turbulence [gym]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2023 18:46:17 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

inhale, exhale. mika focused on their breathing, on the way the racing gear fit on their body, or how her talonflame looked with its cocoon saddle attached. these were all grounding techniques, and a very real way to deal with the sudden spike of nervousness running through her now. [break][break]

she wasn't so scared that she'd bow out of the challenge, far from it. she just never realized how much excitement she'd feel the day of. the racing grounds weren't too unfamiliar a sight, but somehow everything seemed different than when last she came here. back then, sora had felt a stinging but inspiring bout of defeat at the hands (er, talons) of suzaku. it was enough to inspire some training since then, and today was a test to see if they were ready for the next step or if they still needed some time to hone their skills. [break][break]

mika knew that a confident mindset would be the best way to start things off, but she couldn't help it — her natural inclination was to doubt herself, and resign their fate to greater forces beyond their control. her talonflame had been fiery and determined enough, but she just didn't yet have the spark to match it. [break][break]

"let's do our best," she said to sora, "but also be ready to try again if we don't immediately succeed." [break][break]

talonflame huffed loudly, high-pitched and defiant in the face of mika's uncertainties. as though to say of course we'll win, have some confidence, to its own trainer. mika laughed, their amber eyes turning up at the corners, gloved hands reaching out to gently stroke the bird's blazing plumage. [break][break]

"i'll try. this is our first formal race, though. we have a lot to learn and endure if we're going to stand a chance against josh's pokemon." [break][break]

then they grew silent, waiting for the right time to be called. should be any minute now... [break][break]



ready to go!




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 2:32:50 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

MAUVILLE CITY | Intersection | Difficulty: ★★★★☆☆
COURSE RECORD: 06'51"407


Mauville Racing Grounds' facility was enormous indeed; while the office space had little signage due to its size being on the smaller side, the property where the action took place, just outside the city proper, was enormous. Luckily, Josh had experienced staff who knew the facility well, and signage that could guide challengers to the correct location. The voice of SHELLY SPIEL, Josh's scheduler, echoed over the Gym's loudspeakers:

"Challenger , please report to Sector 5. Challenger Nakayama, to Sector 5. Thank you!"

Provided the challenger found ample signage, he would see the brash and tall ACE SHEEKE, already seated on Meteos the Aerodactyl; the timid and short ERON IUNIS, on Bladestorm the Skarmory, a metallic clang from his beak a sign of his aggression; and the reserved ARAVAN ESCHER, whose hair stood on end as Verte, the Flygon he was astride, buzzed his green, insectile wings. Lastly, he would see the Gym Leader , making adjustments to the saddle strapped to Suzaku, a Talonflame the challenger may have been more than familiar with."Great to see you again at Mauville Racing Grounds, Mika," Josh greeted his challenger. "I hope you two are ready to give it your all, because if you thought battling me in a contest of power was hard, my contest of speed is even harder!"The three Gym Trainers introduced themselves and Josh's Pokémon they were borrowing, one by one.

The gallery surrounding Sector 5's INTERSECTION course was full, small as the stands were. While the course was typically well beyond the normal capabilities of someone without a single Hoenn Gym Badge, the Ranger had requested the difficult course specifically. One lap around this course felt like two: the first of the two triangles would find the racers flying around on the inside of a large, translucent tube; the second, dodging the very tube they had flown around inside.

Josh went over the rules of the challenge, required by Hoenn League statute. "See that arch near the starting line, with the long and skinny monitor on it? We line up behind that, and the countdown will be on that display. It will sound four horns and display '3, 2, 1, GO'. On 'GO', our Pokémon will start running. Pokémon are not allowed to use moves like Quick Attack or Extreme Speed on the first lap. After the first lap, though, use them as much as your Pokémon can handle! Beat me to the finish line after three laps, or otherwise prove to me you can handle the pressure of split second decision making, and the Hoenn League Quick Badge is yours."

