sense, anyway. Sounded like she looked extremely pissed off, if how Howard acted was anything to go by.

It happened often enough: she got mad and calmed down mentally but not physically. People read her tense body language falsely and felt the need to be extra nice to her. That pissed her off again. Howard might've guessed right about one thing she 'probably hated'. Right enough to get her frown to deepen and her eyebrows to slant harder. 

And that was not a state of mind she wished to return to at the moment. Instead, she took a large swig from the cup and listened to the ice jostle around inside it. "So... I guess I'll pay next time then. And I'll choose the place. Speaking of, why here? Home away from home? Worked here while at school? Or is it really just because of the price? Cause you can just... make this at home for cheaper. I think so, anyway."

June whispered the latter end of her sentence as her eyes darted between Howard and the baristas that mulled behind the counter. 

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 27, 2023 2:00:23 GMT
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"Oh." Howard blinked again. "Pretend I got it right first try."

Slamming his head into the table looked even more appealing than it did a moment ago. Maybe he could trigger a concussion and forget the interaction up until this point. Who even made such a egregious assumption about someone, and then apologized for some great tragedy that didn't even happen?

An idiot. An idiot did that. Howard Slayte did that. He eyed the table. It looked hard enough. Maybe there was something to that concussion strategy.

"You're not mad at me? Seriously?" Howard glanced at her suspiciously. "This isn't a trap, right?"

Strangely enough, it didn't seem like one. It just seemed like two tired adults sharing coffee together after running around in the sun for an unfortunately long period of time. June looked mad, but she didn't sound mad. It put Howard on edge, even as June was used to it.


Awkward silence. Howard latched onto June's question like someone at a life preserver.

"Yes...?" Howard said sheepishly as he took off his hat. "I wrote my thesis on how languages are influenced by material and the passing of time in the chair you're sitting in. Didn't have internet. This place did. It was cheap. Seemed like a no-brainer, y'know? My coffee standards are utterly shot at this point." He scratched his cheek and chuckled. He waved at one of the baristas, who waved back. "Plus I don't know how to work a coffee machine, sooooo..."


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June Bug
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 17:00:11 GMT
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"Don't mention it," June muttered behind her coffee cup. Hopefully the plastic wasn't clear enough to show how her frown did not disappear in the slightest after Howard showed one more time his uncertainty. She said she wasn't mad at him, yet that seemed to mean nothing. Her shoulders slumped while she took another sip of her drink.

The worst part? She couldn't even blame the man. Not like she didn't have the same apprehension or anxiety about this sort of thing. Like a popcorn kernel that got stuck in your teeth: no matter how much you worked on it, the sucker wouldn't come loose or pop out. An exhausting activity, but some strange mechanism in the brain said it could not cease until it was fully worked out.

So, she set her cup back down and tried her best to forget about the kernel. "So, you know all these history facts, stories, cultures, whatever-- but you don't know how to work a coffee machine? Put in filter, put in grounds, put water into a different part of machine, close it all up, turn it on and hit the 'brew' button."

"Or you just never owned one," she hunched slightly over the table and rested her head in a hand, "Sorry. Keep forgetting your financial situation. Here I am making the assumptions now."

June ignored the severity of the assumptions made. This conversation already felt needlessly complicated as is. No reason to throw yet another wrench in the cogs by comparing how one thought a parent had died and another forgot how not everyone could afford something as simple as a coffee machine.

Ugh. There was the second kernel. If she didn't change topics now, this would stay with her for the rest of the day. "So, you collect artifacts like you collect facts. Sounds tiring. Do you got a side thing to do, something completely unrelated whenever you start to get burnt out?"

What would that even be for a person like Howard? She couldn't even imagine him doing anything other than sit in his sad, stuffed apartment and stare at all his shit while he nursed a enriching cup of lukewarm tap water. Or be out in the field, hands covered in dirt as he sifted for the bajillionth fossilized tooth.

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 28, 2023 18:00:29 GMT
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Something surprising happened as June awkwardly tripped over the second metaphorical popcorn kernel. Maybe it was her expression, her tone, or something else, but Howard busted out laughing. He leaned back in his seat as he did so, threatening to fall out of his chair. He laughed and snickered, before wiping his eyes.

"June, it's just a coffee machine. It's on a totally different scale of embarrassment. You're comparing a rock falling in a pond to an extinction event. Chill. Relax. Chillax!" Howard cackled at the disparity. Still chuckling, he tried to explain. "I say it a lot, but I'm not super broke. I'm just out of money. A lot. Most of the time."

Was he delusional, or just coping?

"Trust me, my apartment wouldn't get that bad if I didn't have money to burn. How else could I afford your delivery service? It's not cheap." He trailed off as he envisioned the bills racking up. "I'd just rather spend money on things I'm interested in, is all."

When June asked her final question, Howard stiffened. Immediately, it was as if something was leaning over him, breathing down his neck. A massive red R

Team Rocket.

Even if he simply dug up rare things for them, he was still expected to do other things. Terrible things. His thoughts began to darken and cloud over. Howard frowned, before sheepishly smiling again. He wouldn't wander in that place. If he didn't think about it, it would go away.

