Horse Race! (gym challenge)

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 3, 2023 1:53:28 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Though Josh was in the lead, his lead was anything but comfortable. Taking a quick glance behind him, the orange-maned, fire-type equine was the only Pokémon in sight; the rest of the field was so far behind that they hadn't even rounded the corner yet. One-two finishes were what Josh loved to see between Leader and challenger. It reinforced that the challenger didn't have to be a professional racer to earn his Gym's badge. They just had to be good enough to show they had mastered what the Gym was trying to teach them, particularly trusting their Pokémon in high-octane situations.

Even so, the Gym Leader still had his pride to speak of. Ixion had hers, too, the blue-maned horse's hooves charring the course black underneath every hoofbeat she made. With split second reaction time worthy of the title Master of Faster, Josh let go of the reins with his left hand after rounding the curve, letting the pressure of his right arm guide the Shiny Rapidash toward the line he desired.


The five-Pokémon race may as well have been two separate races: one among 's Gym Trainers, and one between Leader and challenger directly. The dueling RAPIDASH gave each other no quarter, taking aggressive lines and coming so close to one another that could have sworn he felt the wake of the Gym Leader's right leg. Even for the equines renowned for their intense acceleration, there was no getting up to top speed in time for the big leap before them. With powerful flexes, the two sailed through the air, nailing the landing and keeping pace with one another heading into the home stretch.

In the back of the pack, the three Gym Trainers' Pokémon kicked up a lot of dust rounding the turn, the bolt of the RAICHU's tail flicking about in the wind and into the ZEBSTRIKA's side. The large spark caused ACE SHEEKE and ERON IUNIS to surge forward, a small pang of paralysis slowing down ARAVAN ESCHER's GALARIAN RAPIDASH at the worst possible time. With not enough speed to make it across the tall and long gap, the fairy-type slipped on the rock face in front, sliding into a taut safety net and rendering them OUT OF THE RACE.



With only four Pokémon left in the race and a long, straight stretch leading to the starting line ahead, Josh could see just how far he was ahead of the other Gym Trainers if he took a glance backward. The last lap truly would be a duel of speed between him and . As they approached the line, the white flag waved above, a sound bite blaring out of the Gym's speakers:




The fans cheered loudly as the white flag waved to the side of the starting arch; it was the last time around the track! For the final lap of the race, the Leader's rolls will be capped at 170, before modifiers are applied.


Prompt: With the final lap and the high speeds it offered came yet another opportunity to make up lost time. The course's first corner was just as cuttable as it was on the second lap; no easier, but also no harder. The race now winding down could easily impact racers' decisions: take the curve as intended by the course designer and preserve position, or risk a costly OFF COURSE penalty to save a good chunk of time?

Target Number 1: 115 (Reaction)

Special 1: None

Target Number 2: 150 (Speed)

Special 2: Pokémon that match or exceed the Target Number gain 75 TP on top of any TP they would normally gain. Missing the Target Number by 25 or more will instead incur a flat -150 TP penalty due to coming up short on the jump and landing OFF COURSE. Gym Trainers that land OFF COURSE are instead ELIMINATED FROM THE RACE.

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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
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Asher Baran DOLLARS
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Asher Baran
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2023 1:00:10 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
He was so close to overtaking Josh! But they just weren't quite fast enough. The duo had made some strides in catching up though. As soon as they crossed the finish line, the announcer said that it was the last lap. Beyond just the boost that Ash and Frou-Frou still had in reserve, there was an opportunity to cut a corner and make up for lost time. It was risky...but it would let him take the lead, at least for a moment. With his heels hitting Frou-Frou's sides, the Rapidash got the message. While taking the turn as intended could still net them a lead...this may be larger, and force Josh into boosting again to retake the lead. So they tried it!

While he did hear about a gym trainer retiring, Ash paid it little mind. They were too far behind. The child Rocket member and his Rapidash would have to mess up royally before they got involved...

Target: Speed! 150.


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,976 posts
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Josh Devlin
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 2:17:41 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Despite pushing Ixion as fast as Josh knew she could safely go, he simply could not shake Asher off, the two fire horses distancing themselves even more from the electric-types well behind. Asher was pushing the two to their limits like few challengers had recently. Regardless of the race outcome, he had admiration for the work it took to forge a bond that deep.

As soon as the Gym Leader reined Ixion at a slight angle toward the inside course boundary, Josh jabbing with his knees to keep her at a full gallop, she knew what was coming. With a strong flick of the reins, the Rapidash invoked a heroic burst of AGILITY before leaping above and across the right-angle corner. Though he looked confident on the outside, he was nervous on the inside; even a slight miscalculation or execution error could leave the two short, tumbling into the net below and out of the competition.

TARGET NUMBER 2 is chosen.
AGILITY is used.