Once he had finished explaining the rules, Josh reined his fire and flying-type forward, joining his three loyal Gym Trainers for the contest of speed. "As I'm sure you know, Talonflame are some of the fastest Pokémon in the sky. You asked for it - better hold on tight!" Josh bragged as he slammed his helmet's visor down. If Mika were to glance toward him, the challenger would see a laser focused expression, almost like he was in a zen state as he held Suzaku's reins in anticipation of the green light.


You will have 8 ranks to distribute among three skills. No more than 5 ranks can be assigned to any one skill.
  • SPEED: This represents how fast your Pokémon can travel. Each rank of Speed adds 10 to all your rolls, and an additional 10 to rolls on Speed-based Obstacles.
  • ENDURANCE: This represents how well a Pokémon can navigate difficult terrain, and affects how often a Pokémon can use its Boost during a race. Your Pokémon can use its Boost a number of times equal to its number of ranks in Endurance (min. 1). Each rank of Endurance reduces the Target Number of Endurance-based Obstacles by 20.
  • REACTION: This represents a Pokémon’s cornering ability. Each rank of Reaction reduces the Target Number of Reaction-based Obstacles by 20.

In the OOC notes of your next post, please note your Pokémon's distribution of skills.

You do not need to roll after your next post, but you will need to [ roll ] twice at the end of every post mid-challenge. This roll will be modified according to your Pokémon's skill ranks.

Example: If a player rolls a 60 on a post involving running down a straightaway as fast as possible atop a Pokémon with four ranks in Speed, their effective roll will be 140.

The Leader's next post will include a "mod post" that depicts the course's first Obstacle: a prompt that presents a challenge for the racers to overcome. Each Obstacle will include the following information:

Target Number: This is the number the racers need to roll at or above to overcome the Obstacle without penalty. While it is uncommon, an Obstacle can have multiple Target Numbers.

Intended Skill: This is the Skill that will apply to the Obstacle. It can be Speed, Endurance, or Reaction.

Special: Any extra rules specific to this Obstacle are located here.

Example Obstacle: The track starts out with a bang--a sharp, 135-degree left turn mere tens of meters from the starting line. The width of the turn itself makes recovering from a misjudged angle easier, but the track quickly narrows up again afterward. A guardrail on the outside keeps Pokémon from sliding off the course, but there is no such guardrail on the inside, and there’s a shallow stream that looks time-consuming for non-Water Pokémon to climb out of!

Target Number: 105 (Reaction)

Special: Track Points lost as a result of non-Water Pokémon rolling beneath this Obstacle's Target Number are multiplied by 1.5, rounded up.
After the players make their rolls, the Target Number is deducted from the player's roll, and the difference becomes the player's Track Points (TP) for the round. 100 TP corresponds to roughly one second of time differential. The race will consist of three laps, with three Obstacles per lap. After the ninth Obstacle, total Track Points will determine finishing order. The QUICK BADGE is awarded if at least one of the following conditions are met:

1) The challenger finishes the race in 1st or 2nd place.
2) The challenger finishes the race ahead of the Gym Leader.
3) The challenger otherwise demonstrates their mastery of the tenets of Mauville Gym, at the Leader's discretion.

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2023 5:07:08 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

the voice resonated loudly over the speakers, startling mika as she'd been too lost in thought just now. she quickly regained her nerve, and nodded at sora, who looked raring to go. "it's time. come on, sora." [break][break]

the two of them soon arrived at sector 5, where they saw the other racers already ahead of them. mika was polite and made introductions with ace, eron, and aravan, as well as the pokemon they were using for the race. even as something as simple as introductions had gone by in a blur, the entire racing grounds moving at a breakneck pace when the actual race hadn't even started yet! [break][break]

she kept a calm exterior, though, betraying nothing of the inner turmoil spiraling within. instead, she met eyes with josh, and a small smile graced her features, a sense of familiarity becoming the anchor with which she grounded herself. "hello, josh. i've trained a lot since our last bout together, and today my talonflame and i will do our best to show you the results. i look forward to it!" but there was no denying that sora was more excited about this entire prospect than mika was. not that she disliked racing, no, quite the opposite. she just couldn't believe how much pressure it all was, how discouraging it felt to have so many eyes watching her at once. [break][break]