"I like mountaineering and hiking, nature and stuff." Howard audibly said, before leaning in with a conspiratorial whisper. "Plus I like to binge every Brycen-Man movie in my pajamas with take-out and ice cream. Don't tell anyone."

"What about you? Do you just motorcycle everywhere? Follow the 'no post on Sundays' rule?" Howard said again in an audible voice.

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June Bug
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 29, 2023 2:37:32 GMT
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June raised an eyebrow, but decided to not push the situation further than necessary. It sure sounded like Howard had severe money issues, but it also wasn't a her problem. No matter how much she worried or thought about it, she would simply have to trust him to his word. "Guess I'll have to trust your word on that."

She did not.

Much how she decided not to press further into his slight pause upon her question of what his other 'activities' were. There was very clearly something more to it, yet the archeologist did the complete opposite of what the job entailed: he covered it up. Played it off as nothing super serious. Would she follow suit, or stick to what she did on a daily basis?

"Your secret is safe with me," she affirmed as she leaned backward into the chair. No reason to pry on this as well. "But... Brycen-Man? Seriously? That show blows chunks. Awful. Coffee isn't the only thing your taste is shot in, apparently."

The smile that slowly crept on her lips soon disappeared as the question turned back onto her. Replaced by the frown she sported for the last few minutes. "It says that on the ad so that when people beg me to deliver on Sunday, I get to double the fees. Whenever I'm not 'motorcycling' or flying on my Talonflame, I'm either at home or the library. Save money that way."

If Howard got to keep his secrets, then she could keep hers. Besides, how did one explain that they were saving up to by the mechanic shop previously owned by their now dead father that now sat abandoned and desolate in Mauville because he had been killed before he could put such a thing in his will and Team Rocket got some legal power to kick her while she was down, anyway?

Or that she had a childish urge to chase down a mythical pokemon only rumored to exist and recently confirmed to exist and the only thing she had to go off of was fourth hand accounts and whatever scraps of information she scrounged up from library books that she could probably read backwards from memory at this point?

You do not.

"In all honesty, your apartment is probably bigger and nicer than mine. It's just a place I can shower, sleep, and keep some snacks in whenever I'm in the area. Oh, and I get a small garage to keep my bike. Lot of nights spent there, rather than in bed..."

Howard could know about the Excadrill thing. If he found out the 'dead dad's shop' or 'childhood, silly dream', then she'd be able to move on eventually. However, he could not know how many nights she had fallen asleep on her bike in her garage, in some bus stop, or underneath a tree as she waited for another order to come through on her phone. That was the line. If he found that out, she'd either have to kill him or herself, and she wasn't about to die just yet.

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Admin Fox
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Jul 31, 2023 5:40:00 GMT
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"It does not! It's totally awesome and spectacular!" Howard stood up in his chair and leaned in at June. "Even if his newer movies aren't anything special, Brycen's acting is still top notch!"

Great. Not only was Howard financially dubious, but he was defensive about his choices in mediocre cinema. Or he was simply insane. Or both. Nobody could be that into Brycen-Man, right? You watched one movie, you watched them all. Yet Howard seemed to enjoy it.

And why shouldn't he? It was the closest that the movies got to the ideal ruin hunter's life. Exploring ancient ruins, fighting villains, awakening ancient treasures... These were the things Howard lived for.

"It's fine. You don't have taste. It's fine, I understand." Howard said, noting her frown. He gave a nod of approval. "Library? Excellent. Free internet, access to enough material to write a thesis, and water fountains. I approve! Stopped paying my plumbing bill for a month because water is free at the library."

It had actually been two, but June didn't need to know.

"I'm happy you think so. It's a nice place. Wish I used it more often." He nodded to her. "Seems we're both away more than we are home." For June, it was deliveries. For Howard, it was selling his soul and passion to Team Rocket.

June could know about his financial situation. She could know about his eccentric field. Those were minor, people expected it from him. Nobody could know about him in Team Rocket. Nobody could mention it to anyone. If June did blackmail him, his life was over, and Team Rocket would ensure that anyone who knew who he was would've get the axe. With his cover blown, he was worse than useless.

He was a liability.

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June Bug
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2023 18:59:30 GMT
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June rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "Whatever you say, Howard. Whatever you say."

The quality of the Brycen-Man films was not the hill she would die on. Figured that an archeologist would be the one to do it, though. Maybe even ironic. She didn't have the time nor passion to figure out how, but it stood as a tempting thing to figure out for the next time the inevitably met each other. 

The library might be good for a thesis, but it sure as shit isn't good for whatever I'm trying to... wait, you didn't pay your plumbing bill for a month? Is that even a thing you can do?" She asked, eyebrow raised. Numerous common situations and the logistics behind them played out in the front of her mind for all but ten seconds before the delivery girl shook her head. No, how the hell he could manage to get away with that with nothing but a library was not a task she stood ready to tackle.

Next time June ran into a second archeologist, she'd have to figure out if this was a 'Howard' situation or an 'archeologist' situation. 