In a daring gambit, and reined their RAPIDASH toward the MULTI JUMP circuit's first corner, the burst of AGILITY commanded by the Gym Leader letting the blue-flamed counterpart keep pace despite being on the outside line of the two. Both fiery maned burned hot and high, the gallery roaring as the two competitors' Pokémon performed daring leaps over course bounds. A wrong angle or not enough speed could be race-ending. Their hooves left the ground, their fates decided. After a few tense seconds, the loud clacking of hooves on rock let the duo breathe sighs of relief; they had made it, though Asher now clearly trailed Josh going into the backstretch.

The competitive spirit harboring ACE SHEEKE's ZEBSTRIKA sparked recklessness, the Gym Trainer reflecting the electric equine's will to win his duel of speed with ERON IUNIS' nimble RAICHU. A small section of the gallery gasped as even the electric rodent leaped over the corner in a blindingly fast QUICK ATTACK that stretched its tail completely parallel to the ground. White bolts arced between the two, the aggressive horse matching the speed burst with an equally fast display of AGILITY. The ZEBSTRIKA's more daring line let the redhead open up a lead on his competitor. If he kept it up, he might even be able to catch right at the finish line!


Prompt: While distant, the goal line was in sight! The last major hindrance to crossing the finish line was a trio of jumps. What made these difficult was the sloped terrain at the bottom, having to land at just the right angle to avoid awkward landings and even faceplanting into the inside or outside wall! The racers had become familiar with how to perform the landings after two laps, but how would they handle it when their Pokémon were growing tired?

Target Number: 125 (Endurance)

Special: None

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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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Asher Baran
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2023 22:39:29 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
They were way closer than he thought they were! While he lost some ground, they still didn't backdown. Even as they turned the corner, Josh was so close but yet so far. When he saw just how close they were, he tapped Frou-Frou on the side of the neck. It was time to start going fast! Frou-Frou used High Horsepower, a brown aura surrounding her as she kicked up more dust than typical. While the boost in speed wasn't as large as, say an Agility, it lasted much longer. Staying close to the Rapidash's neck, Asher barely felt the steady, rythmic increase in speed. The duo cut the corner as well, staying close enough to threaten Josh, and hopefully will surprass him.

He'd basically have to use it again for a near single long boost. But not until after this one was done. The red head wanted to give Josh a good run for his money, and didn't want to be overtaken by the two electric types behind him. Even if the next one had boosted, Ash was just going to increase that gap once more! Next was the jumps. Frou-Frou didn't seem all that tired yet, but hopefully his luck will hold out, as will the two's competitive spirit!


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,976 posts
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Josh Devlin
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 13, 2023 6:21:13 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh could tell from Ixion's breathing that the Shiny Rapidash was getting sore. Though the Pokémon's diamond-hard hooves were excellent shock absorbers, they were not designed to absorb as much punishment as the jump-heavy course demanded. Even Josh's rump was growing increasingly sore with every impact with the lower portion of the track, as well as the pressure from riding after every leap.

As much as he wanted to push for a new course record, preserving his lead would be a much greater priority. With a brief but firm backward tug on the reins, the Gym Leader urged his mount not to go all out quite yet. Still, her blue-fire mane blazed high and hot. Once they were past the first two jumps, Josh would be ready to have Ixion floor it. For now, though, his command was for the speedy horse to hold back.


The last turn was behind the racers; all that remained was a jump-filled straightaway to the finish line. Timing on when to put on that last burst of speed would be critical; with the Pokémon largely running on fumes, a sprint up a steep slope could result in a Pokémon being left without the energy to make the next leap. That almost happened to ACE SHEEKE and his ZEBSTRIKA. While the redhead did not order a Quick Attack from the electric equine, its legs buckled more than the racer would have liked upon landing, slowing them down quite a bit for the final leap and allowing ERON IUNIS and his RAICHU to zip past.

Farther ahead, the Gym Leader and challenger took similar approaches, holding back their final sprints until just before they were in the air. As much of a lead as had built up, his RAPIDASH was showing signs of tiring before 's was. The two were neck and neck going into the final sprint, separated by only a split second. The top spot was truly either racer's to claim as they landed from the final jump, ready to push their Pokémon to their limits! If he could hold the Gym Leader off, he was on pace to set a new course record!


Prompt: The home stretch was all that remained, an official standing near the starting arch and waving the checkered flag. There was little risk of an accident on this straight sprint to the finish! Now was the best opportunity for the four Pokémon to give it everything they had!

Target Number: 0 (Speed)

Special: None

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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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Asher Baran
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 15:30:40 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
The last curve was done, and they managed to retake the lead! But it wasn't over yet, this was the home stretch. Just a few jumps, then they can use High Horsepower again. Josh was right beside him and the tiniest bits behind. It wouldn't take much for the gym leader to tie or even retake the lead. They held back the tiniest of amounts just so they could clear the jumps smoothly. Even so, Ash and his queen nearly missed the first jump! But recovered quickly enough to be right back on Josh's heels. The next few went much smoother, though the red head would later attribute that to just how good Frou-Frou was, and a good bit of beginner's luck.

Through gritted teeth and in midair on the final jump, Ash had one command. "High Horsepower!" It was the final stretch, and speed was all that matter. Immediately on touching down, the huge equine glowed orangey brown once more, giving a long, but steady increase in speed. Josh's may be a larger burst, but they were also would be with baited breath as to who will cross the line first!