it wasn't going to be easy. "alright," she said in response to josh's recitation of the rules, "i understand." [break][break]

and just like that, all the racers prepared themselves behind the starting line. mika and sora slotted themselves there, too, the ranger making last-minute adjustments to the riding gear and saddle before mounting it accordingly. she snapped her own visor into place, exhaling deeply as her heart hammered in her chest — the fiery determination in sora's body and heart burning outward for them, both. simmering. [break][break]

she glanced at josh and suzaku, noting the shift in the gym leader's demeanor at once. his focus was absolute, almost calm in the way he settled into the saddle with ease, eyes focused on the track ahead. she knew that racing, above all else, was his passion and that he had more love and experience for the sport in his left pinkie finger than mika did in her entire body. it would take everything she had and then some to even attempt to match him for effort, for courage. [break][break]

sora's body tensed as he felt her wavering confidence from their irregular heartbeat and quiet sighs alone. she clenched her teeth and muttered, "just focus on the race," as though to steer away any attention or focus on herself. what she thought and felt right now didn't matter — it was sora's time to shine, and mika won't let her own shortcomings affect her dear friend's flight. (or at least, she hopes it won't affect it.) her amber eyes instead shifted towards the monitor, waiting for the countdown to appear on its screen. [break][break]

waiting for the beginning of the end. [break][break]



SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2023 3:54:10 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

Josh was happy to hear Mika had been honing her skills, but he wasn't giving hints of any emotion except a highly competitive spirit, as though he was in an adrenaline-fueled trance. "All I can say is... your choice of Pokémon might make this challenge difficult. You might feel your face peeling against your chin by the time we're done here," the Leader bragged. "But I'm excited to see how much you've learned since your last meeting. While this will require a different set of skills than our battle, it will test your bond with your Talonflame to a greater degree. You must be of one mind with your Talonflame, or you will never win the Badge you desire."

Once the five Pokémon had lined up, three still images of a sprinting Raikou faded into view on the scoreboard and starting arch's display, overlaid atop a "GET READY" prompt. As the first of three images began to fade, a low-pitched horn sounded from the display's speakers. A second, then a third. When the last image disappeared, the "GET READY" changed to "GO", followed by a longer, similar yet higher-pitched sound. Josh jabbed at his Talonflame's sides, Suzaku and his other Pokémon sending dirt and loose grass beneath them flying as they took off.


After each posting round, a prompt describing the upcoming section of the track will be posted. These prompts may highlight different sections of the course on each lap. You will react to the prompt, then [ roll ] twice.


Prompt: The opening stretch of the course consisted of two long straightaways separated by a gentle 90-degree right turn with a large #1 ring in the center. It was easy enough to fly through that a racer would almost have to be deliberate about missing it. The size of the ring made it easy for multiple Pokémon to fly through it at the same time. This would be a wonderful opportunity for the Pokémon to build up speed. The only issue with the ring was its fairly low elevation; the birds would need to pull back up to make it to the entrance to the giant, translucent tube coming up!

Target Number: 120 (Speed)

Special: None

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2023 1:15:19 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

it was hard to focus on anything except the course in front of her. she imagined the many times that josh had flown this course, or how many times his gym trainers had flown it, too. it'd be easy for them — it'd be natural. mika had a lot of distance and experience to cover, and she knew it was more than her talonflame's fiery nature could make up for. [break][break]

these thoughts occupied her mind so readily, she almost forgot to spur talonflame into action, a couple of seconds late on the GO signal. her talonflame screeched loudly as it ascended, blades of grass and patches of dirt forgotten as the winds filled it wings and gave it height. [break][break]
up ahead, the first obstacle presented itself: a giant translucent tube that welcomed the eager racers into its wide berth. mika said nothing, staying quiet as she grit her teeth, and let sora guide them through this first obstacle unimpeded — the talonflame all too eager to make up for the lost time at the beginning. [break][break]




SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]·
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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 4:27:57 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar

Unlike Mika, Josh was fully ready; having raced Pokémon as part of two different careers, he was perhaps more apt than anyone else in Hoenn at coaxing out every bit of speed a Pokémon had. Even traditionally slower ride Pokémon, such as Gogoat, could run at quite the clip under his command.