However, the home situation was something the two of them shared regardless of background. "
I'd be lying if I said I minded it most of the time. It's nice to be active and hands on. Job just means I get to make money doing it. Also don't blow it on afformentioned stupid shit. Too busy."

Sure, this might've classified her as a 'workaholic' or some other fancy word dreamed up by licensed professionals. Yet the alternative was to sit at home, stare at the ceiling and let her mind race as fast as a Talonflame and wreck havoc on her emotions. At least this way, the most damage it could do is get her lost somewhere in the region.

Except on coffee. Those cafes might charge an arm and a leg for an espresso, but..." June tapered off. Maybe if she closed her eyes and thought hard really hard, this latte would magically become something better. She tried it out with another sip. 


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Admin Fox
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Aug 1, 2023 19:46:37 GMT
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"It can, assuming you omit certain necessities, such as...drinking water." Howard remembered the timespan. It also helped if you didn't shower, cook, and forgot the bathroom existed. Frankly, if you abandoned basic human principle, you could skimp by on a measly amount of money. Howard didn't tell June this, and it was a secret he would drag down to his grave.

Or else.

"Being active is nice, but the greatest reward is lying down in your own bed. Most hotels are seedy, and sleeping bags are nice, but it's so hard to get comfortable when it's not my own bed. Not like we have much of a choice, though. It's our job to be out and about. But like, I gotta ask."

Howard scratched his chin thoughtfully as he glanced over June. Someone who ran around so much could tell any number of people about his identity. Especially when you lived in a dinky apartment. He had to be careful with what he said, even as he continued to ignore that thought.

"Two things. One:" Howard held up a finger. "It's still pretty fun, right? Exploring, traveling. New place every day. Monotonous life seems so boring, don't you think? Two:" A second finger. "I have diagnosed your problem. You're a coffee elitist! Let me guess, you want a Frappuccino with a dash of whipped cream and a sprinkle of dried pecha berry for flavor with no-fat dairy. Phooey. You coffee people..." Howard shook his head.

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June Bug
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2023 1:42:57 GMT
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June snorted. 'Hard to get comfortable'? It's hard to get comfortable when you weren't tired, sure. Wear yourself down hard and long enough and you'd fall asleep just about anywhere you could. Didn't he know that? She almost had it down to a science at this point.

She let Howard ask his two questions instead of responding to that particular point. Almost as soon as he had finished his sentence did she launch into her own. "One: eh? Can be fun to explore a bigger city like this with a partner. Can also be boring as absolute hell. Seen one small town, seen 'em all. That or terrifying because you have no idea where to go, what you're doing, wild pokemon, the works."

A symptom of the different types of work they did in the field. One got to deal with beautiful ruins and dig in the dirt for ancient artifacts. The other got to deal with people in just about every corner of the region. If there weren't heaps of wild between each of the cities, she wouldn't even have to venture out into them unless she had the desire. Which, most of the time, she did not.

And two: wrong way you lug nut," she shook her head back. "Only reason I got a latte is because I had a strange feeling this place wouldn't have... the best coffee in the world. Usually I drink it black. Get the full, natural flavor from the beans that way. All that extra sugar ruins the experience-- and is comically unhealthy."

If Howard wanted to make fun of June, the least he could do is get right which end of the spectrum she sat on. The nerve of some people. That settled it, the next time they went out she would take him to the best place she knew and spoil him rotten.

"By the way, how the hell did you have something as complex as that on the top of your head? That your drink order? If I didn't know you any better I'd toss you to the coffee police for something that gross," she said. "Halfway tempted to anyway."

Seriously, pecha berry? People would do anything to get their fix these days.

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Admin Fox
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Aug 2, 2023 4:12:30 GMT
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"I sat in a coffee shop for an unfortunate amount of time. I've memorized every combination." Howard said grimly. His expression was haunted, and could anyone blame him? If you heard enough heinous orders from a coffee place, it was enough to make anyone go insane.

"C-coffee police?" Howard squeaked nervously as he scooted his foot about a mile back. He tapped his lap as if in deep thought, his expression switching from nervousness to an unreadable mask. That didn't last long as the archaeologist began sweating buckets. "N-now June, come on. Be reasonable! There's no reason to bring them into this. That's just crazy!"

Ohgodohgodohgodohgod... It was HAPPENING. She was gonna turn him in! He knew it was a matter of time before June decided that he was worth more behind bars. Why had he spilled so much information about himself? Any person who stole water from the library wasn't even worth blackmailing! It was best to just turn them in.





Howard wished an extinction event would simply occur across his body, killing him instantly. That was far more preferable to being ratted out by a delivery girl with a coffee fix. On some level, he had known. Why, then, had he let himself keep yapping? Why was she looking at him like that?

"Igottagotakecarebyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" Howard shot out of his chair and disappeared. All he hoped for was that June wouldn't follow him. He stopped in an alley to catch his breath after almost an hour of running.

"Dammit! Me and my big mouth. Why'd I even open it around her! I'm so screwed." Howard muttered.

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Bottom of a Coffee Cup [C]
POSTED ON Aug 3, 2023 22:25:15 GMT
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