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,976 posts
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Josh Devlin
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2023 5:24:25 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Sailing over the final leap with ease, Ixion's diamond-hard hooves clicked against the rocky road that was the home stretch. He could feel the heat radiating from the challenger's Rapidash, both of the blazing fast equines giving it everything they had. The Shiny horse's blue flames burned high and hot as Josh squeezed her sides sharply, calling for a FLAME CHARGE.

As fast as the fire-type move was, the speed granted by Frou-Frou's HIGH HORSEPOWER was just as formidable. Furthermore, the challenger's pacing was far better than his own, Ixion running on fumes as she sprinted toward the finish line. If she couldn't hold out until the very end, Asher was going to pass them. With how close they were after all this time, there was no doubt in the Gym Leader's mind that the young redhead was more than worthy of a Badge. He had his own pride to hold out for, though. As he continued to jab at the flame-wreathed horse's sides, the determination to win radiated outward from Josh like wildfire.



The two RAPIDASH pushed themselves to their limits, the explosive acceleration of 's FLAME CHARGE pulling him ahead of . That was all the Shiny Pokémon had in her, though, slowly losing ground to the challenger's more steady, yet still swift, HIGH HORSEPOWER. It was difficult to tell who was going to cross the finish line, the race incredibly close down to the very end.

Even the secondary race between ERON IUNIS' RAICHU and ACE SHEEKE's ZEBSTRIKA was close, no telling who would snag the final podium spot. Both entered twin QUICK ATTACKS fast enough that they may have been able to catch the horses whose trails were burning up the track, if there was sufficient runway. Without it, though, there was no way they were catching the two racers whose fire-type steeds crossed the finish line at roughly the same time.


As the two prized Rapidash crossed the finish line, the victor unclear in real time, Josh slid off Ixion's back, who promptly collapsed from spending everything she had on it. "Thank you - you deserve a nice long, rest. Return to me." Pulling out the fire-type's Poké Ball, he withdrew the Shiny Pokémon before taking a seat on the ground near the gallery, his lower body sore from how much he had pushed himself during that challenge.

It was a double photo finish, the results of the races for the championship and for third place under review. "Asher, you and your Rapidash are incredible to keep up with me. Regardless of the outcome of the race, this belongs to you. Hold your hand out for me," he beckoned the challenger, one of his Gym Badges in a closed fist ready to be dropped into Asher's hand.

"For finishing in the top two spots, you've earned it." He opened his hand, letting the official Badge drop into the teen's possession. "This is the official Hoenn League Quick Badge. You and your Rapidash shall be enshrined in the Gym's list of Qualified Riders as champions." He drew his rival's attention to the big screen, officials reviewing the final moments to see who would get the honor of being Multi Jump's new record holder. A photo of the very moment the race ended gave both of them the answer.

It was the Gym Leader, by about two tenths of a second.

"I have to say, you are quite the talented challenger for breaking 's previous record," he complimented Asher. "Want to head to the Checkered Flag a few blocks down the road to celebrate? I can buy us lunch."

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Blaze, Ash
July 15
Hau'oli City
Experimenting, but boys.
Petty Thief/odd jobs kid
Rocket Grunt
If you want to be strong, learn to fight alone!
256 posts
Asher Baran DOLLARS
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Asher Baran
Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 0:58:36 GMT
Asher Baran Avatar
With the wave of the flag, the race was done. And it was too close to call. The boy and his Rapidash had to slow down slowly, going into a gallop before a walk. Josh was the first to slide off of his steed, immediately returning it into its pokeball. Asher...well, he was pretty sure he was stuck there. He laid down against the beast's neck, the saddle's knob thing digging into his lower sternum. But the red head didn't care. He was far too exhausted to. Frou-Frou was panting hard and was still slowly walking in circles, trying to cool off first. Josh had some good words to say. But before he could give the young trainer anything, Asher spoke up first. "That's great and all...but can you help me off? I-I think my legs are stuck..."

Frou-Frou even laid down to make it easier to get the boy off of her. Even when he did get off, the Rapidash didn't get up. She was resting from the sheer intensity of it as well. Asher's legs...didn't move much. They were so stiff! Regardless of how silly he looked, Ash held out his hand. A metal badge was slipped in. That got Asher's yellow eyes wide. A badge! He was so dumbfounded that he almost missed the announcement on the screen. He got second place, but not at all by a lot. Frou-Frou still held her head high, proud of her accomplishment. And Josh piled on the compliments. It was so...surreal. Tears actually welled up in his eyes as he realized that he was being complimented. And not by a friend or anything...but by someone with actual authority! At the offer, Ash had only one thing to say. "Yeah, that sounds great. But we're grabbing a buddy that watched. I saw him in the stands. His name is ."

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October 13
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Horse Race! (gym challenge)
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2023 3:48:15 GMT
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[attr="class","omacceptedtop"]GYM BATTLE COMPLETE!



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