Fiery contrails burned from Suzaku's wingtips as she built up speed, riding the wake of a blazing explosion from the tips of her tail feathers. Josh had to lean hard into the first turn to get into position to fly through the opening stretch's lone target ring. With how often he had ridden land Pokémon for Ranger tasks and for his Gym challenge, it was going to take getting used to being on a flying Pokémon at the upper end of the speed range his team could reach!


From the green light, Gym Leader 's Pokémon showed and her TALONFLAME no mercy. With a low roar from the firebird's tail flames, the SKARMORY's signature tin-sounding air blades providing tremendous lift to the steel-type, and a loud drone from the FLYGON's insectile wings vibrating fast enough to create a whirlwind beneath it, the challenger had her work cut out for her. Her late start left her in last place down the opening stretch, but there was still plenty of race to make up an early deficit.

The first target ring approached; large and thick, there was plenty of clearance for multiple Pokémon to fly through it at the same time. The challenger's form was excellent, keeping pace with the birds and dragon ahead. ACE SHEEKE's AERODACTYL led the way, soaring as high as the course's bounds would allow before diving through the target at an angle, pulling up at the last possible moment for maximum speed.

A grating noise that sounded like a taser going off echoed from in front of the Leader, challenger, and ERON IUNIS' SKARMORY. ARAVAN ESCHER's FLYGON had clipped the side of the target, the dragon's wing striking it dozens of times in the split second they were in contact. The noise startled the Gym Leader, an inadvertent motion causing his TALONFLAME to ride the thermals a little too high! He was forced to pull back on the fire-type's reins sharply, the bird spreading its wings to kill enough speed to make it through. and the white-haired Gym Trainer fiercely battled for second place going into the large tube, with the Leader and ARAVAN ESCHER trailing them in part due to their mistakes.


Prompt: The five racers came to the first part of the course's titular Obstacle: after a long section of a wide tube that gave them plenty of room to fly, its path began undulating wildly: three ups and two downs in alternating sequence. If the trainers were paying attention, they could see themselves flying above and below holes in the surrounding foot race course. The peaks and troughs crested in such a way that there was no straight line that took them through all five: rapid altitude changes would be needed. Furthermore, the tube's shape had a small amount of lateral movement to it, too, making each twist different! How would the racers handle the potential vertigo?

Target Number: 140 (Endurance)

Special: None

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2023 0:31:10 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

mika didn't expect the entry into the tube to be as smooth as it went. granted, it wasn't a perfect transition, but she was surprised to find herself ahead. only the grating sound of dragon wing against the inner lining of the tube indicated that one of the other gym trainers had a rough time getting inside, but mika didn't dare look back. it was hard enough being in an enclosed space now, with all the wind and sound whooshing and then becoming much more enclosed, like the sound of a plane's engines roaring to life. all the noise made it hard to focus, and it wasn't until the path widened that mika felt like she could breathe again. [break][break]

but that reprieve was momentary. her hands remained clutched into fists, her body shaking from adrenaline and fear, both, running through her like wildfire. they relied on their talonflame for this part, yielding to the bird's movements as though to silently convey their need for dependence. please get us through this, sora. [break][break]

and the bird trilled loudly, as though to dispel any of mika's fears. as though to silently say, i've got this! then talonflame started navigating the next part of the course, bravely albeit haphazardly, as well. [break][break]



SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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[newclass=".mikanakayama .tag"]letter-spacing:.5px;text-transform:uppercase;line-height:18px;font:800 14px Poppins;color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit"]width:125px;background-color:#1c1c1c;font-size:10px;margin-top:7px;padding:3px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]·
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played by


Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 3:44:33 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As Josh and Suzaku trailed the challenger's Talonflame, he wanted to make a move on them while the tube was still relatively straight. Not being able to see around turns was the scariest part of flying in the enclosed space. While one turn was not too big of a deal for Suzaku to navigate, the series of five turns required him to conserve her movement as much as possible.

His hands firmly on Suzaku's reins as the semi-blind turns approached, Josh leaned as low as possible on the Talonflame, briefly wondering how Aravan and Verte would hold up weaving around her blazing contrails. There was little time to ponder that, though; the Gym Leader was forced to pull up on the fire-type's reins hard, hoping his reaction time and angle were true enough not to scrape the poor bird's talons on the tube's floor!


The rivets holding the tube in place flew past the racers so fast it gave the illusion that the entire tube was moving, serving as another means to potentially distract the racers. The echoing of wingbeats and screeches made flying through the enclosed space all the more nerve-wracking. The peaks and troughs blitzed toward the five, forcing them into harsh, wave-like flight that made the trainers' guts feel like they were rising into their throats one second and sinking into their intestines the next.

ACE SHEEKE screamed through the first several turns on his AERODACTYL, expanding his lead until scraping his talons on a peak from not flying high enough. A shrill cry reverberated through the translucent, lit tunnel as the rock-type struggled to get up to speed, and ERON IUNIS passing them. The TALONFLAME and SKARMORY fought one another for precious airspace, tilting their wings up and down to help maintain the correct angle of attack for each of the winding, three-dimensional curves.

After what seemed like a marathon, the tube gave way to open airspace once more, the steel-type and fire-type at last able to separate a safe distance. If the challenger were to look back, they would see and ARAVAN ESCHER fairly far behind; it seemed the verticality of the curves had given them a lot of trouble.


Prompt: After two long straightaways separated by a single ring marking a 90-degree turn, the second half of the titular Intersection came into view. The racers now had to weave around the tube they had just flown through as it intersected the course five times! Furthermore, there were trees marking course bounds, and there were "mandatory" arrows marked on the outside of the tube! The first pointed right, and they alternated in succession, forcing the flying-types to fly around the five sections of tube that cut across the course, slalom style! Missing a mandatory would result in a steep time penalty!

Target Number: 150 (Reaction)

Special: A Pokémon that rolls beneath this Obstacle's Target Number by more than 25 suffers an additional 100 TP penalty for missing a mandatory.

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2023 20:35:50 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

the ranger glanced at eron when it seemed like the two of them were contending for the same airspace. there was a look of acknowledgement shared between them, but mika didn't keep eye contact for long. the up-and-down movements unsettled her inner balance, reminding her of roller coasters, rides she'd never been particularly fond of. yet her talonflame's sheer concentration pulled them through, and mika inhaled sharply at the change of scenery. [break][break]

now they had to weave around the very tunnel they'd just exited, arrows pointing in mandatory directions of where they should go. mika dared to glance behind, surprised that she had this much distance on josh and the other gym trainers. she couldn't take any lucky breaks for granted, though. they looked ahead of them, nervous. "don't miss the mandatory ones," they hissed against the wind, trembling. "come on, sora!" [break][break]



SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2023 4:33:09 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The main attraction of the Fortree-rooted course and one that was barely within Federation safety limits, having to fly slalom around the tube they had just rose and fell about was a tall order, particularly Pokémon not known for their great turning. Suzaku had come well-prepared, putting out the flames on one of her wings to allow the blazing thrust of the other to push herself, and Josh, in the correct direction.

Josh's Talonflame was so fast and nimble that the bird navigating the slithering turns was not the weak link in the team of two. After each curve, the Talonflame banked suddenly and sharply in the opposite direction, upsetting the balance of fluid inside the Gym Leader's head and inducing a sense of vertigo in him. He had taken these turns many times, but never at such a high speed. Midway through, the racer pulled back on his Talonflame to slow her down, soaring to the top of the course's bounds and gliding on her momentum. It would be slower, but there was no sense in pushing himself to the brink of meaningful cognizance to try to catch up to Mika. Boost laps were coming, and that would be the true test of the challenger's fortitude.


If the back and forth turns threatened to give Gym Leader vertigo, they could potentially wreak havoc on those of the challenger and Gym trainers, as well. From the inside to the outside the Pokémon zoomed, hurling their riders back and forth in their cocoon saddles, or giving a serious test of her strength if she chose to ride without one. Every turn would squeeze riders in one direction, the next flinging them in the other direction from the rapid change in momentum.

As much strain as the course put on the humans atop the Pokémon, the Pokémon themselves found the rapid-fire turns a challenge. The momentum-based gliding Pokémon, such as ERON IUNIS' SKARMORY and ACE SHEEKE's AERODACTYL, struggled the most, having to slam on the brakes by tilting their wings almost completely vertically. The redhead was glad he was wearing a helmet, his head slamming into his mount's neck from how harshly the swift rock-type had to slow down to avoid a collision with the tube.

Flightier Pokémon, such as ARAVAN ESCHER'S FLYGON, zipped around the tight turns with ease, but they lacked the raw speed needed to keep up with the TALONFLAME duo ridden by and . With every turn, he gained ground on the top three racers. His exit from the last one was almost perfect, getting a great view of the SKARMORY, AERODACTYL, and TALONFLAME in front of him. The challenger's exit was also crisp, the fossil Pokémon having to deal with the smoke of the race leader's contrails as they crossed the starting arch. As they did so, a callout from an announcer-like voice blared in the arch's vicinity:




You Got Boost Power! Speed-increasing moves, such as QUICK ATTACK, AGILITY, and EXTREME SPEED are now allowed. Pokémon will be able to use such speed-increasing moves a number of times up to their Endurance ranks for the rest of the race. Speed-increasing moves will grant you ADVANTAGE for the posting round, meaning you will [ roll ] four times instead of two for that post and ignore the lowest two rolls.

Beware! Taking tight turns and stamina-draining Obstacles at high speeds can result in dire consequences, and may impose DISADVANTAGE, meaning the lower of the two rolls will be taken. If the lowest two of the four rolls would still pass the Obstacle, Track Position for that Obstacle will be calculated based on the highest two of the four rolls.

If you have a Z-Move that could be reasonably used as an extreme burst of speed, your Pokémon may use it once for the rest of the race. This will consume two uses of Boost . On the Obstacle the Z-Move is used on, you will NOT need to roll; your Pokémon's roll will be treated as an automatic 200.


Prompt: After the opening stretch's singular ring to fly through, the large tube the racers had flown into on the first lap had just a single right turn to navigate. With no rings to fly through and said right turn being gentle, now was the ideal time to let loose with a Boost. They had to be ready on the air brakes, though! The climbs and dips of the vertical part of the Intersection were coming!

Target Number: 0 (Speed)

Special: None

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2023 7:43:38 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

the movements became all too rough on mika's body. she was thankful for the cocoon saddle lessening some of the physicality of it all, but still shut her eyes and grit her teeth for each rough entry of the flight. she heard the cacophonous wings beating and pokemon crying, and was simply thankful that her talonflame had been too focused to disturb her with the noise of its cry, too. [break][break]

by the time she felt like she could properly look ahead again, she saw a light bend, and heard a voice announce loudly over the entire racecourse. they got boost power, and mika searched their brain long and hard for the information that reminded them what exactly that entailed. [break][break]

oh right, they thought. let's use tail wind at least once, here. [break][break]

as the next stretch of the course laid up ahead, mika muttered against the wind, teeth chattering as she struggled to voice anything out to her talonflame. what eventually came out was: "u-use tail wind!" and sora screeched in assent, relaxing on the burning flames in his wings, and instead letting the natural airflow guide him. there were better moves to use at this part, surely, but mika didn't have those abilities at her disposal right now. so she hoped this was the right move, and that she wasn't damning herself or the other competitors on the aerial course. [break][break]



SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2023 7:24:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Pacing one's Pokémon was perhaps the most important part of any race. Taking a lead in the middle of the race would do Josh no good if Suzaku did not have the energy to hold that lead going into its final moments... or even worse, being unable to finish the race at all. Though it had been a while, he had embarrassingly had challengers that won his Badge by default from his Pokémon crashing out. He did not want to go through that again.

As much as Josh wanted to match Mika and her Talonflame's blazing contrails with his own, the Gym Leader held back. If he were to exhaust Suzaku now, all it would take would be one bad scrape or impact to eliminate them from the race. The Talonflame was also one of Josh's fastest Pokémon, making the danger of injury to them both even greater than it otherwise would be. "We'll catch up to them later, Suzaku! Steady, girl!" With a gentle lean to the right, Josh coaxed his bird into a roll along the course's gentle curves.


Leader and his Gym Trainers knew the Intersection well. The only other racer in all of Hoenn that knew this course to such a degree was . He knew how important it was to pace his TALONFLAME to prevent the fire-type from burning out. ARAVAN ESCHER and his FLYGON likewise held back; with how nimble the dragon-type was, he felt he could make his move on the backstretch. ACE SHEEKE took a similar approach, feeling his AERODACTYL's speed would be uncontrollable. The fossil Pokémon, though one of the swiftest in the air, was not stellar at putting on the brakes when need be.

ERON IUNIS and , with great courage, pushed forward, the BRAVE BIRD riding the currents of the challenger's TAILWIND. In an uncommanded move to dodge the SKARMORY screeching toward it from behind, the rock-type briefly dove toward the ground, leveling out in time to avoid a crash. had extended her lead, but she could likely hear the tinny sound of metal wings being rung by compressed air. The Metal Menace wasn't going to make it easy for her to hold the lead!


Prompt: Though the racers and their Pokémon were by now familiar with the workings of the titular Intersection, the added speed from being on boost laps made navigating the tube's up-and-down undulations much more taxing! Depending on just how fast the competitors tried to take the turns, the timing on them could feel completely foreign compared to their experience on the first lap! The threat of vertigo would be greatly increased, unless of course the racers felt the need to slow down. Could they afford to give up the time and position?

Target Number: 145 (Endurance)

Special: None

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2023 7:08:12 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

for some time, mika managed to maintain her lead in first place, but didn't dare think for a second that she was safe. it took every ounce of energy for her just to keep up with the race mentally, never mind the fact that she clutched onto talonflame's reins and saddle like a newborn, afraid of crashing or falling off her own firebird, somehow. [break][break]

earlier, josh had mentioned that talonflame were some of the fastest birds in the sky. mika truly understood just how fast they were in this race, steering with such speed and drive that it made it hard to focus on anything else. [break][break]

soon enough, the invasive noises that came with flying in such close quarters to one another returned in full force. the sound of wind against metal wings became evident, eron and skarmory close behind. mika sighed quietly — it seemed her decision to use tailwind was a good one, but it also helped one of her competitors to their advantage, as well. she'd have to make up for the loss of distance just then, but how? [break][break]

then the next obstacle presented itself, and mika felt her courage plummeting at once. though sora could've handled it just fine, mika didn't trust their own senses to recover from another heart-stopping, pulse-pumping series of flying tumbles and falls. she ordered sora to fly steady, rather than fast, hoping they'd be able to avoid the dreaded sensation of vertigo all the while. [break][break]
Ex8X9MLU [break][break]


SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,966 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2023 3:39:40 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh holding Suzaku back not only made the Talonflame more controllable, but made the up-and-down nature of the tube easier on his stomach. As resistant as he was to the effects of motion sickness by nature of being well-versed in high speed, he was not immune. had proven that to him last year when he vomited out most of his gut after riding the emerald serpent during their Dragon Ascent.

Rather than make a push for the Skarmory and Aerodactyl in front of him, the Gym Leader took the curves much like he did the first time around the course, only at a slightly higher speed. Suzaku pumped the metaphorical air brakes on the last turn or two in an attempt to avoid scraping her talons on the tube's bottom. "Easy, girl. Once we get past the intersection, that's when I want you to floor it, okay?" With a screech, the Talonflame indicated her understanding, ready to light her wings and tail on fire at her rider's command.


The higher speeds of boost laps proved to be challenging for the entire field, the humming noise of Flygon wings noisily echoing off the circular tube's winding walls threatening to disrupt the concentration of Pokémon and rider alike. Vertigo was a big threat, as well: rising at a rough 45 degree angle for a few seconds, then falling at an equally sharp angle the next few seconds would prove to play tricks on all but the most intrepid and stout competitors.

All four frontrunners: , , ACE SHEEKE, and ERON IUNIS would find the higher speeds of the second lap a real struggle. Their heads pounded with disorientation, their Pokémon having to make small rolls to compensate for the unsteadiness of the trainers controlling them.

On the very first trough, the screech of the Gym Leader's TALONFLAME may have startled the challenger. The booming cry was diluted by the noise of talons loudly scraping against the bottom of the tube. The fire-type vigorously flapped its wings in an effort to regain lift. Were it not for her cocoon, the Gym Leader would have easily been unseated from his bird. By the time they recovered stable flight, ARAVAN ESCHER and his FLYGON were right on the Gym Leader's tail.

ACE SHEEKE and his AERODACTYL added to the cacophony at the third peak, the redhead letting out a wail as he and his mount scraped against the top of the tube. The head of a bolt cut into his back, turning part of the back of his frilling shirt red as he felt thumping from the impact point.

Not even the Metal Menace could hold out, sparks flying as his wingtips scraped the side of the tube on the final turn. Though the amount of speed they lost was small, it was crucial, letting and her TALONFLAME extend their lead to almost a full second.


Prompt: After leaving the tunnel and navigating the outside portion of the Intersection for the second time, the course had one last brutal curve to send their way. It was a brutal, uphill S-curve that would have been blind if this was an overland course. The two mandatory rings made it arguably more challenging in the air.

The first was narrow and along a right turn, meaning the birds would have to fly with a high bank angle to soar through it. The second was much more circular, giving them freedom on how to approach it. The problem was the course curved back sharply to the left, and there was a large tree not far from where the ring was! If the racers didn't start their left turn before passing through the second ring, the probability of a crash was high!

Target Number: 150 (Reaction)

Special: Missing the Target Number by 30 points or more will result in a flat -150 TP penalty due to going OFF COURSE from crashing into the tree.

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played by


Mimi (Julie Only)
August 29th
Fortree City, Hoenn
Pokemon Ranger
you were the sunshine
of my lifetime
5'10" height
5'10" height
what would you trade the pain for? i'm not sure.
228 posts
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TAG WITH @cherubi
Mika Nakayama
turbulence [gym]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 20:35:33 GMT
Mika Nakayama Avatar


gym challenge: quick badge

more and more noises and sensations assaulted mika's senses. though she had done everything in her power to remain silent, to prevent the chaos in her head from escaping out through her mouth, there was no denying the yelp that left her, voice pitched to a fearsome high as sora the talonflame continued to navigate the course in her stead. [break][break]

maybe it would've been better to take the reins, both literal and metaphorical, after all. instead, the blue-haired ranger left everything to fate, hoping that no matter what transpired, she wouldn't crash into the competitors or vice versa. [break][break]

the screech of a very loud talonflame — and not her own, this time — drew her attention, and despite all the head-ringing, gut-clenching, voice-rattling nausea she felt, mika glanced backward, seeing the other racers crowded near each other, a glimpse of fiery orange enough to tell her that suzaku and josh were closing in on them. [break][break]

then the next obstacle of the course came, and mika's gaze trailed over to the tree, fear of the out of bounds section dictating her next words: "be careful!" as though her talonflame hadn't already exercised enough caution as it is. the firebird cried loudly, and mika flinched, her hand reaching out to grasp at a fistful of feathers. "i'm sorry, i'm sorry. you're doing great. let's keep it up." [break][break]

the talonflame murmured in response, finally satisfied with his trainer's attitude for the first time this entire race. his avian eyes spotted the rings up ahead, and was determined to get through the next obstacle without failing. it ascended upwards, fire in its eyes as well as its plume. [break][break]

mika held her breath, all the while. [break][break]




SPEED: 4/5 [break]
ENDURANCE: 2/5 [break]




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[newclass=".mikanakayama .credit a"]font-size:10px;font-weight:800;[/newclass]·
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